I am a fifty-six-year-old man that had a very bad stroke and I am now, virtually paralysed and in a wheelchair.
I had a very severe stroke when I was in my early forties. Now, I can ‘just’ talk, and I can ‘just’ use my left hand and arm. I suppose it’s about 10% on a good day. The rest of my muscles are fucked!
I live on my own. I am very slim (with a flat stomach) and very healthy. I have a full head of shoulder-length grey and dark blonde hair and stubble. My penis, just under six-and-a-half inches, has not been affected in any way As a matter of fact, I think that my penis really likes ‘action’ and I am very, very horny!
I look at porn most days and have some on a USB stick in my TV, along with some photoshopped, explicit, images of the young carer! (Niki.) So, I jerk off most nights and ‘edge’. I also ‘jelq’ a lot.
I suffer with a very, very dry scalp and every Sunday I have a tea tree oil gel massaged through my scalp. This oily gel is in a pot and kept on a shelf by my bed. I can reach this.
I put some on my penis, most nights, as it’s great for jerking off and jelqing! Most of it has soaked into my penis by morning.
It leaves it a little bit shiny!
I keep a rubber ‘o’ ring under the rubber cover of my mobile phone, that I use as a ‘cock ring’. I use this most nights as, when I am erect, it really squeezes my penis and enhances it! Through an incident that occurred with the young carer, she has seen the ‘o’ ring and she knows where I keep it. So, I am pretty sure that she knows what I use it for!
I take various, daily, supplements that enhance my erections, increase my cum volume and help increase precum. As I rely on the carers to dispense them, they just see them as ‘supplements’ for other things.
Lately, I keep having erotic experiences with my carers.
I have two main carers, one in her early sixties, Fran, who I guess is just over five feet, medium build, with a belly, short grey hair and looks her age. And one in her early thirties, Niki, who is tall, quite slim and pretty, with long blonde hair and she always wears skin tight jeans and very baggy v-neck t-shirts in the summer and a ‘figure-hugging’ top in the winter.
Actually, when I think about it, she never used to wear ‘tight’ tops! She rarely reveals her ‘ample’ cleavage but does wear these very tight and very tucked in tops. They really accentuate her largish breasts!
She has to stoop down in front of me quite a lot, so in the summer I am treated to seeing her cleavage and the top of her bra! (nine times out of ten it’s lacy!)
I get a hard-on in my trousers when she does that!
On Fridays, she gives me a shower. When finished, she pulls the commode out to the carpet to dress me and she sits on the floor to do this, giving me a fantastic view of her cleavage and bra, in the summer! My penis starts growing whilst I take in the view, but luckily my erection is squashed and hidden by my hands being in my lap, so she doesn’t notice!
I look away, when she is close to finishing, so that my hardon calms down! She’s married, but her husband works away for about six weeks at a time and comes back for about two or three weeks, then he’s off again! She has two young girls.
I have had many erotic dreams about her, and I have jerked off and cum many, many times, when I am in bed thinking about her. I have even jerked off and cum just after she has come in the flat and gone into the kitchen. I quickly cover my penis up and I am wiping the cum off my belly with the duvet, as she walks into the bedroom, greets me and goes into the bathroom to prepare for the shave and bed-bath.
Although I do find her very, very sexually attractive, I think she is a wonderful carer and a lovely person, with a lovely personality.
The two carers share the week between them. They were both with the care company that I first used, but they went bust in 2014. So, they both work for me privately now, with the county council paying me, which I then pass on to them.
I think the young one started here in 2008, and the older one in 2009. So, they know me very well and have both seen me with an erection and the older one has commented on the size of my penis! She is divorced and single and has a ‘thing’ for me!
I love exposing my aroused penis to them, especially the younger one. I do play with myself, when I hear them coming in.
They do a few bits in the kitchen first, before they come in the bedroom to give me a bed-bath. I make sure that my penis is partially aroused before they take the duvet off!
I have three pillows and a knee cushion, that they have to remove. So, as they take each one out and turn away, I am able to ‘quickly’ massage my penis to keep it aroused.
As they wash my body and turn away to soap up the flannel, I, very, very quickly, massage my penis again, so that when they come to washing my penis and drying it, more blood flows into it and it gets quite engorged! Especially when the young carer does it! But it’s still lying on my upper left thigh. It’s practically a full erection, but it hasn’t started rising!
Sometimes, a bit of precum oozes out!
This happened a good few months ago now with the old carer. Only it went very, very erect and some precum dribbled down it!
I normally ask her to leave me for five minutes, but I know she watches me, well part of me, and has done for years!
I haven’t got a bedroom door, but when the bathroom door is open it, more or less, blocks the hallway to my room, leaving about an eight-inch gap to the wall. So, she can stand there, behind the door and get a good view of my bottom half, but I can’t see her.
I have a picture hung there and I can see the reflection of the top of her head in the glass! But that morning I was feeling very, very horny!
“Sorry about that, Fran.”
“Don’t worry about it!”
“Do you mind if I touch it?”
“No. You just carry on! Don’t mind me!”
I didn’t!
I wiped the precum over my very swollen penis and started pumping as she watched. I pumped my penis about a dozen times or so.
“Do you want to do it?”
I let go and she wrapped her hand around my penis and started pumping, quickly.
After about twenty or so pumps, I could feel that I was about to cum. My legs tensed and my head lifted up off the pillow.
Fran slowed down.
“Do you mind if I don’t waste it!”
She put the head of my penis in her mouth, just as I started to cum!
“Gosh, it’s quite big!”
She continued to pump me, slowly, until I had finished cumming. She took the rest of my penis in her mouth, before slowly standing up. Sucking as she did so!
“Mmmmm salty…! I’ve had dreams about doing that!… Do you think I should put that in the book?”
We both laughed!
“I could put it down as ‘personal’ services!”
We laughed again, before I said, “Perks of the job!”
We both laughed.
Since then, about every two weeks, she has jerked me off a number of times, at my request, and put my penis in her mouth, twice, just as I was cumming.
Lately though, the past few weeks, I have just jerked off whilst she watches, as I prefer that!
The other carer, the young one, has seen me ejaculate, but I know from a conversation we’ve had that she prefers not to see me ‘relieve’ myself and I respect that. She does make me erect and want to cum though!
Most mornings, when she is working, I get a full erection either before she washes my penis or after.
When she’s faced with my erect penis, she just drapes the towel over it. Sometimes it subsides and sometimes (especially when her husband is away) it gets more erect and I want to cum!
When I do feel that I need to cum, I say to her that ‘something is going to happen’ and she goes into the kitchen until I call her back.
I then uncover my penis, pump it about half a dozen times, angle it over the towel and cum! This has been happening, once or twice, most weeks, over the past couple of months.
I never used to cum when she was around, I just used to get an erection. But over the past few months, I have got very, very erect and excited when she was on shift and I have needed to cum. I must say that I like cumming when Niki is around as I cum quicker. I seem to have more cum and I cum with more force, resulting in a substantial squirt or two!
We had a chat a month or so ago and I felt very, very awkward about it, but she assured me not to feel embarrassed or awkward and that I could tell her anything. I told her that lately, she has made me feel very ‘sexually’ aroused, causing me to get an erection!
“Mmmm! It doesn’t really bother me, but I can just cover it up if you want me to. But don’t feel embarrassed about it!”
“I’m not really. I suppose that talking about it makes me embarrassed!”
Since then, when her husband is away, I have noticed that she tends to leave my erection uncovered for longer and longer periods of time. At first, it was quite immediate, but then It was about five seconds when her husband had just gone away. Now it’s a good twenty, or so, seconds!
Not that I mind!
The other day, when her husband had been away for nearly six weeks, as she washed and dried my body, my penis started filling up with blood. When she came to wash it, it started to lift up quite quickly and some precum formed on the tip as it continued rising.
She didn’t comment on it and didn’t dry it. She knows that I am quite a horny guy!
She walked around the other side of the bed, picked up the fresh pile of clothes off the floor, placed them on the bed. Then she went to place the towel over my penis, just as a bit more precum oozed out, causing a trickle of precum to run down my penis.
I was very, very, very excited! My heart was beating so much and by now, my penis was really, really hard! I needed to cum!
“Niki? Do you want to give me a few minutes? As something is going to happen!”
“Do you want me to go?”
“Well no! But I think I will feel a bit awkward with you being here.”
“John, I have told you that you are not to feel awkward or embarrassed around me.”
I uncovered my swollen penis and Niki looked a bit shocked!
I don’t know what she was expecting.
“I will give you a few minutes to relieve yourself!”
I was so close to cumming as I was so very excited and very, very hard. She turned to go.
“Do you want to hold it?”
“No, John, I shouldn’t!”
Another bead of precum formed on the tip, probably caused by her presence.
By this time, she was nearly out of the room. But, by now, I was very, very horny and feeling very, very cheeky and brave!
“Please, Niki! Just for a moment!”
She turned around and approached the bed.
“I shouldn’t, but just quickly, okay! Then I will go and let you relieve yourself!”
She reached out and put her gloved hand around my penis!
Although she was wearing gloves, the feeling of her hand around my swollen penis was just too much and I started to cum, just as she closed her fingers around my penis!
I squirted a rope of cum a good three feet in the air narrowly missing her face and landing on the floor. She angled my penis away from her as I quickly squirted another two ropes of cum, but not as high as the first one. She moved my foreskin up and then back down again, slowly, as more cum flowed out and ran onto her gloved hand.
“Sorry about that, Niki. I really didn’t think it would happen so quickly!”
My penis was still erect and still cumming a little bit as she let go.
“Mmmmm!” It was a fed-up, ‘Mmmmm.’. “I need to change my glove.”
She disappeared into the bathroom and moments later returned wearing a clean glove and holding a flannel.
“I am so sorry, Niki!”
My penis was still big, but laying by the top of my left thigh, in a bit of cum.
She sighed, “Can’t be helped I suppose!”
She wiped up the two bits of cum that landed on my tummy, before wiping around the base of my penis, then holding it out of the way, whilst she wiped up the rest of the cum. She then used another part of the flannel to wipe over my penis.
Niki began to dress me and we made small talk. Just before she got me up, she had to wipe up a bit more of my cum, that had leaked out as my penis had shrunk.
I loved it when she held my erect penis and the strength of my cumshot was INCREDIBLE! I, really, hope that she is okay about everything and that our relationship will be okay. I’m sure she is and I’m sure it will be.