Billy and Tara were lounging by the splash pool from the waterfall they found on today’s portion of their hike. It had been completely by accident that they had turned down the wrong path but now they both were so glad they had. They found this beautiful spot at the base of this seventy-five-foot waterfall. It had a flat area covered in soft grass that would make a perfect camping spot.
They spent several hours preparing the site. Billy gathered rocks to make a fire pit while Tara erected their lean-to canopy and prepared their bedding for the night. She then started breaking out the cooking pots and utensils to prepare their food later. By the time she had finished Billy had completed the fire pit. Then they both went out to collect wood for the fire.
Finally done with their chores it was time to relax. Billy was the first to strip naked with Tara quickly following. They had a secret they shared but hid from others. They both enjoyed being totally nude and having been around each other for so many years were completely comfortable being nude in front of each other.
Billy took off running towards the splash pool yelling over his shoulder, “The last one in does dishes!” The word dishes came out just as he hit the water at a full run. He splashed into the water only to come up yelling, “God damn that’s cold!”
Tara had moved over to the water’s edge and looked down at Billy laughing and saying, “What the hell did you expect? This is fed by the melting snow and its only early May.”
“Well bring your cute ass in here so we can warm it up together”
“Ah, NO!”
Billy came charging at her through water that was about waist deep. Tara quickly backed away knowing full well he was going to try to drag her into that cold ass water. Billy made it out of the water and was now chasing Tara around the clearing. They both knew no matter how hard she ran from him Billy would eventually catch her. It was the game they played.
He finally caught her and wrapped her up in his arms. She knew what was coming next and fought like the devil but to no avail, Billy dragged her towards the pool. As they got closer, he held on tighter repositioning his arms closer to her waist. She was struggling but the fight was going out of her. She was preparing herself for the shock of the cold-ass water.
Billy got to the edge and was just about to start dragging Tara into the freezing water when she made one last plead saying, “Don’t do it and I’ll do anything you want tonight.”
He stopped with his feet in the water and hers just inches from it and said, “Who the hell you kidding, you’ll do whatever I want anyhow.” With that, he lifted her off her feet, turned and took two larger strides before they both hit the water with a splash. Billy let go of Tara as soon as they hit the water and she came out of the water cussing him like a French sailor.
“You son of a bitch, that was fucking cold. Now I’m freezing fucker!” Tara was shaking from the cold and her anger.
Billy waded over to her and tried to wrap his arms around and she pushed him away at first but finally relented. He wrapped her up in his arms pulling her close to him. He could feel her shaking as he held her. He could also feel her hard nipples rubbing against his chest as he held her and that felt very nice.
He tilted his head down to kiss her and she couldn’t help but meet him. He gently kissed her before saying, “Sorry, I can feel you shaking. Let’s get out of this cold water and I’ll warm you up.”
“Mm, that sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.”
They waded out of the water and went over to their lean-to. Billy grabbed a big fluffy towel and started drying Tara off. He started with her hair and worked his way down. He dried her face and worked to her shoulders and eventually he was drying her chest. He was taking his time to dry and caress her breasts. He was paying a lot of attention to her nipples and it wasn’t long before she was letting little moans escape.
Billy took this as a good sign and still holding part of the towel over one of her breasts, he let the other half fall over her tummy. He started patting her dry while working his hand further along until he had the towel cupped against her mound. He flexed his fingers against her, gently massaging her. The little moans increased in intensity as he worked the soft towel against her.
He finally let the towel drop from her and brought both hands to her breasts. He worked her breasts in his fingers until he was just teasing and toying with her nipples. She leaned back against his body as he stoked her fire that was building in her core. She could feel his fire being stoked as well. His cock was hardening against her ass as he continued teasing her.
He started working his hands down the smoothness of her stomach until he had them at the creases of where her hips and thighs meet. He slid them along her skin and she opened her legs for him without ever giving it a conscious thought, it was all an involuntary desire to be touched. Billy was glad to oblige her with lots of touches.
He worked his hands down along the insides of her thighs before he started working his fingers along her soft lips. He was stroking them with just his fingertips causing her to moan even louder. He loved teasing her and keeping her fire flaming. Taking his fingers, he spread her apart and continued tracing his fingers deeper until he had fingers from both hands working in and out of her. Her juices were dripping by this time.
So, Billy didn’t feel neglected, Tara slid her hands between them and grasped his hardening cock in one hand and his balls in the other. She slowly started stroking him as she fondled his heavy sack. It was his turn to let moans escape from her efforts.
Both of them were becoming plenty warm but it was Tara’s desires that overheated first. She leaned back into Billy and softly said, “Now please, I want you now!” With that, she pulled from Billy’s grasp. She went to her hands and knees on the bedding she had laid out under the lean-to.
Billy wasted no time slipping up behind her. She looked over her shoulder at him. That look conveyed all he needed to know. They both knew this was going to be fast and rough. With his cock already hard and straining, he wasted no time plunging it into her waiting pussy.
As he pressed his full length into her, she grunted and moaned. She loved it when he would fill her in one push. Being none too gentle, he pulled almost all the way out and drove back into her as hard as the first thrust. She moaned louder and said, “Yes, baby, harder!”
The pace at which Billy was pounding into her and their already excited state, neither of them was going to last long. Tara’s orgasm hit first. She stiffened and her pussy clenched around Billy’s cock as she began to shake with her orgasm. She let a loud moaning scream she was cumming.
That was all it took for Billy to reach his own orgasm. Pushing into Tara as hard as he could, he let loose with his own orgasm. He let out his own cry of release before collapsing onto Tara. They wound up in a heap on the bedding panting together. They stayed this way, with Billy half resting on Tara as they both regained their composure.
As they rested together, they were startled by a loud growl rolling across the clearing. Being in the woods in Northern Michigan, they both knew there were some large cougars that roamed out here but had never seen one. Billy rolled away from Tara and started looking around for where the growl had come from. It took him a moment to find the cougar but he finally spotted it on the other side of the splash pool laying in the grass.
The cougar was just laying there, staring across the water at the two lovers. He made no attempt to move but laid there just watching them. Billy quietly told Tara, “Stay still babe; we don’t want to spook him.”
As they watched the cougar, a second cougar came out of the grass and stood next to the one laying down. Both cougars were watching across the splash pool now. Billy and Tara were so still, you could hardly tell they were breathing. Both were totally fascinated by these two cats but at the same time scared to death of what might come next.
After a few minutes, the standing cougar leaned down and bit the others ear. One laying down growled jumping to its feet. It was then that Billy and Tara could see the size difference. The one that had been lying down was easily twice the size of the one that had been standing. The smaller one reached over and bit at the larger one again before turning its back on the splash pool and moving back into the woods. The larger cougar stood still staring across the water at Billy and Tara. It finally let a loud growl escape and then turned, following the smaller one into the woods.
Billy and Tara just laid there staring across at where the cougars had disappeared into the woods. Billy finally broke the silence by saying, “I hope he got his money’s worth?”
Tara looked up and at Billy and just burst out laughing. She calmed down and said, “I think he liked it but not so sure his mate liked him watching.”
That wasn’t the first time they had ever put on a show for the wildlife but it was sure the first time they got a round of applause from it.