Alice’s Very Naughty Adventures Chapter X: Father’s Study

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Alice found herself in a very familiar setting; her father’s study, but not quite as she remembered it. Thankfully, she was wearing a dressing robe, for the idea of being naked in this most sacred of places would have left her completely flustered.

‘It is a dream, after all,’ she reminded herself. ‘And I am not suddenly returned home.’

Looking about the room, she took note of what belonged and what didn’t. Her father’s plush reading chair and ottoman, his shelves of books, his side table (upon which stood a decanter full of brandy, a snifter, and his pipe), and his chessboard were all as she recalled them and yet, they were different. The decanter had a tag attached to the neck that read ‘drink me’. The books had nonsensical titles to them.

‘Dislogic and the Memory of Water by Walter Carpenter Oysterhead. The Body Alchemical by Professor Jonas Firefly Pratchett. The Art of Invisibility by Puffin McClamdish. I am sure I have never seen, nor heard, of any of these before! Oh, and look at this! Alice’s Naughty Adventures! I am sure he wouldn’t have something so lurid upon his shelves. I wonder if it has anything to do with me…’

Full of curiosity, she pulled the book from the shelf and took a seat with it on her lap, her feet resting comfortably upon the ottoman as she studied the cover. The words were etched in gold leaf upon red leather and there was an illustration of a young blonde woman whose clothing was in a state of distress and who had an uncanny resemblance to Alice herself.

“I wonder if it would-   Oh, hello again, Cheshire. I don’t suppose you’ve brought a pair of slippers with you?”

For indeed, the cat had joined her within her dream. At least his head had. He winked at her with both eyes and grinned lazily, his head spinning slowly until it was upside down.

“I’ve brought only my company. And advice, if you’d like. I’ve also learned a new riddle. Would you like to hear it?”

“I don’t suppose it would be very helpful in helping me make sense of this dream?”

“I don’t suppose it would, although it might be a pleasant diversion to while away the time until you make up your mind.”

“Make up my mind?”  She asked, stroking the tome balanced upon her thighs absently.


With a sigh, Alice gave a small nod at which the rest of the cat slowly faded into being, once more revolving until it was right side up.

“What disappears as soon as you speak its name?”

Alice rolled her eyes, thinking of the cat’s habit of appearing and disappearing when she was alone. “I don’t suppose you are the answer,” she teased, the hint of a smile upon her lips.

“Perhaps you should say my name and see what happens.”


The cat simply grinned and twitched its tail (which had suddenly appeared, although its body was still wholly absent).

Alice placed her chin upon her fist thoughtfully, having heard somewhere that one did their best thinking in exactly such a pose.

“I suppose the answer is quite clever.”


“And, since I have always considered myself a clever girl, I should be able to work it out.”

“I would imagine so.”

“I presume you won’t give me even the smallest of hints?”

At that, the cat’s grin grew even wider, if such a thing were possible, at which Alice simply sighed and closed her eyes so she could concentrate better.

‘Riddles always vex me terribly, Cheshire, for the answers are always so obvious once you find them, and yet so difficult to find.”

“There’s a lesson in that, Alice, but perhaps you should concentrate on solving the riddle first.”

Alice mulled it over for a very long time. Thankfully, the cat didn’t appear to be impatient with her. In fact, it seemed to have forgotten about her entirely as it settled upon her lap alongside the book and closed its eyes as if asleep.   

‘Best solve this quickly,’ she told herself, ‘What disappears once you say- oh! Of course! Why didn’t I think of that before? I truly am quite clever at times!’ For, of course, she had solved it, and all without even the slightest of hints.

“It’s silence, isn’t it! Please tell me it is!”

The cat stretched and yawned, eventually regarding her with a single open eye and a bored smile.

“Very good, Alice, I was quite confident you would solve it, although you took your time about it. And now, since you have, I’ll give you a piece of advice.”

“Only a piece?”

“Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle. If you take all the advice I give you, it will form a picture.”

She did her best to look grateful, hoping that the cat would appreciate her effort. Seemingly, he did, for he didn’t disappear right away. Instead, one of his front legs appeared so that he could tap one of his sharp-looking claws against his temple, which made him appear much smarter than a cat had any right to be.

“My advice would be that not everything is as it seems. Appearances can be quite deceiving, Alice. You would do well to remember that.”

“But what-? Oh, Bloody hell!” she exclaimed with frustration, for before she could voice her question the cat gave her a wink and vanished once more.

“I am not sure what good that will do me, asleep or awake,” she grumbled, arms folded crossly across her chest. Eventually, she let out her breath and looked about the room once more, the book still unopened on her lap, her gaze settling upon the chessboard, her thoughts returning to her time upon The Looking Glass, blushing as she recalled how the chessman had chained her to the wooden wheel and made use of her cunt one after another and how it had made her feel.

‘I confess, I didn’t mind as much as might have,’ she thought, her heart beating just a little faster in her chest as she replayed the memory. ‘I might even admit to enjoying it.’

Leaning back in the chair, the large volume still unopened, she undid her sash and slowly pulled her robe open.

‘In my father’s study, too!’ she thought, smiling. ‘If this were not a dream, it would be completely scandalous. Imagine if he were to walk in and see me sitting here like this. I would never hear the end of it. I wonder if he would spank me…’

Another memory teased at the edges of the thoughts. Captain Foxtrot taking her over his lap and spanking her.

‘I suppose, since no one is here to tell me to behave like a proper young lady, it would be perfectly natural to stroke my cunny – excuse me – to play with my cunt like a French whore – no, like a French slut!’

While her cheeks burned at the thought, a different kind of heat had been kindled deep within, one that she stoked by spreading her legs somewhat apart and touching herself intimately with trembling fingers.

“I really shouldn’t, but I cannot help myself,” she breathed, her breasts beginning to rise and fall with each passionate breath, her nipples swelling until they ached. She touched one, wetting her finger in her mouth first, a shudder going through her at the sensation. Lifting her legs from the ottoman, she draped them over the arms of the reading chair, leaving herself spread wide open and quite exposed.

“Alice’s naughty adventures, indeed,” she moaned, teasing her swollen pleasure nub with her fingers as she felt her cunt begin to leak all over the leather of her father’s favorite chair, her eyes closed as she reveled in pleasure and slunk down so that she could easily slip her fingers inside of her quite tight, and very wet, pussy.

“Goodness me, I almost wish someone were watching me,” she gasped, pulling and twisting her nipple, and then the other, the sensation making her whimper softly. “Her Ladyship, perhaps. Or the bishop. Or Yum and Yee. All of them, standing over me, watching as I play with myself, my fingers inside my soaking wet cunt, using them to oh – oh – oh – Oh!

Her entire body seemed to lift from the chair as increasingly violent waves of ecstasy burst within her again and again her like firework explosions in the night sky until, utterly spent, she collapsed breathlessly upon the plush chair.

‘I suppose this is where the dream ends and I shall awake beneath the sheets, my head upon a pillow once more,’ she mused, unable and unwilling to open her eyes.

And yet, when she finally opened them once more, she was still seated in her father’s study.

‘How curious,’ she thought. ‘I wonder why I am still here? Perhaps there’s a clue within this book. I imagine there is only one way to know for certain.’

And with that, she opened the book to a random page, and began to read quietly to herself.

Alice awoke from her dream quite suddenly, surprised to find the bishop leaning over, leering at her nakedness as he pulled away the sheets, uncovering her entirely.

“Good evening, Alice,” the bishop greeted her with a cruel smile.

“Good Eve-“ she began, stopping abruptly as the rest of the room came into focus. Just behind the bishop were the rooks that had been sent to guard them and each of them held one of the twins captive, hands over their mouths so they could not speak. And behind them stood a quartet of cards wearing red hearts upon their surfaces and armed with sword and shield.

“I don’t understand,” she said with a confused frown, her brow furrowed, looking beyond him at the Queen of Heart’s guards. “What are they doing here?”

“They are taking you to their queen,” he said with a shrug.

“I thought you were here to protect me!”

“I was. But I got a better offer. It seems that someone with your qualities is in great demand these days. I did warn you that the queen enjoys pretty girls, and you, my dear, are exceptionally pretty.”

“What happens when Her Ladyship discovers me gone?”

“I’ll simply tell her that you had help escaping, but that I caught the conspirators,” he chuckled whilst nodding his head towards Yee and Yum. “I do not think she’ll mind, seeing as she’ll have doubled her investment.”

“You are a villain!”

“Yes, I supposed I am. A very wealthy villain, at that. Farewell, Alice. I shall miss your company. Perhaps, if destiny wills it, we shall meet again.”

Alice felt like crying as she watched him and the rooks dragging Yum and Yee from the room, leaving her alone with the Queen’s soldiers, who looked quite menacing as they advanced upon her.

‘I hope they do not mean to ravish me! I do not think I could stand it if they did!’

Her heart beating frantically in her chest, she closed the book loudly and stood, so that it fell to her feet.

“Such treachery and betrayal! Oh, and I was silly enough to have trusted him. Whatever am I to do now? I cannot stay asleep forever and yet, the moment I wake up, I’ll be a prisoner of the Queen’s guard who will likely ravish me night and day before delivering me to their ruler. And then, who knows what will happen to me, for I have heard that royalty has a taste for entertainments that are quite perverse! Worst of all, the very thought has quickened my pulse with unnatural arousal. Oh, whatever shall I do? Cheshire? I don’t suppose you might have an answer for me?”

But true to his nature, the Cheshire Cat did not come to her aid. Nor did anyone else. Sighing, Alice decided that she might as well accept her fate and wake from her dream, which she did almost immediately to find the scene in the twins’ bedroom exactly like it had been in the book.

“Dash and bother,” she muttered, glaring at the bishop as he stripped the covers from her and then, before he could say a word, grabbed ahold of her pillow and hit him with such force that it burst open, filling the air with a cloud of downy feathers.

“I shall not go without a struggle, blackguard!” she cried defiantly, standing as she reached for another pillow and used it to strike him yet again. A moment later the door burst open with a mighty crash and the room erupted in madness, card soldiers unsheathing swords, the rooks wielding their spears as Yum and Yee bit and clawed at them. As for the bishop, he leapt upon Alice and wrestled her to the bed, straddling her and pinning her under his weight, her small wrists caught up in his iron grip, as he glowered angrily at her.

“Do not try to thwart me, Alice, for it will not go well for you,”

Alice struggled in vain, trembling at the sounds of battle filling the room, unable to see anything past the bishop’s furious face as he subdued her. And it was because of that, that she did not see the blow that rendered him senseless on top of her. 





Published 5 years ago

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