I smile lots, so bright and wide
That smile constant, while together with you
Still smiling lots, but now much to hide
What once beamed joy, and a love that grew
Now conceals, now masks, such soulful pain
The hurt so deep when you told me of her
But smile I must, it is what you need
Yes always friends, of course thats fine
Support you always, I will indeed
My smile wide again, my trusty crutch
I always smile, it is just me
Natural expression of what’s deep inside
Expected by friends, desired by many
But just a facade to hide what has died
Shiny fake happiness to conceal so much
Seeing you lots, our circles the same
My smile instant, my soul so alive
Then tattered again, as she slides up beside
But steadily smiling, I want you to thrive
Not feel the pain, from lack of your touch
So hugs to both, smiles to all
The pain in my soul hidden easily from sight
My love you never saw, despite smiles so wide
Now raw pain, and anguish, my own dark night
All hide behind my neatly painted smile