Meagan gets her Depo Provera shot — and more

"Meagan's libido increases before, during and after getting an injection"

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I’m feeling a certain sense of Déjà vu as I enter the Medical Building. It is a familiar scene. A usual routine with me. Every eleven weeks I make an appointment to get my Depo Provera, my birth control, shot. After my first shot in September 2004 I discovered something about myself that I had never realized. I found that the whole process of getting the Depo shot made me incredibly wet and horny. It was the beginning of a fetish that not only continues to this day but has grown beyond just my routine birth control shots. Now I try to get every shot I can in my butt. How can getting a shot in the butt get this girl sexually aroused? Honestly I can’t explain it. I’ve thought about it but have yet to come up with a definitive answer. All I really know for sure is that getting shots in my butt is a huge turn-on for me.

Butterflies are flitting in my stomach as I enter the doctor’s office. I guess it is the anticipation as much as anything else. As I walk to the receptionist’ desk, I can feel the sticky wetness seeping from my pussy and into my panties. I am secretly hoping my doctor will notice my aroma and make a move this time.

He is handsome and tall with a physique to die for. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fantasized about his cock and having him slipping it into me. I’ve never seen it, but I have wondered about it every time I see him and continue to think about it for days and from time-to-time weeks afterwards. I imagine in my mind how long it is, how thick it is, and how good it would feel him thrust it inside of me. I am always aroused in his presence and hoping he will make a move, any move, but he never once has made a pass at me or even hinted of any interest. The hope is always there, but the results are always the same – disappointment and a raging libido.

“Can I help you?” asks the receptionist.

“Yes. Meagan Carpenter to see Dr. Langbrook. I have an appointment.”

Keying my name into her computer, the receptionist replies, “Yes Ms. Carpenter, I see you here. I’ll let Dr. Langbrook know you’ve arrived for your appointment. Please, have a seat, and he’ll come for you shortly.”

“Thank you,” I reply and take a seat.

The wait. I’ve always hated the wait. As I mark my time, the anticipation grows, and so does the feeling in my groins. The juices of my sex are seeping into my panties. I cross my legs trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to stymie the feeling and its results. My mind is wandering, thinking about him, thinking about us. A young, single girl can always dream can’t she?

Suddenly my trance is broken as Dr. Langbrook opens a door and calls out my name. My heart skips a beat or two as I see him.

“Meagan, good to see you again. Please, will you follow me?” he asks, beckoning me through the door he is holding open.

He is walking just ahead of me, and we have the usual small-talk about how everything is going with me. We walk down one hall then another until taking a final turn. Half-way down the hall is his examination room. Opening the door, he beckons me in before following behind me and closing the door after him. He gives a few clicks on the keyboard of his computer and my medical files open before him on the screen.

All the time I’m thinking, take me damm it. I need your cock. I want your cock inside of me.

“I see you are here for your scheduled birth control shot. Is that correct?” Dr. Langbrook asks, breaking my train of thought.

“Yes, doctor, that’s correct.”

“Would you like a nurse present when I give you your shot, Meagan? I can get one as a chaperone if you desire one.”

“No thanks, doctor, I trust you,” I say calmly all-the-time secretly hoping that he’ll betray his ethics and take me.

“All right then, Meagan, give me a moment to get what we need. I’ll be right back.” He gently shuts the door behind him as he leaves.

Again my mind wanders. I can’t help it. At least he is calling me by my first name and not Ms. Carpenter, I think. I hate being called Ms. Carpenter. I’m not going to lie, I’m totally infatuated with him. I just melt in his presence. If only there was something I could do, something I could say to get his attention. My mind continues to dwell on Dr. Langbrook and on his manhood. My panties are soaking now as my juices seep even faster into my crotch.

A few minutes later, Dr. Langbrook returns, holding a small metal bowl-like tray with everything he is going to need. Sealed packages containing the syringe and the hypodermic needle. A vial of Depo Provera. A bottle of isopropyl alcohol and antiseptic pads.

The moment of truth has arrived. I think will he make a move this time? A pass, a hit, anything. Please just let him notice me.

“Meagan, please bend over the end of the examination table and bare your butt for me,” he tells me.

The anticipation is overwhelming now. My excitement is about to burst as I pull up my dress, pull down my panties and eagerly bend over the table. Surely he must be aware of my scent now. Please make a pass, I think, as I prepare myself. I stand there, my ass completely bared and turn my head to watch Dr. Langbrook prepare the shot. The suspense is killing me at this point.

He tears open the package with the syringe in it. Removing the syringe, he holds it between his fingers while ripping open the other package and attaches the needle to the barrel. Still holding the hypodermic between his fingers, he opens the bottle of alcohol with the other hand and, after grabbing some antiseptic wipes, cleans the top of the Depo Provera vial before up-ending it and inserting the needle into it. I watch with growing anticipation as he withdraws the Depo from the vial, which fills the syringe. Afterwards, he recaps the needle and lays the syringe on the examination table ahead of me so I can see it.

I turn my head to follow him as a retrieves another antiseptic wipe and, wetting it with the alcohol, he walks to my left buttock and gently cleanses the upper outer quarter. He seems to linger a bit. It feels as if he is softly caressing the butt-cheek.

I can’t help but let out a soft sigh. Please notice me, don’t stop now. I think once more. I gasp from the coolness of the alcohol and wait with bated breath. My heart is pounding, It’s ready to leap from my chest.

He stretches the skin tight and seems to hold it taut for what seems like minutes, but I’m sure it’s only a second or two.

The mind is a funny thing and how easily it drifts when it fixates on something. I’m thinking about Dr. Langbrook and his cock again when suddenly I feel the jab the needle into my gluteal muscle.

A muffled “ouch” escapes my lips.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Carpenter! I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Its O.K. doctor, being penetrated, is sometimes a bit uncomfortable for me.”

Shit! What an embarrassing Freudian-slip to make, I think.

A moment later, I feel him rubbing the injection site with another alcohol-laced antiseptic pad.

“There, that should make it feel better,” he says as he gently caresses the injection site.

I sigh.

“All right, Meagan. You can get dressed now, and I’ll see you again in 11 weeks.” With that, Dr. Langbrook shakes my hand gently and turns to leave, shutting the door softly behind him.


As his footsteps disappear down the hallway, I stand. Disappointed once again, I pull my panties back up and adjust my dress before walking out of the room and back to my car. The whole time, I can feel the sticky wetness between my legs and the familiar need that remains in my pussy.

After starting the car, my mind wanders back to Dr. Langbrook.

“Meagan, give up. He’s never going to go for you. He’s never going to notice you,” I say aloud.

The car engine is purring, and the gentle vibrations aren’t helping with the sensations I’m feeling between my legs. I squeeze my legs together, hoping they’ll dissipate the desire but to no avail. I open my legs slightly and slide my hand between them and begin gently caressing the moist crotch of my panties.

A soft “mmmm” escapes my lips.

I rub harder against the fabric covering my vulva. Instead of sating my desire, it is only increasing it. I forget I’m still in the parking lot, in plain view of all the people that are passing by. My moans increase as my actions stimulate and enhance the feelings I’m having. Moments later, I slip my hand under the waistband and rub hard against my mons. My moans are filling the car. Fortunately, the windows are rolled up, and no one can hear me. My eyes are closed, and if anyone has noticed me, I certainly haven’t noticed them. The only thing real to me right now is my sexual feelings and desires and my innate need to satisfy them.

I continue, moving from palming my vulva to tracing my labia with my fingers. Far from sating my need, it is only increasing them. Suddenly I slip a finger into my wetness. I jump as I penetrate myself and hold still for just a moment, savoring the feeling. Soon I begin moving the finger back-and-forth inside of my pussy surrendering to my need. Several minutes go by and with my eyes are still closed. I’m blinded to everything but my need for sexual fulfillment and relief.

A second finger joins the first. Moving back-and-forth, it causes even more of my juices to flow. I’m moving uncontrollably in the seat of the car as I play with my pussy. Increasingly, the movements of my hands are constrained by the tightness of my panties as they are stretched to the limit.

I stop. For just a moment. Just long enough to lift up my butt and slide my panties down to my thighs.

My fingers again slip down between my parted legs and resume rubbing against my mons. It is now glistening from my juices in the sunlight. One, two and then three fingers slip inside of my pussy. I jump uncontrollably in my seat and squeal as my fingers find my clitoris. Pushing back its hood, I begin to pinch the swollen nub. I can’t help myself now as I start thrusting madly into my torrid flesh.

With one hand rubbing and finger-fucking my pussy, I move my free hand to one breast. Its nipple is hard. I pinch and pull it. I squeal in delight that the combined actions the fingers of both hands are giving me. I now begin squeezing my other breast through the fabric of my dress and the material of my bra.

The feelings in me are growing exponentially. I’ve surrendered myself to the sexual desires that are overwhelming me. Any pretense of restraint has disappeared. I’ve always been a sex addict, and my actions are showing just how addicted I am. I’m in my own world now. The world of sexual pleasure. A world in which it is only me and the fingers of my two hands as they take me further-and-further and deeper-and-deeper down the path of no return.

‘I must free my breasts,’ I think as I reach back to pull down the zipper my dress and manage to clumsily unclasp the back-strap of the bra. Afterwards, I manage to push the cups above each breast. I begin kneading each nipple in turn through the dress. Not ideal, but the combination of the massaging, the kneading of my breasts and the frantic movement of my fingers in my sopping pussy are driving me wild with passion.

Harder-and-harder I’m pulling, faster-and-faster I’m thrusting my fingers. My heart feels as if it is going to leap from my chest. I can’t seem to catch my breath as my breathing quickens, my chest heaving. I’m bucking wildly in my seat.

A fourth finger joins the three in my pussy now. My hips rise to meet the thrust of my fingers. My moans have become screams of passion. I take myself higher-and-higher, as I become more-and-more in touch with the sexual appetite that despite being fed, hunger for more.

The scent of my sex fills the car as I suddenly rise up and scream out, “Yes, OH YES, YYYEEESSS,” as my passion reaches its crescendo and breaks. I buck wildly, uncontrollably, as my orgasm overwhelms me. It takes control of my mind and body as it is released. After just a few moments of explosive ecstasy, the remaining energy is freed in spasmodic fits until, finally, my body begins to return to normal.


Unexpectedly, I’m awoken from my satisfying sexual stupor by a rapping on the window of my car. You can imagine the horror I feel as I recognize the rapper is no one other than Dr. Langbrook!

Quickly, but unsuccessfully, I try to recover some sort of decency by pulling up both the straps of my dress and my panties.

I roll down the window. Searching for words, all I can say is, “Hi, Dr. Langbrook.”

He smiles wryly. “Well Meagan, all I can say is that you put on quite a show here.”

“I’m sorry, Dr. Langbrook, I’m not sure what came over me.”

“Well, I can tell you what came over you, but I’m not that sure this the appropriate place to discuss it, Meagan. Here’s my phone number. Call me, and we can make an appointment for a more private and more intimate discussion of what just happened.”

Blushing, I reply, “Thank you, Dr. Langbrook, I will.”

I watch Dr. Langbrook go to his car, enters and drives out the parking lot.

Relieved, I manage to get my clothing back into some semblance of order. Then, I too drive out of the parking lot, basking in the glow of the aftermath of not only my orgasm but also the satisfaction that Dr. Langbrook finally noticed me. On the way home, my mind begins to wander again. Again, I’m thinking about his cock inside of me. No one hears the sigh that escapes my lips as I do.






Published 5 years ago

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