E123: The world around them

"Donald and Emma reach out to their friends who are troubled"

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All through February, Emma and Donald are in their own wonderful bubble.  They become more and more in tune with each other, leaving the rest of the world behind.  Valentine’s Day, they are in bed all day, leaving only to get drinks or food to enjoy together and play with.  The whipped cream that Donald squirts up Emma to lick away sends spasms through her, and feeling the butterscotch harden over his glans and shaft before Emma nibbles away is an extraordinary experience for Donald.

Towards the end of the month, they come back to reality some and become conscious that their future plans are affecting others, and people dear to them are going through turmoil.

First, they notice that Karen and Julie seem different.  They were so happy when they heard the news of Emma’s and Donald’s engagement, but days later, they seem to withdraw some and are not as open to them as they had been.

Julie and Karen continue to complete all their duties, cleaning, changing sheets when needed, massages, and cooking at times, but it is just that, completing their duties.  There is little conversation, and as soon as they finish a task, they leave.

Emma first, and then Donald when she mentions it to him, becomes concerned.  What is happening?  As far as Donald considers, nothing will change when he and Emma marry, but that might not be true.

Emma arranges for Karen and Julie to come to dinner one night in mid-February.  She cooks the meal and has everything ready for their arrival.  The two women are guests and are not expected to help in the preparation for this meal.

Karen and Julie join them for dinner at the dining room table.  Both are rather quiet and subdued.  Emma tries to get a conversation going on different topics, but all fall flat.  That is until she asks how each of their thesis are going to complete their master’s degree.  Suddenly a waterfall occurs.  Both women’s words tumble from them in a cascading manner.  Not so much about their final projects but concern about what them finishing their degrees will mean.

Emma calms them enough, while Donald’s mind is whirling with what is being said and not said about this all.  But finally, it all becomes clearer.

Both Julie’s and Karen’s theses are more or less finished, they gush with thanks for the data Donald provided from the institute and Emma’s clear head suggestions and comments during the last few months as they worked on them.  Their papers are submitted.  All that is left is their defending them before the board, which will be happening in March.

But, what is such a concern to both of them is what their future will hold.  Even without final acceptance of their theses, the university is offering them both paid internships while they complete their doctorates.  Julie and Karen are very excited about this opportunity, but with the changes, Emma and Donald are planning with their lives, them getting married,  Julie and Karen are worry what their status will be.

They love their cottage and helping here, but they will be rather consumed with their internship and work on their next degrees.  They understand fully if Donald, and Emma, want to get someone new to do what they have been doing, but it will be hard for them to leave this the wonderful little universe they have built here.

Both are almost in tears as they confess their concerns.  Emma jumped up to hug them both.  Donald is not sure what to say, but Emma says it all.

“Of course, you will stay here.  Why would you ever imagine us wanting you to leave us?  You are part of us, part of the family we have.  Which truly is rather small, so why would we want to lose any of it,” Emma consoles them.

“You will stay in the cottage if you can still give your wonderful massages occasionally that would be a delight.  And perhaps on weekends when not so busy do some cleaning.  But we will hire someone to come in to do the main things.  And it is time that Donald and I take care of ourselves in terms of cooking and preparing meals.  Which you must regularly join us for,” Emma continues.

“Your studies are first and foremost.  When they are finished, we will figure out an even better plan for us all.  For now, the cottage is your home as long as you want to be here.  I am so sorry that you worried about it,” Emma winds down.

Julie and Karen are overwhelmed at this generous offer.  Donald is a bit dumbfounded as Emma began, but by the end, he knows it is what he wants for Karen and Julie too.  On his own,  it would have taken him a good bit of time to come to that conclusion.  Once again, Emma shows what a gem she is for him to suggest what deep inside he wants to offer to others but can’t always put into word.

Dessert and the rest of the evening is so relaxed and enjoyable for the four.  Perhaps more so as Karen, next to Julie, moves her hand up Julie’s inner thigh to rub against her cunt through her panties.  Julie tries to hide the sighs she gives off from Karen’s touch, but she is getting so hot and bothered by the attention.

Julie squirms in her seat, lifting up to Karen’s fingers to have more pressure against her clit and vag opening.  Oh, she is so close to cumming but tries to conceal it.  They will need to leave soon so Julie can fully fill this rising passion between her legs.

But Julie should not be too concerned about her squirming being noticed as Emma is doing much the same.  In appreciation of her assurance to Karen and Julie, Donald’s fingers are playing at Emma’s crotch also.  First rubbing up and down her inner thigh to make her automatically spread her legs for him to have full access to her lower camber of pleasure, Donald sneaks in at the leg of her panties to give his fingers direct access to Emma’s wet and dripping slit.

Mid-sentence Emma leans her head back against her chair, knowing her legs are spread fully, hoping she is not brushing against Julie’s leg.  The feel of Donald’s fingers dancing up and down her slit, finding their way into her pussy to press and squirm against her sides, is mind-blowing.  And the idea they are doing this secretly in front of others.

Emma’s leg spreads fuller at Donald’s touch and does brush against Julie’s also spread legs.  Both their legs are trembling against each other from the wonder secret sensations they are experiencing.  And feeling the other’s leg in that condition is exalting to each.

They glance at each other, and the lush on both their faces tells all.  Julie lifts her leg up over Emma’s, and they rub thighs and calves as each is pleasured by their partner.

Donald and Karen carrying on a conversation of sorts though all this to hide what is going on.  Julie and Emma just nod at times to act like they are following what is being said.

While for propriety’s sake, what is happening under the table needs to be hidden from the group, something about another woman’s thigh on each other, rubbing as each is being fingered to a mind-bending climax just adds to this lustful adventure.  If Karen or Donald knows what other secret delights have been added to the attention they are offering, they do not show any signs of it.

But for Emma and Julie, they turn to look deep into each other’s eyes, knowing both are so close.  A slight nod between them seals the unspoken agreement that they will try to cum in unison.  Just to add to this passion building in them.

Staring at each other, they watch their faces redden with excitement, see each’s breathing deepening, and the trembles coming over each of their bodies.  This is such a new and amazing development.  Emma has never cum in sequence with another woman, seeing the effects of a climax before her as she displays herself in a similar state.  This new situation is adding to her tremors and lustfulness.

She can tell Julie is experiencing the same sensation.  How is it watching someone else cum at the same moment as yourself, when you are not responsible in any way for it happening so exciting?  Is it a voyeur type thing?  Is it understanding that your climax is not just from the attention being paid to you?   But also from what you are seeing being revealed in front of you?

Emma can not take her eyes off of Julie.  And the same in return.  Their mouths open in unison to gasp in air as the final wave crashes over them in harmony, and they both let out an audible sigh as they cum.

Their leg still entwined, they surprise Karen and Donald as they lean to each other and kiss.  To their observers, this is a surprise.  Each in themselves knows they have just satisfied their partner, but why being so pleasured are Emma and Julie reaching out to each other as they never have before?

Emma and Julie both blush deeply when they realize what they have just done, and in front of their partners.  They stammer some meaningless sentences about being so glad that they will all still be together here.  Donald and Karen stare at them and then look at each other, and something in both their eyes tells the whole story of what just happened.

The four end up laughing and all kissing each other in the joy that things will, for the most part, stay the same between them for the future.


But things were not so simple when they visit Sasha for their Friday appointment.  Actually, they had not seen her for weeks now.  Donald and Emma canceled their appointment the first week when they were in such bliss over what was going to happen between them.  Then for a few weeks, they had to have another tech as they were told Sasha was unavailable.

And Sasha hadn’t been texting Emma like she used to.  Emma had tried reaching out several times to her but got only short responses if at all.

So, the Friday in March when finally they are told that Sasha will be who grooming them today, they are excited to see her again, and a bit worried about what is going on.  Sasha knew about their engagement and had sent congratulation if seeming a bit half-hearted, but they have not seen her in person since this major change in their relationship took place.  They are a little concerned that perhaps Sasha will feel their impending marriage would change things between them.

When they enter the spa room, both Emma and Donald are taken back by Sasha’s appearance.  She is so thin and listless.  Her usually bright and bubbly personality is totally missing.

Emma reaches for her and pulls her into her arms to hug and hold her.  This act of kindness starts Sasha crying onto Emma’s shoulder as she pats Sasha’s back.  Donald overwhelmed, comes to the circle, and encloses both women in his arms, alternating kissing each of their heads.

Sasha cries on and on for several minutes in woefulness.  Emma and Donald are dumbfounded about what is happening.  When she calms a bit, they help her to the back room and sit her between them on the bed.  Each caressing and kissing her to let her know everything will be okay.

Finally, after a half-hour, Sasha begins to compose herself enough to try to explain.  Emma just holds her and tells her to take all the time she needs to unwind to be able to talk.  Donald gets glasses of wine for each of them, and they sip on that for a few minutes before Sasha begins her tale.

It seems that things with that man, Doug, she began dating last fall, had quickly gone sour and ended in an awful experience.  Something she got herself into and did not know how to get out of for the longest time.  He was controlling and dominating in a very negative way.

It started after a few nice dates and a couple of nights of pleasure together.  Doug seemed from the start to have such power over her that she let slip her extra relationship with Emma and Donald. They being more than just basic clients to her.

That set Doug off.  He was intrigued with Sasha being with Emma, another woman, and made her tell him in detail what the two did together.  Point by point.  How they kissed each other.  Where and how they would caress each other.  What it was like sucking Emma’s nipples and how it felt when Emma sucked hers.  And detail by detail of them going down on each other.  Doug would get so hard from her telling him that again and again, she didn’t mind at first as the sex which followed was magnificent.

But then he made her describe what she did with Donald, and even though she made it clear that anything with Donald was done with Emma, he seemed to get more and more upset as he heard this part of things.  When he learned about Sasha asking Donald to spank her, it opened a whole new can of worms.

“So you needed to be spanked, did you?” Doug asked with a gleam in his eyes.  “Well, I think a spanking is in order for your behavior outside of work with them.”  With that, he had Sasha over his knee and spanked and spanked her as she cried out.  It did at first arouse her, but then it turned to him punishing her for what he felt were her crimes and misdemeanors.  It really hurt, and the wonder tingle she felt when Donald spanked her was totally missing.

It didn’t stop there.  As they dated, Sasha would try to steer him away from this obsession.  She stopped everything but their waxing with Donald and Emma, but that was not good enough.  Doug pressured her about seeing both of them naked.  She tried to explain she saw all of her clients that way, but he was not appeased.

Sex was good with Doug, but by the end of most evenings, he was back to his fixation.  It was harder and harder to deal with him, but the holidays were upon them, and they had made commitments for celebrating with both of their families.

They made it through the family gatherings barely, keeping a good face on, but it was all crumbling around them due to Doug’s jealousy over something he really knew nothing about.  He kept making ultimatums until she told the salon they should no longer book Donald and Emma with her. 

She was miserable.  And she couldn’t even try to reach out to Emma as she so wanted to.  Doug had started monitoring all aspects of her life, especially her phone.  Checking who she called or texted, and what was said.

It all came to a head at Valentine’s when he brought in her mail and saw the card Emma had sent her.  He went through the roof.  She was over his knee, and he was spanking her so hard and fully.  She kicked and fought him as he did.  She finally pulled free, and in a moment of euphoric energy, Sasha kicked Doug soundly in the balls.

Doug doubled over and swore at her.  She told him to leave immediately and never think about contacting her in any way.  She even pulled the mother card, telling him if he did, she would tell his mother everything he had done to her.  That was all it took; Doug was in terror of his mother.  Her knowing anything about how he treated Sasha, who she had come to like, would have been devastating for him.  It was going to be hard enough telling her Sasha and he had broken up.

Emma hugging her, crying, and laughing some at the finish of Sasha’s tale can’t comfort Sasha enough.  She is overcome with so many feelings.  Why wasn’t she there for her friend when needed?  How had she not realized things were so wrong for Sasha?  How can she help Sasha get her life back on track after this?

She knows, playing with Donald and her might make Sasha feel a bit better for the moment, that was not the answer.  Sasha needs to get her life back on track.

Donald, hearing all this, wants to find Doug and pulverize him.  But then Donald has never really been in a fight in his life, so that option doesn’t make sense even to him.  More if he could ruin Doug in his business or personal life, but Emma seems to read his thoughts and gives him a look over Sasha’s head, which tells him to forget that idea.

Sasha finally calms herself, and Emma wipes away her tears, giving her a long and meaningful kiss to let her know the love they feel for her.  Emma tells Sasha that it is for the best that it is all over, for someone to be abusive, which is what Doug was, both physically and mentally, is not a situation anyone should ever be in.

They talk for a good while about the difference in how Doug was when he spanked Sasha, and how Donald spanks Emma.  Then it is a sexual interaction for the most part, and an opportunity for Emma to relieve herself of the feeling of guilt.  From the start, between them, it was a mutually desired activity, not something Donald forcefully did to her, which is what Doug did to Sasha.

“I know and understand that now, it is just at the start Doug spanking me, I thought it was just in sex play which like you I do enjoy, but it became apparent that he had jealousy issues and a different type of need to control me.   It wasn’t a consensual dom and sub situation, it was more that he wanted compete power over me in all aspects of my life,” Sasha tells them.

“I knew I should end the relationship early on.  Especially after that horrible dinner with you two.  Doug acted so rudely and unkind through it all.  And afterward, when we got home, he was so aggressive and rather hurtful in how we had sex that night.  But for some reason, I just hung on to him until it got to that final point on Valentine’s Day,” Sasha went on.

“The last three weeks, I have been trying to come to terms with what had happened.  I was so embarrassed to tell anyone, especially you two.  To admit how stupid I had been to allow that situation to develop.  I so wanted to be in a relationship with someone, how you two are, that I fell into a horrible trap instead.  This week I finally pulled myself together some and did so want to see you both again,” Sasha finished as new tears formed in her eyes.

Emma and Donald take turns kissing the tears away while caressing Sasha.  Emma unzips Sasha’s dress and lifts it off her as Donald takes her panties and bra off.  Naked on the bed between them, Sasha smiles through her tears at both of them as they stand and quickly undress.

What follows is a slow and erotic dance of pleasure as Emma and Donald kiss and lick all over Sasha’s body, paying great attention to all the areas she so likes to be touched.  Together each has a nipple in their mouths, sucking as their hands mold and knead Sasha’s breasts.  Sasha moans with pleasure.  She has so missed someone’s tender touch, and to have both of these true friends be the one to pleasure her again is nirvana.

Emma and Donald work their way down Sasha’s body, each licking and nibbling at her inner thighs now.  Sasha feels the heat of her cunt burning with desire.  Sasha wants, no needs, lips and tongues on her now.  The way both Emma and Donald know how to orally please her.  This all feels so wonderful, she is getting the attention her body has been craving for months.

Donald turns Sasha on her side, and while he kisses and licks up and down her spine to start, Emma is spreading her lower lips to dive into her slit to lick and tease her there.  Sasha feels two fingers enter her vag, Emma’s twirling and pressing against her.  Then two more fingers join them, pressing the opposite side of her vag.  


Oh, they both are fingering her together, stretching and filling her love cave to capacity.  In and out they go in unison, pressing farther and farther up in her with each thrust.

Emma is licking and sucking on her clit, causing spasms to crash through Sasha’s body.  Donald lowers his lips from her spine.  Moving over her cheeks, kissing them both thoroughly.  Then running his tongue up and down her crack.  Ending with rimming her asshole over and over.

This attention to her front and back, while feeling the fingers deep up in her triggers Sasha cunt to start throbbing against the digits.  Clenching and holding the fingers as they press up in her, finally relaxing enough to allow them to pull back before a new deep thrust and clench.

Sasha knows she is almost to the peak now, she can’t hold back much more, the climax begins stirring in her, building up to that final moment when Sasha cries out and arches her back in total ecstasy. 

This is how it is supposed to be.  What Sasha has missed for months now.  How could she ever have given this up for someone so unworthy as Doug was?

Donald and Emma lift away from Sasha as she descends to that wonderful afterglow.  Which is added to as she watches Donald turn Emma on her back and presses his hard, thick cock up in her pussy to fuck her.  Donald and Emma so attune to each other.  The rhythm of their coupling is like watching an intricate ballet being performed for Sasha. 

Sasha herself can almost feel each thrust of Donald’s cock into Emma, she moans in unison with Emma with each stroke.  As Emma feels herself, and Donald, approaching the summit, Sasha feels she is right with them in this adventure.

It is somewhat surprising to Donald and Emma that Sasha cries out loudly as they do when Donald releases all his cum up into Emma, and she trips the light fantastic and climaxes at the same time.  They look toward Sasha’s shaking body and realizes she has cum again also.

All three are now laughing happily.  Sasha moves and begins to lick Emma’s and Donald’s combined juices first from Emma’s cunt, then Donald’s prick.  She works her way back and forth between the two over and over until both are clean again.  Well, Emma is still letting more juices flow from her, but that is somewhat of a given.

They cuddle together, falling to sleep for about an hour, so comfortable again.

When they wake, Sasha insists on waxing and clipping them.  As they go through this ritual again with her, Sasha critiques the work of the other tech.  Going on and on about how sloppy and incomplete she had been.  Donald and Emma laugh as she keeps up this commentary. They both know she is the best at ‘cleaning them up’ and hope that they never have to depend on anyone else, well besides themselves, to wax and clip them.

It is interesting; during the weeks with someone else pampering them, Donald never mentioned it, But today when Sasha is trimming him, he asks her to wax him also, like she did when Emma was in control and his dominant that week in January.

He explains that he would like his legs and chest hairless from now on as the feeling of his and Emma’s smooth legs rubbing against each other offered such a wonderful sensation Donald wants to feel that way all the time.  Emma smiles at him over his confession and is pleased he feels this way now.

Sasha finishes with them both. Donald and Emma look at each other, and Donald lift Sasha up on the table.  Leaning her back, they show her what they have both learned from her over the past months.  Emma works on Sasha’s pussy, trimming the hairs short against her mons.  Donald applies the wax to her legs and cleans them of all unwanted hairs.

All three finished being groomed, they hug, kiss, and help each other dress.  The three warmly say goodbye, Emma and Donald knowing that they have their old Sasha back with them once again.


Published 5 years ago

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