E118: Subject J: Donald almost reaches the end

"Donald tells of his last, well almost the last, of his subjects"

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When Donald finishes about Subject I, he does want to continue with the story about Subject J right away to be done with this.  But he knows there is something he needs to discuss with Emma alone first.  Julie and Karen do not know anything about this part of things which started when he came to The Institute here, and they should not know.

He looks Emma in the eye and asks her to please come with him for a few minutes.  She can see from Donald’s demeanor that it is something important, so suggests Karen and Julie refresh all their drinks, and they will be right back.

Emma and Donald go to the bedroom, and he pulls her to him on the bed.  Lying facing each other, Donald begins, a bit embarrassed but needing Emma to so understand.

“Do you remember your last two pearls?” he asks.  Emma comprehends where he is going and just nods as she pulls a little on the heart of her pearl necklace.

Donald tells her the rest of the story of Subject I.

The whole foolishness at the club with my colleagues began when I came here five years ago.  Most of the staff had been assembled before my arrival, and a couple of the doctors who seemed to control the others began the practice.  When anyone finished with a subject of one of their studies, helped her, or him at times, reach a new level of sexual awakening, they would display their success for the rest of us.  We found that club which welcomed us as members and would regularly allow us to use that study and dining room for our ‘special meetings.’

It seemed harmless at first, just showing off a woman to the others, and all the subjects seemed to like this added attention also.  At first, I thought this game was helping us all bind together as a team, but in the end, as you know, I saw how detrimental it really was.

I had been to about seven or eight of these afternoons with others displaying their results when I finished with Subject I.  All of the team were rather interested in the results of this one as they had heard about what all it entailed.

So, about a month after her evening with her new friend here at the house, I approached him first about the afternoon at the club and what it would involve.  He talked with Subject I about it, and she agreed that it would be a nice conclusion for all of us to see how he now had her so firmly in hand.

That afternoon he and I escorted her to the club, took her cape off in the hallway, where I was surprised, but also pleased to see she had been soundly spanked before coming.  Her rosy ass cheeks just added to the whole picture she was going to present.

We walked into the study where the rest of my team was sitting, much as they had when I displayed you.  I led them both in, then had him lead her around the circle so all could see her rosy bottom.  Then he sat in the chair in the center of the circle and had her lay over his lap as he spanked her soundly.

All of my colleagues were impressed by how she reacted and whimpered.  At dinner, I had him sit at the head of the table, as he was the one totally in control of her now, and she crouched on the center of the table with her ass raised for all to enjoy as we ate.

After dinner, he asked if any of the group would like to spank his bad girl.  Four of the ten men and Connie raised their hands that they would like to.  Subject I looked at her now master when he said that, but he just nodded to her, helped her from the table and back into the study.

One by one, the four men took turns sitting in the chair in the center of the circle, and each spanked her for about ten minutes each.  All did place their other hand in her slit to hold her and see just how wet she was.  After each spanking, she would walk to her man, and he would lick her clean of all her juices before the next took the seat to continue her punishment.

Then it was Connie’s turn, and she started by having Subject I stand in front of her, legs apart as she fingered her for about five minutes, getting her exceptionally wet.  Subject I just whined and shudder at Connie’s touch begging for more.

And then to everyone’s enjoyment, Connie leaned and began to lick Subject I’s slit, up in her vag, and all over her clit as she cried out in pleasure.  Connie’s hands were firmly on Subject I’s ass cheeks pulling her closer and closer and not letting up until Subject I’s back arched, she screamed out and showed how thoroughly she was cumming.

I still remember Connie looking up at her and telling her what a bad girl she was, and to get across her lap right away.  Connie had raised her dress, so her thighs were bare for Subject I to lay on.  Connie’s hand firmly in Subject I’s crotch just stroking her, she began to spank her over and over.

Back and forth over both cheeks, then again and again on the same one as Subject I cried and cried in a mixture of pain and pleasurable joy from such treatment. Connie continued on for over twenty minutes as Subject I tearfully begged to be released.  Finally, her master stood and walked over to Connie and her and told Subject I to stand.  He then walked her twice around the circle while Connie looked on with a smile.

They left then after she said a meek thank-you to everyone. 

In a different way I did display Subject J to the group too, but as you know, that practice has come to an end, probably long overdue.  We have some new members of the team, and the two who started it all have left.  No longer in this field of research as I suggested strongly to them months ago that they did not really seem to understand what the Institute was trying to do, rather they were only interested in their own sexual satisfaction,

The whole time Donald is explaining this to Emma, she has been stroking his cock. Donald is hard now, and so wants to consummate the act with Emma, but there is part of him that needs to tell about Subject J and confess the rest of things without being satisfied.  Until all is said and done, he does not feel he deserves to find release.  So he takes Emma’s fingers from his shaft and asks her to put him in his cage for now.

Slightly confused but comprehending that this is something Donald needs at the moment, she puts the cock cage on him.  Locks it and clips the small key to her necklace.  She leads him back into the kitchen, where Karen and Julie are waiting.  Their robes are now gone, and from the blush on both their cheeks it is obvious that they have pleasured each other while they were left alone in the kitchen.

It is funny, the four of them, all nude seems like the natural and correct state of things.  Emma and Donald have been in the raw since Julie and Karen’s arrival, and they arrived just in semi-opened robes.  It is nice that they all feel so comfortable together they can be this way.

“Donald would like to finish his story about Subject J,” Emma tells them.  They both see the cock cage locked on his still semi-hard cock and wonder why he is so held like that now.  From Emma’s demand?  Or his request?  Either way, it does add to the whole picture.

Emma sits down at the table by Julie and Karen, but Donald remains standing.  His head is downturned, and he sees the tip of his cock cage as he blushes and begins to tell the story of Subject J, which he is a bit ashamed of.

He begins.

Three years ago, Subject J came into the spectrum for about three months.  She wanted to expand her sexual limits; see how far she could reach before saying her boundaries were met.  She came at a good time for me, I guess.  I was over forty-five, okay, past forty-six, and felt somewhat vulnerable about where I was in life.  I had never had a real relationship with anyone, nor thought I ever would, and wondering how long, sexually, I would be active.  She seemed like a good candidate for me to help, and she help me.

Her willingness to stretch herself and her limits sounded so agreeable to me that I quickly ran her through the basics and arranged our meetings to be conducted here at the house for the most part.  She agreed to all which I suggested.

Over the twelve weeks, I did move through different sexual techniques with her.  She had to pass each step to go on to something more.  She had some sexual history with men, but all had been rather bland for the most part.  A lot of missionary position and not much more.  She had gone down on a few but had never experienced a man giving her oral gratification.

So we began.

The first time she arrived, I had her strip and walk around for me until she got comfortable being naked in front of me.  I did act a bit arrogant with her, I suppose, but I really had no feelings for her and just wanted her to justify my virility for me.

That day I had her lean over the coffee table, and I fucked her doggie style with just my pants down to my knees.  When I finished, I pulled them back up, so she never saw me naked.  There was something about just making her a vessel for my release that seemed so right.  I told her to dress and leave as I left the room.

I know how bad I must have seemed to her, but she kept coming back to find out what would be next.

I had her visit three or four times a week, though, in the end, it was daily as I tried to prove to myself just how virile I was.  She would strip upon entering; do whatever I commanded. I did spank her standing a few times, which she just whined and shivered from.  I had her suck me over and over to get me hard and sometimes even cum all over her face.

I admit, I was horrible during this time, but I just didn’t care.

I did do things to pleasure her, which is why she wanted more and more.  The first time I went down on her, she told me it felt like an out-of-body experience.  Never had anyone done that to her before, and now she craved such attention.

I had her wear butt plugs to stretch her, and the first time about a week later, I had anal sex with her she almost passed out.  I felt her anus clench against me over and over, and the heat from her slit and vag as I rubbed them was so hot.  She wanted more and more.

I only let her stay one night towards the end.  Karen and Julie, I know you knew about that as you came to change the sheets while she was still sleeping.  I had long risen, and I should have told her to leave, but that night, she had pleasured me rather well, and I felt a slight affection for her.

But I knew she was nothing to me, she had expanded her horizons as she wished, and I knew it had to end.  I had confirmed to myself I was still virile, but suddenly did not see the point of it anymore.

So Subject J, with a fitting goodbye, was sent on her way.  I did give her pointers for finding a more permanent mate, as I was never to be that.  I think she did a short time later.

To be honest, that experience made me realize that I did not want to do any more hands-on research with subjects.  I had enough.  I turned my attention to finish writing my most recent book, which did really impact the mainstream market.  I began teaching at the university more and more and decided that would be my life from now on.


Donald looks so deeply into Emma’s eyes as he says the last part she suddenly understood so much more.  All the things she wondered about how things began between them.  She just nods her head slightly.

Karen and Julie, moved by this last confession of Donald and seeing there was something very deep brewing between him and Emma, thank the two for the drinks and stories, pull their robes around them, and hastily leave.

After they left, Donald tells Emma about the display of Subject J at the club. 

I paraded her around the circle, allowing his colleagues to touch and tickle her before dinner to their hearts’ content.  Yes, as usual, Connie was very enamored of Subject J and had her lean some while she played her slit so she could suck Subject J’s boobs.

After dinner, the members of The Institute rolled the dice, and the winners for the evening declared.  That night, much to her delight Connie won the first chance.  She and Subject J left the room and to our surprise were gone for over an hour.

When they returned, both were rather disheveled but with large grins on their faces.  The other men wondered just how much fun the two women had together.  Subject J’s skin was rosy and glowing, and she couldn’t keep her eyes off of Connie.

She went one by one with the other two winners of the evening, only gone under a half-hour with each.  They later told me that while she sucked them both to cumming, she did not want to have intercourse with them, or they touch her much. 

When I took her arm to depart, she pulled from me and ran to Connie, throwing herself at her, wrapping her arms around Connie’s neck, and kissing her deeply.  She was full of thanks to Connie as I directed her to leave.

I do, at times, wonder what Connie’s talents are to get these women so enraptured with her.  But as I said, Subject J did find a man not long after to be her regular companion, so perhaps just the one night with Connie, another woman, was enough.

Connie did try to get her contact information from me but backed down and apologized when I told her sternly that we did not interact with someone who was a subject outside of our research.

When Donald finishes, Donald and Emma look longingly at each other.  She stands and takes his hand and leads him to the bedroom.  There the cock cage is removed, and they fall together onto the bed.  Emma pulls the covers over them, and for now, they just lock together, arm in arm, and fall asleep.


Published 5 years ago

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