Alice’s Very Naughty Adventures Chapter IX: Yum and Yee

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“You drank the tea,” Yee and Yum giggled while resting their hands lightly upon Alice’s bare thighs. “The special brew.”

“Yes,” she admitted, quivering as they ran their nails idly over her flesh. “And now?” Alice wondered if they always spoke thusly, in unison, their voices blending together perfectly.

“And now, sit perfectly still for us. Until it wears off, you’ll do anything anyone tells you to do. You should never drink anything without knowing what it is.”


“Yes, anything,” repeated Yee.

“Not everything,” remarked Yum.

“She will too!” Yee declared argumentatively.

“She won’t! Not if it’s something she truly does not wish to!” retorted Yum.

For a moment, there was silence while Yee and Yum glared at each other, ignoring Alice for the time being, until, eventually, one capitulated.

“Perhaps not. But how could she ever say no to us?”

“I can’t imagine how she could.”

“Well, then. Everything and anything we ask her.”

“Exactly. Anything and everything we tell her.”

The disagreement concluded, they turned their attentions upon Alice once more, their nails tracking lazy swirls upon her sensitive inner thighs while Alice sat perfectly still as she’d been told, forced to bear witness to the sisters as they teased her, one set of hands stroking her thighs and then another teasing her breasts, fingertips traveling in a lazy spiral, each orbit drawing closer to her throbbing nipples. In no time her chest rose and fell dramatically with each breath and a trail of drool was slipping from the corners of her parted lips.

“You don’t mind being watched?” they asked, giggling playfully as Alice let out a soft moan at the realization that she was, indeed, being watched. In fact, she was the center of attention. Even the hostess with the mismatched eyes had paused to enjoy the show.

“No,” she mumbled, compelled to answer truthfully, despite her reluctance to admit it.  “I rather like it.”

“And why is that?”

“I don’t know.”

They began to tease her nipples, thumbs brushing over pink tips and then pinching, pulling and twisting until she began to whimper, softly at first and then loud enough to be heard by the entire room.

“Anything,” whispered Yee.

“And everything,” murmured Yum.

“Anything and everything,” sighed Alice, too overwhelmed with sensations to refute them, much to their delight.

“Bark like a dog!” Yee suggested.


“Meow like a cat!” Yum told her.


“Kiss me,” they told her in perfect harmony, leaning closer so that Alice could kiss them both at the same time while they pulled gently upon her thighs until they were spread indecently apart.

“We have a room upstairs, Alice,” they whispered in her ears.  “Would you like to see it?”

“I -“ she glanced toward the bishop who was watching her intently. He reminded her for a brief moment of the wild cats that roamed the fields near her home as they stalked the field mice that fed upon the grass. “I would although I am not sure I am allowed.”

“Leave that to us. Stay right here while we ask your companion.”

Alice nodded helpfully and watched nervously as the twins approached the bishop, speaking too softly for her to overhear. Not that she cared very much, for, as soon as she was alone, the floating feeling had returned. She felt as if she weighed no more than a feather and worried that someone might open a window and send her flying willy-nilly across the room. Or perhaps, if she sat long enough she would rise to the ceiling like a balloon and have to be rescued.

‘I do hope Yee and Yum realize my predicament and return soon,’ she thought, gazing across the room at the pair. That soon became difficult, however, as she found it increasingly difficult to focus on the twins for another apparition slowly appeared before her, much like the ones rising from her teacup.

“Hello Alice,” greeted the Cheshire cat.

“Hello, Cheshire,” she murmured, offering it a demure smile.

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“I am not sure.  I believe that I am being enjoyed much more than I am enjoying it. Or, perhaps they are equal? I cannot say.”

“And why would that be, Alice?”

“I am not sure I am myself right now.”

“If not, then who are you?” he asked with amusement, his eyes bright as he studied her.

“I am not sure of that, either. Perhaps I am in between being Alice and being Not Alice. Or rather, being That Alice and This Alice.”

“I wonder which you prefer, Not Alice and Not Quite Not Alice.”

“I think I prefer being This Alice to being That Alice. As for being Alice and Not Alice, I have yet to make a decision. Perhaps I am simply mad, Cheshire.”

He grinned at that. The biggest grin Alice had ever seen. So big that she hardly noticed when the rest of him faded from sight.

“I believe you may be, Not Alice. But I’ll tell you a secret. Only the best people are. Don’t forget what I’ve told you.”

‘Oh, dear. And what would that be?’ she wondered to herself. ‘Perhaps, if he had written it down somewhere. Or I had. Or someone had!’

“Cheshire! Come back!” she called out uselessly for once again, he had disappeared completely. Taking a deep breath, she waited for the twins to return, blowing it slowly out as they seemed to reach an agreement with the bishop and returned with joyful smiles.

“We get to play with you as long as the tea lasts,” they told her, each taking an arm and helping her up from her seat upon the padded chair.

“With any luck, it will last until supper!” each gripping an arm, they led her away from the crowded hall and toward a spiral staircase decorated with bright gold rails and plush red carpeting. Carefully, Alice put one foot in front of the other until she reached the second story. From there, the sister’s guided her, giggling giddily to a large wooden door.

“We are going to have so much fun together,” Yee, or perhaps Yum, told her while Yum, or perhaps Yee said, “We are going to enjoy playing with you.”

Then the door was unlocked and thrown open and Alice was escorted in and the door shut behind her.

And then, Yee or Yum whispered into her ear, as Yum or Yee fondled her bottom. “Take off your knickers for us, Alice. And then go sit on the bed like a good girl. The bedroom is through that doorway.” They pointed simultaneously a red door in which images of naked women frolicking with all manner of creatures had been carved. It reminded her very much of her dream, in fact.

Blushing, she removed the last of her clothing, leaving her knickers laying upon the tiled floor before making her way to the bedroom, opening and then closing the door behind her, her heart beating a tattoo in her chest as she paused and looked around the room.

It was very feminine and colorful. Wildflowers painted upon a cream surface, adorned the wallpaper. Vases filled with flowers representing every hue of the rainbow filled the room. Lace curtains framed a cut crystal window. A pair of plump stuffed chairs framed a padded bench, their patterned fabric quite quaint. The bed itself, however, was what held caught and held her attention, placed so that it was the centerpiece of the room.  A huge four-poster bed, the bedposts supporting a canopy from which gauzy curtains hung. They were tied back with red velvet sashes.

“It’s splendid,” she murmured, admiration shining in her slightly glazed eyes. “The sort of bed I have always dreamed of having! I wonder what tales it could tell if it could speak.”

Remembering the doorknob, she paused, half hoping for a reply, but the bed remained silent, much to her disappointment.

‘Oh, well. I imagine they would be quite lurid tales indeed. Perhaps it is best I not hear them,’ she told herself as she took several steps forward, remembering her instructions, her pulse racing with every step.

‘How do I get myself into these situations? I did not start out the day saying to myself, Alice? You should endeavor to perform six indecent acts before breakfast and yet I find myself getting into trouble at every turn! Well, at least I can honestly say that this time it is most definitely not my fault. Had the bishop not made me drink that tea, I would still be fully clothed whilst dining on something quite scrumptious. I don’t suppose anyone could possibly believe I am at fault for trusting him!’

She sighed and took several more steps toward the bed, unable to deny the arousal building within her as she drew nearer the bed, despite her protests.

‘I do wonder what Yee and Yum plan to do with me. I do hope they haven’t forgotten all about me already.’

A few more steps brought her to the bed. It looked quite inviting and she considered throwing herself upon it and stretching out like a cat and perhaps even nap for a time, but she’d been told to sit on the bed like a good girl, so she simply sat, hands folded demurely upon her lap, back straight and ankles crossed, and her chin tilted down so that it very nearly touched her chest, which is how the twins found her several moments later, much to their apparent delight.

“She looks delicious,” they declared, giggling with joy whilst traipsing into the room after having taken the time to either undress themselves or each other.

Glancing out of the corner of her cornflower blue eyes, Alice appraised the twins, idly wondering if, indeed, they were exactly alike. Whilst she was quite petite, the sisters were quite tall. Honey-blonde curls spilled over slim shoulders, partially hiding small breasts. Their eyes were dark and they both had a smattering of delicate freckles spattered across their faces.

“She would make a tasty pastry to nibble upon, don’t you think?” Declared one.

“I concur!” Declared the other. “A most pervert dessert!”

“A dandy little candy!”

“Let’s eat!” They both exclaimed as they rushed forward and flung themselves on the bed, taking Alice with them.

‘Oh, dear, I certainly wasn’t expecting that!’ she thought to herself. ‘They are quite full of enthusiasm!’

And then, there was little time, nor inclination, for further thoughts, musings, or wonderings for their hands and mouths seemed to be everywhere at once keeping Alice quite busy, her own hands and mouth hastily responding in kind.

Until now, she hadn’t been sure if she would enjoy being bitten, but she very quickly decided, between anguished moans of pleasure, that her nipples certainly enjoyed it. Nor had she been sure if she would like to be tickled, but despite the protests lodged between peals of laughter, she decided that it wasn’t the worst possible treatment.

Nor was she certain that she would enjoy the taste of another girl’s cunny (‘No, not cunny, you silly nitwit,’ she corrected herself. ‘That’s a word you would have used yesterday when you were an entirely different Alice, one who wouldn’t have dreamed of licking at another girl’s cunt like a lapdog.’) but found herself to be quite receptive to having her head between the thighs of Yee, or perhaps Yum, and savoring her delights until she (Yee. Or maybe Yum. Not Alice) shook and shivered and squealed as she soaked Alice’s face with her cunt juices (now that she had embraced the word, she found herself quite enjoying its employment and vowed to use it at every opportunity. Of course, this was all done in the passion of the moment and whether she would honor that vow in less impolite company remained to be seen).

“Round two!” declared the twins.

Round two found Alice pinned to the bed whilst one of the twins sat upon her head, nearly smothering her, and demanded she use her tongue like a whore (‘A French whore, please and thank you!’) as the other pushed her legs up and back so that she could do the same to her cunt. It wasn’t long before Alice was slurping down the sweet ambrosia of Yum’s – or Yee’s – cunt as she quivered and shivered above her. Soon after, Alice also was overcome with passionate ecstasy, coating the face of Yee – or possibly Yum – whilst the other twin was licking her own discharge from Alice’s mouth and cheeks.

“Round Three!”

‘I hope that round three involves me curled up, my head on a pillow whilst being cuddled.’

The twins, however, had other ideas.

“I want to paddle her bottom,” one of them announced.

“I want to paddle her pussy,” proclaimed the other.

“Let’s!” they declared as one, roughly handling Alice and forcing her to her feet the middle of the room so that they could bind her wrists together with silk and then secure them to a ceiling beam, forcing her to stand on tiptoe while they danced around her gleefully, darting into to pinch her bottom or a nipple from time to time or, just as often, kiss her passionately, until she forgot all about curling up on the bed and dozing whilst being held.

“What shall we use to paddle her with?”

“A thimble!” objected the other.

“Too small! A wardrobe!”

“Much too big!” This time it was Alice who objected, before making her own suggestion, for she was very curious to see if she enjoyed being paddled as much as she had being spanked. “I don’t suppose you have a ruler?”

Yee and Yum stilled, staring at their playmate, smiles full of both admiration and speculation.

“Neither too big -“

“Nor too small -“

“Perhaps in the trunk.”

“Perhaps. Or perhaps not.”

“I am leaning towards perhaps.”

“As am I. We should go look.”

And then, together, sounding as one; “Stay right there!”

“I am hardly in a position to do otherwise,” Alice mumbled to herself as the sisters abandoned her.

And so she waited. And waited. And waited until her arms began to tire. And her toes began to ache. And her eyelids began to droop, all the while wondering what could possibly be keeping Yum and Yee.

‘If only I wasn’t compelled to stand here like this. I wonder when the effects of the tea will wear off?’

Giving it some careful thought, Alice began to wonder if, perhaps, it had and she just hadn’t noticed having been otherwise occupied. ‘I think I can escape my bonds. They don’t seem to be tied very well…’

In no time at all she was standing, her bare feet firmly on the floor.

‘I shall simply take a single step and see what happens’ and she did. And then another. And another, until she was quite sure that she was, once again, in control of her own destiny.

“Well, that’s a relief. Now, what to do. I am curious as to what happened to Yee and Yum. That said, I was so looking forward to taking a short nap. I don’t suppose it would hurt to lie down on the bed and close my eyes for a short while…”

So she did just that, arranging herself with her head upon a pillow before pulling a sheet over her and closing her eyes with a weary but satisfied sight.

“This has become quite the adventure.”

And with that thought, she fell into a deep and dream-filled slumber…

Published 5 years ago

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