Gift From The Witch.

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 Grant had almost turned tail and headed in the opposite direction when he saw the older woman sprawled in the snow. His fear was based on her identity, this was Constance Perkins the so-called witch. However, his parents had raised him well and he couldn’t just leave her there. So he approached and offered assistance. 

“Help me up. Don’t pull, just steady yourself,” she said in a pleasant voice as she placed her hands on his forearm.

Once on her feet, he assisted in gathering up the contents of the bag of groceries that had gone flying. As he worked he thought about the stories he had heard about her since he was a child. She lived in a large house that had been built back in the fifties right before the housing boom and she owned all the acreage behind it.

It seemed a developer wanted the property as he was about to commence building a housing project and tried to take it using some underhanded scheme and bullying to get what he needed. All that ended when he was involved in a car crash a few days later. Everyone knew the story and blamed the witch for his accident. 

“She must have put a curse on him,” was the most common comment.

The scattered contents were placed back in the bag and he handed it to her. When she took a step forward to accept it she almost fell again and was forced to place her hand on his shoulder to prevent from falling. Up close Grant notice that she was quite attractive for an older female.

“Ow. I must have twisted my ankle,” she informed the teen. “I only live a few houses away and If you will carry those to my house I’ll give you ten dollars.”

A bolt of fear shot through his body as she said this and he began to regret offering his assistance.

“Relax. I haven’t turned anyone into a toad in quite some time,” she said with a smile.

This caused Grant to laugh and he forget his fear. So they commenced walking the half block to her house and she used his shoulder for balance. Fear took hold of him again as she unlocked the side door and invited him inside as he was afraid of what he would see once inside. 

Images of cauldrons, bugs, black cats, and bats flooded his mind so he was relieved when he discovered that her kitchen resembled his Grandma’s kitchen, it was beyond clean. He placed the bag on the counter and was bade to take a seat as she placed a tea kettle on to boil and placed cups on the table.

“You probably grew up on Lipton tea,” she said as he placed a large glass jar filled with loose tea in front of him. “I think you will find this a lot better.” 

She produced two tea balls and filled them with loose tea and then placed them in the cups. The kettle whistled and the hot water was poured into their china mugs. After placing containers of milk and sugar on the table she took a seat opposite him.

“I’m glad you didn’t turn tail and run,” she said in a pleasant voice. “Who knows how long I might have laid there.”

Her comment caused Grant to almost choke on his tea as he stared at her smiling face and struggled for a response.

“I’m no mind reader, but the look in your eyes said it all,” she continued.

“I’m sorry,” Grant managed to say.

“Don’t be, as I’m sure you heard dozens of stories of my being a witch so your hesitance is understandable, but you did the proper thing and offered assistance,” Constance replied.

“My parents would have been really angry if I had done nothing,” Grant managed to say.

Constance excused herself and left the table with some difficulty and returned a few minutes late and handed him a ten-dollar bill. As he reached for it she asked him to turn his free hand over and she studied it for some time. After Grant had placed the bill in his pocket she asked him to show her that hand, this one she also stared at for some time.

“What do you see? Grant asked in a timid voice.

“A great deal. Now, who is the dark-eyed brunette that has you all tied up in knots?”

Once again Grant choked on his tea as there was no way in the world this woman should know about Debora Green. As the older female looked him in the eyes he suddenly felt compelled to tell her everything about his stunning classmate. He told her about the friendship that started when they were kids and continued to the present day and how Debora started out as a skinny little girl and almost overnight turned into a raven-haired beauty.

 For reasons unknown, Grant couldn’t stop talking. He went on to add how he found it difficult to think of her as just a friend.

“You have never told her how you feel?” Constant asked.

“There is no point. She’s attracted to tall, blonde pretty boys like Larry Fitzwater,” he responded, trying not to sound bitter.

“Maybe it’s because he told her how he felt whereas you didn’t. Well, I owe you more than a simple ten-dollar bill can repay so I am going to help the situation along,” she informed Grant as she stood up again and wandered to the next room. When she returned with a small black cauldron his heart jumped.

“You going to brew me a love potion?” he asked.

“Too unreliable,” she answered. “Now touch the face of your school ring to your forehead and think about her and see her in your mind’s eye. I want you to think about her and your desire for her,” she instructed. 

Though he thought it was foolish, Grant did as he was asked.

After about ten minutes she asked him to slip his ring off and hand it to her. When he did she wrapped it in some leaves and placed it in the small black pot. She then went to a spice rack and removed several jars and commenced sprinkling the various powders on it amid her non-stop mutterings.

“Don’t you need a lock of hair or a clothing sample?” Grant asked.

“That’s for amateurs,” she answered.

Constance removed the ring after about five minutes and wiped off the excess powder with some leaves and then handed it back to him.

“Now all you have to do is touch your ring to her bare skin and then wait for the results. They won’t be immediate, but they will happen,” she said. “You do make physical contact with her?”

“Yeah. We always high-five each other in the morning, but she’s not the only girl I do that to,” he stated.

 Constance seemed to sense his next question and interrupted him before he could continue speaking.

“No, it won’t work on just any girl,” she answered. “Now, if she is a virgin it will take a while for the spell to take hold.”

“I don’t think she’s a virgin,” Grant offered.

“Then you will see results within a day,” Constance responded. “Now, remember this will be a one-time thing, and the next day she may act as if nothing happened or she may resent you.”

“I’ll risk it,” Grant answered as he examined his ring.

“Then there is only one other thing you must do,” Constance stated as she took her seat.

“Is that it?” he asked.

“I want you to stop back here and let me know if it works,” she responded as she stood up, indicating that tea time was over.

Grant headed home and didn’t think about this meeting until the next day when he arrived in homeroom. He spotted Debora standing with a group of her friends. When she saw him approach she smiled and raised her hand to high five him. Grant quickly spun the ring around on his finger so that the face was on the underside of his finger.

“Hey,” was all she said.

“Hey, yourself,” he responded as his hand met hers with an almost inaudible smack of flesh against flesh.

Grant took his assigned seat and out of the corner of his eye he watched to see if there was a reaction, but there was none. Eventually, homeroom ended and the students headed to their first class.

It was as Debora sat in American History that it happened. As she sat there listening to the teacher drone on she felt her nipples begin to tingle and harden. She was puzzled as there was no reason for this. There was no blast of cold air and the teacher was older, unattractive, and the lecture was boring so that wasn’t the cause.

She was thankful that she had taken to wearing a sweater as the school always seemed cold despite the heat being on. Besides keeping her warm it hid the sight of her erect nipples pushing against her bra and blouse.

She closed her eyes and under her eyelids, she saw flashes of Grant. She saw his lips on hers and his hands on her boobies. Her eyes snapped open and she shook her head as if to shake the vision away, it didn’t work. Despite his absence, she could still smell his cologne. As the erotic images continued she felt the heat begin to build in her panties and she became wet.

“Oh please. Not here and not now,” she said to herself. “I don’t need to walk around in wet panties all day.”

She lowered her eyes to the pages of the open book and stared at the text in an effort to calm down, but it didn’t work and once again she saw Grant. This time she could feel his hands sliding along her smooth legs and under her skirt as his lips kissed her cheek and neck. She felt his fingers begin to gently brush the crotch of her very wet panties and she was beginning to enjoy the sensation and responded by wrapping her arms around him and crushing her tits against his chest.

The pealing of the bell signaling the end of class roused her from her fantasy and gathered her things and headed toward her next class. As she walked she thought about Grant and couldn’t understand these feelings. He wasn’t bad looking and in pretty good shape, but they had been buds since before junior high and that’s all it was between them. He never hit on her or tried to touch her and she felt comfortable with him.

Debora’s last class of the day was study hall, but since she was in the marching band she had the option of sitting in the cafeteria or reporting to the band room. She stayed there long enough for attendance to be taken as she waited for the band director to become too busy to notice her slipping out of the room.

Once in the hall, she made a beeline to the large doors that were the entrance to the backstage area. She knew that Grant was a member of the stage crew and spent his study halls there. She called out his name as she entered the door and he soon appeared from seemingly out of nowhere. 

“Hey,” was his greeting.

Debora didn’t respond but stepped into him and wrapped her arms around him and pushed her breasts into his chest. A second later her full red lips pressed against his and she commenced to sucking his tongue. Grant wrapped his arms around her and allowed his hands to slide down her back and rest on her firm ass hidden underneath her skirt

“I’ve been thinking about this all morning,” she admitted.

“So have I,” Grant responded as his cock began to get harder by the second.

“Really? You’ve never said anything about having those kinds of feelings,” she stated between kisses.

Suddenly Debora ended the kissing session and pulled back from Grant and he released her. In the back of her mind, there was nagging about Barry. They were supposed to be going together and her sweet tongue kisses and soft body were reserved for him. and him alone.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t cheat on Barry,” she said as she bolted from the backstage area leaving Grant alone, depressed, and horny.

As depressed as Grant was he kept his promise and stopped at Constance’s house on the way home from school. Seated at her kitchen table he told her everything.

“Such a strong will in someone so young,” she said as Grant finished his tale.

“Can you dose my ring again?” Grant asked.

“Don’t tempt fate. If all goes well by tomorrow morning she will have forgotten about visiting you and what happened, she will put it down to a bad dream and you two will still remain friends,” Constance told him.

Constance could sense how bad Grant wanted his schoolmate and decided to do something about it. 

“There is something else I can do. Can you think about her for me? I want you to close your eyes and see everything. From the way she is dressed to how she talks and moves,” Constance asked.

Grant did as she commanded. A few minutes later she asked him to open his eyes and when he did he received a face full of powder. Although it didn’t smell bad it did make him dizzy and he was about to protest this treatment as he wiped off his face but when he opened his eyes his protests froze in his mouth, for there was the object of his desire seated at the kitchen table.

“Debora?” he asked, “What are you doing here?”

Constance invited me and I’m here to fuck your brains out,” she crooned.

“What about Barry?” he questioned.

“Forget Barry,” she responded as she stood and began to unbutton her blouse.

Grant watched as her small hands unfastened to buttons of her white blouse and then pulled it open to reveal a pretty white bra hidden underneath. She then stood up and took ahold of Grant’s hands and placed them on her bra; the material was cool to the touch and her breasts felt firm.

As Grant gently caressed her breasts she pulled his shirt up from where it was tucked in his pants. Grant understood what she was doing and ceased his hand movement so she could pull his shirt off.  Once it was off, she stepped back into him and commenced to rub her silky bra against his chest as she kissed.

She only stopped long enough to allow one arm to move behind her back and unzip her skirt. It fell to the floor, revealing slender and shapely legs covered in tan pantyhose.

Her hands then went for his belt buckle and then his zipper, and a second later she was tugging his jeans down. Grant kicked off his shoes so he could step out of his jeans. Now he was standing before her clad only in his boxers and the lump in them was quite noticeable.

“Is that for me?” his high school sweetie asked as her finger traced the outline of his hard cock.

Grant was speechless as he watched her lose her pantyhose and the tiny pair of white bikini panties she had on under them. He only had a moment to admire them before she unfastened her bra and tossed it aside. She embraced him again and Grant could feel her firm tits with their hard nipples pressed against his chest and the heat from her pussy through the material of his boxers.

His erection grew even harder as she kissed and licked his ears and neck before placing her lips on his and sliding her tongue in his mouth. Grant released her and without ending the kiss managed to slide his boxers down, freeing his hard cock. The high school hottie encircled it with a small hand and began to gently pump it.

“Do you want me?” she asked in almost a whisper.

“Yes,” was all Grant could say.

She bade him take a seat and he quickly complied. Once seated, Grant watched as she swung a slender leg across his lap and once again took hold of his hard cock and directed it toward her pussy as she lowered herself. Less than a second later he felt his hardness enter her; she was hot, wet, and very tight and moaned as each inch entered her.

“I’ve never done it in a chair,” Grant admitted.

“Then let me do all the work,” she crooned into his ear.

“I’m not wearing protection,” he reminded her.

“Don’t worry, I can’t get pregnant,” she responded as she commenced to ride his rock hard cock.

Grant was in heaven. Here was the girl of his dreams seated on his lap with his hard cock inside her. She would slowly rise up and then lower herself, wiggling her hips in between kissing him. Grant lowered his head and began to kiss and lick her breasts, paying special attention to her extended nipples.

Debora responded in kind and began to kiss and lick his nipples causing him to moan with pleasure. Finally, in what seemed like hours later, Grant managed to tell her that he was ready to come.

“So am I,” she responded as she increased the speed of her ride.

Shortly after that Grant released the contents of his balls into her tight cave with a grunt. Debora issued a long ecstatic moan and her body shook as her orgasm arrived and Grant felt her pussy grip his cock. She remained in his lap for a short time as they returned to Earth from their orgasmic high before she uncoupled herself and returned to her chair.

As Grant sat there a wave of dizziness and sleep overcame him and he crossed his arms on the table and placed his head on them.

A minute later he raised his head and discovered that Debora was gone and Constance was sitting there smiling at him. He noticed that her blouse was open and he saw glimpses of a black bra through the gap as she slid a glass of tea toward him.

“Drink that and you will feel better,” she informed him.

Grant did as he was asked and sure enough, a few minutes later he felt fine. That’s when he realized that he was sitting there naked and he looked around for his clothing. Constance handed him a robe that was draped on the back of her chair and he quickly donned it.

“Where’s Debora?” he asked.

“She was never here,” Constance responded.

‘Yes she was, we made love in this chair,” Grant informed her.

“No, you didn’t. That was me,” the older female informed him.

“That’s not possible. I saw and heard her,” Grant replied.

“The powder I blew into your face allowed you to see and hear her, but everything else was me,” Constant responded as she reached across the table and took both of his hands.

“Why?” was all Grant could ask.

“I felt so bad that my charm had no effect on her and I could sense how bad you wanted her so I just improvised, plus you are one attractive guy and I have been without a lover for a few years,” she informed him.

“It was you that I was fucking?” Grant asked.

“Yes, it was. Was it bad?” she asked. “I can take the memory away if you wish.”

“No, it was great. You’ve done this before?” Grant responded.

“No, you’re my first using that charm,” she responded.

As they talked Grant took in the sight of the older female across from him; he’d never realized how attractive she really was, and with her hair down she looked even better than when they first met and he found himself becoming aroused.

“With that enchantment, I can look like anyone you can think of if the idea of making love to an older woman is distasteful to you,” she informed him.

Grant stood up and Constance could see his hard cock sticking through the robe. She also stood up and Grant could see that she was wearing tiny black panties, which she quickly lost. Grant admired her body, which was in superb shape despite being a little pale, before she pushed him back into his chair, mounting him again.

Grant swore that her pussy was hotter and wetter than the last time when he believed he was fucking his high school sweetie and their orgasms were more intense based on the sounds they made. Constance moved and allowed his wilting cock to slide out of her wet pussy and she took a seat on his thighs.

“How was that?” she asked.

“That was fantastic,” he replied in between gently kissing her.

“No problems doing an older woman?” she asked.

“None whatsoever. But I’ve always had a thing for the head cheerleader,” Grant informed her.

“Next time bring a picture and you can have her too,” was all she said as she returned his hot kisses.

Published 5 years ago

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