Sally And Her Big Bear – Part 2

"Chip reunites Sally with her best friends as part of their anniversary weekend."

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The next four days seemed to fly by and before we knew it, Thursday rolled around. Sally had a morning tee time in the women’s league and after breakfast, I called the restaurant to inform them that there would be two more joining us for dinner tomorrow night. After I cleared the table, washed and put away the dishes, I went to my study.

Once there, I unlocked the cabinet and took the two teddy bears to the guest bedroom where I placed them on the bed. By then, it was time to head for the airport as Brandy’s flight was due to land at 11 am while Jenna’s flight was arriving a half-hour later.    

After parking the car in the lot, I took the shuttle to the terminal. When I arrived at the gate, I looked at the board and saw that Brandy’s flight was going to be on time. I had twenty minutes to kill and took a seat. That’s when I noticed Jenna’s flight would be arriving two gates down. I watched the people coming and going wondering about their destinations. I would occasionally look out the large windows and watch the planes as they took off and landed. 

As the plane taxied to the gate, I stood and waited for Brandy as the passengers disembarked. When she stepped into view, her eyes searched for me as I called out her name while I made my way toward her. She looked in the direction of my voice and smiled as she waved.

The high waisted jeans with rolled-up cuffs and rose-colored cropped cami top with a straight neck she was wearing hugged every sensuous curve of her five-foot-four-inch frame. To finish off the outfit, draped over her right arm was a white cardigan sweater and the white leather sneakers finished off the ensemble.

I smiled back, “I’m glad that you’re here, Brandy. It’s been too long.”

“Thank you for inviting me, Chip and yes, it’s been too long.”

“We need to go and wait for another person to arrive. Their plane won’t land for another half hour.’

“Who are we waiting for?”

“You’ll see soon enough. Let’s go to the gate.”

We walked to the gate and found two seats where we could watch the planes and people go about their business. I offered to go to the baggage claim and get her suitcase. When I returned, she had gotten two coffees and handed me one after I sat down next to her.

“Is Sally expecting me?”

“No, I wanted this to be a surprise. Having been a bridesmaid, you know tomorrow is our seventh anniversary. We are going out to dinner and that includes you.

“I can’t, it should be just the two of you.”

“Do you think Sally would go along with that?”

“No, you’re right.”

For the next fifteen minutes, we caught up on what has been going on with our lives and before we knew it, Jenna’s plane had taxied to the gate. As passengers disembarked, Brandy looked at me, “Who are you expecting?”

“Patience, Brandy.”

As soon as I said that, Jenna appeared and Brandy grabbed my arm as she called out, waving enthusiastically. She kissed me on the cheek and as we made our way toward her, Jenna ran toward us, calling out, “Chip! Brandy!”

She was dressed in high waisted jeans and a white V-neck T-shirt, both accentuated every delectable curve of her five-foot-eight-inch frame. Draped over her left arm was a light blue blazer and the finishing touch to her ensemble was a pair of blue sneakers. 

She hugged me and kissed my cheek, then hugged Brandy and kissed her cheek.

She hit me on the shoulder, saying, “You, why didn’t you tell me.”

“I wanted to surprise the two of you.”

“Well, that you did, mister,” they said simultaneously.

Brandy added, “That’s not all, Sally has no idea we’re here and that we are joining them for their  anniversary dinner tomorrow night.” 

“I can’t wait to see Sally’s reaction when she sees us,” Jenna said as we made our way to the baggage claim.

“Don’t say anything about dinner tomorrow night, Jenna, it’s set,” I said, pulling Brandy’s suitcase behind me.

The girls sat in the back as we drove home. They talked about what was new in their lives and occasionally included me in the conversation. I didn’t mind, they had a lot of catching up to do. As I pulled into the driveway, they asked if Sally was home and I told them she was playing golf and would be home later.

After parking the car, I got out and opened the door for Jenna and then went around and opened the door for Brandy. Opening the trunk, I retrieved their suitcases after which, we walked up to the house. When we ventured inside the foyer and entered the living room, the girls were taken with the large fireplace. The huge windows on either side came up to the roof and gave a stunning perspective on the pool, hot tub and tree canvassed hills in the distance. I took them upstairs, showed them to their room, then their master bathroom and they saw the bed with the two bears propped up against the pillows.

“Let me show you the rest of the upstairs,” I said, noticing their cheeks became slightly flushed when they saw the teddy bears. 

“Is everything okay, girls?” I asked as I put the suitcases on the bed.

“Yes, Chip, everything is fine,” said Brandy.

I showed them Sally’s study and our master bedroom. When they saw the bed from Sally’s teenage years, they giggled as I’m sure the memories of their carnal exploits filled their minds for a brief moment. When they turned, their faces were once again slightly flushed.

“Well then, I’ll let you two get settled in and then I’ll show you the rest of the house.”  I went down to the kitchen and started to prepare dinner. As I put the chicken kabobs and steak kabobs together, my cell phone rang. Sally sent me a text telling me she shot a seventy-six, good enough for first place and she’d be home in sixty minutes. I answered with a smiley face as I opened the fridge to get all the ingredients for a salad.  


  Meanwhile, back upstairs…  



“They have a beautiful home, don’t you think so?” Jenna said as we unpacked.

“Yes, and can you believe Sally still has her bed?” I said, taking the empty suitcases off the bed and putting them in the closet.

“Seeing that bed brought back memories of the sexy times the three of us had,” Jenna said as she reached for the Notecards resting on the two bears.

“I know, and this bed is exactly the same,” I said as she handed me the card with my name on it.

“What does your card say, Brandy?”

“ENJOY,” I said, showing Jenna the card.

“Mine says the same, you don’t think…?” Jenna started to say.

I cut her off, saying, “No, I doubt Sally has shared her fetish for teddy bears with Chip and our fun threesomes with her big bear when we were teens.”

“Well, we better change and go join Chip,” Jenna said, slowly pulling up her T-shirt.

When her breasts flew out from under the shirt, there was a boisterous admission of breath and I immediately set my hand over my mouth. She grinned as the shirt was pulled over her head and tossed to the side as she approached me. Before I could say anything, we were in a passionate lip-lock as she pulled up my top, liberating my tits.

I felt her hands wrestle open my belt buckle, undo the catch on my pants, draw down the zipper and rub my panty-clad pussy. I followed her lead, but instead of rubbing the outside of her panty, I slipped my hand inside and rubbed my fingers along her already wet slit. Her hand quickly found its way inside my panty, delving between the puffy lips and into the warm depths of my pussy.

I slipped my finger from Jenna’s pussy, “We better get downstairs before Chip comes looking for us,” I said, before sensuously sucking my finger clean. Her finger slipped from my pussy and I watched as she licked my juice. 

We finished undressing, remained there for a minute and looked upon each other’s nakedness. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Jenna’s pussy and her closely trimmed triangle. Her eyes had focused on my closely trimmed landing strip as she came closer and closer to me. Our tits squished together as she forced me backward until I wound up against the wall with my legs splayed. Grabbing my wrists, she forcefully pinned my arms above my head as she straddled my right thigh.

The more her pussy rubbed against my thigh, the more passionate our kissing became with tongues in an erotic dance, interrupted by gentle biting of the lower lip. All too soon, tremors shook her body from head to toe as she climaxed and the love juice felt like a river flowing from her pussy.

When I felt her release my wrists and her body begin to relax, I quickly turned the tables. Grabbing her wrists, I pinned her hands behind her and pushed her back against the wall. My left leg wedged between hers and pried them apart as I straddled her right thigh. With hips rocking back and forth, a trail of love juice trickled from my pussy as our kissing became more passionate.

Moving faster and faster on her thigh, our kissing turned to pure lust as we tried to devour one another. I pressed myself against Jenna as the orgasm sent tremors throughout me. I released her wrists and she wrapped her arms around me as my orgasm began to subside. After recovering, I stood back and we embraced for a moment.

“WOW! Brandy, I almost forgot what it’s like with a woman,” She said, flashing me a slight smile. 

“Me too, sweetie,” I said as I winked and blew her a kiss.

Before I realized what was happening, Jenna pushed me on the bed and reached for my bear. She began rubbing the furry guy over my tits, down to my stomach and back to my tits. She knows I’m ticklish and had me squirming and giggling, trying to get her to stop. When I felt the bear touch my pussy, I jerked at the touch as she rubbed him against my slit and felt the second orgasm rush through me. We snuggled as I recovered and afterwards, as we were getting up, I pushed her back down.

“Oh no, we don’t have time,” She said in a playful voice as I grabbed her bear.

I took the bear and repeated what she had done to me. She squirmed around, moaning as I rubbed the furry new friend against her already wet slit. Her moans grew louder and louder as her orgasm coarse through her body. I pressed the bear against her pussy as she slowly recovered. Fifteen minutes later, we found ourselves kissing and snuggling.

“Now we can get dressed and join Chip,” I said putting her bear next to mine against the pillows.

Once dressed, the two of us headed downstairs.




Coming down the stairs, we noticed that he wasn’t in the living room and called out, “Where are you, Chip?” 



“In the kitchen, ladies.”

As I turned around with the ingredients in hand, my cock jumped to attention and my jaw drop.

Jenna had on a white lace crop top and Brandy wore a yellow lace crop top, both displayed a fair amount of boob and cleavage. I later learned over the course of the next four days that Jenna’s twins were 32D and Brandy’s were 34C. 

“Chip, Chip, are you okay?” Brandy said as they both giggled, watching as I clumsily put the ingredients on the kitchen island.

I was caught, even though I diverted my eyes downward.  “Y-yes, I’m okay.” 

“That’s the best compliment I’ve had in quite a while,” said Jenna.

Their eyes were fixated on the very prominent bulge inside my shorts.

Brandy chimed in, “Me as well.” As she poked Jenna in the side with her elbow.

Trying to act nonchalant, I asked, “Would you ladies like to see the rest of the house? Sally will be home within the hour.”  

“Sure, then we’ll help you finish getting dinner ready,” said Brandy as I showed them the dining room, my study and the sitting room. The last stop was outside on the patio with the outdoor kitchen at one end and hot tub at the other end. We walked down to the pool, the girls were taken with the amazing view of the hills in the distance.

We returned to the kitchen, the girls took over making the salad and broccoli covered in melted Parmesan cheese. I made a pitcher of Margaritas and when everything was prepared, the three of us went out on the patio. They put everything out on the table and after firing up the grill, I joined them. Just when I had finished filling our glasses, we heard Sally pull up the driveway and told the girls to wait here as I excused myself. 

I greeted Sally at the door, “Hi sweetie, congrats on the win.”

“Thanks, honey. I’m going to go freshen up and I’ll be right down.”

Fifteen minutes later, she came down the stairs dressed in blue athletic shorts, matching thin strap scooped necked crop top and white athletic shoes. I couldn’t help staring at her 38C twins like a deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming car. The deep cleavage and taut nipples had my cock spring to attention.

She came up, planted her lips on mine and shoved her tongue in my mouth as I wrapped my arms around her slender body. I pulled her tightly against me until her breasts flattened against my chest. With one hand she reached down and rubbed her palm over the bulge in my shorts. I reached down with one hand and rubbed her slit while holding her tightly against me.

After a few very heated moments, I realized that Brandy and Jenna were waiting out on the patio for us. As I broke off the kiss, I said, “Sweetie, though I’d like to continue this, I have food cooking on the grill and would hate to have it burn.” 

“You’re right honey, I’m famished and afterward I want you for dessert.”

I grabbed her hand, told her to close her eyes and not open them until I said. We walked out on the patio, “Okay, you can open your eyes,” I said as the girls approached us. Moving to one side, I watched as the three of them let out screams of euphoria upon seeing each other. Brandy hugged Sally and they kissed each other on the cheek. Sally then embraced Jenna and they kissed each other on the cheek.

The girls told Sally what I had done and upon hearing that, my wife walked over, wrapped her arms around me, kissed me on the cheek and thanked me. I told her that there was more to come and she said that I had a few surprises coming my way. We kissed and as she turned toward her besties, I gave her a light slap on her beautiful ass. All three giggled as they gathered at the table, chatting away and catching up with what’s been happening in their lives as I tended to the food on the grill.

I couldn’t quite hear what they were talking about, though their giggling and at times their whispering had piqued my curiosity. As I approached the table with the platter of food, the chatting stopped. After placing the platter down, I took a glass, poured myself a drink and joined them. It was hard not to notice the three pairs of ‘high beams’ pointed in my direction as I took a sip from my glass. It didn’t take long for the ‘snake’ (Sally’s pet name for my cock) to come alive. I quickly scooted my chair closer to the table in hopes they hadn’t noticed the growing bulge.

As we ate and talked about what’s been happening in our lives I noticed the pitcher of Margaritas was empty and offered to go get some more. Making another pitcher, I thought the girls might like some wine as a nice change. With the pitcher all set to go, I went down to the wine cellar and after several minutes of consideration, chose three bottles of Gewürztraminer. The wine and three glasses were put in the ice bucket, and on the way back, I grabbed the pitcher. When I returned, the girls had moved to the chaise lounges by the pool.  

I replenished their glasses with the Margarita, placed the ice bucket on the table and went to clear the table. The girls were about to get up, but I told them to sit and that I wouldn’t be long. Twenty minutes later, I had rejoined them and poured myself a glass of wine as they continued talking. I mostly listened and before we realized it, the hour was late and I excused myself.

“Good night ladies, I have an early tee time in the morning.”

“Yes, his Men’s League starts tomorrow. Good night, honey.”

Brandy and Jenna chimed in, “Good night, Chip.”

I kissed Sally and went into the house and headed to the study where I opened the tall built-in cabinet. I took the big teddy bear in the living room and sat him up on the couch. I then put a notecard on his lap after which I went up to our bedroom, took a quick shower and went to bed. I sleep in the nude and switch from lying on my back to lying on my side during the night.

I rolled over on my back and was in that place between being asleep and semi-awake. I felt someone climb into bed and could barely open my eyes to see who was nuzzled against me on her side with one leg draped over mine and tracing her finger along my erection.

“Ssshhh, close your eyes, honey. It’s time for my dessert,” She whispered as her finger lightly moved up to the swollen head.

Her finger slowly went around the ridge of the circumcised cock and back down the shaft. Reaching the base, her fingernail lightly scraped my scrotum and moved up the shaft once again. She kept this up while kissing and biting my earlobe as I caressed her thigh. Again she whispered in my ear, “Thank you for the teddy bear, now my collection is complete,” as her fingertip scooped up more precum as it leaked out from the slit.

She brought her finger up to those full lips and licked her finger clean, “Mmm, delicious.” 

Her finger returned to the mushroom head and swirled the thick cream all around the knob. Bringing the finger to her mouth, she licked it clean and then spat on the palm. She wrapped her hand around the thick shaft, gave it a squeeze and began stroking the throbbing snake.

“Oh, God babe, I’m gonna cum,” I groaned as her hand moved faster along the rigid shaft in a twisting motion.

“Ooohhh, babe the snake is throbbing. C’mon, gimme that potent venom.”  

Her hand moved even faster as she took my earlobe between her teeth. When she bit down, that was all it took and my nuts emptied themselves. Rope after rope of thick white cum splattered onto my chest and stomach. She squeezed every last drop from my cock as I lay there completely spent. Raising herself up, Sally moved between my legs and looking down, she used a sultry voice saying, “Now for my dessert.”  

I watched my sexy wife lick the cream from my chest and then open her mouth to show me. That was followed by a loud gulp as she swallowed my seed, followed by smacking her lips and saying, “Mmm, tasty.  Finished with my chest, she moved down and using her fingers, scooped up the cum and rubbed the thick fluid into her tits and on those tasty nipples.

Leaning forward, she fed me a cum covered nipple and said, “Suck.”  After I had sucked the nipple clean, I was presented with the other one and sucked it clean.  She lay back down, draped her leg over mine and we fell asleep. 


The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. 


Copyright ©2020 All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, Banes1




Published 5 years ago

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