We had never won anything, even though Melissa enters just about every free competition advertised on the television or in magazines. But we did! We found ourselves in this amazing winter-wonderland; a wooden chalet, complete with balcony, on top of the world, set deep in the mountains, serviced only by cable car. Pristine white snow barely allowed the rocks to peek through and even then, only on the horizon. Snowdrifts piled up against the exposed corners of the building that only protected its occupants by log burning fires and deep pile floor coverings. Strangely, there was an outside Jacuzzi on the balcony.
The air was crystal clear. There was no way that any traffic fumes or sweat emanating from people on the overcrowded tube trains was going to linger up here. You could touch the crispness with your fingertips and taste the clean breeze as it rested gently on your tongue.
It was truly amazing and it was ours for a whole week. For two days we had bathed in the soft light of the sunrise which flooded the bedroom and basked in the glorious reddened glow of the setting sun.
Three weeks earlier, we had been promised the experience of a lifetime from none other than, Santa’s Piste Adventures. I thought it was an excuse to get drunk while being a member of the unruly brigade in a Swiss resort. Melissa was buzzing when she read what we had won.
“Comes complete with a special present from Santa,” she smiled.
“I am Santa,” I replied.
“Yes, well, hopefully, this one,” she pointed to the brochure, “will have a much bigger cock.”
“He could be female,” I retorted.
Melissa just smiled. I knew exactly what was on her mind; the way she was thinking, the way she bit her lip was perfectly clear to me.
The chalet was everything we hoped it would be. The only thing that wasn’t in the chalet when we arrived was that special present from Santa. We didn’t have it in us to complain as we were over the moon with everything else. On the third day, I was getting restless and so I decided to treat my body to some exercise. I left Melissa in the chalet on the day of Christmas Eve, primarily to go skiing and promising that I would be back in plenty of time to help with the festivities.
However, in this sort of terrain, I was a complete novice. Everything, for miles around, was off-piste; so a trip down to the resort was in order. It was thoroughly enjoyable and I managed to stay upright for the whole time. I did partake in a beer or two and a slice of pizza, but then it would have been wrong not to socialise with all the down-cladded beauties on display; even if all they were interested in were the sun-tanned ski instructors.
The travel back to the chalet was unbelievably cold, especially with no one to cuddle up to on the ski lift and at that time of the evening it was a one-way journey; the last bus home, so-to-speak. It wasn’t the sort of place where you forgot a prime ingredient of your meal and had to rush to the shops to fetch it. The sun had already gone down and darkness encroached on just about everything; almost sucking the life out of the place. Only the moonbeams seemed to have any fight left in them. The biting cold squeezed and oozed its way through every zip fastener and every buttonhole and especially down the neck; despite me having one of the best down jackets on the market.
I was freezing by the time I got to the chalet and I desperately hoped that Melissa would warm me up. The welcoming warmth of the chalet hit me as soon as I opened the door and I quickly removed my outer clothing, boots and socks before stepping into the lounge. The fire was ablaze and the sofa looked inviting; even though it seemed to be too close for comfort. The coffee table to one side already held two glasses of wine which brought a smile to my face.
Melissa appeared from the kitchen area. My mouth dropped open when I saw what little she was wearing, in fact, I’m not sure whether the apron she had on was actually worth the effort, but it probably prevented any splashes of hot oil on her lovely pale skin.
She sidled up to me and we kissed; turning it into a passionate embrace rather quickly. My hands quickly cupped her bottom as I crushed myself into her. She pushed me away and told me to get showered and to wear as little as I pleased for dinner. The smile on her face, although a little wicked, was far worse than I was used to and I slowly stepped away from her while cautiously looking around me. I remembered all too well what happened the last time Melissa told me to strip and come downstairs.
After showering, I reckoned on wearing nothing as Melissa would surely not be dressing for the occasion. And once again, Melissa surprised me, or rather both of them surprised me. My mouth dropped open again when I entered the lounge as my eyes feasted across two naked women, casually chatting and drinking wine next to the dining table.
My quick reactions took over and I covered my bits while I studied my wife and started walking back through the same door that I had emerged; my gaze rapidly flitting between her and the stranger.
Melissa, grinning at me, soon caught me up and took one of my hands in hers; pulling me back into the room, leading me back to the dining table.
“This is Tomorrow,” she said.
I looked at Melissa with a little uncertainty. Well, quite a lot of uncertainty actually.
“No, it’s today,” I said out loud while grinning to myself.
“A box arrived today -” she continued, pausing for a while. I nodded, desperate to understand.
“I opened it -” her open hand pointed to the stranger.
I looked sideways at the beautiful stranger looking slyly at me over the wine glass that she held in front of her with both hands and I nodded, “Yes, go on.”
“Pixie dust exploded from the box and Tomorrow appeared.”
“What do you mean, tomorrow appeared, it’s today, Melissa. Have we lost a day?”
“Mark, meet Tomorrow,” she held out her hand in the direction of the smiling stranger. The penny started to drop.
“Pleased to meet you, Mark,” said Tomorrow, her head tilted to one side as she studied me. She bit the side of her lip in a way that I thought only Melissa could achieve.
I looked into her soft iridescent eyes, before taking her hand. I was immediately drawn to her pointed ears, her almost feathery, yet soft skin, her rather erect and pointed nipples; dark pink atop her larger brown aureoles. I almost melted when my gaze fell to her sex. It looked like heaven. Like it was hiding a dark and wet secret.
“Tomorrow has never had an orgasm, or so she says,” interjected Melissa.
I forgot to answer Melissa. In fact, I didn’t even look at her. I was still mesmerised. I had forgotten about my own nudity and could now feel my cock swell; getting larger than it ever had in the matter of a few minutes.
“Though, it wasn’t for the lack of trying.” Melissa continued. “We practically spent the whole afternoon licking each other out. She is, without doubt, insatiable.”
I was brought back to the present time as Melissa’s words slowly sunk in.
“You’ve spent the whole afternoon with…with Tomorrow.”
“Yeah, sounds strange putting it like that, but yeah.”
“Melissa has been so entertaining,” said Tomorrow, “You must have had, what? Ten or so orgasms.”
Melissa nodded.
“And she nearly had me when she introduced me to tribbing. I think that’s the word you used, yes.”
Melissa nodded once more.
“Mark, her tongue is unbelievable,” she said, turning to me as if to confirm her excitement.
“Her tongue is unbelievable? Just her tongue, have you listened to anything you just told me.”
“Don’t be afraid,” said Tomorrow, as she reached out to hold my arm.
I found myself indelibly drawn towards her. She placed her wine glass upon the table and she walked into me. Our bodies touched; her breasts, my chest. Her hands slid around my waist. Her soft sex brushed against the lower part of my erection. Her lips-
Her lips were like liquid gold. Her kiss felt like soft velvet. I didn’t know precisely when her tongue slipped between my lips, but it did. I felt Melissa hug me from behind; planting soft kisses on my shoulder blades and working up the side of my neck.
“She’s beyond wonderful,” she whispered in my ear, “Enthralling, heaven on Earth. Even I now believe in Santa.”
Tomorrow broke the kiss. “Come, let’s enjoy the Jacuzzi,” she said as she pulled me towards the sliding doors.
The outside cold hit me hard, but my hard-on triumphed despite it. I practically jumped into the Jacuzzi and was pleasantly met by hot water that had no trouble dispelling the bitter cold air. With only my head above the water, I watched as Tomorrow slowly and unflinchingly walked towards me.
My cock was as hard as it had ever been. I watched, mesmerised by her svelte figure and her downy sex. Her hips wiggled, her breasts bounced ever so slightly and her smile was letting me know that something special was going to happen.
Something special did happen, the moment she entered the pool.
The water around her body became luminescent, a pearly blue hue covered her body as she slid effortlessly towards me. My hands came upon her bottom as she raised herself upwards. I thought my cock was going straight inside her but it became trapped; between her bottom and my thighs. She kissed me once more.
I became aware of Melissa’s hands preventing Tomorrow’s nipples from crushing against my chest. Her hands fondled them and occasionally pinched on her teats. I felt rather than saw Melissa place small evenly spaced kisses as she patted her soft skin causing an eruption of a string of almost unheard sighs and intermittent shivers. Tomorrow’s tongue pressed home and before I was aware she was inside me; tongues swirling and fencing each other in orgasmic expectation.
Tomorrow pushed backwards against Melissa and motioned me to sit on the rim of the Jacuzzi. I wanted to, but I was too afraid of what the cold would do to my body to even bother to move. I silently questioned her motives.
She waved her hand and spun it around a couple of times. The heat seeping from the surface of the water swirled and formed a protective warm cape around my rising body. I sat on the edge and looked down as Tomorrow slipped my shiny head between her lips; sucking and then swirling her lips around it. Her tongue explored the shiny head before letting it disappear down her throat.
It was fair to say, her mouth engulfed me.
I was wallowing in her oral technique, my cock fully down her throat, her golden lips brushing what little pubic hair I adorned as my cock was lost to her oral ministrations.
Melissa was standing behind Tomorrow. Her own body engulfed, like mine, in a fine mist. One hand reached underneath Tomorrow and was caressing her breast and nipple with a gentleness that I struggled to believe. The other was concentrating hard in the proximity of her two holes. The pad of her finger alternating between Tomorrow’s anus and her oven-ready sex.
I could feel the need in Melissa approach boiling point. I had seen her like this on many occasions, teasing and tormenting her victim up to a point, before the animal in her snaps in two and she devours them. In a split moment, it was Melissa’s fingers that had turned on Tomorrow, to be accompanied by a stream of verbal abuse.
I watched the word Fuck and Slut appear on Melissa’s lips and I unconsciously formed the same sentence that Melissa was issuing. I watched one, two and then three fingers delve into Tomorrow’s downy entrance, the same entrance that I was desperate to invade myself. Melissa’s fingers thrust in and out at a high rate of knots as she pushed them upwards into her honey pot; a honey pot that started glowing under the water. The opalescent blue hue returned to surround her body. Melissa pinched one of her nipples and I reached down to stroke her hair – as if to pat a good dog on the head.
Tomorrow lifted her head off my cock and started to bob up and down on it. My head started to swing back as I approached my own climax but was brought swiftly back down on hearing Melissa’s words.
“Look at her glow, look at her.”
I felt Tomorrow groan against the walls of my cock. I could see the Jacuzzi glow in the dark. Subtle pin-sharp spots of light seemed to leave her body to float away on the current; a side effect of Melissa’s incessant finger thrusting.
“Come for me, you beauty,” cried Melissa.
Melissa seemed more determined than me to pleasure Tomorrow.
Suddenly, Tomorrow raised her head and gasped out loud; panting a few times into the space between my chest and the tip of my cock. She pulled hard on the base of my cock, toppling me into the water. I landed on a bench just under the surface, at the same time as Tomorrow pulled away from Melissa and raised her body upwards. Our lips met and then melted together.
Her legs spread wide, her knees coming down on either side of my thighs and her cunt – her cunt gripped my manhood like a second skin or a close-fitting glove. At first, I thought that it hadn’t gone in at all, but then I felt a rippling effect all down my length; the same effect that her throat provided, moments earlier.
I started to thrust upwards in case it would be over without so much as a thank you. I wanted to savour the moment and I wanted to pleasure Tomorrow. I wanted to see her sparkle as I fucked her.
Melissa had taken up a position behind her, watching Tomorrow bounce up and down on my cock. Melissa’s legs spread wide and her fingers busied themselves on her pussy; partly between her folds and partly on her clit.
Tomorrow seemed to savour every stroke, every throb, every nuance of my cock and every grunt that left my throat. The water started glowing and Tomorrow’s pussy started to pulse a deep shade of blue. Her eyes closed briefly before she thrust her tongue down the back of my throat. Her nipples almost pierced my chest and her effortless up and down motion on my cock left me doing very little, other than marvelling at the whole scene before me.
Opposite me, Melissa moaned out loud. I know she would have loved to have fucked Tomorrow’s anus with her strap-on, but on this occasion that had been left at home; a few thousand miles away. Melissa had to satisfy herself on her own fingers and watch this gorgeous vision fuck herself to climax. At least, I hoped that’s where she was heading.
Just to be on the safe side, I started to push my groin upwards and force my cock deeper into her body. Her pussy seemed to suck my cock inwards rather than me push it inside and if I didn’t know any better, I would say it was growing all the time, filling her as more and more flesh was being used up. Hell, if she can make the water glow then I figured anything was possible.
I finally folded my hands around her slim waist and pulled her back down onto my cock. Several attempts at this and the water glowed brighter than ever.
“She’s going to climax,” announced Melissa. “She’s gonna fucking cum.”
How she knew that I will never know, perhaps it’s a woman’s intuition, but Tomorrow started getting verbal; sighing and moaning at first but then issuing several phrases that her young features should never have known about.
Her eyes were opening and closing, her head shaking from side to side in a movement that would not have looked out of place in an erotic poem and then, all of a sudden, she controlled her outward emotions with precision.
Tomorrow started chanting. I was fucking her hard at this point, frantically pushing my cock inside her with only one outcome on my mind and out of her mouth spewed poetry. I looked over at Melissa only to see her thrumming at her clit and thrusting her pussy upwards to Tomorrow’s chant-like words.
Take me higher
Let me breathe
Let this Earth
Inject its seed.
For in me now
Will be of you
The fragile light
Of opalescent blue.
Take me higher
Make me come
Spill my soul
Let me succumb.
Fuck me harder
Let me accede
With this rod
We will succeed.
Tomorrow was holding on to my shoulders while pulling her body upwards and letting it fall. I was thrusting into her with some urgency and the water glowed like blue-green phosphorescent algae. Becoming brighter and brighter with every thrust.
Tomorrow started repeating her verse. The water crackled and bubbled. I could feel my spunk rise out of the end of its submerged head. She only got to the word succumb before I erupted inside her. Tomorrow stopped moving her body, she moaned out loud and the water started to explode; like raindrops in reverse. It turned a shade of deep blue as Tomorrow succumbed to her orgasmic release.
Melissa followed suit with her head flopped back over the side of the Jacuzzi and her two fingers rapidly moving over her clit. Crying out and repeating the word fuck, over and over.
Tomorrow let her body sink down on my cock until she was virtually sitting on my balls. I was still stiff and fiercely holding onto a sizeable hard-on. My balls were empty and I was watching Melissa, panting in post-orgasmic bliss just over Tomorrow’s shoulders.
The water turned a pale shade of pastel green before returning to its usual shade of water. The opalescence had disappeared. The sparkling raindrops were no more. The energy dissipated to the bitter cold.
Tomorrow hugged me close. Pressing her body to me and savouring the closeness. We must have stayed like that for ages with Melissa slipping back into the water to warm up.
Tomorrow slowly pushed her body away from me but only far enough to look me in the eye. Melissa appeared over her shoulder.
“I thought you said Tomorrow never comes,” I said, directing my comment to a smiling Melissa, proud at my own infallible innuendo.
Even Tomorrow smiled, but then her expression became serious. She looked me in the eye and cupped my face in her hands. She studied me. Her body rose and then fell and my cock twitched in response, there was a glimmer of hope in the water as it rustled and rippled over my thighs. I felt her nipples harden against my torso.
Only one word; I looked into her eyes, saw the softness of her intent, watched her smile broaden as she felt my cock respond. She bit her lip as she raised her body once more, to let it fall. Her smile belied her evil intent, yet I could not deny her, any more than a mouse can ignore a piece of cheese strapped to the trap.
I stood up, lifting Tomorrow with me and realised that I didn’t feel the cold at all. The warm mist from the Jacuzzi gathered around us and I walked her to the bedroom with her perched upon my cock.
Melissa was following right behind us and I instructed her to sit on the bed.
I lay Tomorrow down upon the bed and flipped her waif-like body over. Her eyes stared intently at Melissa’s wet sexy folds. Tomorrow crawled up the bed and before I had chance to say anything buried her tongue in Melissa’s pussy.
Melissa slid down the bed as I pulled on Tomorrow’s thighs. Her bum shifted upwards and her legs folded underneath. She was positioned just where I wanted her; on the edge of the bed ready to take my engorged cock.
I pushed it in without a second thought. I bottomed out inside her and found that my cock would go no further. Melissa was moaning about how good her tongue was as it lapped inside her; her own hands cupping her breasts and tweaking her nipples as she looked at Tomorrow’s eager mouth, devouring her.
I started to fuck her in earnest and that glow around her body started to appear. I wanted her to shine brightly and so I grabbed her by the waist and started to pound my buttocks towards her. I was partly mesmerised by the glow. The air ionised in front of me. Sparks flitted from her body to the bed, the ceiling and to ourselves. She was imitating her very own plasma ball.
I saw Melissa’s eyes roll into her head and I knew she had climaxed, albeit silently. Her hands grasped Tomorrow’s head and she pulled on it, lifting her bum off the bed at the same time and grinding her pussy onto her lips.
The sight before me tripped me over the edge, but before I let loose, Tomorrow lifted her head from Melissa’s pussy and quickly inserted two fingers high on the inside.
“Fuck, I’m cumming,” announced Tomorrow.
The waiting cat sneered at me from behind Tomorrow and I was rapidly heading towards a déjà vu moment. Melissa was having another orgasm on the tail end of the first.
I was headed for a serious causality trip, time travel. I was going to make Tomorrow come again. Of that, I was sure.
I thrust into her wet and waiting hole and left everything flow away from me.
Tomorrow just pushed back towards me, in a dream-like state and took all the fluids that I gave her. She sighed, moaned even and mewled in ecstasy between Melissa’s thighs. I slumped down on top of Tomorrow and cuddled into her.
The expended energy took its toll and after our rampant state, we fell asleep.
When I awoke, I found myself alone between Melissa’s thighs and it was evident that we hadn’t eaten anything up to that point in time.
Tomorrow had gone. We both looked around the room and Melissa even checked out the bathroom but we didn’t find her. In one corner of the lounge was the box that Melissa had indicated Tomorrow came out of. Scattered around it was shiny pixie dust; a trail of which led back to the bedroom and the door to the Jacuzzi.
Melissa and I looked at each other but couldn’t, for one moment, believe the only conclusion we could come to.
Nine months later, our first child was born. We called her Tammy. Her bright blue eyes reminded us of that evening in the chalet; the time at which Melissa must have been conceived.
As I look into our baby’s eyes, I wonder what exactly it is that we have brought into the world from that Winter Wonderland but I always end up smiling; her tiny fingers outstretched, trying to grasp at something that’s not really there, her legs kicking wildly and her smile always softens my heart.