Job Evaluation

"Ian gets some well earned job instruction"

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Ian sat at his workplace desk fuming as once again the new line manager had found something else to pull him up over. Ever since she came to the company she had consistently found problems with his work, appearance, and attitude. Okay, he agreed slightly with some things, and this was not a dream job and his attitude to the work was well it pays let’s get on with it.

Not exactly the company motto and most of his colleagues were more excited and receptive to every new idea that management came up with while he sat and groaned. If he complained at home, his girlfriend Debbie would remind him of the student debts still to be paid and the regular weekly debits that occur so shut the moaning and buckle down.

Ian had got away with his attitude with the previous manager because he had liked Ian, he could be funny in a slightly sexist way and his cocky manner went over well with the lads in the office but not with her. Carol was in her 40s, gym fit, hair pulled back, always dressed in fitted business suits and as Ian described her behind her back a bull dyke. She was not amused or impressed by this man child just cruising through his day. She had complained of his attitude, his attendance, lateness and his dress code. All the men wore shirts and ties but Ian always had to be different. He liked to be a bit of a lad, a Stone Island jumper, CP Coat and sneaking his trainers on when he could, but she always caught him.

Carol despised Ian like she did other straight males who coasted from job to job never displaying anything but the minimum effort. Slouching around the office, tossing out sexist comments and leering at female employees. She, like most women, had fought to be in this position, proven herself to be regularly superior to any of the men around her. A pathetic little boy was not going to derail her career, and she had made her mind up to fix or finish him.

Little did Ian know Carol had been reporting directly to her boss about Ian, and she wanted action. Mike Dean was Carol’s manager; he was in his 50’s, six foot two and in shape, he was always on the company emails doing a charity run or an assault course. Friendly enough, but he looked like you wouldn’t want to be on his bad side and he and Carol had most defiantly hit it off.

After dinner, Ian sat chatting at his desk with his mate when he saw Carol strolling over with a smile on her face; never a good thing. She leaned down to him and quietly told him, “Mr. Dean would like to speak to you later, so expect an email and don’t keep him waiting.”

Ian panicked, shit this cannot be good, no this is definitely bad, dismissal he knew it and Debbie would kill him for this. 

The time seemed to go slower than ever and still no email, had he forgotten, had she made it up to fuck with him, no even she wouldn’t do that. Then an email popped up with Mike’s name on it, my office at five o’clock. Bollocks, that’s past working hours, going to be sacked and be home late. 

Carol waved everybody goodbye and gave Ian a last little smile as he hunched over his desk awaiting his fate, the rest of the office packing up their belongings and waving goodbye. Ten to five Ian climbed the stairs to the management floor, walked along the empty desks to Mr. Dean’s office.

His PA Alison, a gorgeous redhead he’d been lusting after for months smiled at him as she slipped on her coat, “Just knock on his door at five he’ll be ready for you then.”

Ian nodded thanks and sat uncomfortably awaiting his time.

5.00 now or never he told himself and knocked on the heavy wooden door, “Come!” a loud strong voice called out. Ian opened the door and saw Mike sat leaning back in his chair, “Close it behind you.”

“Oh erm yes sir”, Ian mumbled out. Mike looked bigger than he remembered, his bulk filling the window behind him.

Ian walked to the chair in front of the desk to sit, “Did I say sit down, boy?” Mike’s harsh voice made Ian startle and blush.

So this was the thorn in Carol’s side. Mike looked Ian up and down, nothing much to worry about here. He had been expecting a loud-mouthed, arrogant, cocky man but this blushing, trembling boy was putty in his hands. Cute too, slim with short-cropped hair, brown eyes, and a rather handsome face. Mike was going to be thanking Carol very soon.

“No sir, sorry sir” mumbled Ian.

Mike leaned forward pointing at his paperwork.

“Carol has given me a list of your disobedience within the office and its pathetic boy. You think you can do what you want and strut about like you own the place in my workplace, no way boy, I’m the boss here!” and emphasised it with his fist on the desk making Ian jump.

“Carol wants you sacked boy; you do know that, don’t you?” Mike barked and Ian nodded yes. 

“Give me a reason why I shouldn’t boy” Mike stood up looking down at Ian.

“I really need this job, sir, I know my attitude hasn’t been the best but I promise I will change, I really will.” Ian pleaded, his swagger had disappeared. He was blushing and almost shaking. Mike grinned at him, where was the cocky lad Carol’s been complaining about all he saw was a little bitch in front of him. 

Mike walked behind Ian and spoke into his ear “Why do you need this job boy?”

He could feel Mike’s body against him. 

“I have debts sir, and my girlfriend would kill me if I lose this job,” Ian’s voice went to a gasp as he felt his Mike hands on his waist.

“Maybe I could give you a chance, but I think you should make up for your behaviour up to now, don’t you boy?” Mike whispered as he pulled Ian against him. His sheer physicality loomed over Ian, masculinity oozed from his every pore and made Ian feel less of a man by the second. Ian could feel Mike’s hard bulge pressed against him, and he knew Mike’s cock was much impressive than his own.

“Yes sir how would I do that?” Ian blushed as he said it.

“Drop to your fucking knees boy” Ian’s whole body shivered from this order, and he hesitated “NOW!” Mike shouted and Ian dropped, he never even thought for a second about it, he just obeyed.

Mike walked around him, his crotch facing Ian, “Undo my belt and unzip me.” Ian’s shaking hands fumbled with the buckle and slowly pulled down the zip, Mike wore no underwear and Ian was faced with a thick cut cock.

Mike slipped down his trousers and slapped Ian’s face with his hard cock, “You sucked a cock before boy?” Ian shook his head. “Well, you better learn quickly to keep your job.”

He flicked his tongue along the hard shaft and heard an appreciative groan, so he continued to lick all over the cock and lap at the cock head getting some sweet-tasting precum. A hand grabbed the back of his head and pushed his mouth onto the cock, his lips wrapped around this thick cock. He took it as deep in his throat as he could before gagging, his eyes staring up at his boss watering. Mike grinned down at him “Soon learn you to take it all boy.”

Ian’s hands gripped Mike’s gym hard masculine arse as he bobbed up and down his hot thick cock, he couldn’t believe he was doing this willingly or that he was if he was honest, loving every second of it. His tongue teased the thick cock as it slipped deep in his throat, feeling the pulsing veins. The groans of Mike were echoing around the office and by the bucking of his arse Ian knew he was about to shoot, he tried to pull away but Mike held his head deep on his cock. The cum filled up Ian’s mouth, hot thick cum shot to the back of his throat, he had no option but to swallow it all. Mike bucked every last drop into his mouth and smiled down at him “Good boy, now lick it clean.”

Ian slowly lapped his thick shaft clean of every drop of his cum, sucking his cock head squeezing out any last drops. Never once losing eye contact with his superior.

Ian knelt looking up at his boss smiling, pleased with his days work for once.

Mike looked towards the door, “Carol I don’t think this little bitch will be a problem for you anymore.”

Ian spun to see a grinning Carol, “No and it’s nice to see he’s good at something” and left laughing.

Published 5 years ago

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