Looking deep into my cousin Raylene’s eyes, I said, “What if I do it wrong?”
Raylene smiled, “You can’t silly. Besides, I’ll guide you. You’ll be an expert in no time.” She rolled onto her back, opened her legs, pointed at the damp lips of her hairless pussy and said “All aboard!”
I crawled up between her spread knees until I was an inch or so from her glistening cunt. Her arousal was intoxicating. I extended my tongue, tentatively at first, tasting my cousins pussy for the first time. She was delicious! I pressed forward with my tongue flat against her lips. I felt her hand on the back of my head pulling me in closer. “Yesss!” she hissed as her hips rose. “Eat me, cous!” Mimicking what she had done to me, I opened my mouth, covering her clit and sucked, my tongue slobbering over the sensitive button. “Oh fuck!”
Her hips rose and fell as my tongue wormed its way inside, gathering more of her essence on my tongue. I looked up between the peaks of her breasts. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open, a look of tranquility on her pretty face. She grabbed my hand and pulled it to her breast, making me squeeze the soft flesh. Initially, I was surprised at how wet she was, but then, she had been pleasuring my with her tongue and hands for close to half an hour. I resolved to keep this up until she orgasmed all over my face. Remembering the things she had done to me, I tried to duplicate them on her. Alternating between broad doggy kisses and teasing her clit with the tip of my tongue, encouraged by her moans, I attacked her cunt. Then I heard her moan, “Fingers … Fuck me with your fingers! “
While still maintaining contact between my tongue and her clit, I pressed my index finger to her lips, feeling myself sink slowly into the cleft of her cunt. Her warmth enveloped my forefinger, the damp softness giving way as I pushed slowly inside. “Yes! yes! Deep!” she moaned. I pulled the finger out, briefly looking at the juice soaked digit, before plunging it back in. My tongue still teasing her clit and my finger sluicing in and out of her wetness made her moan louder. The pressure on the back of my head increased, pressing my face into her lust swollen mons.
“Two fingers! … Please Aubrey. Use two!” she panted. I pulled my forefinger out, slipping it into my mouth, tasting more of her before slipping back in along with my middle finger “Fuck ! Yes!” I could feel the walls of her young cunt gripping my fingers as they slid in and out, in and out. I sucked her clit back into my mouth, grazing it with my teeth. “Oh God! So close.” she cried. “Wiggle them!”
I moved my fingers inside her seeking as much contact with her cunt walls as possible. I was determined to get her to cum, using any means possible. I began to hum. Her breath was ragged, her thighs clamped to my ears, her moans louder and longer.
Suddenly she stiffened! her body went rigid. I looked up at her face. Her eyes scrunched shut, her mouth opened in a silent “O” .Then she went limp. I kissed her clit as I lifted my head. She opened her eyes, smiled and panted “I told you, you’d be an expert in no time.”
I crawled up beside her and kissed her full on the mouth, my tongue searching inside her mouth. Her hands found my pointed breasts, caressing my nipples with her fingers.
From the doorway we heard her brother Brad say, “That was quite a show, Sis. When do I get my turn?” He grabbed at the tent in his shorts, squeezing what looked like an impressive package.
Crossly, Raylene sat up, not trying to hide her nakedness from her brother, “I thought we agreed to take this slow, Brad. Don’t rush it!” she snapped, adding, “Close the door on the way out.”
I looked at her with confusion on my face. Raylene hugged me, kissed me again and said, “We are all active here. Including your Uncle Jeb and Aunt Janet.”
“You mean, you and your brother …. and your Dad…”
“All of us, all the time. From what I’ve been told your Dad and my Mom did it a lot when they were younger.”
This was a lot to process, so I didn’t notice Raylenes hands drifting from my chest down past my navel. She kissed me again, a little deeper this time. I felt her fingers outlining my opening and I spread my legs ” If you need to think about this, I will understand. But judging from what we just did, you enjoyed it as much as I did.”
“But … it’s forbidden. Taboo. Society frowns on it.”
“That’s half the excitement” she replied, hefting her her breasts, “Knowing that my Dad craves these curves and can’t stop himself is what makes it so hot. Didn’t you enjoy what we just did? I know you knew it was wrong, but didn’t it feel good?”
” I guess.” I said as her fingers danced over my mons, her middle finger pressing inside.
“Have you ever felt someones fingers inside you?”
“Non but my own! “
“By the time you leave here, you will have experienced it all, cous. That is, if you want.”
Thinking back on what had just happened between us, I smiled, pressing my hand over hers and pushing her finger inside me.”Does that answer your question?”
We played until way past midnight when, exhausted, we both fell asleep naked, entwined in each others arms.
At breakfast, Aunt Janet, dressed in an old bathrobe and slippers, cooked up biscuits and gravy, something I’d never had before. After just a bite, Uncle Jeb said, “Janet, darlin’, this tastes almost as good as you.” I nearly choked!
Then Janet replied, “I bet you say that to all the girls.” There was laughter all around the table, and things got a bit raunchy.
Finally, Jeb, sitting to my immediate left put his hand on my thigh, and said. “I understand you and Raylene had some fun last night.”
I blushed from total embarassment, glared at Brad, who had a sheepish grin, and lowered my head. “About to ‘fess up, I looked at Uncle Jeb.
He smiled and said, “Not to worry, girl. You ain’t in no trouble, but after you and Raylene clean up the breakfast dishes, Janet and I want to have a talk with you, upstairs.” He finished his food and went upstairs, followed by his wife.
Raylene and I cleared the table, washed the dishes and dried them in total silence. Finally, she aid, “You really aren’t in any kind of trouble.”
With that, I went upstairs to my Uncles room. He was sitting on the bed, pillows behind his back. Janet was in a chair facing the bed. Jeb patted the space next to him, inviting me to sit. “I don’t know if your Daddy sent you down here on purpose, but Janet and I have a special arrangement with our kids. They join us in here from time to time.” I guess my naivete was showing, so Jeb went on, we enjoy each other on a regular basis, kind of like what you and Raylene were doin’ last night.”
“Were we that noisy?” I asked.
“Nope! Brad ratted you out. I asked him what, if anything was goin’ on, and he gave me a full report. So, how did my baby girl taste?” I blushed again. “C’mon now! We have no secrets here!” He put a hand on my thigh.
“I … I liked it. A lot.”
“Let me ask you, do you like guys, too?”
“I like guys too!”
“Older men and women, or just kids your age?” His hand slid higher on my thigh.
“I … I don’t know. I haven’t had any experiences with older men. For that matter, I haven’t had much experience with any men.” His hand stopped.
“Do you want to?”
“Umm, yeah, I guess so.” I glanced over at Aunt Janet. She was sitting there smiling back at me.
Jeb noticed, “Your Aunt Janet is here for encouragement.” His hand slipped under my shorts, his fingers grazing the fabric of my panties. He was making me wet, and he knew it. I closed my eyes for a moment. “Does that feel good, Aubrey?” I nodded, openning my legs, giving Uncle Jeb better access. He continued to rub. “As you can see, we live a different lifestyle than you do. Out in the middle of nowhere with limited opportunities, we make do with what we have. You are welcome to join us, but we won’t require your participation. If you’re really uncomfortable, we can drive you back to the bus station.”
Enjoying the sensations that his fingers were bringing on, I replied, “I think I’ll stay Uncle Jeb. So far, it’s been fun, but I have to ask, Aunt Janet, did you and Dad , you know ..”
Janet stood, dropped her robe and sat next to me on the bed. “Yes, Aubrey, we did.Several times, at least until, Jeb here,laid claim to these.” Her hands cupped her pendulous breasts. “Next thing I knew, I was pregnant with Brad.
I wondered if Brad was my cousin or my brother. Somehow, I knew I was going to be bedded by both of the males in the household, and possibly all the females.
Jeb must have felt it. He asked,”Want more? I promise to be gentle.”
I turned to him, holding his face in my hands and kissed, deeply, my tongue searching his mouth.
I felt his middle finger tentatively probing, pushing just inside my lust swollen pussy. It was his turn to thrust his tongue into my mouth, and I sucked on his tongue.
Aunt Janet asked, “Just how experienced are you, sweetie?”
Breaking the kiss with Uncle Jeb, I turned to Janet, I blushed from embarrassment. “Aside from some self pleasuring, not much. I’ve never seen a real penis before, and until yesterday, I’d never seen anyone else’s pussy.”
Janet turned to her husband, “Well Jeb, it looks like we have our work cut out for us.” Turning back to me, she smiled, “This is gonna be fun.”
Jeb said, “Why don’t you get naked girl.”
Noticing the tent in my Uncle’s pants, I smiled as I peeled my tee off, displaying my pointed breasts. He cupped one in each hand as I shimmed out of my shorts and panties. Janet smiled at me as she brushed Jeb’s hands out of the way and suckled.
Not to be outdone, Jeb invited me to sit in his lap, as he whipped off his shorts, showing off his firm, curved length. I sat, wiggling my butt against his manhood. His hands hefted my breasts as he kissed my neck and whispered what “lovely tits” I had. Meanwhile Janet pried my legs open and began fingering me. Her slender fingers slid effortlessly inside me, making me squirm against Jeb’s cock. I groaned as Janets fingers slid deeper, discovering territory that had never been violated before, not even by me. Looking up at Jeb and , I she said, “There’s only a couple of things a girl never forgets. Losing your cherry is one of them. The time, the place, the guy and the circumstance will be forever seared into your brain. You’re never gonna forget this Aubrey.”
Janet’s fingers flexed inside my tight, wet cunt. “Ohhh fuck!” I whispered.
“You sure you want this?” Jeb whispered back as his fingers gently tweaked my nipples.
“God, yes! Fuck me Uncle Jeb. Make me a woman.”
Janet pulled her fingers from inside me, licked them clean, kissed my pussy, and kissed Jeb, who said, ” You can count on it, Aubrey, but I gotta get me a taste of that virgin pussy, first.”