E120: Donald tells the story of Subject Z

"Donald tells the story of his final subject"

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Emma and Donald watch a few of the first videos, there will be plenty of time to see them all in the future they both know.  But by the time they view Emma fingering herself on her bed at the beginning, demonstrating to the professor what she had done in private, they are both so hot and bothered they head to bed.  Emma seeing herself that way, is a unique experience and her fingers twitched to play with herself.

Donald smiles at her and tells her to sit on the bed, her legs apart, and show him again how she can pleasure herself like she did that first time.  Her grin as she allows her fingers to caress down her body to her cunt shows how excited she is to be doing this for him.  She tells him to jerk himself while she twiddles and plays with herself.  Donald blushes, remembering he had done just that as he watched her that first time.

His cock is in his hand, and he strokes himself as Emma begins to spread her labia to show her wet stickiness already forming.  She does get so lubricated so easily anymore.  At first it did take a bit, but now it is like a never-ending stream coming from her.

Both stare at the other as they please themselves, getting closer and closer to climaxing.  It does not take long before Donald shoots his wad, and Emma cries out as she cums, soaking her hand.  Donald takes her hand and licks it clean as she does the same to his sperm covered fingers.  They fall together in a satisfying heap on the bed.  Donald pulls the comforter over them, and they cuddle together.

“Emma, there is one more Subject which I did not tell you about,” Donald begins.  She looks at him quizzically as he says, “Subject Z.”  She smiles as this story is one she will like to hear, especially from Donald’s perspective.

After finishing with Subject J, and yes, I displayed her to the club also before we ended things.  She was satisfied with her new knowledge and skills, and while I did take her through some of the basic tasks, I realized I wasn’t interested that much.  I spent the next year working on my book, which was a mainstream success to my surprise, but considering the general public’s lust for sexual stimulation, even third hand these days, perhaps I should not have been surprised.

I did not date at all, I never really was into that much unless working with subjects on research.  I dove into my work more and more for a couple of years.  I had started lecturing at the university, and yes did that evening symposium.  It delighted me a short while later to receive the email about that evening.

Donald then completely surprises Emma by quoting verbatim Emma’s first email.

Dear Professor Ryan,

I so enjoyed your lecture on the twenty-first, which seems to give me a tiny glimpse of what could be out there.  You were quite eloquent in your explanation about how individuals must take the reins of their life and be willing to explore those things which perhaps seem like over the horizon or past the pre-proposed boundaries they have set for themselves.

I feel my life has been lived in shades of gray, lacking any color or depth.  I am like a piece of coal, hard and dull, but I know there is this flaming ember trying to ignite.  But I have no idea how to bring it to the surface.

The rainbow of technicolor delights which are out there for us each to explore sounds so inviting, and I would love if you had time to discuss it a bit more with me.  Direct me how I could start the fire burning in me.

To find such gratification for myself would be beyond my comprehension, but to be able to develop enough that I could bestow such pleasure on another person, for them to find such lofty heights would be so rewarding for me in itself.

I am sorry for intruding on your time, but I felt the need to let you know the impact you had on me the other evening.



As he finishes, Donald remembers.

Emma had finished the message with her full name, address, phone number, and email.  The last was sweet to Donald as he had that from her in the ‘from’ part of the email, but it showed the proper and correct woman that Emma was.  Reading what she had written, Donald felt like he was reading a personal letter in longhand, on elegant monogrammed stationery of pale rose.

How he always sees Emma.  His soft, gentle rose which shows a vivid and fiery center.

He goes on telling Emma about what he did after receiving her missal. 

I looked you up online, finding articles and pictures of you in the alumni magazine and newspaper articles.  Every new piece of information I gleaned about you made you more and more interesting to me.

I enjoyed our exchanges of emails as I got to learn about you in detail.  Especially the one when you confessed your state and frustration.   I am sorry it took me several days to respond, but my sudden interest in you, and the idea of helping you to obtain such goals overwhelmed me.  I spent part of that week arguing with myself about why I should not pursue things with you, and the other part thinking about what I could teach you, and the fun it would be.

Finally, I compromised with myself, telling myself you would be nothing but another subject to me, but from the start, I thought of you as Subject Z, the climax of all who had gone before.  It was only then that I wrote to invite you to visit for the first time.

That evening, seeing you standing there so nervous at my front door did something to me, and I was determined to not let you have an effect on me.  You would only be a subject.  I would open you fully to a sexual world you had been missing, but nothing more.  But at the door it took me a moment to compose myself as I had started to harden seeing you standing there so unsure.

Emma realizes that even though he presents himself as a confident and composed image to the world, Donald is just as unsure of himself, and so needing affection, as she. She snuggles closer to him as he goes on.

I had such mixed feelings that night, I did not know what was happening to me, so the next day when I talked to you on your new phone, and I asked you if you had touched yourself it was me just trying to find a reason to keep you at a distance for a bit first.  If you hadn’t responded how you did, I would have probably found some other excuse to make you wait a week until we saw each other again.

But as you saw, I could not keep away from you totally, the phone conversations, and you performing and modeling for me was wonderful to watch.  Each time I found myself hard from the start of each of our talks. 

Seeing you display yourself in the clothes I had sent you, and your attempt to walk in the high heels overwhelmed me.  I did find myself jerking myself in response.

And then, when we started down the path we followed, and you earned each pearl, you surprised me over and over with your instinct about what would bring me the most pleasure.  Soon I was finding delight in seeing you enjoy each stimulation you received. 

Your complete willingness to put yourself into my hands and do anything I instructed you to do was amazing to observe.  I did keep a concise diary of all that happened, and yes, the videos.  But after mentioning at the beginning that I was working with a Subject Z at the Institute I quickly became very vague about my reports.  I did not want to share you, or let others know how you were blooming so fully.

My having you on display at the end was a compromise to my colleagues as they had pushed and pushed to know what was going on.  I never should have given in to such foolishness, but I did underneath want them to see just how lovely you were, and I suppose have them envy me for finding such a treasure.

Donald pauses then, and after a minute, says, “I would like you to read the diary, and give me your input and view on each part, if for no other reason than for us to fully understand what we each were going through.”

Emma responds that yes, she would like that.  Then she pushes up close to him as he kisses her neck and settles themselves to sleep.

But after turning the lights out, and them now comfortable for the night, Donald kisses her neck and shoulders again, and says in a low, very thoughtful voice, “Emma, I love you.”

Emma’s eyes widen at that statement, the first time Donald has ever told her that.  She puts her hand behind her to pull his ass close to her, his cock now resting where it should be, in her damp slit, sighs deeply and just replies, “Thank you.”


Published 5 years ago

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