Dream-Fucking Amanda

"Desperately trying to become parents leaves no room for wasted sex."

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She appeared from the inky darkness of my morning dream. Her large wide-spaced eyes lending instant recognition. Her small mouth with a brooding smile somehow said, “I’m so glad I found you.”

Her thin fingers toyed the top button of her loose blouse until my throat tightened. Each new button revealing more gloriously unbridled cleavage. The blouse sloughed from her shoulders and she stood naked and ready at my feet, a vision of beauty and unrestrained sexuality. As quickly as she arrived, she dissolved into the grey predawn light as I broke the plane of sleep into the imperfect darkness of our bedroom. My cock so hard it hurts.

I listen to my wife’s breathing. Her familiar gentle purring, as deep and steady as a large tabby cat, prompts my illicit decision. I pull the covers taut and slide my hands down to grip my hard shaft with my right hand and cup my balls with my left.

I feel good to myself, both the sensation my cock gets from my hand and the ridged hardness my cock pleasingly returns. It’s been over a month since I masturbated, ever since the doctor recommended sex every other day. Regularly scheduled X’s on a calendar, the last thing before sleep so Gail can remain prone and fall asleep with my little swimmers not having to go against any current.

Gail wants to be a mother. I’m not complaining, I want to be a father. Our desires for parenthood override all else. A doctor’s prescription for sex every other night whether we like it or not is nothing to complain about.

Eight years on the pill, since Gail was seventeen, took a toll the doctor told us. Her body might need time to readjust. After almost a year of trying our sex has turned desperate, growing less playful and more planned. Full blowjobs disappeared as a waste of sperm, so did anal.

I haven’t even been allowed to jerk off. Gotta keep the sperm count up. Who could’ve guessed that one day I would actually miss masturbating. I wrapped the other hand around the upper half of my cock and squeezed hard with all ten fingers. God, it felt good. It felt massive. I closed my eyes.

Amanda was there again naked at my feet smiling mischievously, the way girls do when about to do something they know will impress you.  She bent over and crawled onto the bed between my legs, playfully dragging her soft left breast up along my right thigh.

My right hand loosened and slid down to my balls with my thumb stroking the very base of my hardness. When I moved it again to grip my shaft I did so lightly the way Amanda might, enjoying the velvety sensation of the skin stretched tight over my bone hard erection. My left hand began smearing the leaking precum around the swollen knob. So clear was the image of Amanda that I could see her hand brush up against her breast on each stroke.

Gail stirred. I froze. I turned my head and saw in the predawn light that she rolled away from me onto her left side. I waited, both hands under the covers on my cock, the back of my left hand holding the bedding above the precum purging from the tip.

It only took a few seconds for the smooth pattern of Gail’s sleep to return, a few seconds more and my fear of discovery subsided as her breathing deepened.  I closed my eyes and saw Amanda’s face with her large unblinking eyes hovering over my cock. 

The fingertips of my left hand began to lightly massage the swollen head, coming down from the end as if engaging a gear shift knob, as if Amanda’s mouth were engulfing it. My right hand gripping the lower half, stroking, gripping and stroking, enjoying the extreme rigidity.

Amanda appeared perfectly real, her pendulous breasts swaying as she leaned forward to clear my legs with hers, straddling me, lowering to the end of the larger-than-life spike upheld for her by my stroking hand. The image of her sliding all the way down almost too much to bear. I was ready to feel her weight settle onto my hips.

I froze when Gail stirred again, rolling, repositioning, settling on her right side now, facing me so close I could feel her breath on my ear. My left arm held the covers up. For that moment I lay stone still and dared not breathe. The morning light was brighter now. I knew if she were to open her eyes in the dim light she would see the whale mound of lifted covers above me. My right hand was unable to resist a slow, imperceptibly gentle stroking my shaft, now slick with my own emissions. I had been so close.

At least a full minute later the deep even breathing of Gail’s sleep returned and I began stroking more earnestly. A swipe over the top lubricated anew the shaft that had grown sticky during the interruption. I slowed and pulled languidly again enjoying the slick feel of my cock in my hand as much as the tightening squeeze on my shaft with each upward pull. 

Amanda reappeared, just her face, all eyes, imploring me to cum inside her. I stroked faster. My neck strained, lifting my head off the pillow. I began stroking as feverishly as when alone. Ten more strokes, then twenty more. When Amanda’s tits came back into full focus my hips bucked into orgasm.

Shots landed high on my chest and belly, and some wonderfully coated my cock as I kept stroking it and milking it dry. It felt good. I felt good, confident I had mastered the noises and gotten away with it. Amanda, a perfect mistress, vaporized.

Now what to do? I remained motionless, still suspending the covers above the potential mess with my left arm, wondering how I would extricate myself cleanly.

“You’ve been a naughty boy,” Gail said seductively into my ear. My body stiffened.

“God…Gail, how long have you been awake.”

“A few minutes, just before I rolled toward you. It was hot, I didn’t want to stop you,” she added as she reached across my chest, took hold of the covers and swiftly pulled them to reveal my cum spattered body and my hand still holding my softening dick.

“That sexy movie we watched…maybe we shouldn’t have skipped last night’s scheduled fuck,” Gail said. “I was pretty horny too, in spite of how tired I felt but I was hoping for a Sunday morning in bed together.” She moved down along my body and briefly took the end of my cock in her mouth.

“It’s been so long since I tasted you,” she said, “I’ve missed it so much”. She licked at a pool of cum on my belly, slurped more into her pursed lips, and licked and slurped her way up the trail of sperm to my chest, swallowing it all.

When Gail moved up eye level with me she said teasingly, “That cute little blonde from the movie got to you didn’t she? What was her name?”

“Amanda Seyfried, yeah, they both did, the nipples on Julian Moore are amazing?” It was a lie covered with truth.

“Yeah a very sexy woman, I agree,” Gail said unconvinced as she swung her leg over mine. “But it was the blonde, Amanda,  you jerked off to, wasn’t it?”

I shrugged.  She knew I had a thing for hot young blondes, one of which, at twenty-six, she fortunately was.  She kissed me then lifted her face to add, “How ‘bout you make the coffee while I scramble up some eggs, then after breakfast we reconvene here in bed so I can ride you like a Symbian.

“A what?”

“You know, one of those sex machines with the oscillating dildos.”

“But cowgirl isn’t an approved position,” I mock whined.

“We both deserve a morning off from doctor’s orders.”

In the kitchen Gail said, “You know, I never witnessed you jerk off before.”

“Yeah, it’s odd I guess, married five years and I never saw you masturbate either. I mean other than you rubbing your clit sometimes while we fuck.”

“After breakfast, ya wanna watch?”


“Good, THEN I’ll ride you like a Symbian.”

“It’s been so long since I had you on top.”

“So come on, tell me, were you imagining fucking sexy Amanda?”

“No, it was you, “ I insisted.

“Such a sweet liar”

“Who are you gonna think about when you finger yourself?” I said, turning back the conversation.

“You of course…along with maybe a couple of other guys.”

Published 5 years ago

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