Stretching both arms behind his back, Anthony Dinallo gripped one wrist with the opposite hand as a muscle in his jaw spasmed. The fifty-year-old married man and father of two had been pacing about in the baggage claim area for three hours – and counting. How could a measly little one hour and forty-five-minute flight be delayed like this? He tipped his head, sucked in a deep breath, and rocked back and forth. This is freakin’ ridiculous! It was supposed to be a quick hop, skip, and a jump from Salt Lake City, but had turned into the complete opposite. Blasted airlines! Another reason why I hate air travel.
Dozens of people, waiting for their relatives and friends, were also showing signs of impatience. Then again, the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport was known for holding up its travelers. I have nothing but trouble every time I come here. With a surge in summer vacation plans and the airport reportedly being short-staffed, TSA wait times, for example, extended as far back as a quarter mile.
It’ll be worth it once Kayleigh is finally here. How could it not be? I’ve fantasized so long about this one moment. But Tony was a man of zero tolerance. He kept an eye on the crush of passengers spilling out from the terminal and flexed his fingers. Where the hell is she? A shadow came over his face as he continued slogging in circles.
Ten thousand dollars, brother. Think about that. With two bank envelopes stashed away in a zippered compartment of his cargo shorts, Tony could buy his eldest child, a recent high school graduate, a used car that would last for several years. That was his plan for Angelo’s graduation present back in May, at least – a vehicle that wasn’t a beater, one that wouldn’t break down after a month or two of use. My kid deserves a break. He’s had such bad luck with cars.
But days before he was about to make that purchase, Tony received an offer from Sammy he couldn’t refuse.
I gave my boy a hundred-dollar gift card instead. …
“Kayleigh!” Bouncing on his toes, Tony’s heartbeat sped up, and his eyes verified twice over the petite, blue-eyed pack of blonde dynamite moving amongst the masses wasn’t just a mirage of the Sonoran Desert. “Kayleigh!” Tony’s feet kicked up and he hurtled toward Lindsay with all the momentum of a tidal wave, shoving aside anyone who dare get in his way. “Kayleigh, it’s me! It’s Tony!”
Lindsay’s eyes flicked up, bright and alluring. “Hi baby. How are you? It’s so good to see you again.”
Tony’s stout, heavyset body turned to mush once Lindsay’s slender, delicate arms wrapped around him. He couldn’t help himself, either, immediately lowering his lips to hers and swallowing Lindsay’s startled groan into his mouth, savoring it, savoring her. She tasted like sin and paradise, and when she grabbed his linen shirt, balled it into both of her fists and pulled him closer, any lingering guilt Tony harbored regarding this unlawful ten-thousand-dollar transaction faded into oblivion.
“Oh my God, you look awesome. Thanks for agreeing to come visit me like this.” Tony let out a laugh, releasing some of his tension, as he stepped back and surveyed the goods. “Oh, my.” His eyes swelled when he focused on Lindsay’s breasts, encased in a fluorescent-orange halter top that hugged and clutched her nubile young form in all the right places. “Kayleigh, wow.”
“You like my new boobies?” Lindsay kept her voice low and smirked, her right hip jutted to the side, spine arched, thus casting her breasts higher, with her shoulders squared in a proud, confident stance. “I look a little different than I did when we last saw each other a year ago, huh?”
“Different? Yeah, I’ll say.” Tony’s eyes were glazed over. “You look fantastic. Better than ever.”
“I got them back in March.” Lindsay’s smile kept growing. “Went from a B-cup all the way up to a D. One of the best decisions of my life.”
“That’s awesome. They’re awesome.” He took another step back. “Let me look at you some more.” Tony’s gaze drifted down Lindsay’s stretchy halter top, over her slinky, faded denim cutoff shorts, to her wondrously sexy backside and athletically trim, fit legs. Holy hell, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think the Miss America pageant was in town. Years of proper diet and exercise had yielded sleek, toned muscles, a sensuous symphony of curves that danced beneath Lindsay’s tanned, sun-bronzed skin.
“I’m actually seeing you in a public place with proper lighting, and not in that dark, dreary house back in Nevada. This is amazing.” Could Tony knock thirty years off his age and marry this girl right here, right now? If he had one wish, that would be it. “I … I can’t believe this. You’re actually here. Here, with me!” Yeah, forget my son and his graduation present.
Hell, forget my wife too.
Lindsay cocked her head as she also appraised her john appreciatively. “I saw your e-mail when I landed. Thank you for being patient and waiting. I’m sorry about the late arrival. Back in Utah, they said they needed extra time to disinfect and sanitize the plane before taking off.” She rose up on her tiptoes and pecked his stubbled cheek. “I’m here now, though, and that’s all that matters.”
“Yes, I agree. You’re here now. All that matters. Wow.” An instant later, Tony again couldn’t resist the urge, his hands tangling in Lindsay’s hair, curling around the strands at her scalp, using the grip to position her as he slanted his mouth across hers for another deep, scintillating kiss. There was no hiding from his desire, yet he was also cognizant of all the people around them – tourists, employees, families, curious onlookers. How many guys – jealous guys – were passing by and watching him make out with Miss America?
He’d never been an advocate of public displays of affection, but it sure felt damn good to be on the opposite end of the coin for a change. Now, people could gawk at him! At them!
Riled up after such a hot, stirring exchange, he focused on Lindsay’s magnificent blue eyes and could tell she had rumblings of her own. Yeah, hot damn, you feel it too. That kiss was off the charts. Tony held her, lovingly, as activity spiraled onward all around them – people coming, people going – and enjoyed the knowledge that for the next three days, at least, he would get to be with that “special someone” he’d searched his entire life for. Even if I have to pay for it, I don’t care.
Lindsay was, without a doubt, the girl of his dreams.
When a trio of airport police walked by, one of them bumped Tony’s shoulder by accident. It ended the tender embrace and Tony shot the man an evil, split-second glare, but then he was smiling at Lindsay again. “How about we get your luggage, ditch the airport, and go have some fun?”
Looking at her feet, the nineteen-year-old dabbed at her lips with a lone finger and nodded twice, saying nothing.
Moments later, Lindsay watched Tony as he slid into the driver’s seat beside her and closed the door. “Maybe we should get the business out of the way before we go any further.” She blew a loose strand of hair from her eyes and wrung out her clammy hands. “Do you have my money? The ten thousand in cash?”
“Yeah, of course.” Tony surrendered the two bank envelopes without hesitation. Lindsay folded one flap back and gave a visual inspection. “It’s all there, sweetheart – five thousand in each one. I’d never cheat you.”
She shrugged and placed the compensation into her Burberry crossbody travel tote. “I trust you, baby. So, how have you been?”
“Stupendous.” Tony grinned and held both hands out. “How have you been? Didn’t I promise you after our party last July I’d see you again?” He glanced around the rental car, the cheapest he could find on Expedia. “I just never thought it would be under these circumstances.” His eyes retraced their path back to her. “If you don’t mind me asking, honey, why did you leave Happy Ending Ranch? I went back there in September, strictly to party with you, but they said you’d quit.” He couldn’t suppress a frown. “I was heartbroken; thought I’d never see you again.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, baby.” Her left hand slipped from his arm and grazed his fingers. “I may go back to the brothel again one day, I don’t know. But last year, it was a year of transition for me, and I’d moved on from that phase of my life.” You’re lying; you miss it, and hope Daddy lets you go back there one day. And soon. “Don’t get me wrong, I had a blast at the brothel. Had fun, made some friends, met some super guys like you.” Her mouth lifted in a curious smile. “Did you party with another girl, at least?”
He grimaced. “Yeah, I did – Kenzie.”
“Oh, Kenzie?” Lindsay’s head did a quick bobble. “Kenzie is a sweet girl. She was one of my best friends during the three short weeks I was there. I miss her.”
“Kenzie was sweet, I agree, but she wasn’t you. I mean, you’re perfect.”
Lindsay placed a hand to her heart. “Awwwww. Well, you and I had such a great time.”
“I had a great time. I hope you had a great time too.”
She leaned forward and laughed. “I had a great time.”
“That’s awesome. So, what have you been up to?” Tony raised an eyebrow. “Is it true the infamous Sammy Slams is your boyfriend? I’ve never met the man, but obviously know him through e-mail and chat, else you and I wouldn’t be here right now. I mean, that guy is a living legend, I think, from how everyone talks and goes on about him on the bulletin board.”
“Oh, Sammy’s a trip, that’s for sure.” A grin curled around Lindsay’s cherry-red lips like a lazy cat settling in a puddle of midday sunshine. “And yes, he and I are dating.” We’re getting married on Evie’s birthday. “Please don’t tell anyone, though. We want to keep our relationship under wraps, away from the monger community.” All I care about is Colt, Pamela, or Jim somehow finding out. Under no circumstances, that cannot happen.
“Oh, I won’t. Your secret is safe with me.” He tilted his head. “Dating, huh? I remember Sammy wrote a glowing review about you on the website last year. Did you and him meet at the brothel?”
“Yes, we did. He was a client just like you.”
Tony’s shoulders dropped with a sigh. “Wow. And you’re with him now? For real? What a lucky bastard.” His eyes narrowed. “And Sammy has no issue with you seeing me like this?”
“He’s the one who set us up, is he not?” I still can’t believe Daddy pimped me out. “Trust me, you have no reason to worry about Sammy.” Lindsay glanced at her smartphone and her lips evened out when she saw there were still no new messages. Where is he? What is he doing? “Sammy is cool. He’s been wanting me to accept independent bookings for the past couple of months. It’s a way to make some extra money, put it away in savings.” Lindsay flashed another winning smile. “You’re my first, so be proud.”
“I am?” Tony’s expression brightened. “Wow, I’m honored. So, what is Sammy like? His reputation, it seems, is that of a wild, crazy sex maniac, a party animal. Is that how he truly is?”
She flicked her wrist and chuckled. “Oh, Sammy is a sweet, sweet man, a kind man. Don’t believe what you read on those boards. People are silly, they exaggerate things … they lie.”
“You live in Utah now? Salt Lake City? You’re originally from San Francisco, right?”
“Yeah, chillin’, hangin’ out, relaxin’, you know. I’m a Ute now.” Off to the side, a cab screeched to the curb.
“Okay. Very nice, very nice. Awesome, that’s awesome. I’m from the southern part of Utah, three hundred miles or so from Salt Lake City.” Tony’s enthusiasm was bubbling over. “Yeah, I was like, I was so happy when Sammy messaged me and said you’d be willing to meet up and have some fun for a couple of days.”
“I’m happy we could meet up as well. We’re going to have an awesome time together.” She threw her hands in the air. “Rest assured, I remember every single moment, every detail, of the party you and I had at Happy Ending Ranch too. You were one of my favorite mongers.”
“You remember every detail? You’re being honest?”
“Of course.”
“Wow, I would’ve never thought that. I’m sure you saw plenty of guys while working there.”
She giggled. “A few.”
“What made me stand out? Why do you remember me so vividly? From what I’ve read, with sex workers, all their clients kind of blend in, they blend together after a while, and none stand out.”
Lindsay wagged a finger. “There you go believing what you read again!” She closed her eyes and let out a soft murmur. “I’m not that way. I remember you. I remember everything about our party.” She traced a finger along Tony’s kneecap. “You had me dress up as a secretary – your fetish, your weakness – and bent me over the bed, and fucked me so long, so hard. I really liked that, baby, and hope you do it again here in Arizona.”
“Seriously?” Tony cleared his throat as Lindsay grasped his hand. “Oh, don’t worry, honey. We’ll have lots of fun.” Did this girl know how hot she was, with augmented breasts straining against her top, the face of an angel, and a small waist and curved hips begging to be held as he plowed into her from behind? But Tony knew how hot. Boy, did he ever.
And nothing could rip his gaze away from her cleavage, peeking out from the V-neck of the tight fabric. “Kayleigh, sweetie …” Suddenly, his mouth went dry. “… do you mind if I … if I see … them? You? Can I touch your …?”
“Oh, of course I don’t mind, baby, but please make it quick.” She glanced to either side to be certain the coast was clear. “I don’t want for someone to catch us.”
Cotton was already sliding down, over Lindsay’s shoulders as she took the initiative, wriggling her torso so the top slipped an inch, and then another, and one more still, until her breasts sprang free from their confines.
Desire washed over Tony’s features, his jaw slack, as he took in the wondrous sight. Lindsay’s breasts were perfect, rich and tanned, full, healthy, and obviously much larger than he recalled, as two hands reached over to cup them. “Oh, Kayleigh. Oh, my.” Her nipples stood at attention as his fingers caressed and swept over the rigid peaks. “These feel awesome. So good, so good.”
He tore his gaze away and noticed that Lindsay, her spine arched, was staring down at his hands. Her eyes lifted to his a moment later, her expression so deep, so intensive that his entire body shuddered. The image of her enjoying his touch was nearly too much to handle.
His dick began rustling.
“That’s enough for now, baby.” Lindsay’s voice was tiny, almost tremulous, as she backed off and tucked her breasts back into the halter top. You’re a good man, and I like you, but I much rather be in Salt Lake with Daddy. Those policemen earlier scared me. “What do you want to do first for our date?”
Tony borrowed a moment to compose himself before he backed out of the parking space, hand on the gear shifter. “Are you hungry at all?”
Lindsay’s nose twitched as she shook her head.
“We can go back to the hotel if you want, or we could go shopping. I’d like to take you to an adult store and let you pick out some outfits. Outfits, you know, you’d be willing to model for me? Sexy outfits.” The car rutted over the lot, but Tony would soon open it up on the interstate. “I’ll buy you whatever you want, sweetheart.”
Lindsay squeezed his hand. “Oh, I’d like that.” I love glitter and sexy clothes and dancing around the penthouse in my underwear, so … “Let’s go shopping.”
“Whatever mi’lady wants, mi’lady gets.”
With her opposite hand, she checked her phone again. Still no messages. Why hadn’t Sammy acknowledged her after she texted him once the plane landed over an hour ago? Is everything okay? She had the urge to call him, but couldn’t do so with a paying client present, right? Tony must believe that one hundred percent of my focus is on him. But something seemed off, disconcerting. Daddy demanded constant communication during my trip. Sammy was free, he wasn’t busy; he was on vacation this week, after all. What is he doing that he can’t respond to me?
I’m starting to worry. Is he okay? …
<> <> <> <> <>
When Sammy began to fuck her, Pamela gave a happy cry, but quickly reminded herself this man’s intentions had nothing to do with offering her any sort of gratification. It’d been a while since they’d partied like this, sure, but Sammy was unlike any man Pamela had ever experienced. He was dominant and probably had more experience than all the thousands of mongers she’d been with combined. The thirty-one-year-old realized that not only was she in for a supreme fucking, but a barbaric one.
In the brothel, like a primal beast, Sammy pounded Pamela so hard that the bedframe shook beneath them with every thrust, and the whip marks on her ass sent pain shooting through her body as his hips slammed away. Pamela arched, moaning, accepting every moment of this complete annihilation.
Sammy showed up, unannounced, at Happy Ending Ranch ninety minutes ago, telling Colt he’d be in town today and tomorrow, and had plans to party with every girl in the house. First on the docket was Pamela, especially since it had been eighteen months since their last party. He’d tried to come here a few times earlier in the year, but something always popped up and prevented it. Sammy offered Pamela $2,300 for three hours today, a higher rate than usual, but extras such as BDSM cost more.
Countless mongers thought they were dominant, or at least tried to be, as they lived out a lifelong fantasy with Pamela. They acted tough, harsh. But in reality, they were clumsy and most had no clue, and Pamela found a cute humor with their failed attempts. Sammy is different. What did she think about that? Most likely, this would be her first and last party of the day. I’ll barely be able to walk after our three hours is up.
Suddenly, Sammy, who’d fucked Pamela for several minutes like a machine, pulled out. She glanced back his way, her pussy burning from the relentless penetration. “Sugar bear? Why did you stop? Is everything okay?”
He said nothing, instead flipping Pamela onto her back, on the mattress, and placed his knees astride her torso. Sammy’s hands went to Pamela’s head and pulled upward, and he forced her mouth open. His huge, condom-sheathed cock slipped inside, gagging her instantly, and he began fucking her face with the same brutal pace he did her pussy.
Sammy breathed heavily, but was otherwise silent, full of concentration. His dick went in and out, clashing against the well of her throat. He didn’t even grunt with satisfaction. Sammy simply fucked Pamela’s pretty face like it was a toy while gripping her head with both hands.
To him, it was a toy.
Nothing more, nothing less.
There were several things about Pamela that Sammy was fond of, things he appreciated. First and foremost, it thrilled him to be with a woman who’d been ridden more times than the Las Vegas Monorail yet was always taking on new passengers. She was the picture-perfect prostitute, genuine, expressive, blonde with a bikini model’s body, a monger’s wet dream come to life. No fetish request fazed her, no matter how outrageous and/or disgusting it may be.
But perhaps most appealing? Sammy knew Pamela was the only woman in all of LPIN whose husband was always present and eavesdropping on every party through surveillance. Sammy loved the idea of being with Pamela with Colt less than fifty feet away, making her grunt, squeal, and moan, fucking her senseless, knowing Colt was subject to all of it, yet would never interfere with the party itself. Sammy also took pleasure in the fact that Colt’s tastes were more vanilla. He’d never fuck Pamela this way, never elicit such animated, authentic responses from her.
In Sammy’s mind, their parties gave Pamela the taste of what it was to be like with a “real man.”
And, of course, Sammy caused Pamela pain, and he got off on it too. Her mascara ruined, tears saturated Pamela’s face as his dick pistoned in and out. Sammy disregarded the anguished expressions, the sobbing, the torment, the way Pamela’s eyes were scrunched, even her flaming red backside. If anything, it gave Sammy fuel, urging him to test her limits, surpass them, and ultimately break her.
It was the only way he’d get his money’s worth.
<> <> <> <> <>
Exotic Expressions, at initial glance, bucked the stereotype for a sex-related business. It looked like a stylish, high-class establishment with trendy designs and enormous plate-glass windows. It wasn’t housed in an old, dilapidated building with concrete, cinderblock nightmares showing signs of decay. Tony doubted there were seedy clerks in leisure suits walking around inside either.
Nor did it have ugly pink trim lining its exterior and there wasn’t a Catholic church down the street with a cross so immense it looked specifically designed to topple over and destroy the establishment in a windstorm.
“This is a lingerie store,” Lindsay said as she surveyed the selection of bras in the side window after she and Tony stepped out of the Nissan Sentra. “Not a sex shop.”
“You still want to take a look inside?” He extended both palms. “The GPS called it an adult novelty store.”
“I do. I bet their lingerie is straight-up fire.”
“Pick out whatever you want.” Tony held hands with Lindsay as they approached the entrance. “Don’t worry about the cost, Kayleigh, no matter how much it is.” I’ll definitely worry about it later, though, when the credit card bill comes due. “I want to spoil you. Shoes, lingerie, accessories, the choice is up to you.”
“I appreciate it, baby.” Lindsay tipped her face up, found his lips for a kiss, and felt an arm slide around her. “Believe me, your generosity won’t go unnoticed. I’ll be sure to repay you in full once we get to the hotel later.”
After stepping inside, Tony felt, as most men in his situation would, horribly out of place. He was a fifty-year-old in cargo shorts, hiking boots, and a button-up shirt with a teenaged beauty queen – Miss America – lugging close behind, mimicking his every move as they embarked upon a world of feminine lingerie and decadence.
The poor man was certain that many others in the boutique, if not all of them, would automatically assume he was Lindsay’s father. This could get ugly in a hurry.
Indeed, Tony was dealing with his own paranoia over this illegal transaction. Was it wise to draw attention to him and Lindsay like this? People are bound to think that I’m her dad! But on the other hand, Lindsay was his kryptonite, and she was clearly excited at the opportunity of picking out some new outfits. I need to let her take her time, not rush her, let her go at her own pace.
He glanced heavenward for strength. Settle down, relax. Everything will be okay.
“Do you think we could stop at a gas station or a convenience store, or something, before we go to the hotel?” She offered a seductive, shy smile. “I’d be more grateful and owe you an even bigger favor if you’d buy me a case of beer. A twelve-pack, maybe?”
“Beer? You drink beer?”
“Modelo is my favorite.”
His eyebrows drew together. “You’re not old enough to drink yet. You’re not twenty-one.”
“Which is why I want you to buy it for me, silly.” Like Daddy does. Lindsay’s face flashed with mischief as she tapped Tony’s side and tilted her head back and forth. “Don’t worry, I can handle it. I need my alcohol fix.”
“Yeah, sure. No problem, I guess.” He was breaking the law already, right? Why not break it some more? I mean, what’s the harm?
“Oh my God. These corsets are unbelievable.” Lindsay browsed a display rack and inhaled a swoosh of air. “Oh, everything is so beautiful! Literally, this place is like, vibe of the century.” She sifted through each corset one at a time. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I need everything. Oooooh, Tony, look at this velvet. Like, oh my God.”
As it turned out, there were a small handful of customers in the store. That was good; it put Tony at ease.
“I’m gonna go grab a shopping tote,” he said. “We’re gonna be needing it.”
“Look at these outfits. Oh my gosh, these aren’t even strippery or hoey, they’re like, high-end couture, and they’re gorgeous. Oh, I just want all of them. Look at the glitter … oh, the blue one, it’s so cute, the white one … look at the cherry prints!” Lindsay’s eyes cut back to Tony. “I think if I had a stripper name, it would be Cherry. That … it just calls to me.”
Tony’s anxiety from moments ago? It was gone.
All gone.
Just like that.
I want to marry this girl. She’s so spunky.
“Maybe I should let you help me pick out some high heels first. I love my Chuck Taylors, but know you’d prefer me in something more … risqué.”
Tony was led by the hand to the shoe section in the back right corner where a goth-looking salesgirl greeted them with a friendly hello and smile. Along with long, jet-black hair and blue accents at its tips, the woman’s complexion was white, pasty even – like a ghost – and she had more tattoos and body jewelry than Tony could possibly count.
So not my type.
“Look at all this crazy stuff!” Lindsay perused the vast selection of high heels for several moments, but Tony’s attention was eventually diverted to the sprawling display of miniskirts elsewhere. Another of his weaknesses was a hot woman in a miniskirt.
Especially a particular little blonde that I know.
“Look at these! Umm, I need to try these on immediately.” Lindsay held a pair of black stilettos featuring an open-toe design and crisscross straps with rhinestone buckles. “This place has the best shoes ever!” She had a vast array of prostishoes back home and felt it was time to graduate up to five-inch heels. “Coming here today, I think, was like, literally, my secret destiny.”
She sashayed over to Tony. “See anything you like, baby?” Her smile was golden and sweet as honey as he continued to eye the assortment of miniskirts.
“A couple, for sure.”
Lindsay motioned toward the wall. “Pick out what you like, okay? I’ll be happy to try whatever on. The salesgirl went to the back to get those shoes in my size.”
“I want you to pick out what you want, too, honey.”
The display rose some twenty feet in the air. Short and micro miniskirts, some made of leather, others of vinyl, lace, and the time-honored plaid schoolgirl design. Some were sleek and elegant, some had sequins, and some were made of ruffles. Others, of course, were downright whore-ready. One caught Tony’s eye, though: a ruched velvet skirt with a deep, glossy shine. Lindsay would appear spectacular in any of these, but she’d blow his mind in that one!
She soon wobbled back over a good five inches taller than she was a short time ago. “Look at me in these. I’m Queen Lin … Kayleigh, Queen of the Amazons. I mean, these shoes, seriously, they’re iconic.”
Tony couldn’t help but chuckle as she tottered in place. “You going to be okay, sweetheart?” He held her hand to be sure and enjoyed the tease. “Not going to topple over like a house of cards now, are you?”
“Oh, I’ll be okay! Don’t worry about me. These shoes, baby, I love them. They are so hot, so girl chic; I’m in love. This is my new utopia.” Lindsay smirked and glanced back over her shoulder. “Paige, could you help us? My husband wants me to try on some of these little skirts.”
“Paige? Who is Paige?” But Tony’s confusion didn’t last long as the goth salesgirl promptly made her way over to them and smiled. Wait a minute! What did she say? Did Kayleigh just refer to me as her husband?
Hmm, what a thought.
If only it could be a precursor of things to come.
“Of course I can, miss. It’ll be my pleasure.”
“Aren’t they pretty, baby?” Lindsay extended one foot at a time and dangled them before Tony’s inquisitive eyes.
You’re absolutely stunning.
Yet Tony knew she’d be even more spectacular if those high heels were combined with a miniskirt.
Paige returned, this time with a pole that could snag any skirt even at the top of the display.
“Oooooh, a Maddie Euphoria miniskirt. Pick everything out, baby. I want you to pick them out,” Lindsay reiterated before shifting her gaze to the salesgirl. “This is Tony, by the way. He’s my husband and I love him with all my heart!”
Paige inclined her head and bit the inside of her cheek. “Your … husband?”
What? Does she think I’m too old to be her husband?
“We got married back last July and well, you know, I want to have some sexy outfits to wear for him.”
“Fashion shows are fun!” Paige was quite attentive (and professional) as Tony pointed out a few skirts and she plucked them with the pole. She also suggested some complimentary accessories and tops and retrieved them.
“Oh my God, these are crystally pasties. Look at this, Tony. Aren’t they pretty?” Lindsay swung a pink feather boa around her neck and eyed herself in the mirror. “I need a hundred of these; I’m a sexy rooster.”
“The dressing room is this way, miss.” Paige beckoned for Lindsay to follow her. She did, and soon disappeared behind one of the three-quarter doors with the bottom exposed and shudders in the front. Paige ventured off as Tony stayed near the door or, more specifically, his rental property. He wasn’t about to let Lindsay out of his sights.
<> <> <> <> <>
“Oh, fuck yes!” Pamela’s head dropped back to the pillow once Sammy mounted her in the missionary position and he plunged his dick inside yet again. Her sleek, athletic legs coiled, wrapping themselves around Sammy’s hips and pulling him into her as deep as possible.
“How are you so fucking tight?” Sammy’s eyes were full of fury as he glared down at Pamela, her pussy having swallowed his length whole, yet still begging for more.
“C’mon, baby. Fuck me. Fuck me.” Against his lips, Pamela bucked, thrusting up to him. “I know you want to. Give it to me! Fuck me hard.” She gripped the headboard and positioned her legs around Sammy’s upper torso as he leaned over, almost bending her in half, her feet jiggling.
“Oh, you’re gonna get it, trust me.”
Pamela’s breasts bounced and flopped wildly as Sammy pumped into her, reveling in the sensations. The sweet folds of her flesh were a temptation he never could resist. Pamela’s legs wound even tighter, her nails digging into his shoulders as cries of ecstasy again flooded Sammy’s ears. He kissed a blazing trail down her throat.
“Talk to me.”
“Fuck me, Sammy! Fuck me, fuck me.” Pamela gasped as he pressed right against the spot guaranteed to ignite her. “Oh, dear God, give it to me.”
Soon he was bottoming out, slamming Pamela’s cervix with each forward stroke, his balls slapping against her upturned ass. Pamela closed her eyes and turned to the side, literally folded up like an accordion, as a sudden burst of pain assaulted her spine, the same spot where she had all the trouble last year. Yet she ignored it; Pamela pressed on, hellbent on satisfying her client, making him happy.
Sammy grabbed a fistful of Pamela’s hair and yanked on it. Hard. “I didn’t tell you to stop talking, slut!”
Pamela’s eyes bulged out. “Harder, please, Sammy. Oh, sugar bear. Fuck me harder! Please, I’m begging you. Oh, it’s so deep. It’s so deep. Fucking give it to me! Give it to meeeee!”
“Do I need to whip you again, whore?”
“Please, no!”
Sammy was hammering away with everything he had. He tugged her hair some more, using it as leverage. His hips pistoned like a locomotive. The bed creaked violently.
And pain lashed across Pamela’s back like lightning.
Sammy glanced to the left and watched as he used Pamela in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, one of his favorite features of her bedroom. He grasped her face and turned it, making her watch too.
“That’s fucking hot!”
Sammy watched Pamela’s breasts bounce with each inward thrust, the muscles in his back and ass tensed like sinewy strings. “Fuck yes, it’s hot! I agree!”
“Fuck!” Pamela roared. “Oh my God! Fuck!”
Sensing an orgasm was forthcoming, but wanting to this joyride to continue, Sammy pulled out and flopped onto his back with a heavy thud. “Straddle me, darlin’.” His voice was breathless. “Hop on, straddle me. Do it now.”
His dick pointed at the ceiling, Pamela climbed atop Sammy as quick as she could, settling with her knees astride his abdomen, and again gripped the headboard. He latched on to her ass and, showing no remorse, impaled her pussy on his length in rapid-fire strokes. Pamela stared down at him, hair stuck to her face, and took control.
“Shit! Yes, yes, yes, yes!” Pamela wailed out as she now fucked Sammy with all her body weight. Up and down, up and down, she was ruthless in her own right. “Oh, you’re so fucking big!” Pamela released the headboard with one hand and reached behind her, squeezing his balls. “I never want you to come stop seeing me, baby. I love being with you!”
“That’s because I treat you right,” he grunted. “Yeah, because I treat you right.”
She leaned over and kissed him flush on the mouth. “You do treat me right.” Her hand released his balls.
“I treat you like a slut.”
“A slut? What?”
“Yeah, a slut, because that’s what you are. A fucking slut who’ll do anything for a quick payday. So Goddamned hot.” Sammy slipped an arm around Pamela’s shoulder and brought her down upon him even harder. She kissed along his jaw, up to his eyes, riding him with all her might. Sammy smacked her ass – hard – for good measure. She yowled like a banshee when he gathered her hair and yanked, pulling, stretching her neck, her head, all the way back. “This is the way all sluts are meant to be treated!” Sammy smacked her ass a second time, then a third. “You need to be brutalized.”
“Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Fuck … owwwww, that hurts. No, no, no. Ow, oh, ow. Please, please.” She bounced with a sense of urgency, nearing the point of no return. “Oh, fuck. Oh my God. Oh my God.”
The unforgiving heat of Pamela’s body amplified the burn in Sammy’s testicles until every nerve ending had been seared. Cooked to a charred crisp. Still, he continued, taking Pamela as they both shouted, both on fire, both shuddering one after the other in violent convulsions so exhilarating it could only mean they were on the brink of madness. Dual orgasms – Heaven and Hell, intertwined.
Without warning, Sammy clutched Pamela tight and buried himself completely inside, and his body exploded in ecstasy. She screamed out in her own release as well, her words crazy, incoherent. Sammy’s overworked muscles spasmed in all different directions, his world-shattering, wrenching, convulsing until at long, long last, the chaos left, and his sanity returned.
Oh, Goddamn. Fuck! That was fun. Sammy rubbed the ache at the base of his neck and focused on his smartphone, propped up on the nightstand beside them.
Three hours from now, he’d be deep inside Mariko.
And later tonight, Kenzie. …
<> <> <> <> <>
“Oh, Tony is gonna love this.” The fact that her velvet miniskirt was inching higher and higher up her thighs on its own accord was of little consequence to Lindsay as she spoke to her reflection in the bathroom mirror. “This thing is micro, teeny tiny, very micro. Girl, you are smokin’. They gonna call the fire department on you.” Leaning forward, ample cleavage pushed up and over her lacey bustier top, and Lindsay marveled at how full and luscious her lips were, and how the cocksucker-red lipstick boosted them. “Time to go to the hoe prom!” Giggling, Lindsay did a pirouette on a sky-high stripper heel, and gave herself one final visual inspection. You hot bitch; I’d fuck you myself if I could.
After the haul at the lingerie store, Phoenix’s perpetual sunshine proved too tempting, so Lindsay and Tony toured the Desert Botanical Garden. Located in Papago Park, the garden was home to 50,000 plants and offered spectacular scenery which took Lindsay’s breath away. More shopping ensued, this time at Scottsdale Fashion Square, before the duo ate dinner and settled at their hotel in Mesa.
Today was loads of fun. Although things were destined to eventually end up here in the hotel, with them fucking, Lindsay’s day out with Tony seemed like an actual date. He’s such a sweet man and I’m glad sex wasn’t the only thing on his mind. She enjoyed herself and hoped that tomorrow, when they’d go to Camelback Mountain, a famous peak for hiking and city views, would provide more of the same. Maybe I do need to get out and live a little and accept more bookings like this.
Lindsay slugged back the last of her alcohol and plonked the bottle on the counter next to the $10,000 in cash. Day one of having to be funny, charming, playful, witty, energetic, and friendly while looking like sex on a stick was almost in the books, but the most rigorous part lay ahead. She wet her lips. “It’s showtime, sister.”
But first, Lindsay stuffed the stack of hundreds into her purse and retrieved her phone. Still with no response, she considered giving Sammy a call, but glanced over her shoulder at the closed door, frowned, and put it away. Daddy will text me before the night is through. I know he will. He has to. …
“Wow.” Tony’s eyes bulged as Lindsay emerged from the hotel washroom and flashed him her most inviting smile, stoking the fire into a full-blown inferno. “Holy …”
“You like it?”
“Yeah, it is … it is … hot damn.” Christ, she was so fucking sexy, looking at him with those lustrous blue eyes as she reached behind herself to smooth the glossy black miniskirt downward. “You nailed it, honey.” When Tony’s arm circled Lindsay’s waist and pulled her onto his lap, their mouths met, and he thread his fingers into her long, luxurious hair, taking the kiss deeper. She tugged at his shirt, wanting him closer. Damn, he loved that. Lindsay tasted better than she looked, if that was even possible, and Tony relished the hunger coursing through him.
His right hand settled on her hip, and she swayed against him. “I have dreamed of having you this close again every day, literally, for the past eleven months.” For now, he resisted the temptation to raise her little miniskirt and see what panties, if any, she had on underneath.
Lindsay slid her fingertips along his forearm. “Tonight, tomorrow, Thursday, it gets to be your reality.”
His opposite hand covered a breast and squeezed. “Man, oh, man. I can’t believe how perfect you are.” He pressed a kiss to the smooth expanse of her shoulder and upper arm bared by the bustier and peeled down one side. “One of my favorite things about you is these nipples. Remember how obsessed I was with them last year?”
“They belong to you for the next three days.”
“Wow. I mean, like, it’s … wow.” He glanced skyward for a split second. “I didn’t anticipate being this nervous around you.” Tony had been married to his wife, Bonnie, for eight years longer than Lindsay had even been alive. Bonnie used to be a hottie when we were in college. But that was two kids and sixty pounds ago, not to mention a whole new personality and outlook on life. She’s such a prude – uptight and always complaining about something.
I don’t even feel guilty. Tony had thought long and hard about this. He’d hesitated and had second thoughts, sure, but guilt never entered his mind. Tony didn’t want Bonnie to ever find out, obviously, but paying Lindsay for sex (and Kenzie, too, for that matter) was his personal decision and he’d found peace with it. I’m doing nothing wrong. His hands came to rest on Lindsay’s waist, her skin soft and silky. Don’t I deserve to be happy for a change?
Like a moth to a flame, Tony was drawn to Lindsay. He would never forget those sixty minutes they spent together last year. There was something compelling about this girl, something he’d never felt before, except perhaps when he met his high school sweetheart, Jennifer, so many eons ago. The one that got away. Lindsay made his heart beat like a trip hammer, his blood rush, and his head feel light.
She said nothing as she retracted from his lap and stood, turning on a high heel and walking away, her legs mesmerizing him with the catlike grace of their movements. Damn, I gotta see what’s under that little skirt. Lindsay walked forward until she was standing in the only beam of sunlight that lit the room. Looking around for a moment, she then glanced back over her shoulder and quirked a smile as their gazes locked. Lindsay had purposely stood in the sunlight, her pale blonde hair and tanned skin glowing with an almost ethereal healthiness.
Tony was just a man, after all, and Lindsay knew a thing or two about how to encourage men into satisfying her whims and desires and giving her what she wanted. Growing up beautiful, and especially since becoming a prostitute, Lindsay was hyperaware of the way men looked at her, about how their minds raced, and their bodies responded when they gawked like this.
Shifting her weight a few times to draw his attention toward her legs, Lindsay kept her back to him, bending lower and lower to inspect her travel tote on the floor. “Hmm, here they are. I knew I had some condoms in here somewhere.” Finally, she was leaning all the way over, showing Tony that she wasn’t wearing any panties after all. She grinned at hearing his sudden intake of breath.
Kneeling to maintain some of her modesty, Lindsay again turned to look back his way and saw through the curtain of her hair that, with his own head tilted, Tony’s mouth was hanging open in a stupid gape as he tried to leer up her miniskirt. Was it fair to tease him this way? But Lindsay was used to getting her way, and her plan was to build the evening, their GFE party itself, to a crescendo, and have it end in spectacular fashion. Perhaps he’d tip her a few C-notes at the end of their date and, better yet, ask for another illegal transaction in the future.
Reaching behind herself to smooth the skirt down, Lindsay rose to her feet and was ready to use her strongest card yet, her trump card, one she would play in this little game between skilled seductress and desperate, middle-aged man. Following a brief pause, she swept her long, free-flowing hair to the side and pursed her lips. Tony felt the heat of shame as their eyes connected once again.
“Spread your legs for me, baby.”
His mouth still ajar, Tony, seated on the bed, nodded as he followed orders.
Lindsay turned and stepped directly between his legs and nudged her knee across the thick bulge in his cargo shorts. She placed her hands atop his shoulders and shook her body with gusto, causing her breasts to jiggle about mere inches from Tony’s face. His heart pounded hard as she leaned in closer, her breath tickling his ear. “Would you like a lap dance?”
“Umm, yeah. Fuck yeah!”
Lindsay again straightened and stretched her arms over her head, holding several clumps of hair at the same time. Her eyes closed, she bumped and ground her body to an unheard rhythm. Her hands dropped and settled on either side of her waist, and she flung and whipped her hair about while undulating her hips. Her feet moving, Lindsay wasn’t performing a lap dance yet, but her hands slid up and down her body, rubbing all the erotic places, and then she squished her breasts together before settling at eye-level and staring at her john for several seconds, her look sultry.
“I want to pleasure you, baby, and give you the best night of your life. Oh, I know you need it. I can tell by the way you’ve been looking at me all day. You deserve this, too, Tony.” Lindsay tapped his nose with a fingertip and giggled. “Once we start fucking, I want us to go until three, four o’clock in the morning.” She inclined her head and offered a seductive pout. “Can you last that long and give me what I need too?”
“Yes,” came his hoarse whisper.
Lindsay turned her back and bent all the way over, her head almost touching the floor. She gripped her ankles and began twerking her backside, the globes shaking violently, causing the miniskirt to jostle and ride higher, giving Tony an unobstructed view of her pussy and ass. Lindsay worked it like a pro, demonstrating complete control of not only the situation, but Tony as well.
“I need a good, hard dick tonight. Don’t let me down.”
Slowly, she went upright. spreading her feet wide as her hips continued to roll and pulse. Lindsay turned and stepped closer until their bodies were just a breath apart. “I need one really bad.” Tony glanced up, past her breasts, one nipple exposed and seemingly begging for attention. He managed to move his eyes from that distraction and noticed Lindsay, again full of mischief, smiling back at him. “Please.”
By now, Tony’s cock was throbbing.
Lindsay placed her hands on Tony’s shoulders and used them as an anchor while her body gyrated, her breasts in his face, the skirt swishing about her thighs. She turned away once more and straddled his legs, putting her hands on his knees, and jamming her backside against his crotch. “Do you like my ass, baby? Like me rubbing it all over your dick like this?” Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she licked her bottom lip. “Oh, I love a big, hard dick. Nothing in this world makes me happier. The bigger, the better.” Lindsay reached back and slapped her backside. “Is my ass tight enough for you, baby?”
<> <> <> <> <>
The rip of the condom packet preceded the unyielding pressure of Sammy’s dick sliding against the moist, sunken valley of Kenzie’s folds, parting and stretching her as he searched for entrance. When he found it, Sammy snatched Kenzie’s hair, pulling her head all the way back as he shoved into her pussy, so rough and fierce, so deep. Overwhelming in his presence and intensity, pulling hair and spanking ass were two of Sammy’s favorite pastimes, and like all the others before her, Sammy was going to own Kenzie’s body tonight, and he wanted her to know it too.
Kenzie was a woman made for fucking. She was made for pleasure. Pressed belly-up against the wall, the twenty-seven-year-old had that Latina in her, keeping her fiery and ready to rumble when the price was right. Sammy’s cock pumped in and out as his nostrils bathed in the scent of her shoulders, her neck, her hair.
“Yes, yes!” Kenzie scraped the wall, raking at the faded paint with claw-like hands. She shoved her hips back and impaled herself on him. “Oh, Sammy! God, fuck!”
He surged relentlessly, slamming her back up against the wall until his hips were jackhammering her ass and she was flat against the paint, unable to find the leverage to shove back any more to meet him.
But he had to get deeper, perhaps with a better angle. Sammy wanted to thrust, but there was nothing sturdy to grab on to. He hooked an arm around Kenzie’s waist, jerked her from the wall, and tossed her down over the nearest thing he could find, the countertop of her in-room kitchenette. She cried out as he again yanked her head back and slammed into her, as hard as he could, all the way up to his balls. Sammy’s cock seethed harder, hotter.
“You’re my cum bitch, aren’t you? My pretty, little Puerto Rican cum bitch?”
Sammy rode Kenzie with all his might, driving up against her ass, the force of it slowly but surely pushing her legs out from under her. She fought to get back into position but failed, and Sammy fucked her all the way down until she was squished upon the floor. The sounds that ensued – the slick, wet slapping of her pussy as it took every thrust, convulsing and milking in tight all around him – had Sammy shuddering hard, close to another orgasm.
Tomorrow, I’ll fuck Pamela again, for sure, and Karma, Scarlett, and maybe one or two more sluts if I have the energy. …
Purchasing a woman dedicated to this kind of service was, in Sammy’s mind, far better than owning a private plane or yacht. Honestly, it exceeded anything else. It sure as hell beats being monogamous. How many times had he ate a caviar dinner off a waxed cunt like Kenzie’s and fucked her afterward, or, in Lindsay’s case, allowed his friends to do so? Could he enjoy such perversions with a “regular” woman? Someone who wasn’t a prostitute?
Ehh, forget about Lindsay and her incessant texting for now. To hell with her. I’m having too much fun at the brothel to trouble myself with that bratty little bitch.
I’ll punish Lindsay simply because I can, stick her in her cage, I think, and deny her orgasm for a week once we’re back in Utah.
<> <> <> <> <>
“Are you going to eat me?” Lindsay asked, almost pleading, as Tony moved his face in for a closer inspection.
“No, I’m not going to eat you.” Tony’s eyes were transfixed on Lindsay’s little pink pussy, so ripe, so fertile, so perfect as he nipped at her inner thigh. “I’m going to dine like a King on you.”
He gave the folds of Lindsay’s pussy a long, thorough swipe with his tongue and pried them apart with a pair of fingers. The sexy blonde released an involuntary moan and was already squirming underneath his oral ministrations. Tony licked over to her clitoris, kissed it, and raised his gaze to witness how she was reacting. When he noticed Lindsay’s fingers playing with her breasts and her head nestled on the pillow, eyes closed and lips parted, it gave him validation. Tony wanted to enjoy these three days, of course, but it was far more important to him that Lindsay enjoy herself too. He slid his mouth back to her clitoris and lapped up the excess moisture.
Tony soon focused on one lip, paying homage to it, luxuriating in the moment. Lindsay’s skin was soft, and the smoothness was enhanced by a lack of pubic hair, and Tony almost became drunk rubbing his nose against the folds of her feminine crevice.
Not accustomed to a lover who was invested in her own pleasure, Lindsay was writhing beneath his workmanship and her moans had become a steady chorus of bliss. Lindsay wanted more, much more, and suddenly she was bouncing up and down on the bed and thrusting against the mouth that was driving her toward ecstasy.
When she opened her eyes, Lindsay realized they’d been closed, and she saw the face of the man who was providing the incredible sensations to her body. Tony’s visage was wet and shiny looking, his cheeks covered with the juices from her pussy. He paused and looked up at her.
“Please don’t stop. That feels wonderful.”
Tony smiled and resumed working his magic. This time, he focused on the opposite lip, craning his neck, and again experienced lightheadedness at the intoxicating aroma. Tony had plenty of time – all night if he wanted – and he repeatedly lashed the same places, over and over again, until he decided to focus his attention on one specific spot.
Lindsay’s clitoris was swollen and had already pushed out from underneath its protective hood. To Tony, it resembled a precious pearl. With her thrashing all over the bed, he opened his mouth and took the exquisite pearl inside, his lips forming a seal at its base and his tongue caressing the engorged sides and top.
Fabulous as this was, now Lindsay’s pleasure tripled, and she cried out joyfully. No one had given her oral sex quite this stimulating since Pamela, and that was eleven long months ago. Was that truly the case, or was she so accustomed to Sammy’s knock-down, drag-out style, and the fact he was rarely tender and loving like this?
No matter, Tony’s tongue stroking her clitoris had swirled up a tornado inside Lindsay. She clamped her thighs around his head and her fingers buried themselves in his thinning hair to press his mouth hard against her pussy. Erratic movements became wilder. She again bounced up and down as her ass and legs swung from side to side.
Tony clung tightly to Lindsay’s thighs and kept his lips wrapped around her clitoris, sucking and licking with all his skill. Cunnilingus was one of his favorite acts and Bonnie used to let him have his way with her, but she’d shied away from it once they had their second child and hadn’t allowed him to go down on her at all in ten years.
Lindsay’s climax hit her like a tsunami, knocking the breath from her lungs and liquifying her muscles. Screaming, she struggled to keep her eyes open, not wanting to miss a second of the delicious image of Tony overloading her with his mouth. She bucked against him once, twice, a third time, and then her body went limp, and she vibrated in the aftermath of release.
Instinct took over and Tony gathered Lindsay to him, holding her close he could feel the rapid thump of her heart against his chest. “Kayleigh, oh, Kayleigh. Oh my God.” He buried his face in blonde hair and embraced her, cherishing her, never wanting this perfect moment to end.
“I think you just conquered me.”
Lindsay trailed her hand over Tony’s head, making him shiver. He started to speak, but his voice came out raspy, so he cleared his throat and tried again. “Was it really good? You enjoyed yourself? Not pretending or faking it for my benefit?”
“It was phenomenal.” Lindsay’s eyes sparkled as she pulled back and smiled at him. “You were phenomenal.” She slid her hand along his chest and glided it down between his legs. Tony’s gaze lowered to watch Lindsay grip his cock and start with a steady, slow frigging. “Now it’s my turn to get you off.”
Tony’s chest swelled with a mixture of pride and accomplishment as Lindsay retreated from the bed and walked over to her travel tote, now on the office table. Damn, that ass looks spectacular in all its naked splendor. Tony groaned and literally drooled at the sight, with Lindsay’s back to him, those long, silky blonde tresses shimmering, as she rummaged through her belongings.
“What are you doing?” Tony’s eyes were narrowed as Lindsay returned with a small tube in hand. What was it? Some sort of gel? Cream? An ointment?
Lindsay popped the cap and Tony’s body tensed as she squeezed a generous helping of the substance across the tip of his cock. “It’s sex lube!” He wasn’t used to this; the use of lubricant was unchartered territory for him.
Lindsay lathered her own hands, placed two fingers upon his forehead, and pushed, causing the back of his head to come down to the mattress with a soft thud. “Lay back and relax, baby, enjoy it. I’m gonna send you flying.”
Tony’s left knee rose off the bed as Lindsay, standing beside it, grasped his cock with both hands and began with a vigorous stroking. The lubricant spread easily, quickly, and the sudden titillation almost blew Tony’s mind right then and there. It was cool and tingly yet seemed to burn at the same time. His dick was moist, very slick, and allowed Lindsay to pump at a frenetic speed.
He dug his left heel into the mattress and knew this promised to be monumental. “Oh, my.” Tony had never used any sort of personal lubricant before. Nor had anyone on him, or so he thought, and his reaction was proof positive of it. Groaning, he tried tilting his hips to the side and his right leg flattened, his foot stretching out at a ninety-degree angle.
“Oh, Kayleigh. What … what are …?”
Yet Lindsay stood there, silent, her hands working harder, more diligently. She increased the tempo and now her hands resembled a distorted blur. Tony’s cock was trapped between ooey-gooey fingers, the lubricant everywhere, his pleasure ramping up to unspeakable heights. He fisted the comforter and released his loudest moan yet as Lindsay inclined her head and bit her lip, her expression stern, focused, deadly serious, wanting to repay the earlier favor and provide him the utmost in pleasure.
There was no resisting this. Every nerve within Tony’s body was on high alert, his senses blazing, as he placed both elbows on the bed and attempted to sit up, desperate for a better view. Yet he fell back down just as quickly, arching his back, his neck, straining both. One arm curled across his chest as he sensed the gates of paradise opening, beckoning him inside. Tony’s other arm went behind his head and quavered like aspen in the wind as his moans were now nonstop, uncontrollable.
“You’re hot as fuck!” he suddenly spat out. “I fucking love you!”
Lindsay continued to pump.
When the finale came, Tony had never experienced such bliss and satisfaction. Lindsay took care of him and then some. His dick erupted like a fire hydrant and fluids shot everywhere. For a moment, he actually believed he was ascending to Heaven, and it felt breathtaking.
But then he floated back down, under Lindsay’s watchful eye and expert, loving care, and sunk into the mattress. Tony’s arms and legs were so heavy that he couldn’t move them! It’s like they’re strapped to the bed by massive weights. Nor did he mean to cry; this was just one more thing in what was rapidly becoming a list of things about this girl he couldn’t control. Lindsay was amazing. She’d given him the best orgasm of his life, bar none.
What the hell did she just do to me?
In the aftermath, Lindsay giggled at her “handiwork” as she gathered a box of tissues and wiped at his cock, his testicles, thighs, stomach – wherever there was lubricant or sperm. “You made a mess, baby.” She leaned over and pecked his forehead with a kiss. “I have lube and cum all over me. I’m going to the bathroom to wash up real quick. By the way, this is the same lube I used on you last year during our party at Happy Ending Ranch.”
“It is? Really?”
Tony was just now regaining use of his extremities. Woah. How could Lindsay make him feel so damn good with a double handjob? She’d sucked his dick countless times tonight, they’d fucked twice, and he even managed to get her to orgasm during oral sex. But nothing compares to what that girl just did to me.
He covered his brow and glanced over at the washroom door when he heard water running from within. Tony still couldn’t make sense of what just happened. Basically, Lindsay extended her hand, he took it, and like an angel with wings, she brought him on a journey to Heaven and back again. Holy fuck, I’ve never been this exhausted. …
Lindsay emerged from the washroom a moment later, still totally nude, and pranced over to the bed with a hop in her step. She snuggled up close and placed the side of her face upon Tony’s shoulder.
“Kayleigh, I … I … don’t even …”
“Don’t talk, baby,” she said, her smile beaming, kissing his chin in the process. “Just lay back, enjoy it. I’ve never seen a man come so hard! We’re definitely gonna have to do that again tomorrow night, huh?”
“What did you use on me? What was it, exactly?”
She didn’t answer and the room fell into silence for the next several minutes, save for his labored breathing and the sound of Lindsay splaying angel kisses across his neck and shoulders. She’s like the Energizer Bunny when it comes to sex – just keeps going and going and going. Oh, talk about utopia. Tony knew what happiness was. I’ll give this girl my life savings if that’s what it takes to be with her again.
“Tony?” Lindsay had to force cheer into her voice. Despite her happy façade, her mind was wrenched with chaos and worry, as she’d checked her smartphone while in the washroom and still didn’t have any new messages. Why hasn’t Daddy texted me back? She’d been in Arizona for over fifteen hours. Is he okay? Was he in an accident or something? Wild and irrational thoughts began to permeate her brain too. Did he find someone younger and prettier than me, and is he fucking her right now? Crazy as this may sound, Lindsay feared that she may be “too old” for Sammy. I do turn twenty later in the year. …
She clenched her eyes tight and shook her head. What about my money? What if he cuts off my allowance? I gave up my family, my friends, my entire life, to be his submissive. I … I could wind up on … on the street.
Maybe it was time to come up with a Plan B.
“Tony?” she repeated.
“Yes, Kayleigh?” He caressed her cheek with a finger. “What is it, sweetheart?”
“I’d like for you to call me Lindsay from now on.”
(End of Chapter Twenty-One – to be continued)