Mata and Mads

"A sexy tale of the tropics and the snow, passion and fearlessness."

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I was screaming and completely beside myself on my sofa, heaving loud tears of utter bereavement as if someone had died.

It felt as if I had died.

I drew a ragged breath, hugging my legs close to my chest. My mind was running, running. Stabbing around to find false comfort in the new reality I was suddenly in while my heart disintegrated.

I needed something desperately to hold on to – just to anchor on while my emotions whipped wildly in raging waves. I chose to cry. I wept on and on, arms weakly hugging legs close to chest.

The tear in my heart spread to my soul. I know that I had to let him go. I could not breathe. The stronger the love, the deeper the cut. I knew I had to let him go.

The phone. The fucking phone was on the floor just a few feet away from where I lay on the sofa – glinting shiny black and face-up, resting on smooth parquet.

The phone was playing the rest of the video. I couldn’t finish watching.  

Tinny notes rang from efficient smartphone speakers. Squeaky, but well defined. It was the sound of grunting, fucking and little-girl-lost moans.

It was supposed to be just a normal everyday morning for me until I got this message.

Someone had emailed me a clear-as-a-fucking-bell video of my husband having sex with his masseuse Gina.

As my tears flowed I could hear the audio of his betrayal – fucking on a noisy mattress in rough, targeted, wet thrusts. My husband’s gruff voice were animalistic grunts of pleasure while repeating You Little Slut over and over and over. Gina was whinnying like a struck pony. Their bodies audibly bucked against each other with every hard thrust.  

This is it, I thought to myself as I finally quieted down to baby hiccups.

The audio ended abruptly. Silence.

Just as their fucking was sticky and passionate, my face was now wet with tears, saliva, snot and sweat.

I took a deep breath. A measure of calm came over me.

This is when I let you go. Good bye. 




“Are you sure about this, Mata?” the voice at the end of the phone carried an obvious note of worry. “It sounds amazing and I’m so jealous! But don’t you think it’s too far away?”

“No Jenny. The further I get away, the better. I’ve never been anywhere close to real snow.”

We were talking in our local dialect, not English.

Weeks had passed since the separation. My divorce papers were being processed.

Jenny sighed. “You’re gonna freeze to death in that cold country, Mata. Are you absolutely sure? It is literally snow everywhere. You can’t even take a trip to the chiller section at the supermarket without freezing your nipples off.”

“I’ll manage. I really need to go somewhere far, far away. Maybe…”

I giggled. “Maybe I’ll learn how to ski.”

Jenny burst into incredulous laughter. The worried note in her voice was finally gone. “You? Ski? Hah! You’ll freeze in sitting position before you even get off the ski lift!”

We both laughed a while and, after wiping tears away, the sigh of unison.

Jenny started again and tutted at my groan of response. “I am worried! But I wish you a wonderful journey. Be safe always and we keep in touch. Maybe…” She trailed off, sighed. “This is a good idea after all. Somewhere far away –“

“With a ‘conquer your fears’ theme.” I deadpanned. “I am ready to face my worst nightmare.”

Jenny giggled. “All day every day for how long? – two months? – nothing but ice and snow everywhere. But maybe a man can warm you at night,” Jenny teased.

“Or a woman.”

I could hear Jenny’s smile in her reply. “A sexy, hot woman.”

I envisioned a clandestine tangle of female arms and legs, a beautiful girl, a public space, me burying my hungry mouth into wet, sweet-tasting pussy.

Thoughts of my divorce suddenly entered, casting the naughty visuals away.

“Sounds good, Jenny. Anything sounds good other than being here. I can’t even fantasize without thinking of my goddamn husband.”

“Soon to be former husband,” Jenny corrected gently. She made a kissy sound. “Then go, baby. Enjoy but keep in touch with me.”




“Miss Mata.”

I felt giddy. Light-headed.

One month has passed since my chat with Jenny – I was 10 days into my trip in a ski resort town of Skäland.

The shock of the cold on my tropical-climate system took its toll immediately.

Damn it. Jenny was right.   

“Miss Mata,” the deep, Scandinavian-tinged voice was annoying, pleading.

“Okay. Okay. Fine, Mads. I will go,” I said weakly.

I was bundled up in every single winter wear I could find. I was struggling with a very bad cold.

I was at the front desk of Royale Skäland in my piteous state with Mads the manager. Mads had himself come knocking on my room door, insisting I dress warm to follow him to the lobby. I was weak and sick, and Mads was maddeningly bossy. I couldn’t fight him especially as I knew that he had asked me many times about my cold prior. I felt his concern.

Mads had a cab waiting to take me to the hospital.

“I would go with you Miss Mata, sincerely I would. But we have a big group checking out later and I must be here to watch my stupid staff. Klaus will accompany you and assist you with paperwork. Just go and get the medicine to get better, then come back to rest.”

Without waiting for a reply Mads escorted me to the cab, his hands gently guiding me with a touch on my shoulders. He was a tall man. All the people of Skäland were tall – I looked like a child in comparison.

I bundled myself into the back seat of the cab and turned to smile weakly at the driver and Klaus, who was already seated and beaming at me. I poked my head out and spoke to Mads before I shut the door.

“Hey, Mads, thank you. I’m not sure if all your guests get such personal care, but if they do, you’re a good guy.”

Mads stepped closer to the road and bent on his knees to take my hand. “Your cold is not a mild one and this is your first time in a ski country. I believe you are underestimating the seriousness of your illness, miss, and it is my job to keep my guests alive.” He grinned and let go of my hand. “Also, fetching a cab and Klaus for you is easier than to get your dead body out of my hotel.”

“Yeah whatevs, see you later.” I hid my amusement with my gruff response but Mads wasn’t fooled.

He laughed and stood up, closing the door for me. We waved, and I was off.




I literally blossomed.

After a week of being in bed on the mend, I was finally accustomed to the icy climate of Skäland. It was still cold to the bone, to be sure. My illness did not shake off easily. Mads sent his staff (Klaus, sometimes) to check on me personally which I hated but this combination of incessant care and medication healed me eventually. I began to feel wonderful.

I started to appreciate the cool, icy air and food of Skäland – fresh produce and dairy, cured meats, hearty stews and breads. I walked daily from the hotel to the charming little town close by, strengthening my weak body. I visited shops, gyms, bookstores, night clubs, cafes, cafes and more cafes. 

I felt alive and well. Amid occasional tears in bed, for the rest of the day I was full of life. My cheeks flushed and my hair was glossy and finally looked alive. I shopped and chose clothes that followed the trends I observed here in this charming little ski town.

I felt young again. My senses sharpened and my body responded – tears in bed were replaced with masturbation sessions.

Nights of fucking myself with two fingers while I gently rubbed my clit to powerful orgasms, or turning on the laptop for a hardcore movie while I teased myself with countless edgings until I released.

I also masturbated to Mads, that robotic hotelier whose handsomeness eventually caught my eye. In one of my fantasies Mads was slowly fucking my mouth with his large, hard cock, pulling out to allow me to suck the head while I begged him to fuck my tight, wet pussy. He would flip me over to my knees and instead of pushing himself into my aching pussy, he penetrated my ass instead to further tease me.

I came the hardest whenever I fantasized of Mads.      

It was a day of icy cold blasts with intervals of sunny skies while I idly sipped coffee. I was in a bustling little café near the hotel and it was teeming with lively conversation and gastronomic aromas.

I nibbled on a cookie but my mind was on what I had just read. I had just turned on my laptop and digested the contents of an email from my lawyer. The paperwork had come in.

I was now a free woman. 

No more tears, I told myself loudly. You have cried enough. He isn’t worth it.

“Who’s not worth it?”

I turned swiftly around.

Mads stood in front of me amidst the crowd of diners and tables. It was him, but no longer in his eternal black suit and tie. He had on a parka, slim jeans and boots. His short brown hair was fluffy, un-gelled. He looked so different.

“You spoke out loud. Who’s not worth it?”

“The ramblings of a mad woman.” I replied, gesturing for him to sit. My eyes ran across his figure as he made himself comfortable. His body was lean and well-toned.

I looked at his face. Smooth yet lined. A puckering across the forehead, the jawline. He had interesting lips. It bowed just a little too deeply in the middle. I looked up to see his eyes. He had really beautiful eyes – spaced perfectly apart, symmetrical with a strong brow.


Mads maintained the eye contact, gazing at me but with a silly expression on his face, eyes wide. “’Oh’ what now? Another lunatic ramble?” 

I giggled and sipped coffee. “Your eyes are green. I thought they were grey. What are you doing here, Mads? You look weird without your monkey suit.”

Mads pushed a box toward me until it rested against my elbow.

“This came for you from your friend Jenny. I was about to head home after my shift and I saw you here from afar, so I took the parcel with me. This cute café – ” Mads stretched out to have a good look around him. I watched his every move and my body responded.

He turned back to face me. “-I haven’t been here for so long. But it is on the way to my house. What are you having?”

Mads was smiling nastily and looking pointedly at my chin. I knew my face was covered in cookie crumbs but I didn’t bother to brush them away. He had seen me before laden in strings of snot – he could take a few crumbs. I coolly took another bite.

“Black coffee and biscotti. Thank you for the package, Mads. Let me get you something to eat?”

“No thank you.” Mads got up. “What are you doing this evening?”

“I’m deliberating between going to a night club to get laid or staying in bed to have a nervous breakdown.” I laughed to diffuse the raw honesty in my answer. I shut my laptop. “You?”

Mads took a beat and smiled. He pulled a hood up over his head and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his parka. He looked like a monk. A smouldering monk.

“Miss Mata, I am very sure many, many men will take interest in you –“

“Or sexy, hot women,” I interjected with a grin. I remembered Jenny.

Mads’ eyes widened. He smiled. “Or hot sexy women, as you say. You will not find it hard to get your woolly mittens on a partner tonight, miss. But instead of that, or losing your mind by yourself, I would like to ask you to join me for dinner.”


I knew him a little better now. While I did feel something between us, he was doggedly sending vibes that he was not into me. I was sure of it. His eyes never returned my meaningful gazes nor had I ever caught him gazing at my body, my face or my eyes.

I took a sip of coffee. Let’s not forget, I told myself, he has also already seen you in total sicko mode. Puke, goo and all. He’s asking you as a friend. Get off your high horse.

“Sure Mads. I’ll go for the crazies or STDs another time. Where?”  

Mads rubbed his hands. “Excellent. I shall take you to Chalet la Cote – I see now you have recovered fully. It is high up the hills and you will need to dress warmly for the trip because it will be very cold. Don’t worry -” his grin was almost Satanic-like. “Chalet la Cote is very, very warm inside.”

“How kind,” I gave an eye-roll. “Where and when do we meet?”

 “I shall meet you right outside the hotel, at the foyer. I shall be driving my jeep, it has the last numbers 574. Seven?” He turned away to leave.

I sipped coffee and raised the cup to him. “Seven.”




I sat down on the plush chair. A menu was handed to me and I glanced at the list. I looked up to spy at Mads.

Mads looked amazing. He wore a dark blue sweater and brown trousers, dress shoes and a smart watch. His hair was neat, but still fluffy and ungelled. I had an urge to run my cherry-tipped fingers through his light brown hair.

I felt him gazing at me and I looked up.

“How old are you?” He asked randomly.

“Huh? 38 in three months’ time. I am now 37.”

 He gaped at me. “My God. I thought you were much younger.”

I laughed as I took the compliment. “Is that why you took good care of me? Thank you.”

Mads’ neutral gaze warmed and his smile reached his eyes for the first time.

“No… But we are almost the same age then. I am 39.” He leaned close, placing his elbows on the table. He whispered, “I really thought you were a kid.”

The underlying meaning lay heavy between us. I did not look up until the waiter came by.

We gave our orders to the waiter and sat in silence, looking at each other. The chink of glass, quiet conversations and string quartet music filled the wooden-panelled room, alongside the sweet aromas of well-prepared food and drink.

Mads glanced openly and appreciatively at my figure for the first time. Even though I expected a tepid evening with Mads I felt naughty and chose a favourite backless gown that could not be worn with a bra. I arched my back to a better posture, jutting my breasts pertly. My nipples were surely clearly outlined through the dark red satin.  

“Chalet la Cote has rooms as well as this fine restaurant,” Mads said suddenly, looking away from my breasts and scanning the room. He turned back to look into my eyes and I looked into his.

“I will possibly destroy my reputation at what I am about to suggest, but would you like for us to eat in a room? I can ask my friend here for one now and ask the waiter to bring the food up.”

Mads did not wait for my reply and instead hopped up and scurried away.

The period between exiting the restaurant with Mads and being bundled into a room was a blur – the scraping of the chair, dropping the napkin on the table, Mad’s fingers guiding me gently by the shoulder to the lobby, to the lift, to the room.

As soon as the door closed behind us Mads lifted me. I kissed him first, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and drawing deep into his mouth. I wanted to taste him, to trace my tongue eagerly everywhere, his lips, his body, his cock.

“We have a quick fuck first, yes?” He mumbled between kisses as he walked us towards the bed. All the lights were on – perfect.

“And keep the light on?”

“Yes and yes,” I managed as he unceremoniously dumped me on the bed. He leapt into bed playfully and scooped me up, pulling the front of my dress down (easily) to free a breast and suckled hard. He teased with his finger, watching my nipple’s ruching response.

My hands were all over his body, feeling the smooth contours of his form through the sweater and pants. I brushed my hand tentatively across his crotch, already bulging obscenely, then firmly gripped his erection. He was of a satisfyingly huge girth and length – perhaps the biggest I have ever held.

“Mads, you are large,” I whispered, breathless as he popped my nipple out of his mouth to greedily seek out the other breast.

Mads did short work to remove his clothes and get me out of my dress, straddling me to admire me.

“Mata, how beautiful you are.” He cooed as I stretched luxuriously. His hands glided across my full breasts, small waist, slim hips, then lower to touch my pussy. His fingers reached the wet, throbbing folds. I arched back, opening my legs to him.

He easily slipped a finger and we gyrated together for a few seconds as he finger-fucked me. My hunger for him was deep and my mouth was begging to be filled with cock. I reached across to touch him. He was now firmly in both my hands, rock-hard and jutting insolently. I marvelled at his size.

As he licked his finger clean of my juice and let me have a taste of myself, he obligingly sat up against the pillows, spread his legs and pulled me closer to his cock. “I want to watch you, Mata. show me what you want to do.” His whisper was rough yet vulnerable. The silky, witty Mads was gone.

I ran my hands down his firm belly. His cock, snaking and jutting against his stomach in a nest of brown pubic fur, suddenly expelled a slow, clear stream of pre-cum through the pink slit. I licked it up and Mads cried out in unabashed delight as I ran my tongue up and down to catch every single drop.

He tasted delicious – sweet and salty. I quickly took him into my mouth, shaking my head like a dog with a toy as I tried to fit as much of his gigantic member as I could in my tiny mouth. I could only go halfway. Mads laughed.

“Mata, you will tear your mouth. Just do that,” he urged, clutching the back of my neck with one hand while the other pumped the remainder of cock that I couldn’t reach with my mouth.

My Winter Wonderland cock, I thought, sucking him with deep pleasure as my fingers found their way to my pussy. I followed the tempo of my cock sucking with clit flicking, crying out with pleasure.

Mads pulled away and his cock popped out of my hungry mouth. I protested loudly.

“We fuck now,” Mads pleaded.

I ignored him and buried my face in his crotch, pushing his legs wider apart. In akimbo fashion I licked and nuzzled his balls then gave a kiss and a saucy lick to his cock-end. Then with a smile, I dived into the innermost secret between his legs.

I inhaled fresh, male sweat. My mouth hungrily descended upon his butthole, pink and tight. I gave it a single lick. Mads groaned and I pushed my tongue to enter his tight ass.

“Oh my God, what are you doing,” he panted but I ignored him, licking my way leisurely around the tiny hole, his smooth butt crack, his balls and back to his asshole.

Mads roughly pushed me away. “You’re bad, Mata, to enjoy eating ass,” he growled as he took the missionary position, pulling my legs up to rest on his shoulders.  

His punished me by deeply entering me. I cried out as my body adjusted to the gigantic cock in me. The pleasure was intense – I was being overfilled. It had been months. As he began to fuck I immediately orgasmed. I could not wait anymore.  

We both panted. He was the perfect lover and our bodies, though very different in height, matched perfectly in strength and passion. Mads fucked a slow, leisurely rhythm that belied the incredible pleasure I knew he felt as my pussy squeezed his cock – the tidal waves of my orgasm rocked me and the inner spasms of my vaginal walls tightened my pussy grip on his pumping shaft.

“Oh God,” Mads exclaimed and pulled out. My juice dripped off the end of the cock and I reached out to rub him. My orgasm ebbed and I drew deep breaths.

I went on my hand and knees, raising my ass to Mads.

“You like ass play, I think,” he said, guiding his dripping cock against my asshole. Lubricating my little hole with my juice, he slowly entered me.

I was still shivering in post-orgasm and now braced for him in my ass. I felt myself give way to his slow but full penetration – hands on my waist, his enormous cock slid in carefully at first but my hole expanded in elasticity, eagerly welcoming him. Mads gave me a swift ass-fucking, tight balls heavily slapping against my cheeks. 

He could not last much longer.

“Come in me, baby,” I moaned.

Mads cried out as thick and warm cum poured into my ass. He gripped me tightly against his sweat-laden body and continued to fuck me, spurting to his last drop.

We sprang apart, falling into bed – shaking limbs, sweaty faces, spent passion. I scooped cum leaking from my ass with a finger and sucked dry. I scooped for more. Mads watched on, mesmerised.

“Mata,” Mads finally managed.

He pulled me close and cuddled me. I took a good look of the room. Mads chose a beautiful suite with large windows overlooking the bed. Snow slowly padded outside in the dark with the winking town lights at a distance, but it was warm in here. The scent of sex was all around us, his body, mine and the bed. 

“I believe we have shocked the waiter carrying our dinner up and in turn, the establishment.”

His eyes were dancing as I sat up.

“I am only half-joking,” he continued, pulling me back to kiss my temple. “You see, this is a small town. I wanted to have you from the moment I saw you but I thought you were young. The townspeople would be scandalised. But now I know you’re an old hag –“ He gave a yelp as I smacked him. “Well, as you are age appropriate I threw all caution to the wind. Tomorrow, I shall take you skiing if you like.”

My eyes widened. “Skiing? I want to.”

“I shall teach you. Would you like to conquer your fear? I know you are scared of cold. Would you like to try? I can also introduce you to other ski instructors – ‘hot, sexy women’ as you say.”

I kissed his mouth lightly. My heart was full. “You helped me overcome the cold once.” I bent low to lick the remainder of his sweet cum, still coated on his cock. “Let’s do it.”    

Published 5 years ago

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