A wet ride

"The start of things to cum?"

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I didn’t really know Lisa that well. She was a girl that I used to work with and with who I always got along well.

She was divorced with two kids and was an attractive girl. Stocky of build and with a ready smile, as if that wasn’t enough her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes always grabbed my attention. I’d left the company where we worked together, but she was relatively local, and I would occasionally see her and exchange pleasantries.

As I now had a little more time on my hands and in the interest of keeping fit, I’d bought a bike and was out on it when I encountered Lisa on her bike.

I said hello and we started to chat. I looked her up and down as we stood. She wore tight trousers that bulged with the curves everyone so loved. As she turned around the outline of her knickers was clearly visible, and her boobs strained her tight top.

She suggested we ride together which I of course agreed to, but the path was quite narrow, so I managed to spend most of my time behind her watching her arse as we rode

After about an hour we stopped for lunch and drinks sitting on a bench overlooking the river. As soon as we stopped it had started to get cold and we both put on our waterproof jackets. This was a shame as I’d enjoyed looking at her bulging tits.

Lisa suggested we should turn around and go home as the clouds were darkening. The words had barely left her lips when the rain started. We jumped on our bikes and I once again was at the back, but the rain worsened and after about twenty minutes she stopped by another bench and looked at me, the rain poured off our jackets, and our bottom halves were soaked. We sat on the bench and I unpacked a silver foil blanket which we held over ourselves.

“I need to pee,” said Lisa, “I’ve drunk way too much water.”

There wasn’t anything or anyone around, so I suggested she do it here.

“With you watching I suppose?” Lisa replied. I just smiled and said there was another solution.

“And what might that be?”

I suggested that, as we were both soaked through, when we did get back, we’d probably just jump in the shower so does it matter if she peed her pants.

Lisa stared at me I didn’t know if she was going to slap me, fortunately a faint smile played on her lips.

“Your plan might work, with one small modification”

With that she flung a leg over me and, facing me sat down on my lap, her faint smile turned into a grin.

“Not so keen, now are you?”

I told her she wouldn’t dare to which she told me that if she was going home like this then it was only fair that I did too.

Her hands were on my shoulders, my hands on her hips with our eyes locked together. She smiled wickedly as I felt her hot pee soak through onto me. The effect on me was near instant as my bulging cock strained to be released. Lisa lifted slightly and she looked down at me, my eyes were parallel with her tits.

“My word, I seem to be onto something here,” Lisa said looking at me smiling

It was serene and peaceful. Even the rain stopped as I felt her soak me with her hot piss. My cock outlines obvious she lowered herself and began rubbing herself on my pee sodden bulge.

My hands moved towards her tits, but she pushed away.

“I think that’s quite enough for today,” Lisa told me as she stood up her fingers quickly brushing my cock restrained in my piss-soaked trousers. Standing directly in front of me she pulled her trousers away from her stomach and looked down, she held that gaze before looking at me

“Oh, I’m definitely going to need to shower, you should see the mess.” She knew exactly how much I wanted to see the mess, but she wasn’t going to let me for sure. As I stood, my cock still bulging, she released her waistband which sharply snapped back.

“Come on,” she said, “We’d better get moving.” We completed the ride in near silence until it came to the part where our routes were different.

“We must do that again, I enjoyed that.” She smiled at me and waved, disappearing before I had the chance to respond.

Published 5 years ago

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