The Caribbean Experiment – Chapter 3

"Jean continues her experimentation in spite of a drastic change in plans."

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“What do you mean you have to go back to Paris?!  Jacque!  Your damn CEO can’t do anything without you, and now he is going to ruin our holiday!” I yelled as I slammed the patio door and stormed out to the pool.  Jacque trailed behind me meekly with what would be his attempt to mollify my anger.

“Jean; it will only be for a few days and I will be back on Monday. Jim has promised to make this up to me and he feels bad about it.  There is just a major issue with the Board of Directors that he needs my help getting straightened out,” he said as a start to his appeasement.

“What about the party we were going to have on Saturday?  You were going to do all of the cooking?”

“I think you should go ahead and have it without me.  Your guy friends and their wives will be gone after this weekend so it will be Saturday or never.  I have already contacted a caterer to do the food and I will make sure that Jim pays for it,” Jacque argued.

“I don’t know if I am comfortable having it without you here.  Seems kind of strange.”

“Well, maybe Paul and Jen would help you host?” he offered.

“Let me think about it.  Damn, I am pissed at you for this!  But it will all be a moot point anyway if I can’t convince the wives to come.  Jen and I are going to walk down the beach now to meet them and try our best to allay their concerns.  I guess I will decide on the party once we find out if they will come.  When are you leaving me?”

“The car service is picking me up at one this afternoon,” responded Jacque.

“OK.  I am going to go meet up with Jen for a walk.  I will be back before you leave,” I said as I got up to get my walking Shanti pants, my sunhat and a large beach cup of mimosa.  I was going to want many more of these to drown out my current anger with Jacque and his incompetent CEO.

As I made my way to the property line dune that marks the nude-villa to beach transition, I wondered if I would keep up Jacque’s ‘villa rules’ while he was gone.  It had been a fun thing to do together but I was unsure if I wanted to keep it up without him here.  I donned my shanties and hat and started off to Paul and Jen’s villa for our morning topless walk together.

Jen greeted me at the gate to their villa at the beach.  She had obviously been working on her topless tan as her tan lines had faded significantly over the last couple of days.  Her body glistened with sunscreen and was as amazing as ever.  The pectoral muscles in her chest beautifully highlighted the transition to her perfect, and now more tanned, breasts. 

“Uh oh.  What’s wrong?  You don’t look happy!” she said as soon as she saw me.

I recounted for her the fact that Jacque was being called back to Paris for a few days and how pissed I was.  “Let’s go for our walk.  Maybe it will calm me down some,” I said as I took a long gulp of my mimosa.

“Are you still going to have your party on Saturday then?” she asked as we started our walk down the beach.

“I don’t know.  I am very conflicted about it.  On one hand, I want to make it an amazing party that Jacque will be jealous he missed.  On the other hand, I really don’t want to do it without him.  Either way, if we can’t convince the wives to come, we don’t really have a party anyway.”

“Well,” started Jen as she reached out and took my hand in hers as we walked.  “Maybe you should introduce me to the wives as your girlfriend.  Think that might make them less intimidated?” she asked.

I felt a surge of blood rushing to my cheeks and an overall pride well up inside of me.   I loved walking topless and hand-in-hand with Jen in public and my smile felt like it was spreading across my entire face.  “Maybe,” I responded.  “Let’s give it a try.  But I love holding your hand anyway!”

She leaned into me and squeezed my hand as we made our way to the more crowded section of the beach to find Scott, Brandon, Eric and their wives.  Watching the people watching us was a fantastic feeling.  I loved that we were being watched and I was very proud to be seen with Jen.

We finally spotted Scott further down the beach and I pointed him out to Jen as we walked.  We slowed our gait to give the group time to see us talking and walking close together as we approached.  Scott was the first to notice us and he did a double-take as he saw me holding Jen’s hand as we walked.  “Hey Scott,” I said, smiling internally and externally as we got to the group.  “This is my girlfriend, Jen.”

“Uh… hi Jen.  It is nice to meet you.  Jean didn’t mention that she had a girlfriend,” Scott said as he looked my way and smirked.  “Come on over.  Let me introduce you to everyone.”

We moved over to their beach chairs and everyone stood up to greet us.  Jen and I continued to hold hands as an advertisement for the wives and I tried to gauge where they were with the fact that Jen and I were standing topless in front of them holding hands.  “Jean, this is my wife Julie, Brandon and his wife Nicole and Eric and his wife Pam.”  We all shook hands pleasantly as we were introduced.

“And this is my girlfriend Jen,” I said putting my hand on her bare back with pride.  “We really hope you all can come to our party on Saturday.  It will be fun, and we are looking forward to it.”  All three of the wives were attractive middle-aged women who obviously spent time getting in shape before their vacation.  They all wore modest swimsuits but looked fit and much younger than their ages.

“We are just not sure we can do the clothing optional thing and be as daring as the two of you,” responded Nicole.  “A party would be a great way to end our vacation, but to be honest, we are on the fence.”

“You don’t have to be naked!  Optional means optional and you will not be judged one way or the other.  The beautiful thing about being a nudist is the acceptance of the individual and it can be a very freeing and relaxing thing.  One thing you won’t have to worry about is Jen and I being interested in your husbands,” I said as I grabbed Jen’s hand again and held it up for the wives to see.  “Maybe what you could do is use this party as a way to wear that sexy outfit that I bet your husbands have been asking you to wear that you never would otherwise do in public.”

“I thought of that too,” piped in Pam.  “Eric has hounded me to go braless in a sheer top for ages and he packed one on this trip hoping I would wear it.  I think we should go, girls.”

“OK, I’m in too,” added Julie.  “Be gentle with us though, Jean,” she said with a smile. “What can we bring?”

“I am so excited that you will come,” I said.  “Bring nothing.  Ah, except for those sexy outfits.  We will take care of everything else.”

We hugged all of the wives and said our goodbyes.  I gave Scott a knowing smile and a wink as we finished.  ‘Mission accomplished.  I guess we are having the party after all,’ I thought to myself with some satisfaction.

With that finished, Jen and I headed back up the beach, holding hands again as we went.  I felt so comfortable with her as we paraded passed the groups of beachgoers and I reveled in the looks we got along the way.  I felt extremely proud to be with her.

We got back to Jen’s villa a little before noon and she invited me in for a lunchtime cocktail while we filled Paul in on our walk to see the wives.  I knew I had to get back to see Jacque before he left for the airport, but I was still pissed at him and he could wait.  We gave Paul the details of our walk and the fact that we presented ourselves as girlfriends to try and convince them to come.  Paul smiled when we told him and said, “That is sexy as hell.  I love it!”

Jen poured us tall glasses of Prosecco and sat down next to me on their patio.  “So, are you still OK with having the party without Jacque?” she said.

“I guess so,” I responded.  “I think if the wives were less enthusiastic, I would have canceled.  But I am so angry at Jacque I want to make this an amazing party so, yeah, I am more than OK.  But I am going to need your help.”

“Between the two of us, we will act as your surrogate husband while he is gone.  Just ask and we are on it,” replied Paul.  “Speaking of Jacque being gone.  Jen and I were planning on going on a date to the casino tonight.  Since you are now going to be alone, why don’t you come with us?”

“That might be a fun way to spend a Friday night,” I said.  “The only problem is that we did not plan on going out while we are here, and I only have one outfit I could wear.  I will see if I can make it work.”

“I am sure whatever you wear will be sexy and beautiful,” he replied with a wink. 

We spent a while making plans for the party before I had to make the walk back to say goodbye to Jacque.  “I have to get going now,” I said.  “I want to make sure Jacque and I can talk before he leaves.”

“I’ll walk up with you,” said Jen as she got up and took our empty glasses to the kitchen.  I said goodbye to Paul, and we walked out to the beach where Jen took my hand again.  “Actually, I just wanted another excuse to hold your hand.”

“You may hold my hand anytime and anywhere!” I exclaimed.  The novelty of holding Jen’s hand in public had not yet worn off on me and the tingle I felt in stomach felt real and wonderful.  I never imaged being able to enjoy these feelings with another woman. 

“I do have a favor to ask you though,” Jen started.  “I am in awe of your confidence in being an exhibitionist and it is something that I can’t do, at least not yet.  Paul is always trying to get me to be an exhibitionist in public and I keep disappointing him.  So, my favor is this:  would you be my stand-in tonight when we go to the casino and allow Paul to realize some of his exhibitionism and candaulism fantasies?”

“He has already seen me naked multiple times so am I to assume you don’t mean me exposing myself to him tonight?  He would want me to expose myself to other people at the casino?  Is this something that would turn you on too?” I asked.

“I think his fantasy is to be a participant in a night full of public exhibitionism and play,” she replied.  “Ever since you told us about the games you and Jacque play on holidays, he has been pestering me to do the same thing with him, but I just can’t be that person for him yet.  And I don’t know if I would be more turned on by watching you or by watching him get turned on by watching you, if that makes any sense at all.  Maybe we will find out,” she said with a wry smile.

“Well, this certainly raises the stakes for tonight considerably.  I have never done anything like that with anyone other than Jacque and I can’t guarantee how far I will be comfortable going.  But, sure.  Let’s add another experiment to my growing list this holiday.”

We arrived at the property line dune and stopped.  I put a hand to her cheek and pressed my lips to hers.  The sudden rush of desire and heat I felt the night before in the kitchen came rushing back.  Her soft lips accepted mine as our tongues started to dance.  Jen put a hand on my breast sending a shiver down my spine as we continued our kiss.

“I want more of that,” I said as I pushed myself away from her as I savored the sweet flavors from her lips.  “But I have to get Jacque out the door now.”  I pulled my Shanti pants off and crossed the villa line, naked, and turned back to her while blowing a kiss.  “Until next time, beautiful.”

“I have much more than that to give you, my beautifully naked Jean,” she said with a sultry look on her face.  “By the way.  Please don’t tell Paul I asked you for a favor tonight.  If you decide to do anything, I want it to be organic.”

“I promise,” I said as I turned to make my way to the villa.  I could not help but revel in the pang of arousal and desire I felt for Jen.  It wasn’t just her amazingly beautiful and fit body but was also an inner connection I felt as we touched and kissed.  I had never felt this way before with a woman and I was eager to explore these feelings.

I turned and walked to the villa and found Jacque talking on his smartphone in the kitchen.  I poured a glass of champagne and headed back to the patio to think about the possibilities for tonight while he finished his call.

Jacque soon finished and rushed out to join me.  “I know you are pissed at me.  Please know I am just as upset as you are and I will make it up to you.  I promise.” He groveled.

“I know it’s not your fault, but I was hoping it would be different this time,” I replied.

“That was the caterer on the phone.  I was working out the details with them.  Have you decided if you are still going to have the party while I’m gone?” he asked.

“Jen and I were successful this morning in convincing the wives to come so, yes, Jacque.  I am going to have the party without you.

“I deserve that sarcasm,” he replied apologetically.  “I know I have no standing at the moment to say this, but I am going to say it anyway.  I have loved watching you this week as you followed the villa rules and conducted your little exhibitionist experimentation.  I think you should keep doing it while I am gone.”

“Are you sure Jacque?” I asked.  “Are you sure you are OK with anything that might happen as a result?”  Deep down I wanted to keep up my experimentation on my own.  In fact, I was already planning on it for tonight.  But I could easily have stopped while he was away if he wanted me to.  “I have your permission to follow an experiment to its logical conclusion without you there?”

I knew the answer to my question before he spoke as his cock foretold his true feelings on the matter. “My feelings have not changed.  I want you to experiment and find how exhibitionism turns you on and then, if you want, to act on what is turning you on and experience it. There is no difference for me whether I am there or not,” he said as his cock completed its rapid rise to full attention.

“Well then, Jacque,” I said as I reached out and grabbed his erection.  “I will continue the villa rules and my experiments, but I cannot promise you that anything will happen, if that is what you want.  Conversely, I cannot promise that nothing will happen.  All I am willing to do is follow a course as far as I am comfortable.”

“I understand.  But it might do you some good to stretch your comfort zone a little.  You don’t need it, but you have my permission to do anything you desire,” he said as he leaned over and kissed me.  “The chef and bartender will be here around four in the afternoon on Saturday to get the bar set up and do the cooking and they will both stay as late as you want.  They are under orders to provide for any and all requests no matter what.  There is no budget.”

With that, Jacque stood up and said, “Give me a hug before I go.  My car to the airport will be here any minute so I need to grab my things and get going.” 

I stood up and we hugged that tight loving and reassuring hug that long-term partners have learned to use.  “I am pissed that you are leaving me.  Who is going to enjoy my exhibitionism while you are gone?” I tweaked him while knowing full well who might be his surrogate.  “one last chance to tell me to cool it while you are gone.”

He hugged me tighter then kissed me while pushing me back to look at me.  He scanned my naked body from head to toe, and then back up again.  “I would never want to cool off someone as sexy and beautiful as you are.  I can’t wait to hear the lab reports from your experiments.”

“I love you, Jacque.  Be safe and come back as soon as you can to get the full report.”

With that, he left me at the pool on my own for a long weekend.  I lounged for a while enjoying the ocean breezes and champagne.  I closed my eyes and thought about what might happen on my date later, hoping for more intimate time with Jen and wondering how I could fulfill some of Paul’s fantasies.  The kiss with Jen had not left my mind and I craved for more. 

As I drifted in and out of a peaceful poolside sleep, my phone buzzed with an incoming text from Jen saying we should leave around seven that evening and that they would order an Uber. ‘Absolutely not,’ I texted back.  ‘Jacque has a car service and he will be paying for our ride so I will pick you up!’

I went inside to check on what I would be wearing on my date.  The only outfit I had to wear to the casino was one that I had not planned on wearing outside of the villa.  I bought it just for this trip and had yet to wear it as it was intended as a sexy outfit for a private dinner with Jacque and not for the entire world to see.  But, with the villa rules in play, there was not going to be an outfit needed for dinner.  ‘Might as well put this to use,’ I thought to myself. 

It consisted of a short mini-skirt and a spaghetti strap top with a plunging neckline made out of a very thin bright red silk fabric.  There were three buttons at the bottom of the neckline starting below my breasts down to the bottom of the top that secured the top closed, but I was certain that the slightest movement would offer a significant view.  The depth of the neckline negated a bra and the thin fabric clung to my body giving a clear outline of my breasts and nipples.  The skirt was short with frilly edges and just barely covered a thin black thong.  There was no way I would wear this in public at home.

The car arrived a little before seven and Jacque’s driver came to the door and introduced himself.  Roberto was a short younger guy but looked quite attractive.  As he escorted me to the waiting car, I could feel his eyes looking at me.  ‘This dress is going to be interesting,’ I thought to myself as I got into the back of the sedan.  As we drove to pick up Jen and Paul, Roberto was looking at me in the rearview mirror.  “Pardon me for saying this madam, but you will be the most fashionable woman at the casino.  Most of the American patrons there do not dress up and you will put them all to shame.”

“That is certainly a shame,” I said.  “But thank you.  I think my friends will be dressing properly as well, so I think I will have some fashionable company.” 

As we arrived, Paul and Jen were waiting outside of their villa.  They were, indeed, dressed appropriately.  Paul looked smart in a crisp white shirt and a well-tailored jacket and Jen was wearing a very sexy little black dress that highlighted her amazing and growingly tanned body.  They were a very sexy couple.

We arrived at the casino and Roberto opened the doors for us.  “I will be here whenever you are ready to go back home, Ms. Jean,” he said as he helped me out of the car. 

As we entered the front doors of the elaborate casino hotel, I realized that Roberto was right.  Most of the patrons looked like they just stumbled down from their rooms in their shorts and t-shirts. 

But as we walked in side by side, I started to feel excited about what might happen here.  I had not thought much about our date on the drive over but now I began to get a tinge of flush in my face as we walked together.  I could feel my breasts moving under the thin fabric of the top and my nipples began to harden with anticipation, and I wondered what Jacque would think about me wearing this outfit in public. ‘Too bad you can’t see me here, Jacque,’ I thought to myself.    

We found our way to the main club and dance floor and tried to find a place to sit but it was packed, and the DJ was in full swing.  The only table we found was a high-top near the back facing a bank of tables between us and the dance floor. Jen excused herself to the powder room, so Paul and I took up places facing the tables and ordered the first round of drinks.  

I thought of Jen’s request to tease Paul this evening, so I made sure that when I got up on the stool the hem of the miniskirt rode up my thigh.  The miniskirt was already barely covering the lacy thong as I walked.  Now, perched up on the high stool, the majority of my thighs were visible, and I was certain that the tables in front would have been able to see most of the thong as well.

Paul looked down at me sitting next to him with a wide smile on his face as he stopped to look at my bare leg.  “You know Jean,” started Paul.  “I have been watching you topless and naked on the beach all week.  But seeing you in this sexy outfit out in public like this is an incredible turn-on!  Just watching you walk and seeing your breasts and nipples move under that top would make any man immediately hard. And now seeing you sitting there like that…”   

“I am sure Jacque would feel the same way.  Pity for him that he is missing out on it eh?” I replied as I wondered how I would feel playing publicly like this on my own with Paul and Jen.

“Indeed,” he replied.  “I keep thinking of the stories Jacque told me about your trips and how you guys play with exhibitionism when you are out.  I would so love to watch you do that and experience it with you.”

I reached my hand over to his leg and moved it up to find his cock; completely hard and straining against the fabric of his pants.  “I can tell that you have been thinking about the prospects of just that,” I said with a smile.  “What are you thinking about right now?”

Paul hesitated then slowly, while looking down again at my legs and said, “I am thinking about you taking off that thong and watching you tease the guys sitting at those tables across from us.  With us up on these high stools, they would have a perfect view.  If you let them, that is.”

I was nervous about how far this could go and how much I was willing to do in public without Jacque there.  But I made the promise to Jen to try and be her exhibitionist surrogate for Paul so I took a deep breath and said; “I will tell you what, my dearest Paul.  I have never done this with anyone else, but since it is obvious that I have your ‘erect’ attention, I will grant you three wishes over the course of the evening.  Would you like that to be wish number one?”

Paul’s face erupted into a huge grin.  “Really?” he stammered.  “You would do that?  Of course, I want that to be wish number one!”

I gave Paul a quick kiss on his cheek then reached down and slowly pushed the thong down my thighs to my knees allowing the skirt to stay up as I did.  Paul had a clear view of my naked and bare pussy as I slowly slid the thong down my legs and around my heels.  And just as I was bringing it back up from under the table, Jen arrived from the powder room to join us. 

I pulled my hand from under the table and holding the thong draped over one finger I turned to her and said with a wink, “Jen, would you do me a favor?  I did not bring my purse.  Would you hold on to these for me?”

She took the thong from my hand then leaned into my ear and whispered, “Thank you,” then putting a hand on my face moved over and kissed me deeply.  ‘This might turn out to be a win-win situation,’ I thought.

I am not sure what feeling hit me first.  But my fear of doing anything in public without Jacque being there quickly dissipated and I decided that I would do anything Paul requested with his next two wishes, regardless of what they were.  Of course, I wasn’t going to tell him that.  But I wanted so much more from Jen and I was willing to please Paul in order to make her happy.

It was hard to tell what the people at the adjacent tables could actually see in the dim lights of the club.  But I allowed my legs to stay apart as we enjoyed the first round of drinks listening to the heavy beat of the techno-pop disc jockey.  Paul placed his hand on my upper thigh and leaned over to say, “thank you.  You, sitting there like that is so incredibly sexy!”

I smiled that smile of satisfaction when you know you have the man hooked as I took the last sip of my cocktail. “We need another round Paul and I believe you are buying!” 

Is it every man’s fantasy to have their wives or girlfriends flash a waiter as he comes to the table for an order?  I am not sure, but I was sure that Paul would enjoy it.  So, as Paul waved the waiter over, I deftly pushed the spaghetti strap on Paul’s side down off my shoulder.  The effect was that it completely opened up my chest and bared the majority of my right breast.  I don’t think my now hard nipple was visible, but it may have been.  The waiter was a young guy and he noticed me right away as he tried to respond to Paul; his eyes fixed on my chest as he took Paul’s order. 

I felt Jen’s hand on my left thigh and then she leaned into me as she squeezed her hand three times.  It was an intimate moment and a silent thank you message between the two of us and it gave me confidence that I had a wing girl in this new experiment.

I left the strap off my shoulder as the waiter left to fill our drink order.   I knew full well that a slight movement would result in the fabric falling from my breast.  I looked over at Paul and saw him looking down at me.  “Enjoying this?” I asked.

He took my hand and moved it to his hard cock.  “You are amazing, Jean,” he smiled. 

I now had Jen’s hand on my left thigh and my hand on Paul’s cock.  ‘How many people get to experience this,’ I thought.  I felt like I was having a public threesome with two beautiful people.   Maybe it was the strength of that first cocktail, but I felt euphoric and I was willing for anything.  I could feel the twinge of my nipples as they continued to harden and then the warmth building between my legs.  ‘Are you sure you are ok with this, Jacque?  Because I really want this,’ I thought.

I let the strap remain off my shoulder as the waiter returned with our next round.  He passed our drinks around and as I reached up to take mine, I allowed my arm to move outward as I took the glass.  This movement resulted in the front of the top falling off of my breast.  I was completely exposed.  I felt a surge of heat in my face and it took a lot to not react and cover myself, but I immediately thought of what Jacque would have wanted.   He would have wanted me to ignore it.  To let it be.

So, I did.  The waiter stopped for a few seconds to take in the view.  I loved seeing his reaction.  It was the look of a young man seeing something in public he normally doesn’t get to see.  I looked down at my bare breast and then back up at him without readjusting and smiled at him.  “Thanks. I am sure we will need another round soon, so keep an eye on us.”

“Fuck, Jean!” exclaimed Paul.  “That was so fucking hot!” 

I slowly moved the strap back to my shoulder and covered myself again but suddenly realized how turned on I was getting.  Why?  This would normally not be the type of thing that I would do, except to please Jacque.  But there was no denying that I was getting very turned on and I decided that this must be another experiment that I needed to see through to its end.

I took a long sip of my gin and tonic then announced that I needed to go to the ladies’ room. 

“Not before I get wish number two,” Paul said.

“Uh oh, here it comes. But I guess I did promise you three wishes, so what now?” I asked.

“Unbutton all three of those buttons then do a slow stroll by the row of tables on your way to and back from the powder room.  And no holding the top with your hands,” Paul commanded.

“You realize my tits are going to be on full display, right?   This thin fabric will not stay in place,” I retorted. 

“That is my wish,” countered Paul.

“Are you sure you are not Jacque’s long-lost twin brother?” I said with a smirk on my face.  I downed my drink in a long swig, took a deep breath and undid the buttons, then hopped off my stool.  “I expect another G&T to be waiting for me when I get back!”

I made my way over to the tables so that I was right next to them, then turned and started my slow walk.  I actually thought it was a good thing Paul requested a slow walk.  Less breeze to cause the top to open.  But I was overly optimistic.  The straps stayed on my shoulders but almost immediately the left side opened up leaving me completely exposed.  ‘Good thing this is an over-eighteen club.’ I thought to myself.  I might have done some psychological damage to the younger folks.

Much like my experience in Paris, I was determined to see this through.  And besides, the alcohol was helping.  The people at the tables were noticing and I could see them watching me as I strolled by.  Most were normal people and couples, but I saw a table up ahead with three well-dressed men.  A much different class than the majority of the other people.  As I neared their table and as I walked past, I made eye contact in much the same way I did on the beach.

They did not look away and I smiled as I continued my walk.  The ladies’ room was quite a long distance away, so I had a longer walk than I had hoped for.  I did cheat as I got out of the eyesight of Paul and Jen and straightened the top to cover myself again. But it was obvious as I walked that my breasts were on constant view for anyone who was watching.  And I think that number was quite high.

As I was in the powder room, I began to think about those three men.  I was already getting turned on but thinking about them seeing me was pushing me even higher.  I wondered how I could give them a little more of a show, and Paul would be able to see it too so he would get more of his experience.

I made my way back to our high-top, slowly.  Mostly without completely baring myself to the world.  But as I got closer to their table, I saw them all watching me.  I glanced over at Paul and he was very much watching me.  As I got to their table, I turned to them and put one hand on the table and leaned in.  The obvious result was that my top fell completely open before them and my breasts were exposed and almost in their faces. “I couldn’t help but notice you well-dressed men sitting here,” I said.  “Mind if I try one of your hors d’oeuvres?” I said as I tried to look each in the eyes.

I took one without waiting for a response and stood back up.  “Delicious!” I said.  Then I stood back up and turned to walk back to our table.  They were speechless and my heart was racing, and I could feel the heat all over my body.  I smiled as I approached our table and took my seat.  “Happy?” I asked Paul.

“Beyond my wildest dreams, Jean,” he replied.  I knew this evening started as a way to help fulfill a fantasy for Paul.  But I had moved past that and was now enjoying this experiment for myself.  Sure, he could still watch and enjoy.  But now I wanted to have my own experience.

Paul was true to my request and a new G&T was waiting for me.  I leaned back on my stool and took a long sip.  As I did, Paul reached over and grabbed my left breast with his right hand then leaned in and kissed me deeply.  Then Jen moved over.  The result was that both of my arms moved backward (my drink still in hand) resulting in both sides of my top sliding to the side.  I looked over at Jen and she put a hand to my face and started to kiss me too.  ‘Is this what heaven is like?’ I thought to myself.

Here I was.  Pretty much bare-breasted in public with both of them kissing me in turns and touching me.  God.  I was so turned on and I could feel my labia starting to pulse and the wetness between my legs growing.  Oh, how Jacque would have enjoyed this.  I don’t think revenge was on my mind.  But maybe it was.

I enjoyed another kiss from the both of them, then sat up and collected myself.  I looked over at my three suitors and they had been watching the whole time.  Thankfully our dinner order arrived, and I could take the sexual tension down a few notches as we ate and talked more about our lives.  I was beginning to fall in love with both of them and the chemistry I felt filled me with joy.

I totally lost any care about the status of my open top as we finished our dinners and just let it be.  I guess it was a combination of the alcohol, how turned on I was and the fact that I had been walking around topless all week anyway.  But I did start to wonder what Paul’s third wish would be which added to my turn on.  I was really enjoying this night.  I turned to Jen and looked at her beautiful face and leaned over and kissed her knowing the three men were watching.

“I think it is time for Jen and me to get on the dance floor,” announced Paul.  “And for you, Jean, to accommodate wish number three.  After we go to the dance floor, I want you to go over to that table of three guys you were… um, flirting with before and ask them to dance with you.  Get them out on the floor near us.  I want to watch you flirt more and play with them.”

‘Was this Paul’s wish or mine?’ I thought to myself.  “I think I might enjoy your wish Paul,” I said.

“Isn’t that part of the fun of a win-win wish?” he replied with a wide smile on his face.

Paul got up and walked over to Jen and took her hand as she got off her stool and they made their way to the dance floor.  I stayed and finished my drink looking in the three gents’ direction.  They were still watching me.  I wondered what they were thinking and talking about amongst themselves and what they could see of me in the dark room.

I smiled at them, put my glass down then slowly got off my stool, making sure to spread my legs as I did, just in case there was enough light for them to see.  I slowly walked to their table, my top swaying as I made my way and looked at their expectant faces.  “As you gentlemen can see, I do not have a dance partner tonight.  I would like to dance with all three of you.  Are you game?” I said as I stood in front of them.

“I am not sure I would call it a game.  I think I would call it a fantasy.  Of course, we will dance with you!” said one of them.  Jacque did say he wanted me to follow through on whatever happened, and I was just about to do just that.

All three got up from their table.  They were tall, fit and very well dressed.  I doubt I would have gone forward with this if they were anything less.  “Then let’s go dance,” I said.   The dance floor was crowded, and the techno-pop music was loud.  I led them to a spot near where I saw Paul and Jen and we started to dance.

Initially, it started with us dancing with the three of them on one side and me in front.  Ok.  It was actually me dancing and them just swaying and watching.  I was very aware that my dancing was making my top flail around openly and that they, as well as everyone else on the dance floor, could see all of me. 

After one excited move, the strap on my right shoulder fell down my arm.  The entire side of my body was now bare unless I fixed the strap.  But I did not.  Not with the way I was feeling.  Not with the burning desire I was feeling and the utter joy I was having.  I looked at Paul to make sure he could see me, and I turned to face him and Jen.  My breast was bare right there on the dance floor as he watched me.

I continued to dance while looking at him then slowly backed up into my three gentlemen.  As soon as I touched them with my back I felt as if I was being swallowed up.  I felt their hands on all parts of my body.  The sensations of six hands feeling every inch of my body as the music thumped its beat was exhilarating.  My bare breast was being groped, as well as my naked ass and my legs.  I felt the other side of my top being pulled aside and I was now being fondled on both sides.

I looked up to see Paul standing there watching, along with more than a few other patrons.  The crowded dance floor created a sort of cocoon from the rest of the club for me to enjoy this experience.  I looked up at Paul and met his eyes and held his glance as I raised my arms above my head.   Allowing my entire body to be touched by these three men while he watched.  I felt fingers on my breasts, stomach and nipples and then some on my labia.  I was actually living out one of my fantasies, not Paul’s.

As the song ended and the next one was starting, I stopped dancing and pushed backward into them.  Their hands were still on me and I wanted to feel each one of them.  “Don’t move and keep your hands exactly where they are,” I demanded.  I stood there and with both hands, felt each of their hands where they were touching me.  Squeezing them and pushing them into me.

I turned to them.  My top was now completely a mess and off my shoulders.  I kissed them one at a time, each one not resisting the desire to grope and touch me as we did.  “It is time for me to go,” I said.

I could sense their disappointment.  I knew that I had used them for my enjoyment, but I did not care.  I walked over to Paul and put both hands on his cheeks and I kissed him in front of Jen.  Both of his hands found my bare breasts as we did.  “We need to go home now,” I said.

Paul settled up our dinner bill and we texted Roberto that we were ready to be picked up.  I thought maybe I should button up the top on the way out through the hotel lobby, but my inebriated state and horniness overcame that thought and we walked out of the club with my top free.  I can’t say that I noticed anyone looking.  But I am sure they were.

Roberto was quick to pick us up and we spilled into the back of the sedan with me in the middle between Paul and Jen.  As soon as Roberto closed the doors, Paul turned to me and started kissing me.  His hands found my breasts.  I don’t think I had ever felt this turned on before.  Not even with some of the times out with Jacque. 

Roberto pulled the sedan away from the casino and as Paul continued to fondle my breasts I turned to Jen and we met with a passionate kiss.  Her hand went to my face as our tongues explored each other’s mouths.   Then I felt Paul’s hand move between my legs and then Jen’s hand on my breast.  I let out a loud whimper of joy.  God, this was heavenly being the center of attention of these two beautiful people! 

Paul pushed my mini skirt down and off my feet then he forcefully spread my legs putting one on him and the other on Jen, leaving me spread wide.  Both of them were kissing me and touching me.   Then I felt Jen’s fingers on my labia and the slow and welcoming push of one of her fingers moving inside my wet pussy.  I pressed my head back and moaned as they both continued to kiss me.

I had never experienced anything like this before.  The chemistry, the emotions, the extreme turn on were sending me through the roof and I could not get enough of it.  Paul started sucking and nibbling on my nipple as Jen continued to slowly enter me again and again.  God, I wanted this to last forever! But then the car stopped, and we were at the villa.  I opened my eyes to see Roberto watching us in the rearview mirror. 

I looked at him and smiled.  “Turn around Roberto,” I ordered.  “You need to see this so you can tell Jacque.”  I closed my eyes again and rested my head back.  Roberto watched me spread wide with Jen fucking me with her fingers and both now kissing and sucking on my breasts.  I felt like I was about to explode!

“Ok, I need to get the two of you inside now,” I demanded.  Roberto forced himself away from his view and got out and opened the door for us.  I left the miniskirt on the floor of the car and let the top fall away into my hand as I got out and then I handed it to Roberto.  “My skirt is on the floor,” I said.  “Take both of them with you and give them to Jacque when you pick him up at the airport.  You have to tell him everything you saw tonight.  Promise me, Roberto!”

“Ye, ye, yes, Ms. Jean.  I promise,” he stammered.

“Oh, one last thing,” I said as I moved over to Jen.  “Someone is overdressed.  Villa rules apply to you now too, my love.”  I faced her and reached behind and lowered the zipper of her dress, then let it fall to the ground.  At some point during the evening, she had removed her panties as well.  I smiled at her nakedness and moved in.  One hand was on her breast and the other reached between her legs.

I felt how wet she was, and we kissed.  Both of us holding each other’s breasts firmly as the passion of our kiss took me away to another land.  Oh, how good this felt. 

I took her hand, then reached for Paul’s and turned towards the villa door.  “Good night, Roberto,” I said over my shoulder as we made our way inside.  “Don’t forget your promise!”


To be continued…

Published 5 years ago

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