February Rose

"winter rose raises memories"

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That last rose of Summer

tossing wildly on chilly February breezes

sadly, the man watches

and lets his thoughts take flight

petals lifting

ah, as her skirts had lifted

revealing her favoured silken lingerie,

orange, as were those fluttering petals

that single rose survives

harsh frosts, wild rains

and winter winds, yet it remains

constant to his adoring eye as had she

so loving, so giving

now one petal falls away

less willing than she

eagerly dropped her lingerie

and revealed her joys to him alone.

In the breeze this rose

sways, as had she, so seductively

offering her golden body

into his hardness.

now his breath shuddered

as more petals fell

soon his rose would be gone

as was she

a tear ran on his cheek.


Published 5 years ago

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