Whiskey & A smoke – Megan settles in next door

"The last in the series to wrap up the story"

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I came home from my most recent business trip and noticed the neighbors had put a For Sale Sign in their front yard. I knew they had been talking about moving, but I didn’t think they would leave so soon. In fact, it looked as though they had moved out completely in the three days that I had been away.

“Honey, did the Smiths’ move out?” I yelled as I came into the garage door.

My wife, Betty, greeted me with a kiss, “Mmm, glad you are home. Yes, the Smiths’ moved out yesterday.”

“Does this mean we can jump the fence and use the hot tub tonight?” I said squeezing her firm ass.

“That was my plan, I already went over and plugged it back in and turned up the heat. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes,” she said squeezing my crotch.

“Horny little muffin aren’t you?” I said whispering in her ear.

“What gave it away?  Three days without you has me craving your attention.”

“Attention you will get my dear. Let me go change and maybe I will have you for dinner,” I said running my hand up her loose blouse and cupping her tiny bare breast.

She stopped me as I began to tweak her nipple. “We better stop or your dinner will be overcooked. There will be plenty of time tonight for you to get your fill of me.”

After dinner, we threw the dishes in the sink and undressed.  Putting on our robes and grabbing some towels, we headed over to the neighbor’s hot tub for a bit of relaxation.  I grabbed some beers and put them in a cooler for the short walk. Within a few minutes, we were soaking in the hot tub and sipping on our drinks.

“How was the trip?” My wife asked snuggling up to me, her hand resting on my crotch.

“Uneventful.  Same old stuff.  Business meetings, dinners, sales pitches, nothing accomplished,” I said leaning my head back and enjoying the slow motions of Betty’s hand rubbing my cock.

“Care to do anything eventful tonight?” Betty asked stroking me faster.

“Eventful? You mean ravaging you in this hot tub and waking the neighbors as I make sweet love to you,” I said pulling her onto my lap.

“Frankly my husband, making love to me was not what I had in mind tonight,” Betty said kissing me hard and deep. “I want you to fuck me like a rag doll tonight.  It has been a while since you just fucked me.”

“You went out with the girls didn’t you?” I said squeezing her breasts.  “You saw a young stud and wanted to take him home and have your way with him.”

Betty looked away and bit her lip as I started tugging hard on her nipples.  My cock began to get harder as she began to moan.

“Tell me the truth, Betty.  You wanted to be his cum slut, didn’t you?  You wanted him to pull up your dress on the dance floor and let him fuck you right there.  You teased him until he tried didn’t you?  He got your dress up and felt how wet you were,” I said poking my hard cock at her entrance. 

Betty bit my ear lobe and panted in my ear, I could tell she was already ready to cum.  She always got off quickly when I talked dirty to her about her fucking someone else.  She told me her fantasies, but she claimed she never went through with it.  But, I knew she fucked other men when I was away.  

“You loved it when he bent you over the barstool and pulled your head back.  His black cock buried deep inside of you,” I said bending her over the side of the hot tub, my cock poised to enter her as I pulled her head back.

“Fuck me damn it.  Fuck me like the whore I am,” Betty gasped as I pulled her head back farther and harder.  Her back arched and her pointed nipples stared straight ahead.  I teased her by poking my bulbous cock head just inside of her.

Betty rocked back and tried to push herself onto me, but I held her back.  “How many this time my slut?” I growled pushing my cock deep inside her.  “How many?”

“Three, I mean four.  Four cocks fucked me,” she panted as I drove another long thrust into her.

“Three, four, you sure it wasn’t five or six my sexy cum slut,” as I began to thrust into her from behind.

“Six, six cocks fucked me,” Betty panted as my balls slapped against her ass.

“Spread your legs and rub your clit.  Cum for me,” I said pinching her right nipple as I pulled her hair back even more.  “Tell me what they did to you.”

“Linda held me down, they ripped my dress off me…fucked me with their black cocks in every hole…let them….just the way I like it…swallowed their cum…gonna cum baby…gonna cum for you…Oh baby, your cock feels so good deep inside me…fuck me baaa….” Betty let out a loud moan as her body shook and her first orgasm hit her.  Then I heard them.

I saw lights turn into the driveway and heard car doors shutting. Then there were voices and lights came on in the house. 

“I thought you said the Smith’s were gone,” I said thrusting into my wife.

“They are gone, left in a hurry,” she said panting.  “They came over and said goodbye and then drove off in a rush.  I have no idea who this could be,” she said standing up and grabbing her towel.

“Well, we better get out of here before we get caught naked and fucking in the hot tub,” I said grabbing my towel and stepping out onto the deck.  

As I was grabbing the cooler, the back porch light came on.  We both looked at each other and bolted for the corner of the house and into the shadows.  Luckily we were able to grab our robes and make it to safety, except we were on the opposite side of our house.  So much for sneaking back into our house unseen.

As we stood on the side of the house, we heard an older man, a woman, and three kids talking to each other.  Then another voice popped in, “I thought I turned off the hot tub and unplugged it.  And the cover is off.  I wonder if the neighbor kids snuck in here and were using this thing.”

Then we heard the hot tub go off and the cover being put back on.  “Sorry about that folks, I will talk to the neighbors and see if they can keep an eye on the place. How about we go back inside and I show you the finished basement and the rest of the house.  If you like it, we can schedule a time for you to come over tomorrow and see the back yard during the day.”

My wife and I looked at each other and couldn’t help from laughing lightly as the sliding glass door shut and the back porch light went out.  We waited a few minutes and made our way back across the porch to our house, Betty pulling me along by my still rock hard cock.  But, on the way past the sliding glass door, I caught a glimpse of a woman with blond hair in a ponytail and the faces of the three kids.  There was something familiar about them.


Once Megan left after our first encounter, I hired a private investigator to check her out.  She was intriguing and very captivating.  But, there were some things she said and did during our time together that made me wonder about her. 

And, as I had thought, she had a background that someone had tried to cover up.  But, my private investigator, Snake, kept digging and digging until he found out everything about her.  Her past was a mixed bag.

Megan grew up in a wealthy household and had everything she could ever want.  Her father was a successful businessman and a past state senator. She was a valedictorian in High School and accepted to an Ivy League school.  But, during her sophomore year of college she decided to venture out on her own and got a job as an escort.  In a short time, she was making a lot of money and was one of the top ladies for the organization she worked for.

Most of the gentlemen she was escorting were senators, governors, and other top business officials in the community.  Then it all came crashing down, as the organization she worked for was busted by the FBI and her father had to bail her out.  Thus, the cover-up. Eventually, after all the charges were dropped, her father wrote her out of his life and she was on her own.

Not having her degree and her reputation tarnished, she moved away and began her wicked ways again.  This time with lower-level clients and not much money.  She fell deeper into trouble by getting involved with a notorious thug and then marrying him.  After a few years, she realized that her life was not what she had planned.  All the partying, men, drugs, and late nights were starting to wear her down.

Reality set in and she divorced her husband and moved to a small town in Nebraska where no one knew her.  She took a job as a secretary and began cleaning up her life.  Within a few years she married her boss and moved into his house and began a normal life. 

After pleading and begging, she eventually was accepted back into her father’s life.  But, with the caveat that if, and only if she had children, would she be given an inheritance and be fully accepted back into his world.  So, she and her husband began trying to have kids.  That is where I came into the picture.


It had been eight years since I had heard from or seen Megan.  Our four-year tryst had suddenly come to an end after our third child was born.  My calls and emails went unheeded and finally she changed her phone number and shut down her email address.  Letters were returned and the private investigator I hired said he couldn’t find her.

So, I gave up hope and began to live my life without her, and soon I had mostly forgotten about her and the kids.  My wife and I lead a healthy and prosperous life both during and after my tryst.  I think she had an inkling that I had a mistress, but she never said a word.  She made hints that she knew I played with other women but never left me.  I don’t know why, but she stayed tried and true to me.

And, I knew she had her fun with other men and women when I was away on business.  Lexi kept me up to speed on their events when we would meet for our lunchtime fuck sessions.  Lexi had won her bet with Betty and my wife had to live up to her end of the bargain especially after that bike ride up into the mountains when Lexi seduced me as we skinny-dipped in a mountain lake.  Lexi told Betty all about it.

Betty never wavered in her love for me, but I could tell she had changed a bit.  Our lovemaking and sexual activity became more frequent and sometimes down-right rough.  Our two or three a week sessions became two and three times a day.  She went out more with Lexi, even during the week, coming home sloppy drunk and sexually aroused.

One afternoon, I happened to come across her video camera hidden in the back of one of the office drawers.  A strange place for a video camera, so, I turned it on to see why it was hidden.  I counted about thirty videos on the camera with various titles.  But, the one that intrigued me the most was the one dated around the time my wife came back from her parents about eight years ago.  This was about the time Lexi seduced me and Megan was first in town.

The video opened with loud music blaring and a barrage of bodies on the dance floor.  The video panned the dance floor and zeroed in on Lexi, she was dancing with two young men who were groping her and grinding on her.  After a few moments, the video showed Lexi waving someone onto the dance floor, I assumed Lexi was waving at Betty.  The video went dark and then returned with the camera directly on Betty’s sitting at a table.

“What do you think Betty?  Are you going to live up to your end of the bargain?”

Betty looked into the camera in a drunken state, “Yes Lexi, a bet is a bet.”

 The camera wiggled and I could tell that it was handed to someone else.  Lexi slid into the booth next to her, “Are you worried about Jay finding out?”  Lexi asked as she slid Betty’s sundress off of her shoulders exposing her breasts to the camera.

Betty took a deep breath and closed her eyes as Lexi cupped her bare breasts and began circling her nipples. “No, I am not worried.  He already, in not so many words, gave me the green light.”  She opened her eyes and took a drink of her cocktail.  “I am all yours boys.”

The video turned off. As it came back on, the familiar sights of our entertainment room in the basement came into view.   Betty was sitting on the leather couch naked with three young black men next to her.  I could tell she was nervous, but her eyes told a different story.  I had seen that look in her eyes before, these guys had no idea what was in store for them.

Betty stood up and grabbed the closest guy and buried his head between her legs.  The camera wiggled a bit and then Lexi came into view along with two other young men.  Lexi stood them all in a line and undressed each and every one of them, stroking their cocks to life as she did so.

A circle soon formed around Lexi as she was pushed to her knees.  Her mouth devoured each cock as she moved around the circle. The guys were spanking her, pinching her nipples, and pushing their fingers in every hole.  In the background, I saw Betty being picked up.  Within a few moments she was kneeling beside Lexi with a cock in her mouth and fingers being put in every hole.  A few minutes later, three more young studs showed up and joined the foray.

I leaned back in my chair as Betty wiggled through the circle and went to the back of the room and I lost sight of her.  As Betty strolled back into the picture she showed the camera two pairs of handcuffs.  She put the keys on the bar and wiggled back into the circle. 

Gruffly, one of the guys said, “Hands behind your backs.”  The circle opened a bit and I could see both women with their hands cuffed behind them.  The spankings got louder and harder as the men manhandled the girls. 

I had seen enough and really didn’t want to see anymore, so I turned off the video camera and put it back in the drawer where it was originally hidden.  It was tit for tat now.  Betty was doing the same thing I was doing.  I couldn’t judge nor was I there to do so.      

To complicate things a bit more, Lexi knew about my mistresses and even helped to cover up some of my trips with Megan.  Lexi even helped me through the times shortly after Megan stopped communicating with me.  But, Lexi soon left her husband, who was my boss and moved out on her own to raise her newborn daughter.  We still kept in touch and met to fulfill her sexual desires. 

After Lexi left, my boss became a total nightmare of a man.  The business was faltering and was on the verge of going under due to his mismanagement.  I never knew week to week if the company would close, or if he was going to fire me. 


The house next door sold shortly after it went up for sale.  But, no one moved in.  The only activity that I saw was repairmen and remodelling companies coming and going for about four months.

Shortly into December, we were snowed in by a big storm.  The wind howled as the snow came down sideways.  All roads were closed and the city was pretty much shut down.  My wife and I made good use of our time together and spent most of our time in front of our blazing fireplace sipping cocoa, reading, watching porn, and fucking like newlyweds.

As the storm subsided the next morning, I put on my jacket, gloves, hat, and boots and headed out to shovel the driveway and sidewalk.  When I looked out of my garage door, I noticed that the house next door had two cars in the driveway.  They were not there yesterday before the storm started.

About halfway through shovelling the driveway, I saw two young boys exit the house next door with shovels in their hands.  I waved to them and continued with my shovelling.  The boys headed off down the street.

As I had completed my driveway, I noticed the boys shovelling the driveways for two of our elderly neighbors.  I smiled and thought to myself, what nice young boys, helping out the neighbors and maybe making money with a little effort on their own. 

Soon, I was done with my shovelling and was headed back into the house when I noticed an older gentleman approaching my driveway.

“Hello, nice weather we are having today,” the man yelled as he walked towards me.

“Yes, there is nothing like a good snow day every now and then,” I said back to him.

He held out his hand, “Jessie Blair, pleasure to meet you,” he said as I shook his hand.

“Good to meet you Jessie, welcome to the neighborhood.  Might I assume you bought the house next door?” I said releasing my handshake.

“Yes, I bought it for my daughter and her three boys.  I am just visiting for a bit.  I just recently bought a house over in Willow Village myself.”

My eyes widened a bit as he said Willow Village.  The homes in that neighborhood begin in the low millions and can be as high as the tens of millions.  Jessie had an air about him, confident and sure of himself.

“So, what brings you to our city?” I asked.

“Various reasons, mostly business, but my daughter has visited here quite a bit and seems to like it.  Wanted to raise her kids in a quiet neighborhood instead of a big city,” he said.

“Yes, this is a quiet neighborhood.  Good parks nearby, great schools, and the folks around here watch out for each other.  I think the biggest excitement in the past year was seeing some elk walking up and down the street.  Other than that, you might get an occasional squirrel that terrorizes the neighborhood dog.”

“Well, that is good.  When we looked at the house, the realtor was upset because someone got into the back yard and was using the hot tub after the previous owners had left.  I initially had second thoughts about buying the house,” Jessie said.

“Oh, yes, I heard about that.  It must have been one of the neighbors coming in to use it.  The Smith’s were quite open with their hot tub.  They had an open invitation to any neighbor to use it.  I guess the people who used it didn’t know the house was up for sale,” I said trying not to smile.

“Oh, they sound like some nice folks.  But, I hope the neighbors don’t think they can use it now,” he said in a matter of fact way.

“Nah, your daughter won’t have any issues with that.  Everyone is respectful of everyone else around here,” I said waving my hand in the air.

“I am sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” Jessie said.

My wife Betty approached us with two cups of hot chocolate in her hand and wiggled in beside me.

“Hi honey, this is our new neighbor, Jessie.  His daughter and three boys are the ones who moved in,” I said giving my wife a peck on the cheek.  “Thanks for the hot chocolate.”

“Welcome to the neighborhood Jessie, I am Betty, and this here old man is Jay,” Betty said extending her hand and handing the other mug of hot cocoa to Jessie.

“Pleasure to meet you, Betty.  Jay has been filling me in on the neighborhood a bit.  Thanks for the hot chocolate,” Jessie said with a smile.

“Would you like to come in for a bit and warm up?” Betty inquired of Jessie.

“Thanks for the offer, but I have to keep an eye on the boys.  Make sure they don’t overwork themselves.  Strapping young boys, hard workers, but sometimes they tend to wander and explore, leaving the work behind,” he said taking a sip of hot chocolate.

“Sounds like someone I know,” Betty said bumping her hip into mine.

 “Come on now Betty, just because it takes me forever to finish house projects doesn’t mean I wander off,” I said bumping her back.

Jessie chuckled, “Ah Jay, I know the feeling.  I get in trouble with my wife if I don’t finish my honey-do lists.”

“Well, he is usually pretty good about finishing things, but his work schedule gets in the way,” Betty said looking at me with that look of, get inside and start looking for another job.

“Come on honey, work pays the bills and lets us have some fun,” I said scuffling my feet.

“What do you do Jay?” Jessie asked.

“CFO/COO for a local manufacturing company.  Keeps me busy and on my toes. What about yourself?” I asked Jessie.

“I buy and turn around companies that are not doing so well.  I am working on a deal next week. I had plans to take the grandkids and daughter up skiing this weekend, but I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow when the roads are clear.”

“What does your daughter do, if I may ask?” I said.

“She is my right-hand lady.  I do the buying, she does the running and turning things around at these companies I buy.  Does a damn fine job, better than I could do,” Jessie said beaming.

“Sounds like a great partnership.  Looks like you are setting the boys up for a good future,” I said pointing at the boys as they made their way up the driveway with their shovels.

“Hey gramps, you ready?  We want to go skiing.  Chores are done,” one of the boys said.

“Be patient boys.  Meet your new neighbors, Jay and Betty,” Jessie said.

Both Betty and I held out our hands, “Pleasure to meet you boys.  Hopefully, your grandfather is taking you somewhere fun to ski.”

“Yes, we are going to Vista Mountain.  Cabin right on the slopes.  Gramps says we can ski-in and ski-out. Can’t wait!” The other boy said.

“Just be patient will you.  Go back into the house and get warmed up.  Why don’t you introduce yourselves to Jay before you go,” Jessie said to the boys.

“I am Jay,” the first boy said as he took off his gloves and scarf.

“I am Jessie,” the second boy said taking off his gloves and scarf.

I looked hard at both the boys.  They were twins and their facial features looked way too familiar. 

“Good to meet you boys.  I am sure you will have a great time skiing.  Just be safe out there,” I said looking directly into Jay’s eyes.

“Oh we will.  Can’t wait,” Jay said.

“Ok boys, get inside and tell your mother I will be inside in a few minutes,” Jessie said directing the boys to go.

“Good looking grandkids you have there,” I said to Jessie as a knot began to form in my stomach.

“Thank you.  They are the light of my life.  They have another brother, Jake, who is a bit under the weather today.  Well, I better get back inside and get warm.  Thank you for the hot chocolate Betty,” Jessie said handing the mug back to her.  “I am sure we will see each other soon.”

“I am sure we will,” said Betty.  “We will stop by soon and introduce ourselves to your daughter when you get back from skiing.”

My head began to spin as the knot in my stomach began to grow but I held my composure, “Good to meet you, Jessie, have fun skiing, and we will see you around.”

Jessie waved as he walked away.  Betty looked at me, “You ok Jay? You look a little under the weather.”

“Yeah, I am ok, I think I may have overdone it shoveling.  I guess it is time to get that snowblower I have always wanted,” I said putting my arm around Betty.

“You always have an excuse for buying new toys,” Betty said as she hugged me. “Hmm, Vista Mountain. He must be loaded, private ski area where the rich and famous play.”

“Yeah, hopefully the daughter won’t turn out to be an uppity person,” I said.

“I am sure she will be fine Jay.  Don’t judge someone before you have met them.  Let’s get inside and get warmed up,” Betty said squeezing my arm.

I thought to myself as we walked up the driveway, yes, let’s get inside, I have some research to do.


“What is the meeting for?” My secretary asked.

“I have no idea Linda,” I said entering the board room.

The rest of the managers and top executives all made their way to the board room with questioning looks.  There was a full spread of sandwiches and drinks on the side table along with a full bar.  This was very unusual as the company was on its last legs and we all had heard that the owner may be filing for bankruptcy.

We all sat down at the large conference table and waited.  Soon, several people entered the room along with my boss.  They all took their seats at the head of the table.

My boss stood, “As you all know, the business has been struggling.  I have had many sleepless nights these past few weeks and have struggled with my decision.   But, in the best interests of myself, the company, and my employees, I have decided to sell the business,” he paused and continued.

“I know this doesn’t come as a shock to anyone here.  Unfortunately, I have made some bad decisions these past few years and it has caused the financial stability of this company to suffer.  An outside firm has made me an offer that will keep the business open and keep all of you working.  The deal has been done, and as of Monday, the individuals to my right and their owner will take over.

You will all remain in your positions and don’t have to worry about leaving.  The new owner has done an extensive check on each and every one of you and this business.  He is very pleased with what you have accomplished here and has concluded that it is not what you have done in your work that has caused the business to decline.  I take full responsibility for this.” 

My boss slumped back down into his chair and took a drink of water.  His face showed only defeat and sorrow.  He was beaten down and looked frail. 

One of the gentlemen to his right stood. “Good afternoon folks, I am with the firm of Louis and Louis, we were hired to draw up the paperwork and transfer ownership to the new owners.  As of five o’clock this evening, the new owner will take over.  On Monday morning, we will meet in this conference room and discuss the particulars of the future operations of this company.  But, as your previous boss has said, you will not lose your jobs.  In fact, some will be promoted.”

The gentleman looked directly at me when he said this as well as several of the other executives.  I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I hope it didn’t mean I was being transferred.


Monday morning arrived and I made my way to the office.  Linda, my secretary, was already there and gave me a smile as I said hello to her and the rest of the office staff. 

“Jay, there is someone in your office to see you,” she said smiling.

“What?  What is going on Linda?” I asked.

“Just look at your door when you go in,” Linda said.

“Ok,” was all I said and kept walking to my office.  As I came to my door, I noticed that my normal name placard and title were gone.  In its place read ‘CEO’.  I took a step back and read it again. 

Then I heard a woman’s voice coming from my office, “Hello Jay, come on in, shut the door, and have a seat.”

I walked into my office and noticed it had been slightly remodeled and there was a couch on the far wall.  My knees became weak and a smile crossed my face.  Sitting on the couch was Megan, dressed in a tight-fitting green dress.  Her hair was flowing down her shoulders and her green eyes sparkled like that first night in the restaurant.

She stood and walked past me.  I heard the door shut and the lock being pushed in.  Megan appeared before me and just stood there looking into my eyes.

“I missed you, Jay,” as she approached me and put her arms around my neck.

I wasn’t sure what to do.  I was shocked, dumbfounded, happy, and angry all at once.  But my arms reached for her and I placed my hands on her hips, still staring into her eyes.

I blurted out, “What the fuck is going on Megan? Where have you been?”

Megan cast her eyes to the floor for a moment and then looked back up at me.  “You are now the CEO of this company, reporting to me, the President.  Where have I been?  We have a lot of catching up to do Jay.  A lot, and it starts at this very moment.”

“One thing first, answer me this.  Did you buy the house next to me?”

Megan looked at me, stood on her toes, and kissed me lightly on the lips. “Yes, I bought the house next to you.”

“So, Jay, Jessie, and Jake are our sons?” I said running my hands over her body.

“Yes,” Megan said as she kissed me deeply.

My hands roamed over Megan’s back as I kissed her.  We were locked in a tight embrace as there was a knock at the door.  “Jay,” I heard my secretary’s voice.

Megan slid away from me and adjusted her dress as I opened the door. “Yes Linda, is there something I can do for you?”

“No, just seeing if you and Megan need anything,” Linda said smiling.

“Why are you smiling so much Linda?” I asked her questioningly.

“Megan will tell you, I hope you won’t be upset.  I will hold all of your calls and cancel all your meetings.  I know you will be busy for the rest of the morning.  Just buzz me if you need anything,” Linda said closing the door.

“What the hell was that Megan?” I said turning to face her.

“That was Linda, your executive secretary, my spy, and one of my closest friends,” Megan said smirking.  “She is one of the items we have to catch up on.”

Megan took a few steps and sat in the comfy leather couch next to the full-length window and motioned me over.

“Linda?  What has Linda have to do with us?” I asked sitting next to Megan.

Megan ran her hands through her long hair and pulled it back into a ponytail, “Linda has been my eyes and ears of this company from the day you hired her.  Good hire by the way and the six other ones you hired were well qualified and were planted by me as well.  But, Linda is the best of the lot.”

“Wait, you planted someone here to spy on me and the company?” I said looking at her questioningly.

“Yes Jay, ever since I found out your private investigator was following me, I decided to do the same.  Except, Linda is a bit more discreet and very loyal to both of us.  And, has passed on some very valuable information to me about you.”

“So, you disappeared, never to be found, but yet you kept tabs on me?” I asked.

“I had to do what I had to do Jay.  Things from my past caught up with me, and rather fast after our last meeting eight years ago.  But, I have kept you in the loop, and have seen you more often than you know.  Without your knowledge, of course,” Megan said as she rose off the couch and began fixing us drinks at the newly installed bar.

“What?  I have seen you?  When? Where?” I asked as my eyes bugged out a bit.

“Remember, about three years ago, on the beach in St. John?  The trip you took with your wife to celebrate her birthday.  There were three boys and a lady sitting next to you on the beach.  In fact, you played on the beach with all three of your boys for a few hours.  You even took them kayaking in the bay.”

My mind thought back to that time.  “Yes, I remember.  My wife marvelled at how well I put up with the boys’ shenanigans that day.”

“I watched you as well.   You were oblivious to me though.  Every time I spoke to you or flirted with you, your mind was elsewhere,” Megan said as she stared out the window.

“Wait, back up Megan.  That was you on the beach?  I had no idea.”

“I know Jay, my disguise worked well.  You even blew me off when I flirted with you at the bar when I was getting a drink.  I guess my charm and beauty didn’t have any effect on you,” Megan said handing me a drink.

“I have to admit, you were very tempting.  But, with my wife close by, I couldn’t take a chance and flirt back,” I said approaching the window and standing next to her.

“Yes, I know.  Remember when you went to the baseball game and three boys were sitting next to you?  You caught a foul ball and gave it to them.  To this day, they still fight over who ‘owns’ that ball.”

“Yes, they were the happiest boys in the park as I recall.  I think I even bought them some ice cream and explained the game of baseball to them.  Even showed them how to spit sunflower seeds,” I said laughing.

“The lady in front of you wasn’t too happy when they landed in her hair,” Megan said laughing with me.

“How did you know that?  Their mom was way too old to be you,” I remarked.

“I was two rows behind you and was watching the whole time.  That lady was my stepmother and she had her hands full with three kids, you, and your antics.  Although, she raved about you for several weeks, and still does.  Saying how good a father you would have been to the boys,” Megan said giving me a good ribbing with her elbow.  “She is the only one who knows you are the father.”

“I had no clue.  But, that did bring back good memories of when my dad used to take me to the ballpark,” I said staring off into the distance.

“Remember that plump, southern, redhead you took advantage of about two years ago?  The one that spilled a drink on you at a conference?”

I smiled, “The one with the rose tattoos on her breasts who flirted with every guy at the conference.  Low cut dress, six-inch heels, sassy as ever.  Yeah, I remember her. Her name was Tina.”

“The one you left breathless and couldn’t keep your hands off.  The one you screwed every chance you got during the four-day conference,” Megan said putting her arm around my waist.

I felt a rising in my loins thinking about that woman. “I don’t think I could ever forget her.  She was amazing.”

“Good, then I satisfied you well,” Megan said facing me.

“That was you? Couldn’t have been, you don’t have tattoos and you don’t have a southern drawl or red hair,” I said questioning her.

“Fake tattoos Jay and hair dye,” Megan said in a southern drawl.

My eyes widened, “I don’t believe you, Megan, I just cannot believe you.”

“You couldn’t believe it when I unzipped your pants at the bar and pulled out your cock and slid down on you right in the middle of Happy Hour. I rode you nice and easy as everyone strolled by.  It was so hard not telling you that it was me.”

“Why didn’t you tell me, Megan, Why?” I said softly. Remembering her boldness at the bar as she pulled out my cock and started riding me.

“I couldn’t Jay.  There were other things going on that complicated matters,” Megan said staring at the floor.

I lifted her head with my finger by her chin.  I kissed her softly on the forehead and then down to her soft lips. “I am not going to ask what those matters were Megan, they are in the past.  But, if they will come back in the future and harm you or the boys in any way.  Then, you need to tell me.”

Megan looked at me, her eyes became hardened and her body stiffened up.  “All is taken care of Jay.  My past caught up with me and thanks to two mutual friends of ours, everything is worked out.”

“Ok, that is good to know.  Except, we don’t have any mutual friends,” I said.

“We have two.  And two damn good ones.  Loyal and true to both of us,” she said grinning.

“Who might these friends be Megan?  You only met a few of my friends once and that was only briefly and in drunken stupors.”

“Promise me you will not get angry or go off the handle Jay.  They did what was best for both of us and the boys,” Megan said looking at me with pleading eyes.

“I cannot guarantee anything Megan.  It all depends upon the circumstances and why.  Who are they,” I asked firmly.

“Snake and Bear,” Megan said softly.

“Huh, what in the world did they do for ‘us’,” I asked.

“They know everything Jay, but they made a promise to me not to tell you.  Snake found me, but he told you otherwise, kept you in the dark.  I begged him not to tell you because I knew you would jump into the fray.  They were both lifesavers, literally, and have kept me up to date on things with you as well.”

“Fuckin’ jackasses.  I knew they were holding back something.  I just knew it,” I said taking a long pull on my whiskey.

“Don’t fault them, Jay, it was all me,” Megan said putting her arm around me.

As I looked into her eyes, I couldn’t help but believe her.  But, there were still items to be discussed.  Looking at my watch, we still had a bit of time before the company announcement and meeting. Turning toward the couch, I took Megan by the hand. 

“Nice dress,” I said leading her to the couch.

“Same one I wore on our first date, you seemed to take a fancy to me wearing it,” Megan said following me.

“I did, but I liked the person wearing it even more,” I said sitting on the couch.

“If I remember correctly, you like it off of me more than on me,” Megan said smiling.

“I did, now strip!” I said firmly.

“Now, now, Jay.  I am your boss, I tell you what to do,” Megan said leaning over and kissing me.

Taking Megan by the hair, I stood up and pulled her into me, kissing her hard.  My free hand roamed over her bottom and made its way to the zipper on her dress.  She tried to pull away, but I held her firm and slid the zipper down to her bottom.  Megan squirmed away and sat on the large mahogany desk.

“I can’t do this Jay, not now.  I am not the woman from years ago,” Megan said.

I approached her and slid the straps off of her dress, tugging the fabric till it bunched to her stomach.  Megan shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself.  Her head dropped and she began to shake.

Slowly, I took her arms and unwrapped them from her chest.  Her head was still facing down.  Pulling her up from the desk, I noticed several long slashes running across her breasts and lower chest.  The lines were faint but the scars were noticeable to the naked eye.

I lifted her head with my finger and looked into her scared eyes.  “What happened Megan?”

“My past is what happened.  Beaten, sliced, and left for dead,” Megan said as she stood up and slid the dress the rest of the way down her body.  Her arms rested at her sides.

The scars ran up and down her legs and stomach.  They were faint but still noticeable like the ones across her chest.  “Do you still want a beat and battered woman, one who betrayed herself and her family?” She said softly.

I stood there and looked her up and down.  Her white skin was crossed with scars but her eyes were still warm and soft.  Her body language and attitude were still strong and inviting.  But, there was a hurt in her soul that would never go away.  A pain that she would have to deal with the rest of her life.

“Come to me Megan,” I said opening my arms.

‘Why Jay, why do you want me?  Other men have used me and abused me.  You have treated me with nothing but respect, dignity, and love.  Why do you want this scarred and battered woman?”

“Come to me Megan,” I said again.

“Why Jay?  Why?”

“Because you came to me that first night we met.  I may have coached you along a bit, but you came to me for some strange reason.  It wasn’t my good looks or charm, that’s for damn sure.  But you came to me for some reason.  And, you stayed with me to have our children, and to continue being with me.  Even if it was just on a part-time basis.  You know the reason why and so do I. 

We have a connection.  Always have and we always will.  Why do you think you spied on me?  Why do you think you bought the house next to me?  Why do you think you are standing naked before me showing me your body and soul after everything you have gone through?  You know the answer, Megan.  Even before you came into this office this morning, you knew the answer.  Just dig it out of your soul and say it.  Just say it.  It has been eating at you all these years.  I know it and you know it.”

A tear ran down Megan’s cheek and down her chin.  She began to softly sob as she looked at me. “How Jay, how do you know me so well.  We aren’t married, I haven’t spent time with you in a long time.  Yet, you get me.  Get to my heart and soul.  Get the best out of me.”

“Come to me Megan,” I said again.

She slowly came forward and I wrapped my arms around her naked body, hugging her firmly.  Her head nestled into my shoulder as she quietly sobbed and hugged me back.  We stood there for quite some time holding each other.

Pulling her off me, I kissed her forehead softly. “Are you going to tell me, Megan? Why do I want a beaten and battered woman like yourself? A very beautiful beaten and battered woman.”

“Because…Because you don’t care about my body like the others.  You care about me.  You actually love me, Jay.  Something no one has done before.  Not my father, not my friends, not my other husbands, not even my own mother.”

“Very true Megan, we are one and the same.  Bastard children and we somehow pulled our way out.  Especially you.  Your real mom hired you to work at her escort service.  The very same mother your father fell in love with and then abandoned when his career came before his family.  He knew he couldn’t get anywhere with an escort for a wife and a pregnant one with his child.  So, he left you both high and dry.”

“How do you know this Jay?  I never told you any of this,” Megan said putting her arms around my neck.

“You think Snake didn’t tell me everything he found out.  I know all about your marriages, your past life, your life as an escort, and the left for dead story.  He told me all of it.  You are right, he is a true friend for both of us.  But, he never told me where you were.  Never.  Pissed me off to no end.  But, he has a lot of respect for you, Megan.  Always has.  Must have been that time you sucked him at the concert.  He still raves about how good of a cock sucker you are.”

Megan smiled and licked her lips.  “I have a confession Jay, I did more than suck his dick.  I couldn’t help myself that night after the concert.  I snuck out of bed and woke him up.  Drunk and stoned, he took me every which way that night. He fucked the living shit out of me.  Why do you think I stayed in bed for so long?  I didn’t have a headache, I couldn’t walk.”

“You dirty little slut.  I should have known better than to let Snake spend the night,” I said laughing.

“Oh really, me, a dirty little slut?  What about you letting Lexi suck your cock the morning as she made us all breakfast.  I could hear her loud and clear every time you slammed your cock down her throat.  And when Bear made her cum, I thought I saw the windows shake from all of her moaning and screaming out.”

“Seems to me you are just as loud when you squirt all over my cock,” I said lifting Megan and grabbing her ass.

“Honestly Jay, I can’t help it.  You are the only man who makes me cum and squirt.  All the other men I have been with just pump and dump,” Megan said wrapping her legs around me.

“Rule from here on out Megan, your body is mine till the day you die. Only mine. Got it,” I said looking into Megan’s eyes.

“Jay, I haven’t been with another man since being with you.  I can’t and I won’t.  Why do you think I moved next to you?” Megan said kissing me.

“How many more kids do you want Megan?” I asked.

“However many you want to give me Jay.  Two, three, four, I don’t care.”

“Time to start on having a girl,” I said laying Megan onto my desk.

“You already have a girl Jay,” Megan whispered in my ear.

“What?  What are you talking about Megan?”

“Lexi had a baby girl eight months after she left her husband,” Megan said.


“Lexi had a baby girl. Why do you think she left her husband?  He found out you were fucking his wife and she was having your baby.  Caused a shit storm, Jay.  It took all he had not to fire you.  But, he knew you kept the company going despite all of his decisions and Lexi threatened him with a serious lawsuit.  You kept money flowing into his pockets.  That is until I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.”

I took a step back and returned to the window overlooking the city, leaving Megan lying naked on my desk.  All this information was making my head spin.  I stood there awhile thinking of what was to come.  Then the intercom buzzed with Linda’s voice, “Jay, you have one hour till the company meeting.”

“Megan, come join me by the window,” I said motioning Megan over to my side.  I heard some rustling and she appeared next to me.

“Too much information for you Jay?” Megan said rubbing her naked body against mine. “Your other head getting you into more trouble than you can handle?”

“With women like you teasing me.  Yeah.  My other head takes over,” I said.

Megan unzipped my pants, and pulled my trousers down with my boxers, letting my cock bounce free.  Her mouth engulfed my cock and she began bobbing up and down like a woman possessed.  Her lips wrapped around my shaft like a vice as her tongue worked its magic swirling around my lower shaft.  After a few minutes the tip of my cock was buried deep down her throat as her fingers tickled my balls.

She kept at it, worshiping my cock and sucking on it like it was the last cock in the world.  Until she felt my cock twitch.  Her teeth came together and raked my cock, her hands grasped my balls in a fist and she squeezed hard.  I gasp for air as the feeling to explode in her mouth suddenly subsided. As the sudden pain subsided, Megan stood up and kissed me while stroking me back to hardness.  After a few strokes, I bent her over, put her hands on the window and spread her legs.

I could feel her heat as I positioned my cock outside of her waiting hole.  My fingers spread apart her glistening lips revealing a slow trickle of her juices.  Megan turned her head and looked at me with pleading eyes.  “Fuck me Jay, take me like you have never had me before,” Megan purred.

My bulging head penetrated her wetness.  Her tightness surprised me after having three kids.  And as I thrust slowly into her, I could feel her muscles tightening around my shaft.  Massaging it as I buried it deeper into her.  Finally, with one deep thrust I was as deep as I could go and feeling every inch of her.

Megan let out a deep moan as I pulled back out and drilled her deeper.  My balls slapping hard against her ass.  I held my cock deep in her and enjoyed the warmth and tightness of her cavity.  “Mmm, don’t tease me Jay, it has been too long since I have had you.  Too long Jay.  Just take me, please.  Make me cum again,” Megan begged.

“I am not teasing you Megan, just enjoying the feeling of your nice tight love nest wrapped around my cock,” I said in a hoarse whisper as my cock twitched inside of her.

“Don’t you dare twitch and cum early Jay, don’t you fucking do it.  I’ve waited a long time for this.”

I pulled out of grabbed the base of my cock and held it tight, a slight pre-cum was oozing out.  “Damn Meg, I don’t know what it is about you, but you always make me cum way too soon.”

“I know Jay. That is why the second time around is so much better.  Now just give me something so you can take me after the meeting.”

I didn’t hesitate and entered Megan with a long hard thrust and kept going until I exploded deep inside of her.  There wasn’t any kissing, hugging, or love in this moment.  Just pure lust and desire.  The pure feeling of taking someone and not having a care in the world except getting off and breeding someone.

Megan’s tits bounced and swayed as I let loose.  Her head bounced off the glass windows several times as my thrusts became harder and harder.  Her plump ass kept in rhythm with my thrusting, bouncing with every smack of my hips.  Her low moans turned into a squeal each time I thrust into her.  I could feel her cavity getting wetter with each thrust. 

“Cumming…cu..cumm….cumming Jay.  Oh fuck Jay…Oh fuck.. fuck..fuck..fuck….Don’t stop Jay… Don….,” a loud moan erupted from her stomach as I felt her juices flowing over my cock and her legs tremble.  My cock began to twitch and stars came to my eyes as I unloaded inside of her cavity.  My cock convulsed and spewed my seed for what seemed like an eternity.   

Megan stood up with my cock still buried deep inside of her, still hard and ready for more action. Her arm wrapped around the back of my neck and our sweat laden naked bodies leaned against each other.  Our heavy breathing creating more heat in the office.  The intercom went off as I kissed Megan’s neck.

“Jay, ten minutes until the meeting.  I will bring in Megan’s business suit in two minutes.  Or, shall I postpone the meeting for a few minutes?” Linda’s voice said with that hint of ‘I know what you just did.’

I reached over and hit the intercom button.  “Bring in the business suit now.  No need to delay the meeting.  Megan may be a bit late, but I can start.”

Linda walked straight into the office as I was still caressing Megan’s breasts and nibbling on her neck.  My cock was slowly going limp inside of Megan.  Linda stood to the left of me holding a cleanly pressed business suit and a white blouse.  I looked over at her and smiled.

“Linda, I know your story, Megan filled me in on everything.  A few items going forward.  One, the next time you go out with my wife, I want to know everything that happens.  Even when you both are the product of a gang bang or an orgy.  Two, as before, my wife will know nothing of my escapades with Megan unless we both tell her.  Third, you dress too conservatively for what I know you do.  Show me a little bit of skin.  And, call me Jay, this Mr. Close shit makes me feel old,” I said letting my cock slide out of Megan as I finished speaking.

“Anything else Jay?” Linda said staring at my wet, semi limp cock.

Megan looked over at Linda and said, “No need to gape with your mouth open Linda, I am sure Jay will be more than happy to oblige your curiosities.  And, I don’t need to know about what happens either.  If Jay wants to give his new executive secretary any type of promotion or bonus, I don’t have any objections.”

“Thank you Megan, I am sure Jay will give me that bonus when he decides I am good and ready to get it,” Linda said setting the business suit on the desk.  “If you need anything else, just buzz me.  Jay, your agenda, speech and rest of your daily schedule is in this black binder.”

Megan squirmed away from me and made her way to the en-suite bathroom office and cleaned herself up a bit as I quickly dressed and grabbed a look at the items Linda had left me.  I leafed through the items and looked at the remainder of my schedule for the day. Typical meetings, lunch with the executive team, another meeting with Megan, and out by five tonight.  But, penciled in for seven was a note, “Dinner with a new neighbor and kids.”

I looked up and walked over to the bathroom just as Megan was buttoning up her blouse.

“So, what is this note here?  Dinner with the neighbors?” I asked as Megan brushed out her hair.

“Your wife came over this morning as I was pulling out of the driveway.  We both agreed on dinner tonight at my house.  Dad is fixing us some ribs and chicken with all of the fixings,” Megan said as she pulled on her suit jacket.

“Sounds delicious, should we bring anything?” I said patting Megan on the ass.

“Just your appetite and some patience.  I am sure the boys will be rambunctious as ever and want to play some sort of game,” Megan replied putting on some lip gloss.

“Just as long as it isn’t a game of who is my dad, I will be fine.”

“I am sure your wife would just love to hear the ending to that game,” Megan said licking her lips.

“Let’s just act like we don’t know each other, how does that sound.  Maybe then, we can ease into it and we can all be fun-loving neighbors and do things together.  Maybe you and my wife can become good friends.  She and Linda can take you out and have some fun.”

“I am sure your wife and I will get along just fine.  We share a lot of the same traits and likings.  But more especially, we will be sharing you, without her knowledge of course.  And, I won’t risk messing up either of our relationships.  Too much to lose,” Megan said patting my crotch.  “Now get your game face on, we have an executive meeting to run.”

Smiling, I leaned down and kissed Megan gently on the lips.  “How about you take off your panties, I wouldn’t want you thinking you are safe from my wandering hands, even in an executive meeting.”



Published 5 years ago

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