Beth and Misty’s Visitors

"Beth and Misty continue their journey of exploration of spanking"

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True to her word, as soon as Beth had regained her pose from the first spanking administered to her by her roommate, she promptly switched places with her. Just a few short moments later, and it was now Beth that had administered a good hard spanking to Misty. To be sure, both of their bottoms were sore, but they also had, for the first time, experienced what it was like to be the one giving a spanking, rather than just the recipient. It gave them each an exhilarating feeling of power, unlike anything either of them had felt before.

Later that night, as they both lay in bed, neither one of them could fall asleep.

“Beth?” Misty called out into the darkness of their room.


“Why do you think it is that we like this so much?”

“I dunno,” her roommate replied.

“No, really, ” Misty said, and she sat up in bed. “It’s not really the pain, is it?”

“I don’t think so,” said Beth.

“Why do you get such pleasure out of it?” she asked. “I mean, it was obvious that you were really wet by the time I finished spanking you.”

Although Misty couldn’t see her through the room’s darkness, Beth was blushing. So Misty had noticed that she was very turned on by the spanking. “Um…” she stammered…”I think…I think it’s the…umm…humiliation. What really turns me on is the humiliation of getting the spanking. Is that weird?” she asked.

“Not at all,” Misty replied. “I think that’s what gives me a thrill too. I mean, yes, the pain is important…hell, it wouldn’t be a spanking if it didn’t hurt, right?” she grinned. “But what really gets me hot is the fact that I have to bend over and present my ass to someone, knowing that they’re going to beat it.”

“How dumb is that?” Beth laughed. “But I’m just as dumb. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

“You know, I have an idea,” Misty began. Beth smiled before her roommate even began to explain what her idea was. After all, her last idea was that instead of asking Eric, the Residential Counselor for their floor, for a spanking, that they would each administer a spanking for the other. Each roommate would come up with a reason — and most of the time it would be legitimate — why the other would deserve a spanking. Then the offending roommate would helplessly submit herself to the other for a bare-bottom spanking.

“What’s your idea?” Beth said, now sitting up in her bed as well.

Misty turned on the lamp on her desk and looked at her roommate right in the eye. “We’ve got to figure out a way to make it even MORE humiliating,” she said. “That, in turn, will heighten the experience.”

Beth felt a stirring between her legs. “Go on,” she encouraged Misty.

“Well, I just think we should come up with ways to make it more humiliating,” she said. “For instance, what if we were both given spankings at the same time. What if, in addition to having to endure our own spankings, if we also were forced to watch each other get theirs? And what if other people were watching?”

“I don’t know if I could do that, Misty,” Beth said, a bit of fear in her voice. But Misty knew her roommate. She knew that Beth was intrigued enough that she would have to explore this option now. “Besides,” Beth added, “I don’t know that I could bare my bottom in front of a bunch of people,” already knowing that this was an out-and-out lie.

“Are you still pretty sore?” Misty asked, pressing ahead despite her roommate’s objections.

Beth gave in with a sigh. “I’m sore, but not sore enough to keep me from seeing what you have in mind,” she grinned.

Misty sat on the edge of her bed, listing out her detailed plan for their next spanking. “We could do this as early as tomorrow,” she said. As she explained it, her roommate listened intently, noticing from time to time that her panties were moist. She was pretty sure that Misty’s were moist, too.

“That WOULD be very humiliating,” Beth agreed as Misty concluded. Do you think Eric will help us?”

“Let’s call him and find out,” she said, and started for the phone.

“We’re not just gonna call him and say ‘Come down and spank us!’ are we?”

“Why not? You were just going to march down to his room a couple hours ago and ask him to spank you.”

“I guess you’re right,” Beth said sheepishly.

Misty picked up the phone. Beth was beside herself, she was so excited. Realizing that she could take it no longer, she walked out the door and down the hall to the bathroom. In the privacy of a hot shower, she brought herself to climax several times before washing up and returning to her bedroom. Misty was sitting on the edge of her bed, grinning like the proverbial cat that ate the canary.

“It’s all set up for tomorrow night,” she said.

“I hope you know what the hell you’re doing,” said Beth, and climbed into bed and turned out the light. And while they didn’t say another word to each other, it was quite a while until either of them fell asleep.

The next evening, the two of them sat on the edge of their beds, awaiting the arrival of their visitors. Misty knew fully what to expect, and the anticipation of what was about to happen gave her goosebumps. Beth only knew that something would happen, and trusted her roommate to provide the heightened experience she had promised, but her anticipation of the unknown excited her. Each of them was wearing only a bathrobe, a suggestion Misty had made earlier which was agreed upon by the two of them.

Shortly after 10:30, when they were told their adventure would begin, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” Misty said. The tremor of her voice belied the confidence she was attempting to exude.

The door opened, and in walked Eric, the Residential Counselor for the floor, and Brian, Misty’s on-again, off-again boyfriend. Eric closed the door behind them.

“Are you two submitting to us of your own free will?” he addressed Beth and Misty.

“Yes,” said Misty, staring at the floor. Beth nodded.

“That won’t do, Beth,” directed Eric. “I need a verbal response. Are you submitting to us of your own free will?” he repeated.

“Yes,” Beth replied. While her face may not have shown it, a torrent of various emotions and feelings were raging through Beth’s body: anticipation at what would happen next, electric thrill at knowing she would soon be on the receiving end of a spanking from Eric, humiliation at knowing she would have to bare her bottom in front of Eric, and in front of Brian, and a heightened sense of awareness of her own body and its sexual responses to what was happening.

Brian went to Misty’s desk and took the chair out from under it. He placed it in the center of the dorm room, and then went to Beth’s desk. Grabbing her chair, he placed it in the room’s center as well. The two girls’ chairs were now about three feet apart, facing each other. As the architect of the plan, Misty knew what was going to happen next, but Beth, seated on the edge of her bed, was quick to figure out what was about to transpire.

Suddenly Brian snapped his fingers. Without a word, Misty stood up, careful never to look Brian in the eye. She untied her bathrobe and let it fall to the floor, revealing to all the occupants of the room that she had no other clothing on to protect her. Beth began to feel self-conscious. She knew that Misty worked out, and took very good care of her body. Now, as Misty stood naked before them, Beth could see both Brian’s and Eric’s nod of approval as they visually inspected her. Her long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail behind her head, and her firm breasts and fit torso were enough to cast a spell on any man. Misty was the quintessential submissive, Beth decided, noticing that her roommate never took her eyes off the floor. She knew that her station did not allow her to make eye contact with Brian. She began to walk to the center of the room towards the chair which Brian had placed there for her.

“And what are you waiting for?” demanded Eric to Beth. She snapped out of her thoughts which were carrying her away to another time and place. Not quite as gracefully as her roommate before her, she managed to get her bathrobe untied. She pulled her arms out of the sleeves, and then held the robe in front of her, in a desperate yet futile attempt to preserve what little modesty she had remaining.

Eric felt sorry for her, but knew that in his present role, he could show no mercy or compassion in this matter. He grabbed the robe from her and threw it on the bed, and Beth instantly became very aware of the fact that Eric and Brian were now visually inspecting her just as they had Misty a few moments ago. Her hair was slightly darker, and while her body was not quite as proportionate as that of her roommate, she did notice that Eric was staring at her chest, and while this made her feel even more self-conscious, it also occurred to her that he must have approved of her.

She thought back to her first and only other spanking from him, out in that cornfield several miles away, when she was draped over his lap in the passenger seat of his car. She suddenly realized that this was, in fact, the first time he had seen her top half uncovered. How she wanted to feel his hands and his lips on her, but that was not to be tonight. Tonight, she had submitted herself to him for a different purpose.

Eric motioned with his head in the direction of the center of the room, and Beth understood his instruction. Naked and more humiliated with each moment that passed, she forced herself to walk to the center of the room to the remaining unoccupied chair. Misty’s eyes met hers for a moment, but that moment seemed like an eternity. It was almost as if Beth was somehow pleading for it to stop, but not really. She knew that if she put a stop to it now, she would be plagued for the rest of her life wondering what would have happened tonight.

Misty leaned over the back of the chair and placed her hands on the seat, presenting her backside to Brian for her spanking as Beth watched. It was like an erotic dream to Beth, and she even wondered if it was, in fact, only a dream, until she felt a hand on her neck, gently yet firmly pushing her into position over her chair. She let out a slight gasp as she was unprepared for this, but quickly placed her hands on the seat of the chair that she was now bent over.

“Spread your legs apart,” Eric commanded. Beth complied.

Then Beth heard a “WHACK”, and for a brief portion of a second, was confused as to why she felt no impact. Suddenly, she realized that it wasn’t her that had been hit, but Misty. But just then a second “WHACK” was heard, this one accompanied by a sharp pain as Eric’s paddle kissed Beth’s bare bottom. “Ow!” she yelped.

Beth looked up and was startled to discover that Misty had fixed her gaze directly on her. She winced as Brian struck her again with the paddle, but did not take her eyes off her roommate. Beth decided that she should try to do the same, and concentrated on watching Misty. She started to take a deep breath as Brian brought the paddle up above Misty again, readying for a third blow, but before she knew it, the paddle, which Misty was watching above her roommate, hit its target again.

Beth gasped again and her breathing became heavy and erratic as a wave of different realizations converged in her mind. Here she was, bent over naked in a chair getting a humiliating spanking at the hands of Eric while her roommate and her boyfriend watched. Yet at the same time, she was able to witness the same humiliation of her roommate simultaneously. Not to mention that she was once again able to fulfill her fantasy of submitting to Eric.

For a moment, her mind wandered to wondering just how it was that Misty talked Eric into doing this. Then her thoughts were suddenly interrupted with another “WHACK!”, and another, and another. The stinging of the paddle was replaced with a general warmth all over Beth’s rear end, and instead of pain alone, she felt a warm, tingling sensation across her bottom and in her sex.

At last, the two men stopped swinging the paddles. Throughout the entire time, Misty had never taken her eyes off her roommate. Beth couldn’t make the same claim, but she had done her best to keep eye contact with Misty. It was how they maintained their solidarity and got through the humiliation of their double-spanking together. Beth thought it was now finally over, but Misty knew better. She had been spanked by Brian before and knew that the ordeal wasn’t over. Brian stepped away from the center of the room, over near Misty’s bed. Without a word, Misty stood up, and for the first time, shifted her view away from Beth’s face. She walked over to where Brian was standing and immediately fell to her knees. She unzipped Brian’s jeans, and after a minor difficulty of pulling them down around his ankles, tugged at his boxers as well, revealing his swollen cock. Her lips eagerly embraced it as she took him inside her mouth.

Beth was astonished. Now the event became more than she bargained for. She was not comfortable with this part yet. Perhaps she would actually enjoy sucking on Eric again, in fact she had both dreamed and fantasized about it in the past, but this turn of events had caught her completely by surprise and unaware. Fortunately, Eric was not making any demands of her. He was engrossed in watching Misty as she bobbed up and down on Brian’s cock. Without warning, he groaned loudly as he shot into the back of Misty’s throat. Beth wondered if she had swallowed it or not, and what it tasted like. Brian took a deep breath and sighed as Misty collapsed onto the floor, weary from her ordeal this evening.

Eric turned to Beth. Tears welled up in her eyes, as she struggled at the paradox within her. She wanted to service him just as Misty had with Brian, but she just couldn’t. She hadn’t mentally prepared herself — or “psyched herself up”, as Misty would say — for this, and once again, her lack of knowledge and experience made her self-conscious.

Eric led Beth over to her bed and laid her down on her back. He unbuttoned his cotton twill pants and stepped out of both the pants and the boxers below. Beth never took her eyes off his face; she felt helpless, and completely under Eric’s control. She wanted to trust him so badly, but she couldn’t do so if he was going to make her take him in her mouth right now.

Eric kneeled upon the bed and straddled her. “My gawd,” she thought. “He’s going to gag me.” At that moment, she decided she had to put a stop to it, and summoned her safeword from her brain.

But just before she opened her mouth to say it, she realized that he, in fact, was not going to force himself in her mouth when she wasn’t ready. As she looked into his face, she saw for the first time the compassion that was there. Instead of putting his manhood into her mouth, he instead placed himself between her breasts and began moving back and forth in a rhythmic motion that got faster and more intense, until he shot all over her upper torso and neck. He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. Then without a word, he and Brian left.

Beth and Misty looked at each other. They had experienced shame, humiliation, a good spanking, and they had each been forced to pleasure their punishers afterwards. Beth began sobbing uncontrollably.

“Gawd, that was good,” sighed Misty.

Although she was crying, Beth nodded in agreement. She had taken another step in her discovery of her new passion.


Published 5 years ago

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