Anna From The Toddler Soft Play Team – Part 1

"My reaction to her undies told her all she needed to know"

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I always looked forward to Sunday morning when my youngest, Lulu was a toddler. To give my partner a break, I would take her to a soft play session at the local sports centre. There, she could charge around with other under-fives playing in the ball pit, the bouncy castle, the soft blocks and other safe toys.

There were two main reasons I enjoyed it, though.

Firstly, there were yummy mummies, MILFs or glamourous grandmas who made up 75% of the parents there, alongside dads like me. Playing with their offspring involved the ladies being on their knees, as was I. This afforded many opportunities to look down tops, enjoy shapely bottoms in leggings, some of which became quite transparent when they were stretched over the cheeks of their bottoms, providing outlines of knickers and thongs; and glimpses of whale tails as their low-ride jeans slid down to reveal the lacy, cotton or silky tops of thongs. Wonderful fuel for my imagination.

Secondly, there was Anna. She was a staff member who supervised the session. She generally sat at a table with an overview of the hall. Anna was a small young woman of twenty-four with long dark hair, very pretty face and a friendly outgoing nature. She was good with the children and fortunately for me, my Lulu took a shine to her, so she’d often go over and chat to Anna, which meant I got to as well.

There was only one thing wrong. Anna’s clothes. The company that ran the sports centre provided the staff with uniforms/outfits deemed appropriate to their role. So, the swimming pool staff got a yellow polo shirt and red shorts. That was good, as there was one blonde pool attendant who had amazing legs, and I looked forward to her being on duty whenever I took my little girl swimming.

However, the role Anna performed attracted a tracksuit. Anna’s tracksuit was huge. It enveloped her and hid her femininity wholly. She was petite – about 5’ 2″, slim, and probably weighed about seven and a half stone at most, maybe less. She looked nearer eighteen than her age of twenty-four. She had a great figure. Not that you could tell from the work clothes.

On a summer’s day, I was in town with my little girl when we bumped into Anna and her mum. Anna was wearing a tight white T-shirt and short denim skirt that showed off her tiny frame beautifully, her smooth, tanned, slim legs and perky breasts. We stopped and chatted briefly. Anna’s mum was a gorgeous mature woman and you could see where the good genes came from. Anyway, at least I could imagine what Anna looked like under the work tracksuit, once I had seen her on that occasion.

One Sunday, I was chatting with Anna at the soft play club when the subject of the work tracksuit came up. She was complaining light-heartedly about the clothes saying how big hers was.

“Can’t you get them to give you a better fitting one?” I enquired.

“No. I’ve tried. But they said that they had no more in my size and wouldn’t be getting anymore for some time,” she said.

“That’s rubbish. What poor organisation,” I said sympathetically.

“Even tying the cord doesn’t stop them falling off me. I mean, look. You could fit two of me in here.”

With that, she tugged the tie cord at the top of the tracksuit bottoms and undid them and then pulled the waistband forward to show me just how loose they were. I could indeed see there was more than enough room for someone else to join her in them. What I could also see was a very good view of her shocking pink lace undies, moulded to her pubic mound, with her slim toned legs and the gap between her thighs also displayed.

“Wow,” I exclaimed in reaction to the gorgeous sight before me. I hesitated a beat and then tried to recover it with, “You can indeed get another one of you inside them.” She looked at me, and I could tell she realised my exclamation wasn’t to do with the size of her tracksuit bottoms, but the sight of her lower half in pretty undies. I blushed at being rumbled and she smiled knowingly.

Then one of the children behind me cried out loud and the moment was interrupted as Anna’s attention was distracted and Lulu shot off to find out what the commotion was. We left a little while later, saying goodbye to Anna as she spoke with one of the mums, but she gave me a big beaming smile which I returned, albeit a slightly embarrassed one at being caught out by her.

It was a few weeks before we went to soft play again as my daughter had a party one week and we had other family commitments. I spent much of that period re-playing the vision of Anna in her undies and more than once masturbated about the memory.

When we arrived we were greeted by a big smile from Anna. I explained our absence for that period, and she bent down to my daughter and said, “Hello, Lulu, I’ve missed you both.” My daughter then spotted one of her little friends and charged off, with me in tow.

Later in the session, we ended up near Anna and we got chatting again. Just general stuff and all perfectly innocent.

After a while, I said, “I see there aren’t any improvements in the work tailoring.”

Anna giggled; she replied, “No, I’m still wearing the marquee. I’m lending it to the local circus. If you look closely, you might find a lion tamer or an acrobat in there.”

At the same time, she released the tie cord and again pulled the waistband forward, looking me in the eye as she did so. I automatically looked down and saw she was wearing a figure-hugging pair of sheer white knickers. They were very sheer and I could see the dark outline of a small landing strip and marvelled again at the beauty of her petite frame. She held the position for longer this time and then slowly returned the waistband towards her body and tied the cord.

I looked up as she started to tie the cord and made eye contact again. It felt like she had watched me throughout, and I blushed. I started to try and say something but couldn’t find the words as the intensity of her gaze tied my tongue; so all I managed was to mumble something incoherently.

“Can you imagine if my tracksuit bottoms fell down while I’m wearing my little white thong? That might shock one or two here. Can you imagine the sight?” she said, speaking slowly and quietly, emphasising the last sentence.

I just nodded and my face flushed again.

She’d gave me a big smile and winked.

I was saved from embarrassing myself further by my daughter saying, “Daddy, come on the bouncy castle with me.” There were no more interesting episodes that week, and we left again to a big beaming smile from Anna, and another wink.

We were back the following week and the opportunity to speak with Anna presented itself again. I had spent the past week hoping for a repeat, running over in my mind how I could engineer it, what I could say that wasn’t identical to the previous week and appeared contrived, but I couldn’t settle on something I was happy with.

During our conversation, Anna said she was looking for some evening babysitting work as the family she previously helped out had moved away from the area. I mentioned that my partner and I would be pleased if she could help us out occasionally. I knew Lulu liked her, and she would have passed all the necessary checks to do her job at the sports centre, so the security aspect was easily covered.

We discussed a price and talked about her transport to and from our house, agreeing that I would collect her and drop her off. A moment of inspiration hit me and I said, “Who knows? We might even stretch to buying a babysitting uniform for you that I guarantee will fit.”

We both laughed and Anna then said, “Anything has got go be better than this uniform.”

With that, she tugged the knot on the cord and pulled the waistband forward again, all the while looking at me and smiling mischievously.

I looked down and gave an involuntary sharp intake of breath, as I saw this time she wasn’t wearing any undies. The landing strip had gone and she was completely smooth. I let out a low, “Mmm.”

“Do you like smooth?” she whispered.

I just nodded.

“I got completely waxed yesterday. I love feeling smooth. I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it.”

“Good. I did it to please you.”

My cock twitched and I started hardening, “You certainly achieved that,” I said.

She beamed and then re-tied her tracksuit bottoms.

She grabbed a pen and wrote down her mobile number, “WhatsApp me when you want me to babysit.” I took the number, pulled out my phone and entered her details. I then just did a test message to confirm I had the correct details, and her phone buzzed on the table. At that point, another parent came over to speak to Anna and I took my daughter back to the ball pit to play.

As I was driving home, my phone vibrated in my pocket, indicating a message. When we reached home, I checked it and it was Anna, Looking forward to babysitting.

I replied, I’m sure you’ll be great.

I aim to please you x, followed by a wink emoji. My cock twitched again.

When I got inside the house, I spoke to my partner and said, “I’ve solved our babysitting problem. You know Anna who supervises the soft play at the sports centre?”

“Oh, yes. She’s sweet.”

“Yes. And Lulu loves her. Well, she’s lost the family she usually babysits for as they’ve moved away and she mentioned that she was looking for some evening babysitting work. So I have said that we would like to use her sometimes. Are you happy with that?” As I said it, I crossed my fingers in my pocket.

“That’s great. We have my brother’s dinner party Saturday. See if she’s available.”

“I’ll do it now.”

I got my phone out and WhatsApp’d Anna.

She replied almost immediately confirming she was available and sent her address.

I replied, Great. I will pick you up on Saturday about 6pm.

There was a gap of about two minutes, and then all she sent back was a picture of her shocking pink knickers lying on a white sheet and a kiss emoji. My cock twitched and hardened and I took myself off to the bathroom. A second message came through; this time it was a picture of her lower half, clad in the pink knickers with her taut, flat stomach on display.

I messaged back, Mmm.

I hope that turned you on? came the swift reply.

Absolutely. Definitely having an effect on parts of me!!!

I saw your reaction the first time you saw me in these. It makes me tingle knowing I had that effect on you. I look forward to Saturday xx

Ditto xx

Now dear reader, I am sure you’re thinking and wondering why I am engaged in such risky behaviour. A married man with a young child. The logic of that observation can’t be questioned. But you’re forgetting some things. I am thinking with my cock. I am being turned on by a gorgeous woman half my age. I am thinking with my cock. I’m a male tart. Did I mention, I am thinking with my cock?


… to be continued.


NB: This is a fantasy story but in fact right up to and including the first time Anna shows me how big her tracksuit bottoms are and flashes her shocking pink undies is all true. That did happen. Except she’s not called Anna in real life, and my daughter is not Lulu.

In reality, I don’t think Anna was trying to seduce me at all. She was genuinely showing me the size of her tracksuit bottoms and probably had no idea of the amount she displayed and the effect it had on me. However, it did inspire some self-masturbatory fun and this story is the result of me fantasising about where I would like it to have developed. I hope you’ve enjoyed the set-up in Part One and I will commence Part Two soon.



Published 5 years ago

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