John’s Referral to Anthony – A Little Winter Tail, Part 3

"I get referred to a new client through a close friend, who apparently shares more than I realized."

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Two days ago, I ran into John and his friend, Anthony, at lunch. Later that afternoon, John paid me a visit in my office, a visit that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about.

Everything about it has been just looping through my mind. The way he looked sitting over me at my desk, the smell of his cologne, the stern demeanor of his commands and voice. The way he felt and tasted in my mouth, but mostly the way I felt so vulnerable and submissive, in my office and dressed so professionally, as I was bent over my desk, and let him take my body in all ways for his pleasure.

And then my mind keeps going back to the last things he said. He told me he got me an appointment set up with his friend Anthony, as a professional courtesy, a referral for my company. But then he said something that made me nervous. That he put his ass on the line to set up the appointment, and that I needed to be ready to put mine on the line to make the sale. Was he being funny? I don’t think so, my gut is telling me I’ll be expected to surrender myself to him as well.

I don’t have to do this. I can just politely and professionally decline the meeting. Things are already too risky with John, I can’t allow it to become even more convoluted.

Just then there was a knock at my door. I got up and walked over to open it, hesitating as I reached for the handle, for a second worried it was John again. It was a courier with a box wrapped in red paper. I signed, closed the door and took it over to my desk, wondering who it was from.

Inside was a clothing box and an envelope. I opened the envelope and the letter inside read…

Dear Elizabeth,

It was my pleasure to meet you the other morning. John is a very dear friend of mine and highly recommended I meet with you regarding your company’s products and creating a business relationship. My company is rather large and I believe it could be a very lucrative opportunity for you.

John has told me much about you. When I spoke with him yesterday on the phone, he told me that he stopped by your office and informed you of my desire to meet with you, among other things.

I’ve cleared my schedule after 2pm this Friday. We can meet in my office. The address is below.

I’ve also enclosed a small gift. I hope you like it. Blue is my favorite color and I believe you would look lovely in this.


My hands were shaking and I was even more nervous now. I pulled the lid from the box inside and found a blue dress. I lifted it out and held it up in front of me. It was a very soft, stretchy material that was form-fitting. It was strapless, a little provocative for daily work wear or a business meeting, it was more suited to an evening out. The hem fell just above my knee, but the interesting feature was the silver,  full-length, double-ended zipper that ran down the back from between the shoulder blades to the hemline. It has a small zipper tab at the top that pulled down, and another at the bottom that went up.

I looked back in the box and there was a small note that said: Pair with a black garter belt, black stockings, and black high heels. Nothing else.

Even if I was in complete denial and didn’t read into John’s comment in my office, or read between the lines of the innuendos in Anthony’s letter, this dress with the note telling me to wear high heels, stockings with a garter belt and nothing else pretty much cleared up what was going to be expected in our meeting.

I didn’t know what to do, I was so nervous and undecided. I thought I’d do a little digging and Google Anthony’s company, see if any of this was even worth going down this path.

Holy shit!

He’s Anthony Scari, he runs Code Genetics… they are a huge global company. I had no idea who this guy was, he’s like a multi-millionaire, if not a billionaire. When he said this could be a “lucrative opportunity”, he really wasn’t kidding! His name is pronounced like Scar-ee, but I couldn’t help chuckling to myself hoping he wasn’t “Scary”.

My mind went through all the moral arguments in my decision. Am I that shallow? Am I nothing more than a whore doing it for the money? It’s not like he’s some old, ugly, repulsive man that I’m doing something with just for the money, he’s handsome and I was attracted to him from the beginning. I was considering the whole thing before I knew who he was, at least that’s what I told myself to try and make it somehow not as bad as it sounded. I was going to do it. I even told myself that if my husband ever found out, now I could say I did it for us, I did it for our financial security.

The truth was I was so full of BS! I got caught up in letting a lustful moment get the best of me back in that cabin with John. Now the pure erotic excitement of putting myself in this situation with a man I just met it’s fueling my newly discovered perversions even more.

Something in me was awakened. My whole life I was a good girl. But I knew, deep inside I had thoughts and desires that were not becoming a lady. Desires to be seen sexually, to be used sexually, to be there for his pleasure. I can’t really explain it, but the feeling of letting a man take my body however he wants for his pleasure, in turn, gives me pleasure. It’s not necessarily a physical pleasure, some of the things John has done to me were very uncomfortable, even painful. But that somehow translated into a psychological feeling of satisfaction, arousal and an intense desire for more. I can’t explain it, it’s just what I feel.

That evening, I locked myself in my bathroom and tried on the dress to see how it fit. To my surprise, it was just my size, and because of the stretchy quality of the material, it fit like a glove. There was no way I could wear this all day tomorrow. It was way too form-fitting and revealing to wear in my office. First thing I noticed were my nipples clearly visible. It hugged the curves under my breasts, down my waist, over my hips and conformed around my thighs. When I turned to look at the back, the zipper at the bottom was up a few inches, revealing the back and inside of my thighs as I moved, and where the zipper went up over my butt it kind of fell right between my cheeks making the dress accentuate my bum even more.

I’ll wear my heels, stockings and garter belt tomorrow, but just put a wrap dress on. Then before I leave for the meeting, I’ll go to the restroom and change. I have a small, cropped black jacket that I can wear over top as I’m leaving my office that will cover my nipples and tone it down just a little bit.

Friday morning, I got up, took a nice hot shower, making sure to smoothly shave my legs, and every other curve of me. I slid the black lace garter belt around my waist and then sat down, carefully sliding the black stockings up my legs to my thighs and clipped them to the straps. Next, I slipped my feet into my four-inch black high heels and wrapped a black dress around my body and tied it at the hip.

I already had a nervous sexual arousal flowing through my body, then add to that feeling the sexiness of wearing garters and stockings, and my nakedness under my dress as the material moved over my body.

I briefly saw my husband downstairs as he was heading out to work. I told him I had meetings this afternoon and I wasn’t sure how long it would last. I told him if they went quick, I would be home early, but they may run over and I’ll text him.

I was already feeling the weight setting in the back of my mind, knowing I was lying to him and what was going to happen to me today. As bad as I felt, it still wasn’t enough to overpower the sexual desire I was feeling to go through with it. This must be what it feels like to be an addict, making decisions you know are wrong, but you can’t stop yourself.

Most of my morning at work was uneventful, but I did receive a call before lunch. It was Anthony’s personal assistant. She called to confirm my 2 o’clock appointment with him, and also that I received the package he sent.

“Yes, I did receive it, and I’ll be there at two, thank you.”

I could hear the tremble in my voice as I answered her, confirming my intentions.

At one, I shut down my computer, grabbed my bag, and headed down a few floors to a secluded restroom where I could change. I didn’t want anyone from my office seeing me walk out and know that I changed my clothes and wonder why. I suppose I could just have said I was meeting my husband for dinner, but why push my luck and get caught in another lie.

In the restroom, I slipped off my black dress and then stepped into the blue one, sliding it up my body and zipping it into place. I left the bottom zipper several inches up. I liked the way it looked and it let the dress open slightly so walking was easier. Because of the chill of just standing naked in this restroom, and the intense excitement of anticipation, my nipples were as hard as they could be and pushing through the stretchy blue material in plain view. Also clearly visible because of the material was the outline and bumps of the garter belt holding up my stockings.

I slipped the little black jacket on, letting it hang from my shoulders where it just covered my nipples, giving me some sense of security walking out in public.

It only took the short walk to the elevator to realize that if I took too long of a step, the zipper at the back of the dress wanted to open more. I guess when it’s not in the fully pulled down position it doesn’t lock or something so it wants to move. I’ll just have to be careful.

I parked in the nearest garage to Anthony’s building. It was just one block up, normally a short walk, but in four-inch heels and a dress with a zipper that’s trying to slowly open up my backside, it was quite a challenge. Of course, the front of the building had large stairs leading up to the doors, and with every step, I could hear and feel the zipper inching its way up. By the time I made it to the top, the people below me had a clear view up the back of my thighs and could see the tops of my black stockings revealed.

When I got into the lobby I slipped into the ladies’ room to make my wardrobe adjustments. I looked over my shoulder in the mirror at the back of the dress and sure enough, the zipper was right at the bottom of my ass, clearly showing the top of the stockings and an inch or so of skin. I was so embarrassed as I reached back and pulled the zipper back down almost to the bottom. I took a moment to fix my hair and touch up my makeup before heading up to Anthony’s office.

In the elevator, I began to tremble with anxiety of the situation I was putting myself in. I couldn’t believe I was going through with this. I felt like one of those high-class call girls in the movies. I felt like everyone that looked at me knew why I was there and what was about to happen to me.

I walked up to the reception desk. There was a beautiful young brunette in a white blouse and short black skirt, with black hose and high heels. She looked up at me and smiled. I immediately noticed her blouse was unbuttoned to reveal a lot of cleavage, more than normally would be acceptable in an office setting with today’s PC environment. She was petite and had small breasts, but it clearly revealed she wasn’t wearing a bra.

She said, “You must be Elizabeth. I’ll let Mr. Scari know you’re here.”

She picked up the phone as I wandered around the room looking at the paintings on the walls.

She walked over behind me and said, “Mr. Scari said he’ll be ready for you in just a moment. Is there anything I can get for you while you wait?”

I smiled and responded, “No, thank you, I’m fine.”

What she did next kind of took me by surprise. She stepped behind me and started to take my jacket off.

She said, “Let me take this and hang it up for you. We don’t want to cover up your beauty.”

I didn’t know how to respond at first as I let my arms relax down and let her peel the jacket from my body, suddenly feeling self-conscious as I no longer had my security blanket.

Then I felt a chill go through me as her fingertips moved up my arms and turned me to face her. She was smiling and looking over my body, and in the most casual way adjusting my dress like she was my stylist. Her delicate fingers slipped into the top at my breast and adjusted it, leveling it across my cleavage. My nipples were clearly protruding and her palms brushed them as she moved over them. I’ve never been touched quite like that by a woman, but it still sent a jolt through my body directly between my legs.

As she was doing this she said, “This dress looks beautiful on you. I hope you like it, I picked it out. Mr. Scari asked me to find something he would like”.

She leaned forward and slid her hands down my sides, smoothing the dress down over my hips and thighs, her thumbs tracing down the straps of my garter belt through the material of my dress.

And then looking straight into my eyes, she said, “And I see you got my note that I put in with the dress.”

She then gave me an ornery smile and walked back to her desk, leaving me standing there piecing it all together. I’m standing here without panties or a bra under my dress because of what another woman told me to wear. And she knows full well what’s about to happen in Anthony’s office.

All of this just intensified my nervous, erotic embarrassment, and heightened the feeling of submissiveness I had in the whole situation. Somehow this young receptionist even seemed to have a level of power and control over me.

I jumped as the door to Anthony’s office opened and he came out to greet me.

He was smiling and greeted me with a hug, like we were old friends, though I’d only met him once. He told me how beautiful I looked and that he was so happy I could make it. With his arm around me, he led me back into his office, only pausing to tell his assistant, “Please hold all my calls, and I’ll let you know if we need anything.”

He was dressed in a black suit, wearing what looked like a very expensive watch, and a blue tie that matched my dress almost perfectly.

When the door to his office shut behind us, I had no idea what to expect. I was wondering if he was just going to turn and grab me and start kissing me as soon as we were alone. But to my surprise, everything proceeded like any normal professional meeting. We actually got into the detailed numbers and selected several product lines that he wanted to start sourcing from us. Everything had gone so professionally, and I was lost in my pitch, that I completely relaxed and forgot I was here in a skin-tight dress, no panties and my breasts and nipples were nearly exposed.

I was a little confused and dumbfounded when he stood up, leaned over his desk and shook my hand, and said, “This all sounds great, if you can get all the paperwork over to me at the beginning of next week, I’ll have it signed and we’ll be in business.”

He then pushed the button on his phone and I heard the girl’s voice answer, “Yes, Mr. Scari?” and he responded, “Megan, could you please come in here for a moment?”

“Yes, Mr. Scari,” was all I heard, as he stood up and walked around the desk and led me over near the door.

I was so confused. This is not at all what I was expecting to happen today. First, the size of the order he placed was really not that much. And I was completely expecting him to make some type of sexual advance on me. Maybe there was something about me that turned him off… maybe he just didn’t feel up to it today. I don’t know, it was just weird. Maybe I was wrong about the whole thing.

The door opened as we were standing there and the young brunette walked in and closed it behind her. She was standing slightly behind me as Anthony walked back to his desk and began to speak.

“Elizabeth, do you know any of the history I have with John?”

“No,” I answered.

“John has been my best friend since grade school. We went to college together as well, and we were in a fraternity together. We know each other better than our wives know us, hell, better than we know ourselves. So it should come as no surprise that John has told me all about you. As a matter of fact, he was quite taken by you since the first time he met you and he told me he was going to find a way to fuck you at some point.”

I was just standing there listening, feeling my breathing begin to shallow, as I was learning more and more about John.

“John and I made a pact, a long time ago in our teens, when we were just horny boys. If one of us met a woman that we could influence, we would share her with the other. Over the years, we’ve enjoyed this arrangement many times. But you, you are special to John, and he was genuinely excited to tell me about you, and let me experience you.”

I could feel my legs trembling and a shiver go through my body as I heard him say that.

“But there is one thing you need to understand, Elizabeth, you are in no way obligated. This meeting was a legitimate business meeting, and I needed to know you as a professional first if my company is going to do business with you, and have confidence in your services and products. The order I placed with you today is a very small test order. You are free to walk out that door, no other expectations, and this will be our business relationship. And the orders will continue, at about the same size.”

He looked at me, pausing for a moment in his speech, his eyes moving all the way up and down my body. At that moment, I felt naked the way he was looking at me. There it was, the look in a man’s eyes that I recognized. The look when they start thinking with their penis and desire what they see.

“Or, you can stay, fulfilling John’s side of our pact, and I’ll take that as your confidence in your company’s products, and be persuaded to increase my order tenfold. What do you say, Elizabeth? Do you leave with the order in hand, or would you like to stay and negotiate further?”

This is exactly what I came here expecting, but now all of a sudden, I was faced with verbalizing my intentions. It’s different when a man is sexually aggressive and takes you. He made the choice, and you don’t have to acknowledge that you accept or agree with it, you can just go along with it, and then lie to yourself later saying you didn’t want it.

That’s how I felt with John, everything he did to me, I did want it, I loved it. But it was all on him, he made it all happen, I just had to simply let it happen. This… this was me making the choice. And Anthony knew that, he knew exactly how to protect himself. He had to, he was a rich and powerful man.

“Well?”, Anthony broke the silence.

I took a deep breath and said, “I think I’d like to stay and negotiate further.”

He smiled and responded, “Excellent. Megan, please give her the papers to sign and give me a hand.”

I looked over my shoulder as Megan handed me a clipboard. She told me to read through it and sign at the bottom, then walked towards Anthony. It was basically a confidentiality agreement and a hold harmless, that I wouldn’t speak of anything that happened between Anthony and me and it was all of my choosing.

As I was skimming over the document, I would occasionally glance up and I saw Anthony bringing a chair over from the table in the corner and putting it in the middle of the floor in front of his desk. It was a very elegant looking, antique wooden chair, with no arms and a red padded seat and back.

As I finished reading and signing, I looked up to see that Anthony was sitting in the chair. Megan was kneeling down beside him tying each of his ankles to the front legs of the chair. His hands were already behind the back of the chair and I assume they were tied there as well. I was a little shocked and confused, to say the least.

Megan stood up and walked back over to me, taking the clipboard from me and leading me a few steps forward standing about six feet in front of Anthony, tied to the chair.

I looked at Megan, and back to Anthony, I’m sure with a dumbfounded look on my face. “I’m not sure I understand what is happening here. I’m sorry, this is all just a little confusing to me,” I said with a nervous chuckle.

Anthony began to explain, “John has always been the more aggressive type. He likes to exert his control over a woman, make her feel his strength. I, on the other hand, like to exert control over a woman in a different way. I prefer a more mental game, testing your beliefs and pushing your limits through your own choices. Think of this situation as a sort of interrogation. You want to get something out of me, in this case, it’s a larger and larger purchase order, and you have to make choices that may be uncomfortable for you to get me to comply. Ready to play?”

I was so nervously excited. As he explained what was about to happen, I could feel a whirlwind of emotions building inside of me.

I looked down at him, took another deep breath, and said, “Yes, I’ll play.”

With that, he smiled slightly and looked at Megan and gave a little nod.

Before I realized it, Megan took hold of the zipper at the top back of my dress and in one smooth motion put it all the way down! Before I could even catch it, my dress dropped and pooled on the floor around my high heels, leaving me standing in just my black heels, garter belt and stockings. Instinctively, I brought one arm up to cover my breasts, and the other hand to cover my shaved pussy.

A rush of heat went through my body as I was completely naked in the middle of the room between the two of them.

“Hands down, Elizabeth,” Anthony said very calmly.

As Anthony began to speak to me, I could feel Megan standing behind me tracing her manicured nails across my back and down my spine, sending shivers through my naked body.

“Elizabeth, come kneel down in front of me, open my pants and use your lips on me.”

I hesitated for only a second, as I felt a slight push forward from Megan’s hand on my lower back. I stepped directly in front of Anthony and lowered myself down on my knees, sitting back on my high heels. I reached forward and unbuckled and unzipped his pants, peeling them open. I reached inside and pulled his erection free. He was quite well endowed, at least eight inches in length and my fingers didn’t quite touch around the shaft. He was very well-groomed, trimmed, and his balls shaved and smooth. The head was bulging and he was already wet with pre-cum trickling from the tip.

I swallowed and licked my lips, looking up at him one last time, as I lowered my head down, letting my tongue extend to lick the drops from the head of his cock. It was very sweet and slippery as it touched my tongue. I brought my hand up to grip the shaft as I slowly slipped him between my lips and began to stroke him into my mouth. I let my eyes close as I was just getting lost in the moment, feeling the ridges and bumps of his head and shaft gliding over my tongue and lips.

He would let out an occasional small moan and every so often I would feel a twitch as he would release a little more pre-cum into my mouth.

I heard him quietly say, “Take me deeper, take me down your throat.”

I didn’t stop the motion of my head as I took my hand from the shaft and pushed myself forward, relaxing my throat to suppress my gag reflex as I felt him slide all the way into my throat, my nose against his dress shirt. I held myself there for several seconds making small bobbing motions with my head, as I heard him gasping and loving the feeling of it.

I slowly came up off of him, gasping myself, catching my breath, before parting my lips and taking it all the way back in once more. I held it there for another few seconds, and then with my lips closed as tight as I could around the shaft, I began to bob the length of his erection, essentially fucking him with my mouth.

He was really feeling it and moaning when he finally said, “All right, stop, stop. You earned your first increase in my order.”

I looked up at him and smiled, oddly proud of myself.

He then said, “Take my pants down to my ankles, straddle me and put your tits in my mouth as you fuck me.”

I bent down and hooked my fingers in the waistband of his slacks and then worked them from under him and down to his ankles. I then brought one leg, and then the other over his lap, reaching down between our bodies I guided him into my pussy as I lowered myself down. As a moan escaped my lips, I brought my hand up around his head and guided his lips to my left nipple where he eagerly sucked and teased it with his teeth and tongue.

It felt so good as I used my legs to raise and lower myself slowly on his shaft, my wetness increasing with every stroke. Every once in a while, he would bite down on one of my nipples and make me cry out. I could feel an orgasm starting to build inside of me. It was feeling so good as I was quickening my pace as I rode him.

Anthony took his lips from my nipple and looked up at me and asked, “Are you going to cum?”

Through heavy breathing, I answered, “Yes, I’m so close, I’m going to cum soon!”

He quickly responded back, “Stop, get off of me.”

I didn’t stop immediately, as it was feeling so good, and he snapped, “I said stop! Stand up.”

He caught my attention and I abruptly stopped, and as he asked, I stood up off of him.

“You don’t cum until I tell you you can. Do you understand?”

I responded like a scolded puppy, “Yes, I understand, I’m sorry.”

“Get back on your knees and taste us. I want you to rub our juices all over your lips.”

This time without hesitation, I lowered myself back to my knees and took him straight into my mouth, bobbing a few times, tasting us, then rubbing my lips up and down the side of the shaft, feeling the wetness all over them.

Anthony then said, “Stand back up.”

I pushed myself back up to my feet and watched as he looked over at Megan and nodded again. Honestly, I had completely forgotten she was even standing there during all of this.

She walked over to me. Again, I began to feel suddenly self-conscious and aware of my nakedness in her presence.

I then heard Anthony say, “Elizabeth, let Megan taste us… kiss her.”

I didn’t say it out loud, but inside I screamed “What?!?” I’ve never been with a woman, kissed a woman, or had the desire to do it, it’s just not my thing.

I looked back at him and I didn’t even have to say anything, he obviously could tell by my expression, as I heard him say, “I explained to you early on I was going to push your limits, and by your expression, I’m assuming you’ve never been with a woman. I’m prepared to give the next increase in my order, now kiss her.”

I just told myself this wasn’t really that bad, it was just a shock. I can do this. I turned back to her, leaned forward slowly, closed my eyes, and felt our lips touch. She immediately took the lead as she began to kiss me, passionately, sucking my lips between hers, pressing her tongue into my mouth. Still with my eyes closed, I felt her hand move up into my hair behind my head as she pulled my lips tighter against hers. Without even intending to, I began to kiss back. She brought her other hand up, again using her manicured nails, to tickle and trace from my ear, down my neck to my right breast, where she circled my nipple and then took it between her fingers to roll and pinch it. Still with our lips locked, she released my nipple and her fingers traced down my belly and I felt her hand slide ever so slowly down between my legs, her middle finger slipping right into the crease of my pussy. She found my clit with the pad of her finger and began making small circles over it, making my body twitch and squirm as I moaned and sucked on her tongue that was pushing into my mouth.

Anthony’s words interrupted the moment, “That’s enough, stand her over me.”

Megan broke the kiss as she pulled her finger away from me, leaving me standing on wobbly legs, slowly opening my eyes.

She was still looking at me, her expression one of desire also. I will not deny, I never imagined the kiss from a woman feeling like that.

She put her hands on my hips and turned me to stand in front of Anthony with my back to him.

I heard Anthony speak from behind me, “Lower yourself back on to me, Elizabeth.”

With my high heels together, I leaned forward slightly to balance myself as I bent my knees and lowered myself down. I reached back with my hand to take hold of him as I guided the head back into the folds of my pussy. Again, I let out a moan as I felt him penetrate me and began to slowly rock my hips as I braced myself with my hands on his knees.

He only let me do this for a minute before he said, “Now, slide it out and fuck me with your ass.”

I pushed up with my legs as I felt him slip from my pussy. He was hard enough and sticking straight up so I was able to lower myself, feeling him slip between the cheeks of my ass and the head press against my opening. I took a deep breath and tried to relax as I let my weight settle down and he slipped into my ass. I let out a huge exhale and whimper as I set further down on him, feeling his thick shaft stretching me.

That was it, I had every inch of him penetrating me. My breathing was shallow and I felt like any sudden movement would split me in two.

Anthony began to give me instructions, “Open your legs as wide as you can and hook your feet around behind my legs.”

I picked up my legs one at a time spreading them open, settling all of my weight in his lap, pushing him even slightly deeper if that was possible. I pointed my toes, flexing my ankles and hooking them behind his legs tied to the chair, my knees spread out wider than his legs.

“Now lay back on my chest, bring your hands up to caress your breasts and pinch your nipples.”

Again, I tried to relax as I leaned back against him. As instructed, put my hands up under my breasts, squeezing them up and in together for a moment before cupping them and beginning to roll my nipples between my thumbs and forefingers.

Anthony’s lips were now right beside my ear as he asked, “Would you like me to allow you an orgasm now?”

Through a trembling breath, trying to stay relaxed through the feeling of him penetrating my ass so deeply, I whimpered, “Yes, please.”

I had my eyes closed as I was trying to relax in this position. They opened suddenly when I felt the touch of hands sliding over my stocking covered thighs. It was Megan. She was on her knees in front of us, her hands sliding up my legs, our eyes were locked and she didn’t even blink as she leaned in between my legs. She pressed her mouth to my pussy, running her tongue up the slit to stop and begin flicking at my clit.

As she continued to lick and tease me, my body responded as I began to tremble and tense, squeezing Anthony with my ass with every involuntary movement.

“That’s it, Elizabeth, squeeze me with your ass. Make me come with your ass.”

I wasn’t even trying to do it on purpose, it was just my body’s reaction to what Megan was doing to me. It was feeling so good, I was getting so close to coming. I didn’t think I could handle much more when I felt her hands move up between my thighs.  She had her hand, palm up, and slid two fingers as far inside of me as she could and began pumping them into me as her tongue danced over my clit. Her other hand was stroking and pulling at Anthony’s balls, working us both to our orgasm.

It no longer mattered that Anthony’s erection was buried in my ass, I was now squirming and jerking as Megan worked me to an uncontrollable orgasm.

As I convulsed and cried out with my orgasm, Anthony too began to moan as he released, pumping deep inside of me.

I swear that’s probably the closest I’ve ever come to losing consciousness during an orgasm. I finally started to regain my composure and open my eyes, looking down to see Megan still looking up at me, as she slowly lapped at me with her tongue, tasting my sweet juices.

Megan set back and pushed herself up to her feet, then extended her hand to help me stand up from Anthony’s lap. He had begun to shrink as I felt him slip from my ass as I stood up. Megan pointed to the corner and told me I could go freshen up in his private restroom.

I picked up my dress from the nearby chair and made my way over into the restroom. I shut the door, leaned on the sink and just stared at myself for a moment in the mirror, wondering what the hell just happened. This was like something out of a movie… or a book. A billionaire playboy with kinky games, who could ever imagine.

I cleaned myself up and slipped my dress back on, zipping and adjusting it in place.

When I came out of the restroom, everything was back to normal as Megan was straightening up the office, and Anthony was sitting behind his desk.

I was feeling embarrassed and self-conscious, unsure of what to say as I walked over.

Anthony smiled and said, “You were quite amazing, I must say. John was right, you are special.”

I just smiled at him, too embarrassed to answer.

He then continued, “I’m so glad you decided to stay and negotiate our deal further. There is one more thing, if you don’t mind… will you do one more thing for me?”

At this point, I was thinking what else could there be, he pretty much did everything to me I could imagine.

“Yes, what would you like?”

He turned and looked at Megan and said, “Dear, what you did for Elizabeth was very special. I imagine you got pretty worked up during all of that. Would you like Elizabeth to give you some relief as well?”

I think my mouth physically dropped open as I heard him ask her that, and then I looked over at her and she was smiling and said, “Yes, sir, I would love that.”

Anthony smiled and said, “Megan, dear, come over here and lay across my desk.”

I watched as this petite, young, brunette walked across the office, turned slipping her butt up onto the desk, and then slid to the middle. She laid back as Anthony stood ever, unbuttoning her blouse to expose her breasts and then sliding her little black skirt up to reveal stay-up thigh highs and her shaved pussy with no panties.

He then sat back down in his chair and looked over at me.

“She’s ready for you, Elizabeth, please return the favor and show her how much you enjoyed what she did for you.”

I just stood there for a moment, trying to process what I was about to do. I never even imagined doing this to another woman, I was not even sure how to do it. I walked over around the desk, looking down between her legs, she was clearly aroused and ready for any stimulation. My God, what was this going to feel like? What was she going to taste like? Could I even do it?

I looked over at Anthony and he was just sitting there staring at me with this little smirk, enjoying my internal struggle. He gave a little nod towards her as if to tell me, “go ahead, get started”.

I bent forward, sliding my hands up her shins, over her knees, up her thighs to the delicate skin of her hips. I swallowed one last time before lowering my lips down and letting my tongue slip between her folds, for the first time tasting a woman. I was clearly out of my element and awkwardly licking at her when I felt her hand slip into my hair behind my head, pulling her high heels up on the desk and pushing her knees open wide, she pulled my lips in tight against her as she began to grind herself against my mouth.

She began to moan as I heard her say, “Probe me with your tongue… drive your tongue into my pussy!”

I began to do as she instructed, and as I did she pulled in on the back of my head harder, grinding herself against my lips. Suddenly, she began to have an orgasm. Her body shaking intensely, still driving her hips against my face and tongue. As she came, I could taste her wetness coating my tongue, flowing over my lips. It was like a sweet nectar, very different from the men I’m accustomed to. I’ve tasted myself many times, from my fingers or on the cock that’s just slid from my pussy, but it never tasted quite like this.

Her orgasm finally subsided and she released her grip in my hair, letting me stand back up.

I was standing there catching my breath, wiping her wetness from my lips as Anthony said, “I do believe our negotiations went quite well, and as a man of my word, it looks like I will be increasing my order. I look forward to discussing the terms next week. Megan will show you out, I have some work to finish up before I head home.”

And with that, Megan stood up from his desk, closed her blouse and I followed her out of the office as Anthony started rummaging through one of his drawers.

Megan pulled his office door shut and turned to me, saying, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Elizabeth. I hope you enjoyed our meeting, I look forward to seeing you again.”

I just smiled, embarrassed, and said, “Yes, it was a pleasure meeting you as well. Thank you for everything.”

Once in the elevator and the doors closed, I leaned back against the wall and let out a long sigh, my mind racing through everything that just happened, trying to make sense of it. Just as I stepped into the lobby, I was greeted by a group of men waiting for the elevator. Almost in unison, I saw all of their eyes go straight to me breasts. Shit… I forgot my jacket upstairs. I’m not going back up, I just have to make it to my car.

As I was walking to the parking garage, I was getting looks of lust from the guys, and daggers from the women as my nipples showed clearly. And on top of that, I had completely given up on trying to keep the zipper at the back of the dress down at this point, so men were getting a good look whether I was coming or going.

I heard my phone beep and I looked to see that John had messaged me.

“Just got a message from Anthony, he said the meeting went very well and the two of you were able to negotiate a great deal. I look forward to hearing ALL of the details. I’ll stop by your office Monday afternoon, have a great weekend!”

I didn’t even respond. I didn’t know what to say.

My phone beeped again…

“I forgot to mention it before, but I’m assuming you met Anthony’s assistant, Megan… she’s my niece. Talk to you soon!”

Oh my god… can this get any more twisted?



Published 5 years ago

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