Son Teaches Mom How To Come

"Frustrated Mom rides her talented son's tongue but he wants more..."

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Janey sat across from her son at the kitchen table, watching him wolf down his dinner while surfing on his phone. She opened her mouth to speak a couple of times, but returned to a pensive silence after each attempt. She was testing the appropriate phrases in her head.

“You know, Jacob,” she finally began, “I never approved of it when you began your relationship with Mel?” Melanie was one of Janey’s oldest friends and she had never, in her wildest dreams, thought a woman like herself (in her late forties with a couple of grown kids and settling down to life of sagging, wrinkling, pre-menopausal middle age) would’ve caught the attention of a teenage boy with runaway raging hormones. “But, I accept that you’re old enough to make your own decisions.”

Jacob grunted and nodded, his eyes not leaving his phone.

“So I also guess you’re also old enough to have an adult conversation about… things. For want of a better word.” She smiled but her son did not reflect the gesture, just carried on stuffing his face and wiping his thumb across his digital screen.

“So, I was speaking to her earlier, Mel I mean, about your date last night? And she… she told me, well, not to, you know… she told me you gave her five orgasms!” Jacob paused surfing and finally looked up, a questioning face stuffed with food. “I mean… five?! Five orgasms? Big ones too.”

Jacob shrugged, his eyebrows expressing his confusion that his mother would be repeating the word ‘orgasms’ at him over dinner. His mother’s face looked expectant. What on Earth, he was thinking, was she waiting for him to say? So he said, “Yep.” and went back to shovelling his food down his throat.

Janey got up and began pottering around the kitchen, clearly agitated but unclear how to proceed. Jacob plonked his fork down on his plate and leaned back, full-bellied and oblivious to her growing annoyance.

“Can I just ask?” Janey sat back down, opposite her boy who had resumed swiping through meaningless crap on his phone, “How? I mean… how? Five? That’s, I don’t want to say incredible but, it’s… it’s not usual, you know? Better than average, I should say.”

“What exactly are you asking me, Mom?”

“Look, I’ll admit it. I’m jealous, okay? It seems like a many a moon since I had a decent one, singular, but …ah, don’t give me that look, if you’re old enough to do it then you’re old enough to discuss it.”

Jacob looked into the eyes of his mother, eyes the same colour as his own, and squirmed.

“Surely you’ve… cum more than once before?”

“Not for some time, honey. Not for… look I love your old man but he’s not exactly adventurous when it comes to the art of l’amour.”

“T.M.I. Mom!”

“No, quite the reverse. Not enough information. Not nearly enough! Mel wouldn’t spill the beans about what you two get up to together; she probably still feels a little guilty about cradle-robbing my eldest child but you… now you can explain how you turned her legs to jelly and her brain to pea-soup five times in a row.”

Jacob ginned wide, “Is that what she said?”

“More or less. So. Spill.”

“You want the physical, like, anatomical details?”

“Blow by blow account. If you wouldn’t mind.”

“Well, I do kinda do mind. It’s private, you know?”

Janey looked stunned at his refusal. Then hurt at his betrayal. She got up slowly, poutingly, and turned her back on him to wash some dishes. She knew exactly what she was doing and his resolve melted after a minute or two.

“Okay, okay, Mom. Whatever you want. Don’t be upset, I’ll tell you anything you wanna know.”

Janey and Jacob sat together and talked for nearly an hour while he gave her all the juicy details of how his sensuous older lover has educated him in the art of cunnilingus. He carefully described how he’d employed various techniques learned from educational websites and even (in this day and age!?) books.

Janey watched silent and spellbound as her son demonstrated with his mouth and his alarmingly dexterous fingers how he had pleasured Melanie’s luscious wet slit until he, himself, felt carried away on his mature partner’s waves of erotic ecstasy; believing, though it appeared unbelievable as he said the words out loud, that his soul had climaxed in blissful orgasm every single time Melanie has erupted her quivering love-flow into his eager mouth.

He was just re-enacting the coup de grâce of relentlessly tonguing the engorged clitoris when his mother let out an involuntary whimper that made him pause. Jacob looked around the table to gaze in wonder at the sight of his mother’s hitched-up skirt and her clenched hand rubbing intently on her pantyhose crotch. It was his turn to be spellbound as his wide-eyes took in the stunning vision of her long elegant legs encased in sheer black nylon and the dark spreading patch of moisture around her fist. The shadow of her pubic bush under the dark material. The hint of her arousal scenting the air.

“Mom? Are you-“

“Well I didn’t expect it to be so intense, so… graphic. Aw, don’t look at me like that, we’re all being grown-ups here aren’t we?” Janey coughed, blushed and straightened out her skirt. Her cheeks were flushed. “Well, er, thank you, Jake, for, er, being so … candid and forthcoming.”


“Alright, shut up. You know what I mean.” Janey stood up and left the kitchen with as much dignity as she could muster in the face of her shameful embarrassment. Jacob sat rooted in his chair utterly amazed at what he had seen, what he was still seeing in his mind’s eye.

The truth was that Jacob had for many years now, since sixteen years old, been fantasising about his foxy, sexy, leggy Momma. He had only responded to his mother’s friend’s flirting because Melanie had reminded him so much of his fantasy woman; although her legs were not as fine, her boobs were saggier, her face and neck were more wrinkled, she had no butt to speak of and, horror of horrors, she shunned pantyhose like the plague. The smooth, soft, sheer fabric tights were the favourite item of underwear that Jacob liked to steal from his mother’s laundry hamper; reveling in the aromas and tastes and feeling them rub on his cockhead as he tugged on his stiff meat.

And it was this exact thought that had nailed him to the kitchen chair, the thought of getting his grubby little mitts on that particular pair of cum-soiled black pantyhose had swelled to fill every whirring cog in his horny teenage brain: She went upstairs. Did she go to change out of her work clothes? Had she taken them off already? Were they sitting there atop her pile of dirty clothes in the corner of his parent’s bedroom? Is that the sound of the shower? Yes!

Jacob stole upstairs on his tip-toes, excitement prickling his skin. He listened at the bathroom door to check that his mother’s shower was still in full swing. He walked into the dark master-bedroom and immediately crossed to the laundry hamper, breathing hard he lifted up the cloth skirt, the white blouse, the white bra (he felt inside the cups and they were still tantalisingly warm) and there lay the crumpled, bunched ball of black nylon heaven.

It was the work of seconds to hide the tights up his tee-shirt, scarper back to his own room, shut the door tight and switched on his radio to drown out the sound of his imminent wanking.

Under the warm jet of the shower, Janey’s thoughts were racing. They were racing to incredibly inappropriate places that she didn’t want them to go but her filthy, feverish imagination could not shake the recurring images of her son’s sensuous mouth pleasuring… licking… tasting…. swallowing…

As she curled two fingers up inside her pussy she had no idea that in just a couple of days she would, herself, be tip-toeing down the hall to knock quietly but insistently on Jacob’s bedroom door in the middle of the night.


Jacob lay back on his bed, holding his prize up before his face: his mother’s pantyhose, stolen from her laundry basket. He reached into his briefs and eased out his swelling, thickening cock. He was going to take it slow and savour this rarity: the still-warm, freshly-soiled sheer black nylon treasure. He began with the feet, inhaling the scent of where her sweaty soles had been trapped inside her shoes all day at work. Jacob was by no means a “foot-guy” but just the intense intimacy was enough to stiffen his cock to its full size. He was stroking its length as he gently pulled the soft smooth material over his face, his wide nostrils drawing in his mother’s secret scents.

When he reached her damp sticky gusset, he felt his heart rate increase and his cock throb in his fingers. He had a date with Melanie (his mother’s friend) tomorrow night and he was thinking, ungallantly some might say, of how hard he was going fuck her… use her body while he imagined the body of his curvy, cheeky, gorgeous Mom. Wanking harder, Jacob stretched out his tongue and tasted the hot spicy juices soaked into the fabric…

Down the hall, Jacob’s mother lay on her own bed, next to the snoring bloated hulk of her loveable but unexciting husband, and let her fingers trail just inside her sloppy pussy-lips; she was not, definitely not, imagining her fingertips were the tongue of her young beautiful son. True, he had described in excruciatingly arousing detail his pussy-eating technique but… to think about his mouth and tongue and lips pressing on her dirty cunt… well that? That would be wrong. So wrong! So she couldn’t possibly be thinking that.

She forced her mind elsewhere as two of her fingers began to pump in and out of her pulsating slit: her so-called friend, Mel! That cow! How dare she sneak around screwing her boy like that, getting her rocks off with his tight young body, kissing him, touching him, spreading her skinny, ugly legs and making him feed on her straggly minge, the bitch! Why does she get to come… Janey climaxed in a fury of jealousy and horny anger.

She lay gasping, her mind racing, her wet hair sticking to her forehead. Her juices soaking a damp spot under her ass. She was ashamed and unashamed. She sniffed her sexy scent on her fingers. She felt guilty and scared at her own deviant desires. Janey licked her fingers clean and decided to fall asleep, allowing her unrestricted dream-self to roam free in the darkest corners of her imagination.


The next evening, Janey was pottering around in the kitchen, playing the good housewife after her pervy mind had betrayed all her wholesome ethics; morals she had previously believed were embedded in concrete. Her world was turning upside-down and she was baking a pie, hoping something so normal, so mum-sy, would reinforce her stable position in the family, in society, in the world.

Her husband had already gone off to bed so she was sitting alone, sipping tea as the baked pie cooled next to her, when Jacob returned home. She forced her brain NOT to think about where he’d been (with her friend of many years) and what they’d been doing… she watched him as he walked in and thought, “Of course, I don’t fancy my own son, it was just a ridiculous, fleeting, mad moment of fantasy. Perfectly normal and perfectly stupid. It would be silly to dwell on it. Pay no attention to-” Jacob leaned in close and hugged her and the smell of pussy on his face hit Janey like a sledgehammer. In an instant her tummy was turning somersaults, her panties were dampening.

“Shit,” she whispered.

“What, Mom?”

“Nothing. Nice night?” 

“Yeah sure. Ooooh, can I eat some pie?”

“Huh? Of course. Check it’s not too hot first.” Janey pretended to yawn, said she was going to bed and left in a daze.

Later, just before drifting off to sleep, Jacob lay in bed and reflected happily on his glorious life. Yet to begin college and all that pressure. A sexy older woman to fuck with none of the bullshit drama that girls of his age bring. Secret masturbation sessions his mother’s dirty undies. No rent, no problems, no worries. He had it pretty sweet. There was a soft knock at his door. He opened his eyes. Had he imagined it? His door opened slowly. A shadowy figure entered and asked, “Jakey-boy, you awake?”

“Mom? Are you okay?”

“No. Actually. I’m not.” Janey closed the door and crossed the room to stand by his bed. From his horizontal position, he imagined he could see, just below the long tee-shirt Janey wore as a nightie, that she was knicker-less. He leaned over and switched on his lamp and was rewarded with the wondrous image of his mother’s dark brown bush peeking out from under the blue cotton hem, and just below her fluffy pubes, her pussy lips glistened. Then he became aware of the smell, the residual fragrance left upon the material of her underwear was nothing compared to the primal, fresh, incredible scent now turning his mind to blancmange.

Jacob could sense that his mother was speaking, but as if from a distance, unintelligible, like when the teacher speaks in a Charlie Brown and Snoopy cartoon.

“I can’t bear it anymore, Jacob, it’s been driving me crazy. I hope you’ll understand and forgive me. But I have a huge, immense, favour to ask. If you say no, then I’ll buy you the biggest apology present you could ever wish for and we’ll never speak of this again. If you say yes-” 

“Yes!” Jacob’s voice croaked and he looked up at his fretting Momma. He nodded as she searched his face for confirmation. “Mom, YOU are all I could ever wish for.”

Janey climbed on to the bed and swung her leg over so she was sitting on his chest. Under his blanket, Jacob’s dick grew as tall as the Eiffel Tower as he watched his mother’s hairy cunt part, her lips opening to reveal her delicious pink slit. He wasn’t absolutely sure that this wasn’t all a feverish dream.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Are YOU sure you can do all those things you said you could?”

“Why don’t you come here and see if I was bullshitting?”

“Language, young man.” Janey edged forward and kneeled over Jacob’s face. “I want you to know, that right now, I am not your mother, I’m just a woman who… who wants… needs… to ride your face until I fucking come. Agreed?” 

‘Fuck that,’ Jacob thought, ‘you are MY Mom and I am going to love every second of sticking my tongue in your hot wet dirty beautiful cunt.’ His strong arms slid under her thighs and cupped her bumcheeks. Janey closed her eyes as her son lifted her on to his mouth.

She released a visceral, animal cry as she felt his tongue slide right up inside her. All of the built-up tension and anguish and frustration washed out of her as she gave in to her filthy desire to grind her cunt on his face.

She felt him circling his tongue, slurping at her juices, varying the angles of attack so that she couldn’t catch her breath; each new lick and kiss and nibble catching her by surprise until she could feel the unmistakable tingles she remembered, the gathering storm of orgasm in her nipples, her stomach, her legs, her mouth and, of course, centred on her evil, depraved, pervert cunt. Janey whimpered and fucked her son’s face faster.

Jacob was alarmed at the amount of slippery fluid that flooded his mouth and did his best to swallow it all, his face was covered and he felt his mom’s come dribble down his neck, down the sides of his face to pool in his ears. Janey was grinding her teeth and growling the word “Fuuuuuck!” over and over again.

Jacob looked up at the writhing, wriggling woman he was eating and she was the happiest he had seen her in a very long time. He watched her yank off her tee-shirt and rub her stiff nipples, squidging her luscious boobs. Janey looked down at the pair of eyes buried under her brown fluff. Panting she said, “Well, my boy, you weren’t fibbing.”

Jacob kept kissing his mother’s clitoris as he slowly shook his head. She gave him no chance to speak as she pressed her full weight down on his face.

“Let’s go again!” she said in a deep, commanding voice.

An hour or so later, she was laying in his arms, their skin glued together. Her fingers toyed with the curls in his hair as she gently kissed his cum-sodden lips. After a while, she became acutely aware that they were humping as they kissed, with only the thin (sticky) material of his underwear being a barrier to her screwing the young, questing, incestuous penis. Janey crawled over to the edge of the single bed and pulled the tee-shirt down over her head. She stood up, fell back on her bum and giggled, then stood up again. 

“Made my legs all wibbly, didn’t you, honey?”

“Wait, Mom, er, Janey.”

“I wish I could spend the whole night with you but-”

“But you can’t leave me like this?!?” Jacob pulled down the blanket and his briefs to display his proud erection, throbbing with blood-red lust.

“Now, put that away. That’s none of my business. You’ll have to sort that out yourself. Or get Mel to do it.”


“That will never happen, Jacob.”


“And this… this must never happen again, okay?”


“Was just a one-time-only deal.” Janey walked to the bedroom door, she paused to pick up her bunched, spunked pantyhose from the floor. “And I’ve been meaning to speak to you about this!”

“But-” Jacob’s cock stood upright, like a flagpole wavering in the wind, as Janey bent over, displaying her naked curvy butt.

“I’ve known for many years that you borrow my panties so you can… entertain yourself with my… emissions.”

“But, Mom!”

“But these were…

Published 5 years ago

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