Dark Horse – Unholy Trinity

"Lucy Furr and Gala move on together"

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The girl sitting on the steps of the shepherd’s hut turned her head languidly towards us, her long black hair masking one side of an exquisite face. She smiled and stood gracefully, her breasts now fully exposed. They were beautiful too. Lucy advanced towards her and the two embraced and kissed and it was a hot, tongue kiss that for reasons I cannot explain didn’t make me feel jealous.

“Who is she?” Lucy had said in answer to my question. “Why, darling, she’s me.”

If I was becoming exasperated with all the enigmatic replies I wasn’t aware of it. Lucy had brought excitement of different sorts into my life in a very short time: the casinos, the cheating, the fast cars, the different residences and now this. I was still holding Lucy’s hand and suddenly found myself being kissed by the black haired beauty.

“Gala,” said Lucy, “meet Diabla.”

Diabla smiled and said, “We’ve been expecting you.” How this could be I had no idea because I’d been with Lucy all the time since we left England and she hadn’t carried a phone or used one. “Our sister is waiting in the house.”

The two women released me and together, hand in hand, walked towards the line of trees that bordered the glade in which the hut sat, while I stood, trying to get my head around everything. I was startled when a large Dalmatian appeared in the door of the hut and walked down the three steps and came to sit beside me. It was, I felt sure, Bepina but how was that possible?

Lucy looked back at me over her shoulder. “Marieta, darling. Her name is Marieta, Bepina’s sister. She’ll guide you.”

The dog nuzzled my hand and I stroked her head. She stood and started to follow the others. When I didn’t follow she stopped and looked at me and so I followed and we walked side by side into the cordon of trees and along a path. “Christ,” I thought, “she’s bloody Lassie.” At a fork she gently pressed against me, guiding me to the left and we walked on until the woodland opened up and there stood a wonderful, large house built of a golden stone and with a substantial porch enclosing a tall, wide oak door which opened as we approached and there stood Lucy and Diabla, smiling at me and waiting.

As I walked into the house, the dog sat on the porch and then folded herself down onto the floor and, apparently, slept. The two women each took one of my arms and began to walk deeper into the property. Suddenly I decided to show some resistance. I stopped making them stop too.

“Lucy, you need to tell me what’s going on and right now.”

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“That’s not the point.”

“Oh, but it is. It is exactly the point. You’ve been excited since we first met and you’ve never experienced an almost constant rush of excitement for so long ever before, have you?” I shook my head. “Well then. I told you, I let you get close and now we’re very close and you will love everything. You’re as safe as you want to be.”

Diabla took my face in both her hands. “If you get hurt it is because you want to be.” She kissed my mouth and pressed her naked breasts against me. “You’re with us now. Lucy has chosen you.”

I stepped back. “Who am I with? What are you? Why do you want me?”

The voice that answered my question was dark, mellifluous, enchanting and had a slight German accent. “We, Lucy, Diabla and I are the Unholy Trinity.” I went to speak but suddenly I could see her. She was tall, silver haired, high cheek boned and wore a long dark green dress that revealed the shape of her fantastic body. “We are not some crazy religious order or witches or anything involving the supernatural. We are far more exciting than that. And why have we chosen you? Because Lucy believes that when you understand you will be useful to us.”

“Useful how? And who the fuck are you?”

She smiled. “So many questions. I am Erin. Gala, come. You are welcome and you are confused as is only natural but you will find yourself here and you will understand. Open your mind.” Her voice was calming and I felt myself relaxing. “We will tell you everything but it will take time.”

Lucy took my hand. She reached into her bag and handed me the keys to the BMW. “You have a large amount of money and now you have the keys to the car. You can leave at any time you want to. Nobody will stop you.” She turned to Diabla. “Would you take Gala to her room?” Back to me. “Please, go with Diabla, I need to talk to Erin. We’ll have dinner later and we can all talk then.”

Diabla, her tits still on show, led me up a wide stone staircase and along a passageway to a bedroom. It’s windows overlooked the land in front of the house towards the woodland we had walked through. Diabla kissed me. Her mouth was wet, warm and amazingly inviting. I was wearing a blue dress that had buttons from neck to hem and a white belt and she slowly undressed me without interrupting the kiss. The dress open, she pressed her tits against mine and ran her hands over my thighs and then covered my cunt. Her finger curled into me and I groaned into her mouth. She was gentle but urgent. My mind had been in a whirl since I met Lucy and now, here I was having sex with her, her what, alter ego?

“Why, darling, she’s me.”

We fell onto the bed and Diabla somehow organised herself to be between my legs, her mouth where her hand had been, her hands reaching up to cover and fondle my breasts, her tongue opening me. Her long black hair stroked my thighs as she bobbed between my legs and I ran my fingers through it. A finger stroked my arse and it was as if she knew because as I started to cum she pushed it deep into me and I lifted my hips as my back arched and the orgasm burst out of me.

I was surprised when she stood and smiled at me. “There will be lots of this. Rest, have a shower, the gong will go when it’s time for dinner. You’ll find clothes in the wardrobe. Choose anything, Lucy selected it all for you.”


“We have plenty of time.” She bent down to kiss me then turned and I watched her beautiful body move as she left the room.


The clothes in the wardrobe were beautiful, expensive and I chose a long, loose dark blue dress. I searched but found no underwear. The dress felt wonderful and I sat for a while, looking out of the window and trying to make sense of it all but I couldn’t.

The chime of the gong startled me and I stood, checked myself in the mirror. “Bloody hell, Gala, what have you got yourself into?”

I went downstairs and followed the sound of voices until I found the three of them sitting in a large, beautifully lit room overlooking the rear garden. Erin spoke first. “Gala, welcome. Come and join us. Lucy will explain while Diabla and I sort out our dinner.”

The next hours were, if anything, more surprising even than everything that had gone before.

Know,” said Lucy as the others left, “that I am a cheat and a crook. We all are. But, before you judge us, let each of us explain. We met in prison. I had been arrested for using the credit card of a woman in London and was waiting for my trial. The Police didn’t know but she was the wife of one of the biggest drug dealers in London. I didn’t tell them. But all the money I stole from her was money from drugs, dangerous drugs. I felt no shame. I still don’t. My lawyer was a woman called Sandra Grossman but you know her as Erin. My real name is Elizabeth Livingstone. Erin got me off. She was utterly brilliant and she still is. She was also representing Diabla, real name Irina Krystow. She was inside for, well, I’ll let her tell you. We had become lovers in jail.

“When we were both acquitted, thanks to Erin, we split up but, later, Erin got us back together, inviting us to visit her here.” She took my hand. “We have become incredibly close and loyal to each other and we have become better crooks. Better because we only target evil people. We’re not Robin Hoods. We steal for ourselves but we only steal from vile people.” She laughed. “You might call us ethical villains. Our names are a small joke, references to the devil because our crime is more devilment. The people I cheated at cards? One, in London, was an arms dealer, the other, in Le Touquet, a blood diamond dealer and human trafficker. Neither knows they have been cheated.”

She stood and moved behind me, stroking my hair back with both hands so I bent my neck backwards and she kissed my mouth hard as her hands slid down into the bodice of my dress and caressed my tits. Her tongue entered me and I felt the familiar rush and flood between my thighs. She stopped kissing me and looked down at me.

“You came with me, asked so few questions, did as I asked. You were perfect. Not a mindless slave but a woman born to be a supporter, a helper. Submissive but not supine. We three, the unholy trinity, have a mission. Part of that mission is to enjoy ourselves but not just be happy but total enjoyment, wealth, sex, fine clothes, fast cars, wine, food. Everything that life has to offer. You can help, be a part of us. You can be you, the whole you, the real you.” She kissed me again. “Come on, dinner and I am absolutely starving. Did Diabla fuck you?” I nodded. “Isn’t she amazing?”

The meal was simple and delicious. The wine accompanying it was superb. The liqueurs after, heady. It seemed Diabla liked to have her tits on show all the time and Erin joked that she had to do most of the cooking to preserve them.


Diabla’s story:

“I am an accountant. I discovered the depths of crime some of my clients would stoop to and decided I would steal from them. I also decided that there were lots of ways of doing it but it was Erin, when she defended me on that fraud charge, who pointed out there were safer ways to avoid prison and make more money. So, I identified companies using slave or child labour and stole all I could from them. Erin helped me do it so that I wouldn’t get caught.”


Erin’s story:

“Two of the hottest women I have ever known in prison for crimes against criminals! How could I let them go to jail? I got them both off and about a year later I got in touch and asked them to come here. I suggested we could do more and better together and now I identify targets and together we decide how to rob them. We’re good. Very good. We’re also rich.

“At home I am the respectable lawyer. Many of my clients are the sorts of crooks we like to hit.

“So, you see, Gala, we are better as a group than as individuals.”


So where did I come in? That was the question I asked and it was answered. I’ll tell you more another time. But let me tell you what happened after dinner.

“Welcome to Trinity Central.” Lucy threw open a pair of double doors to reveal a vast bedroom dominated by the biggest bed I had ever seen. It seemed as big as a tennis court but that was just my first impression. “We all have our own rooms, just as you do. But if we want to be together this is where we meet.”

Erin was behind me and I felt her arms encircle me, her chin on my shoulder. Her low, dark voice whispered in my ear. “All of us, Gala. All four of us, together here. Have you ever been fucked by three women?” I had not. “Do you want to be?” Her hands cupped my breasts through the thin dress.

Before I could answer, Diabla eased past me and sat on the edge of the bed. Lucy went to her and knelt on the bed behind her.

“Stand here with me and watch them.”

Naked now, Diabla sat with her feet on the bed so that her tits were almost hidden by her knees but her cunt was clearly visible. As I watched she began to stroke it, finger it, open it; all the while her eyes on mine. As she stroked herself, Lucy began to massage her shoulders, then her breasts and then pulled her by her hair until she was prone on the bed. Lucy rolled forward, straddling Diabla and, with a brief glance and a smile to me began to lick her cunt. It was at that moment that I felt it, the hard tip of a dildo against me.

Erin whispered, “Steady yourself on the walls,” so I spread my arms and as I did she pulled my dress up and pulled my hips back a little and then she was inside me, her hands on my breasts, her dildo in me but not deeply. She didn’t move at first. I did though. I was on heat now; the show before me, the dildo in my cunt, hands on my tits and I wanted it, needed it and I pushed back against her wanting it all in but she rocked backwards and emitted a small laugh. “Patience.”

I still don’t quite know how we did this but we did. We walked the short distance to the end of the bed with Erin still in me. When we got to it, she pushed me gently so my hands were on the bed and then she started, very slowly at first, to rock behind me. Lucy looked up and smiled then she and Diabla changed position so Diabla’s face was close to mine and Lucy was behind her. She pushed the bulb of a feeldoe into Diabla’s mouth which was so fucking hot I almost came just seeing it. Then she took it out and made a real show of inserting it into her cunt before starting to fuck Diabla as Erin was fucking me. Diabla kissed me and so there we were, the four of us, the Unholy Trinity and me.

It didn’t take long. But then, it didn’t end there.

Published 5 years ago

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