Rub a Dub Dub, Two Titties in a Tub

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Hi, y’all! I’m Rosie. Welcome to my beauty bath, pussy pond, titties tub, or whatever you want to call it. I would invite you in, but this is “me time.” Now, excuse me for a minute while I prepare. Rubber Duckie, you’re the one. I like to sing a little while getting ready for my bath – puts me in a relaxed state of mind. You make bath time lots of fun. I turn on the faucet so the tub can be filling while I gather my goodies. Everything needs to be just right.

Candles. Check! Lavender mixed with vanilla is my favorite scent; it makes my nose tingle.

Bath toys. Check! Oops, I almost forget my yellow rubber duckie.

Mood music. Check! Sam Smith, of course.

Bubble Bath. Check! Not too much, just a cap-full to make my body nice and slippery.

Okay, I’m ready. Time to relax, unwind, cleanse my Spirit, wash away the worries of the day, and cum. That’s right. You heard me – cum. The all-important ending to Rosie’s special tub time. You are free to watch, you naughty, perverted little voyeurs, but please do not distract me from my private pleasures in my tub.

I carefully climb into my bath, stepping one leg at a time, slipping into its warm tranquil waters. Squatting, I settle my ass on the bottom, then slide down until everything but my head is hidden beneath the bubbles. Oh my goodness. Heaven. With each passing minute, my body loosens, giving in to the soothing water’s caresses. My head is comfortably cradled by the back of the tub while I inhale, breathing in the relaxing scent of lavender. 

“Lay Me Down” plays in the background, as my eyes close, losing myself to my senses. My hands freely roam over my body, my skin tingling from my light fingertip touches. Pure pleasure. Do you see my joy?

After bathing in bliss for a couple of songs, my nipples peek up from the water to say, ‘Hi.” My, they look soft and light pink. They won’t stay that way for long, I think, smiling to myself. Scooping up some tiny bubbles, I suds up my cute, little buttons, delighting in their hardening. My finger and thumb work together to stretch, pinch, and pull my nipples. These movements stir feelings below – delightful stirrings between my legs. 

I reach for my first bath toy, Frodo – my butt plug. Yes, you heard me right. I named my butt plug Frodo. You see, I am a huge Lord of the Rings fan and honor the movies by naming my sex toys after their characters. Viggo is my bullet vibrator, named after Viggo Mortenson (aka Aragorn), and my dildo carries the name of the dreamy blond-haired, pointy-eared elf, Legolas. Naming my toys adds to the intimacy, you see. 

So, time for Frodo to snuggle inside my ass. I lift up, turning over on my knees. My ass is a little plumpy and round. “Bubble Butt” is the description others have given my ass. To me, it just means I am spankable. And I do love a good spanking. My palm twitches and I rest Frodo on the side of the tub and give myself a few good spanks. Smack! Smack! Smack! I love seeing my white cheeks turn pink. It makes me squeal.

I fetch Frodo again. Now, this can sting a little at first, so I need to be brave. I reach behind, sliding Frodo down my crack and around and around my puckered asshole. Ever-so-gently, I push his tip in and out my tight hole. It is always resistant to his visit at first but gradually warms up to him. Deep breaths. My body eventually relinquishes control and he slides right inside his cozy new home. Mmmmmm, snug as a bug in a rug.

I roll back over and slide back underwater to relish in these new sensations emanating from my ass. I rest like this for quite some time, breathing deeply, enjoying my newfound fullness. Are you jealous?  I reach for Rubber Duckie and plop him into the water. I giggle watching him bob up and down, and his song rings in my head again. Rubber Duckie, you’re the one. You make bath time lots of fun. It is stuck in your head now, isn’t it? Actually, my other toys, Frodo, Viggo, and Legolas make bath time lots of fun!

“Stay With Me” echos in the room now. Don’t y’all love Sam? All the elements are in place for my magical night. Smiling, I realize I have been craving this all day long. 

My hands can’t resist my voluptuous mounds. Massaging. Rubbing. Squeezing. I am a handful, you know – a soft, fleshy handful. Feels soooo good. I reach for my washcloth and slide it up and down my arms, then across my tummy, over my mound to my inner thighs, careful not to touch my sensitive spot just yet. Raising each leg in turn, I wash from my upper thighs down my legs. I am ready to turn it up a delightful notch in my ass and flip over again to insert a buzzing Viggo into Frodo’s ring. Ahhhh! Oh my! What a feeling this is! I bow my head and just feel – just feel all the nerve endings revved up now. I find myself erotically rocking back and forth on my knees, losing myself to all the stimulations. The bubbles swoosh around me, some bursting with my oscillations.

After a few deep breaths, I roll back over onto my back, lifting my hips to float in the water. These waterproof sex toys are genius. Kudos to their inventor, no doubt a female. You know it’s probable. Oh y’all, the combination of a calming bath with stimulating toys is hypnotic. I am slipping away.

Soaking. Writhing. Moaning. Burning. I need Legolas.

I reach for my 8-inch dildo, Legolas, and graze my fingers over his length, stroking him, admiring him. My mouth craves him and I slide him in, licking him from base to tip. Savoring him. Sucking him. Reluctantly, I withdraw him and he dips underneath the bubbles in search of his comfy home. I guide him between my legs, letting him explore my lips and my clit, before resting him at my opening. I give his tip a taste of my pussy, before pulling him back. In and out. In and out. Just a taste, as I soak in my tub. 

Mmmmm. My body, mind, and Spirit are resetting, rejuvenating, and replenishing. See what my bath toys do for me? With a delicate push, he slides inside my pussy opening. I keep pressing him forward inch by glorious inch until I am filled. There he rests as I adjust to him. My walls enclose tightly around Legolas, cuddling him. I need to be fucked now and begin my gentle thrusts. Bliss. Heavenly bliss. My pants and squeals drown out Sam. Water splashes up and over the rim of the tub. My eyes clench tightly as I slip into euphoria. I keep this pace for quite some time, my mind not quite ready for the climax. However, my body has other ideas. 

Here I go. It’s time. Viggo buzzes away in Frodo’s ring. Legolas stretches my pussy. And my soapy fingers dive down to rub my clit. Oh my goodness – ecstasy! I push back the hood and circle my aching, swollen clit. Around and around. Fuck! I hope I don’t pass out and drown. Will you rescue me if I collapse underwater, entranced by my orgasm?

My toes wiggle uncontrollably, making ripples beneath the surface, as my hips buck, making bigger waves above. Tummy tightening. Spring winding. Tighter. Tighter. Pussy hugging. Ass clenching. Legs shaking. Time stops. Body explodes. Convulsing. Bouncing. Quivering. I cum.  

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Fuck!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Pant. Pant.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! 

Give me a minute, y’all. Oh my goodness! My fingers gingerly slide Legolas out of my pussy’s grasp. Next, I remove Viggo, followed by Frodo, dropping them over the side of the tub. Aftershocks hit. Moaning. Quieting. Unwinding. And lastly, smiling. 

My whole body feels like jello – ooey gooey jello. I slip my naked, wet, drained body over the edge of the tub onto my soft bathmat, landing with a light thump. Lying on my back, I reach for a towel and dry off my body, blot-drying the sensitive areas between my legs. Rolling over on my tummy, I crawl to bed, pulling myself up by the comforter, sliding into its warm cocoon. 

I am comfy cozy, with pussy pink and rosy. Night, night, naughty voyeurs. Kiss. Kiss. 





Published 5 years ago

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