An Online Friend From The USA Visits London – Part 3

"Two online friends continue their real life adventure..."

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Tracey called me just after 4 in the afternoon. The formal conference was ending but there was a dinner that evening. She knew she had to attend. 

“I really want to just be with you.” Her voice was genuinely sad.

“I’m the same, I want you, right now,” I replied

Before we both got steamed up and carried away, we agreed that if the dinner looked like it would end at a reasonable time, Tracey would call me and I would head over to her hotel. If not, she would check out first thing in the morning, drop her stuff at my place and then we were free to begin two uninterrupted days together.

I hung around my flat trying to concentrate on various things, but I couldn’t settle. I just wanted to be with Tracey. I was moping like a teenager on heat. 

It was nearly midnight when my phone rang. I could tell Tracey was outside and I immediately became concerned.

“No everything is OK, I just needed to clear my head and think,” She replied.

“Is everything OK? I asked again, “Are you OK? How did the evening go?”

“It was your typical conference dinner, rubber chicken and Alpha-males trying to outdo each other. No, what was really interesting is that the company Vice President asked me to join her for a drink in a quiet bar away from the main event. Thank you, by the way, for the instant lesson on Scotch whisky, I think I scored some points there when I chose for us. She seemed impressed.” Tracey’s voice sounded excited.

“So here is the thing,” She continued. “My company is really concerned about this monumental fuck-up you call Brexit. London is by far our biggest operation outside of the States. But we are only here because it is the gateway to the rest of Europe. What she said to me is that they have lost confidence in the man running the office here. All he tells us is what we want to hear, not what will actually happen. So to cut to the chase, I have been offered a job here in London. My job is to find out what Brexit means and then decide whether we stay here or relocate to another city.”

“That is amazing news! How do you feel about it?” I asked. “When do you have to let them know?” I was finding it hard to not sound excited too.

“Well, the job is for a year with the option to extend for another if required. She asked me to get back to her within a week. It comes with a substantial salary raise and a generous relocation package.” 

“I’m so proud for you. Let me jump in a cab and let’s celebrate.” 

“I want to drink with you, suck you and fuck you, I really do. But at the same time, my head is spinning. I need more time to think, and I feel I should call my mother.” Tracey was passionate, sexy and also level headed.

“OK,” I said trying not to sound dejected.

“Look, I will be with you by mid-morning tomorrow. Make sure you have got some soft rope. Now think about that while you are stroking your cock  tonight.”  Tracey’s voice sounded so sexy.

I can’t pretend that I wasn’t disappointed that I would not be seeing Tracey tonight. But I did check in my cupboard and found a few meters of rope leftover from a kayaking trip I’d taken years ago.

I went to bed naked and masturbated, thinking about why Tracey had asked me to get the rope.

I slept well, woke feeling excited, masturbated again and headed for the shower. After I had made coffee, I changed the sheets on my bed and did some laundry. I went to my local shops and bought some fresh pastries and stocked up on fruit in case Tracey was hungry when she got here. 

I got a text shortly after I got back, Tracey said she had checked out and was heading for the Tube. I calculated she would be about forty minutes, so I did a few more chores then set off to meet her. 

Tracey arrived wearing her trouser suit. She had a roller suitcase, a laptop bag, and her handbag. She looked every bit the consummate professional. We embraced.

“What would you like to do?” I inquired

“I need coffee, and some more panties, I’ve got through every pair I brought, and that is all down to you.” She gave me a very sexy smile.

I lived fifteen minutes from the tube station, so we opted for coffee at a small independent cafe just opposite the station. After that, we headed to my local Marks & Spencer’s store; this chain may struggle in many ways but they get underwear right. Tracey was impressed with the range on offer. She chose several pairs, none of them boring.

We arrived back at my house, having chatted all the way about the possibility of Tracey moving to London. There was no denying that I found the prospect exciting. A real departure from my recent experiences.

I offered Tracey food or more coffee, but she said she had done a breakfast meeting with her colleagues before checking out of the hotel. She did, however, chuck some items of clothing into my washing machine.

We took Tracey’s roller suitcase up to my bedroom. There was little for her to unpack. She wanted to hang her trouser suit up to prevent it from creasing. After she had taken it off, I was met with the sight of Tracey in a blue blouse and some very sexy lingerie. I took her in my arms and began kissing her.

I started with her forehead but quickly moved to her lips. We both opened our mouths and began exploring with our tongues. As our kissing became more passionate, I began to undo the buttons on her blouse.

Tracey’s tits were in an almost sheer blue bra. I pushed her blouse off her shoulders and began fondling them. With my thumb, I stroked her nipples and felt them harden. There was no hurry, we could take our time. I began to kiss her neck and shoulders before returning to her lips. Tracey unzipped me and reached for my cock.

We continued kissing. I turned Tracey around and pulled her close. My cock was jabbing her bum crack. I undid her bra and let it fall off. I began to really work her tits with both hands.

While continuing to nuzzle her neck and shoulders and caress her tits I pushed my hard cock against her. I reached down and slid my right hand into the front of her panties. 

“Don’t go straight for my clit, make me wait a bit” Tracey’s voice was firm although she was clearly getting turned on.

I reached lower and was easily able to push took fingers into her pussy while continuing to kiss her neck. She was getting wet. I began to work my fingers and push them deep inside her. With my left hand, I continued to caress her breasts.

Tracey’s breathing became deeper, so I increased the speed of my probing fingers. Suddenly she pulled away from me and turned to face me. I pushed my pussy soaked fingers into her mouth and she licked the greedily. 

Tracey knelt in front of me, pulled my jeans and boxers down and began sucking my cock. I stepped out of my clothes kicked them aside and pulled off my T-shirt. I was naked and Tracey had on a pair of tiny panties. She continued teasing me with her mouth.

Tracey alternated between licking gently around the head and taking my whole length in her mouth. I hadn’t had a blow job in years and never one as good as this.

“Keep that up and I’m going to cum,” I warned Tracey

She responded by firmly gripping my cock and squeezing its length as she continued to suck me enthusiastically. My climax was inevitable and spectacular. Two long thick ropes straight into Tracey’s mouth. 

I slumped forward, Tracey rose and we began kissing. I could taste my own cum in her mouth. 

“Now where is the rope I asked you to get ready?” Tracey asked in a very seductive voice.

“By the wardrobe,” I replied still breathing deeply from my recent ejaculation.

“Cut it in four, and tie me to this bed,” Tracey instructed me as she stepped out of her panties and lay face down on the duvet.

This was all new to me, I had never done anything remotely like this, ever. Like most men, it was something that I had secretly fantasised about, but getting my former wife to even think about it would have been out of the question.

I cut four lengths, using a Swiss army penknife I kept in my bedside cabinet. I tied Tracey’s wrists to the wooden bedhead. I straddled her back and kissed my way down. I stopped and enjoyed a good taste of her pussy and ass before tying her legs to the frame. The sight of her naked and tethered caused my cock to stiffen and rise.

“Now fuck me hard,” Tracey instructed me 

I mounted her easily and began to push my hard cock into her wet pussy. As she was unable to resist, I reached around and began rubbing her clit. Her breathing deepened rapidly.

“Bastard, I knew you would do that,” Tracey struggled to get the words out as I pushed my cock into her. The feeling of power was exceptional quite unlike anything I had ever experienced before. 

As I had only just cum, I was someway off another orgasm but I sensed Tracey was near. I decided to step things up a little. 

I pulled my cock out of her pussy and sat up. Tracey was obviously disappointed but I didn’t keep her waiting long. From my bedside cabinet, I got a small bottle of lube and applied a generous amount to her ass. I also liberally coated the end of my cock. 

Mounting her again I reached around and began rubbing her clit. At the same time, I gently pushed my cock against her anus. At first, I encountered resistance but I gently applied pressure and felt her begin to open up. Tracey let out a low grunt but did not ask me to stop.

I continued pushing and felt my cock move into her tight passage. 

When I was fully in I asked. “Are you OK?”

“Yeah, start fucking my ass. I am seconds away,” Came her deep throaty reply. 

I picked up speed but was careful. I was quickly rewarded by Tracey beginning to grunt and breathe very deeply at the same time. Because she could not move against the ropes, her orgasm caused her to tense her arms and legs. This was a real first or me. I withdrew my cock and sat and admired the sight of a naked Tracey tied to my bed.

There is nothing like an intense spell of lovemaking for working up an appetite. By the time I had untied her and we both showered, it was early afternoon. I made lunch for us both and we talked again.

Later that evening, I took Tracey to my local pub and we enjoyed drinks and a good meal. After that, we returned to bed for another round of intense lovemaking, this time without ropes. 

The next two days passed in a blur of laughter, chat, sex, more sex, and some good meals. By the time it was necessary for me to take Tracey to the airport, she had made up her mind. She was going to say yes to the job. Tracey would be moving to London.

Published 5 years ago

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