Mamma J. Chapter One

"Milf transwoman tries to fuck the evil out of a hot guy."

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“Mom, what am I going to do about Jason?”

My daughter sat facing me seated at my kitchen island with a troubled yet familiar look upon her face. It was the same look I’d seen when she was doing poorly in a class or when one of her friends slighted her. The circumstances were quite different this time, however.

She was thirty years old and had just found out that her new boyfriend was a racist, homophobic scumbag. Oh, he seemed nice enough. He’s handsome, has his own home, a nice car and truck. I’ve seen him around town for years on big billboards touting his family’s real estate business.

When Robyn told me that Jason had asked her out, I was probably as happy as she was but that quickly changed when she brought him over to my house before their big first date. And it was a good thing that he showed his true colors at that point. I knew my Robyn and I knew she wouldn’t hold out very long. Just like me, if she was attracted to a guy, she was going to fuck him probably sooner rather than later.

“Oh, Hell, sweetness, this isn’t even an issue,” I told my teary-eyed daughter, “you dump his sorry ass now.”

“You’re right Mom, as usual.” Robyn sighed.

The incident had been an ugly one. They came over for a short visit on their way to an awards function that his company was having. They came in through the sliding glass passing through the dining area and into the kitchen where I was setting out cookies and pouring coffees for us.

“Mom, this is Jason. Jason, my mom Janine.”

I smiled at the man and held my hand out to him and received nothing more than an icy stare followed by averted eyes.

‘Ok,’ I thought, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, ‘maybe he sucks at social cues.”

I knew at my core that this was not the case. I was used to that look having lived in the same small southern city my entire life. He had just given me the, “Holy shit it’s a Tranny,” look that I’d received so many times over the years. I was married for six years in my twenties, a union that produced my beautiful Robyn whom I love more than my own life.

My ex was in real estate as well and she did very well for herself. I thought to myself that maybe this was my in. I hoped that I could win this guy over.

“My ex Sarah Patterson is in real estate too. I’m sure Robyn told you,” I said, still getting the daggers from him, “do you know her?”

“Yeah, she’s with Patterson-Hanks on the south end. They do a lot of low-end apartment management and cheap houses. They deal with the Mexicans more than anyone else in town,” he said with a look of disdain.

“Well,” I said, my smile gone, “everyone needs housing, right?”

He placed his palms flat on the island countertop and gave me one of the most hate-filled looks I’d ever encountered and said,

“Oh, sure, honey, let’s just fill our town up with anyone or anything. A lot of us here are sick to death of all the immigrants and the perverts.”

Robyn stood there with her mouth wide open, searching for the words, any words to tell this creep off. All that she could muster was gasping sounds. I, on the other hand, had only one thing to say.

“GET, the FUCK out of my HOUSE!!!!”

He strode out past Robyn and I as we stood there in shock. I had to sit because my knees were trembling so hard, I thought they might buckle. Robyn ran into the living room and peeked through the drapes to mask sure the jerk was gone. She came back into the kitchen, eyes wide, her hand still over her gaping mouth in disbelief.

“Oh my God, mom, I’m so sorry. I had no idea that he was like that,” Robyn said as she hugged me tightly.

“It’s ok, hon. We never know until we know.” I said, the smile returning to my face.

After coffee and some of my world-famous tea cakes that Robyn always loved so much, we chatted through a couple of romcoms. As much as I hated the circumstances that brought her here tonight, I was so happy for our time together. Mom/Robyn time had been in short supply lately and I had missed it so. After the films and refreshments, I drove her back to her place. Before she got out, she turned to me and said, “You know, I’m so fortunate.”

“How’s that, honey?”

“I have friends who don’t get along with their parents at all, and here I am with two of the best moms in the world… and both of you have my back through anything,.” Robyn said, her eyes tearing yet again. As I drove home, I thought about my ex. In many ways she made me the gurl I am today.

To be honest, my marriage to her was wonderful at first. I thought I had put my crossdressing proclivities behind me when I married Sarah but soon the urges came back to the surface. She was (and still is) an extraordinarily lovely woman and being in such close contact with her clothing and shoes and lingerie and makeup was too much for me to bear.

At first, when she caught me, I was scared shitless, then I was overjoyed to discover that she was way into it. She loved to feminize me. She reveled in shopping for me and buying sexy teddies and baby dolls, hose, and panties for my own collection.

We would dress every night and have the sweetest most passionate sex imaginable. She loved to kiss and cuddle and to have me go down on her for hours. She also loved the rougher stuff as well. Oh god, did she love it! I spent many nights face down, spread eagle, tied to the four corners of the bed while she beat my ass raw with her riding crop or hairbrush and then savagely fucking my ass with her big goddamn strap on.

The problems were there, just under the surface, but we were young and horny, and they didn’t manifest for a time. The main turmoil really was that I wanted to be fem 24/7. She, on the other hand, wanted a traditional man-woman relationship in public. And much to my disappointment, at the time, my cock wasn’t large enough to totally satisfy her.

This isn’t a problem for me now and hasn’t been for some time. I love my petite she-cock… and so do the guys. It was, however, a major concern in my youth, and I compensated with long sessions of oral and dildo fucking. She loved that but I could sense that she really wanted a cock that made her squeal.

So, we got into threesomes with a friend of mine from work, a handsome as fuck black guy named Thomas who had (and still does) the most amazing cock. And we both fell for him. He has the greatest stamina of any lover I’ve ever had, and he would fuck Sarah so deep and so hard and for so long. It was a magnificent thing to behold seeing this ebony Adonis fuck my lovely bride.

I’d lie beside her pinching and kissing her pert nipples and soul kissing her hot mouth as she whimpered and screamed into mine. After he came inside her he would present his cock to me. I would suck and lick it clean before he retreated to the other side of the bed to watch the show. I would kiss my beautiful wife for a minute, just to share the resplendent juices I had just gleaned from his throbbing shaft and then I would go down on her.

I absolutely loved the taste of her pussy mixed with his salty cum. I can taste it to this day. I would lose myself in Sarah’s pussy, licking and tonguing like a good girl as she moaned. It took a while to bring her to orgasm after having been fucked by Thomas, but I was so into it I didn’t mind one bit. And watching Thomas’s cock start to twitch and grow again was always so beautiful.

I would reach over and stroke him slowly, squeezing and pumping his huge member as I lovingly kissed and sucked Sarah’s steaming cunt. When they started kissing my passion grew exponentially… how I loved them both.

When he was rock hard, he would move behind me and lube my puckering fuck hole and start rubbing the head of his massive throbbing cock on it. My moans and whimpers would match Sara’s as he impaled my tight pink asshole with his manhood. Soon he would hit his stride, fucking me hard like he did my loving wife, although it seemed to me that sometimes he fucked me harder.

The thrusts pushed my mouth and tongue into her streaming snatch and she and Thomas would usually cum at about the same time. Back then I rarely came from anal so I would lie on my back, cum leaking from my cream-pied boy pussy as Thomas and Sarah sucked me. The love we made and the orgasms we all had there in our bed were some of the best of my life… of our lives.

There were so many memories on this cool autumn night. I am an innately positive person and I’d successfully pushed the negative feelings I had earlier to the back of my mind. I made one quick stop at a friend’s house and bought some really great weed from him and continued on. My little weed detour caused me to head home the back way by a small park that takes up the whole block behind my house. Driving by the park on that street you can see my house through the trees if you know where to look and I usually glance, even at night.

I saw his car there in the parking area under one of the streetlamps. I knew it was his because there aren’t too many blue Jags in our town.

‘Ok,’ I thought, ‘that fucker is either trying to see if Robyn is still there or he is skulking about waiting to do something to me.’

Either thought was disturbing, but I wasn’t frightened. I’ve been stalked before and I don’t go anywhere without mace and a pistol in my purse. That’s right. I’m the biggest bleeding heart in town but I am quite aware of the number of women, especially trans women who suffer violence at the hands of men. And mine is an open/concealed-carry state. I am permitted and packing always.

I rounded the block and pulled into my drive. I checked my weapon, cut the lights, and sat there for a minute. If he was going to make a play here, I wanted my eyes to be acclimated and my pink gel tipped finger on the trigger. I saw no movement, so I got out and strode confidently to my door… quick positive motions… eyes alert, head moving about, listening intently.

Once inside I took a quick pee, washed my hands really well with scented soap, checked my hair and makeup, stuck my Glock down the backside waistband of my Boyfriend jeans, and turned and looked in the glass. It wasn’t even visible through my tunic sweater top. Satisfied, I went back into the kitchen to make tea. As I set the kettle on the boil, I saw his form move by my window in my periphery.

‘Ok Janine, this is it,’ I thought.

I didn’t know what this guy was up to but the only thing in all this that I was certain of was that this asshole would never hurt my baby again.

Tap, tap, tap. His knock wasn’t loud or angry but insistent none the same.

“Who is it/” I called in the most unconcerned sing-song tone I could muster.

“It’s Jason… is Robyn here?”

I went to the door, unlocked it, and slid it open a crack with my left hand, all the while resting my right on the Glock behind my back.

“Now Jason, you were told to leave. And I think you know full well Robyn isn’t here. What is it you really want?”

“W-Well,” he said haltingly, “I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier.”

I slid the door open, showing no fear or hesitation and you could tell that move surprised him because he stepped back a step.

“Well come in,” I said motioning toward the kitchen.

He walked silently in front of me and I studied his form from behind. He was at least six-foot-two and did not appear to have an ounce of fat on his body. He was mid-thirties with perfect slightly graying blond hair and from the back, I could see that he did not have the thinning spot on the back of his skull that so many guys had.

‘Either he has good genes or a great transplant clinic,’ I reasoned.

We reached the kitchen island and he turned around,

“Well, like I said I just want to apologize for what I said earlier.”

“About the immigrants?”

“Well… I was raised a certain way. My parents are very biased. I wanted to apologize to you.”

I wasn’t impressed. I don’t like bigots point-blank. And he made no bones about his intolerance. I was certain that the only reason he was apologizing to me was that he was trying to get to Robyn. I decided to feel him out while I figured out what to do. He and his family were some of the wealthiest most influential people around.

Their real estate business, as expansive and lucrative as it was just a cog in the machine that was their empire. They owned manufacturing facilities, a large telecommunication center, a building supply, several restaurants, gas stations, and more land than you could shake a stick at.

I was pensive. “Apologize for what, then, Jason? For the pervert remark?”

“Well, yeah,” he said, crossing his arms and raising his head slightly so as to be looking down his nose at me. You could tell he rarely apologized and that when he did, he expected it to be accepted without question.

“Well, to be honest, Jason, I don’t care what your estimation of me is nor am I seeking validation from you… I do however have many close personal friends who are of minority or immigrant status and your statement bothered me.” I said. “These people deserve fair housing practices, the same as anyone.”

You could tell that he wasn’t used to being challenged. He shifted his weight uncomfortably, uncrossed and then recrossed his arms while he tried to formulate a response. It took him a few seconds…

“Hey, listen,” he said holding his hands up, “things have always been done like that here. It’s the way I was raised.”

“Well, Mr. Jason,” It was my turn to cross my arms now. “I was raised in a bigoted home as well and I took more than a little shit from my family for refusing to go along. When I was old enough to leave, I cut the bigots out of my life and kept the ones who evolved.”

“I’m not here to argue race or any of that,” he pleaded, “I’m just here to apologize to you.”

My eyes narrowed as I edged even closer to this pompous ass,

“Let me promise you one thing Jason, you can apologize to me until you turn blue, but I will never, ever, give my blessing to you dating Robyn.”

He stepped back a step and stuck his hands into his pockets and dropped his gaze. The motion was as that of an embarrassed teenager. Keeping his eyes down he said,

“I’m not here for that either, although I don’t want Robyn to have hard feelings against me. I’m apologizing to you because I think you’re really pretty and I’d like to know you better.”

And there it was. I have to admit that even I didn’t see that one coming. It was not at all unusual, here in the deep south. I’ve been hit on a thousand times here by “straight” guys. My girlfriends jokingly call me “The Heartbreaker”. Guys who would talk all kinds of shit about me at their jobs or around their friends would, in private, worship the ground I walked on.

And here was another. I could easily have him, but he was an abhorrent human being.

‘But what if he wasn’t?’ I asked myself. ‘What if he could be persuaded to evolve?’

I had a plan working in my head and I weighed the pros and cons as we stood there in my kitchen. Here was this young man, wealthy and hot. He was also a bigoted, homophobe with an innate sense of entitlement. What could I do? Left to his own devices he would remain a narcissistic asshole. I was going to exact a bit of punishment on him for damnable ways and maybe change him in the process.

I edged toward him, looked him straight in the eye, and purred, “So, you really think I’m pretty?” I asked while executing my sexiest hair flip.

“Yes, I do, Janine,” he said.

I could see his cock shift in his slacks.

“It looks like someone is glad to see me,” I said as I reached out and brushed my pink stiletto tipped nails on his growing member.

He sucked his breath in sharply and embraced me. We locked eyes for a moment and then he pulled my close. Our lips met and his tongue probed my hot mouth lustily. I could feel the stiffness of his throbbing cock as it rubbed against my belly. I have to admit that I was feeling the tension as well. It had been a month or so for me since I’d had a lover.

His kisses were so passionate, and his body felt so fucking good. My girly cock was stiffening as well, and it rarely did. Years of hormones and an orchiectomy had pretty much done away with the testosterone in my body. I was extremely orgasmic but usually limp or at least semi limp. But this scumbag had me so turned on my clit was aching inside my jeans as I massaged and squeezed his cock through his pants.

“Damn Janine,” he gasped, ripping his mouth from mine, “that feels so fucking good… suck my dick… please.”

OK. My first inclination was to sink to my knees and take him around the world, but I had bigger fish to fry here.

“No baby, you suck mine.”

His eyes widened with disbelief as I grabbed his hand and ground it into my crotch. He looked almost frightened when I ground against it and pulled his head down to my breasts with the other. His hand squeezed my clit as his face buried between my perfumed 36 C cups. His mouth moved to the side and found the bump of my left nipple clearly visible through my lacy bra and top. He bit down on it gently. Gasping and moaning my head fell back as waves of pleasure racked through me. Presently, Jason raised his head to speak,

“I… I’ve never… I’ve never done that,“ He pleaded. I really want a blowjob, Janine.”

I had no intention of servicing this fucker… not yet. I pulled his head back by his hair and hissed directly his face.

“On your fucking knees, bitch.”

I guided him down, pushing forcefully on his shoulders until his face was just inches from my she-cock.

“Take it out, slut,” I commanded.

He unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and beheld his reward. I was wearing my sheer peach-colored thong and my four and a half-inch erection was there right in front of his face, leaning to the left, with a dime-sized wet spot on the rosy garment right at the tip of my throbbing clit.

“Kiss it, baby,” I cooed.

He reached up to touch me and I slapped his hand away,

“NO! I said kiss it, I didn’t say you could touch it… Whore.”

His hands grasped my hips and he proceeded to kiss, lick, and nuzzle my pretty boi-cock through the lacy panty front. I must admit for someone who had never sucked cock before he was doing an excellent job. As he smooched the head, the warmth of his lips and tongue contrasted with the coolness left by the wetness created by his saliva mixed with my precum. The sensation was delightful.

“OH yeah, baby, ” I moaned as he ground his mouth onto my clitty, “pull those panties down just enough to get your lips on my pussy stick.”

Again, he reached for my waistband and I slapped his eager hand again,

“I said no, goddammit.”

The look in his eyes was one of confusion, frustration, and eros mixed. The look of bewilderment on his face was precious. I knew he was down for anything, so I decided to push the humiliation even further

“Use your teeth to pull it down. My god you are a useless sissy, aren’t you?”

“I’m not a sissy,” he snapped.

“Let me tell you something sugar, if you are here in my kitchen, on your knees trying to suck my tranny cock…That sounds to me like you are a fucking sissy, baby.”

His eyes were trained upon me with a look of defiance as I interlaced my fingers behind his head and pulled it to me, rubbing my wet lace-covered clitty over his lips. His insolent stare quickly faded into lust as he began nipping and trying to pull my panties down with his teeth.

“Ooh yeah baby,” I moaned, “you’re a good little sissy, aren’t you…? Get that mouth on my cock, you slutty bitch.”

I ran my hands up under my sweater and started massaging my nipples as he worked on moving the thin sheath that held my stiff cock. The sensation of his lips and teeth on my throbbing shaft combined with the near electric jolts of passion created by pinching my nipples caused me to convulse. My hips were gyrating which made Jason’s task nearly impossible. Although I had commanded he did not touch my cock with his hands, he did slide them back to my ass in an effort to stabilize me. It was then that he touched the Glock.

“What the fuck?” He said, pulling back and giving me a look of concern…”Were you planning to shoot me?”

I was stymied for just a second. Although I wanted to teach this ass a lesson I had admittedly been lost in passion for a bit. His question snapped me back to reality, back to the task at hand.

“Oh honey, I always pack,” I said as I reached for my piece.

I brought it out and held it for him to examine. It was a 19: pastel pink with a satin aluminum slide. He smiled at the rod in my hand and said:

“Pink? That’s cute.”

“Well honey, the Glocks are just so utilitarian looking I had to pretty it up a bit… do you like it?”

“Yeah,” His eyes were lit like a skyrocket on the Fourth.

I held the weapon next to his skull and whispered,

“It’s locked and loaded too, bitch. There fifteen 9-millimeter shells in here. Now, I’ll be needing something else from you, hon.”

“What are you talking about Janine?” he asked shakily.

I rubbed the silky-smooth slide on his temple as I smiled at him sweetly.

“Get up bitch, we are going to the bedroom,” I commanded.

He arose obediently and walked ahead of me into my bedroom. I directed him to pull a case from under my bed. He was then directed to open it, to strip naked (my favorite part), to retrieve a dog collar with a long chrome chain and to put it securely on his own neck, and then to retrieve my favorite cuffs and then cross his wrists obediently behind his back for me to secure.

A scant ten minutes after he discovered my gun, he was cuffed behind his back; his ankles were shackled with my best pink fuzzy ankle locks and a length of chain connected the two. The chain was just shot enough to keep his knees slightly bent. He was lying on his side on my king-sized bed looking at me with pleading eyes.

“What are you going to do with me, Janine?”

“You mean, what am I going to do to you, don’t you?”

What was I going to do with him?’ I thought, my mind racing

As he lay there looking up at me, I thought about those billboards around town, his perfect smile and hair complimenting his handsome face. I wondered what his heteronormative, privileged clientele would think of him now, lying here grimacing and sweating, straining against the cuffs that I purposely tightened. Just humiliating him wasn’t going to be enough, I would have to orchestrate an event that would change the very essence of who he was.

I retrieved a nice small sized butt plug from my goodie box along with a bottle of lube, a lacy trimmed blindfold, and a gag ball.

“Ok, Janine,” he said nervously, “what is up with all of that?

“Let me take care of that,” I said.

I ran my fingers through his hair and then squeezed hard, grasping the strands so tightly he gasped from the pain. I yanked back hard and when his mouth flew open to scream, I jammed the gag ball in. I had to struggle a bit to get the apparatus fastened but when he realized it was only going to get tighter, he stopped struggling.

“Aww… good girl,” I whispered maliciously. “Mamma J is going to make you so happy.”

I stripped down to my panties and laid my clothing and pistol in an antique dining chair that stood by my bedroom’s door. I went to the bed, took the plug, and applied the lube, standing where he could get a clear view of the process. I applied and stroked all the while talking to him in my most soothing tone.

“You love things up your butt don’t you, honey? I can tell what you do. Your tushy is just so cute, I know I can’t be the first to plug you… I’m not, am I, bitch?”


The sweat on his brow and the look of terror on his face told that he’d never had anything in his backdoor,

“Just relax, sugar,” I cooed as I lubed his tight asshole and rubbed the tip of the slim plug on it. “Mamma Janine is going to take such good care of you.”

With that, I pushed the black plug into his tight anus just about two inches, then pulled slowly back. The sound coming from his throat intensified into a scream that was accompanied by the sound of it escaping around the gag ball. I crawled up onto the bed on to the bed and knelt at his side, placing my hand over the gag ball. I leaned down and placed my lips directly on his ear and whispered

“What’s wrong baby? That doesn’t hurt, does it? I’d never intentionally hurt…”

As I said the word, I drove the plug deep, to its widest point then pulled it back. I set a steady rhythm, pounding his pucker with one hand and holding onto the gag ball with the other. The muffled screams died down a bit and I noticed that he was looking at my cock again.

“Does baby want another taste?” I asked

The look on his face told me he did. In the twenty minutes or so since he had been on his knees in my kitchen, my little girly dick had gotten flaccid but with him lying on his side I rubbed my pantied member on his face again. He tried his best to get to it but the gag ball would not allow his mouth to touch me. He finally settled for rubbing the ball against my crotch as I continued to fuck his tight little ass with the plug. I must admit that I was getting really excited, revenge role-playing be damned, I needed to cum.

I slid off the bed and soon was standing behind him with him still on his side. He turned his head to try and see what I was up to and was rewarded with a hard slap on the ass.

“Turn that face back around, Lookey Lou,” I chastised,“ or you’ll get another”

No sooner were the words spoken than he pushed his ass toward me. I took the hint and reached into my goodie box and retrieved a riding crop. He kept watching me. His eyes had lost the nervous vibration that they’d had earlier, they were now calm and seemingly glazed over.

‘This asshole is bored, I thought, ‘I’ll change that.’

Holding the crop in my left hand I reached my right and grabbed the gag ball strap on the back of his head and used the leverage to force his face away from me. As I held his head firmly, I raised the crop over his naked ass… the ass that he kept wiggling toward me…it It was hanging off the bed now.

“You’ve been a bad boy, haven’t you?” I purred.

“Mmmm,” he moaned, still wiggling that tushy ever so slightly.

“Yeah, you’ve been a bad boy, you upset Robyn…”

I started rubbing the business end of the crop between his tight ass cheeks. The lube that was left there from the plug let the crop slide easily, up and down the length of his crack, as it made that sticky crackling sound that only comes from a well-lubed ass,

“You upset me, you insulted my wife…”

The breath from his nose was coming faster now as the tip of the crop dug into his ass,

“You insulted my sexuality.”

I pushed on the crop hard. He moaned loudly.

“And you insulted my friends.”

He turned his head slightly and I saw it in his eye; he had no idea what I meant. I raised the crop several inches. I brought it down hard several times as he bucked wildly in a vain attempt to escape the stinging lash. As I strapped his buns I spoke emphatically, in rhythm with the crack of the crop,

“ I… have… friends… close… friends… who… are… His… Pan… ic… you… ass… hole.”

He was whimpering loudly and grinding his ass toward me now.

“You like that don’t you, slut?” I growled.

As I said that I undid his gag ball, allowing him to speak.

“Yes, yes Miss Janine, I…”

I whacked his ass hard and said,

‘That’s Mamma Janine, whore… Are you deaf?”

I rubbed the stripe that the crop had made with the palm of my hand as his whimpers died down a bit.

“Mamma Janine… Mamma,” he sobbed shakily, “I do love it so much.”

“I know you do baby.”

His gym perfect ass pushing against my hand was having an effect on me as my tiny cock grew hard again. I reached over and grabbed the lube off the nightstand. I pulled my panties down freeing my she-cock and I lubed it generously. His asshole puckered and he pushed that smooth ass back at me as I pushed my dick deeper and deeper.

Now, I’m the epitome of a happy bottom. I love to be topped and fucked and it had been years since I used little Janine in this way but, oh my God, his ass was so tight and felt oh so delicious. To add to my excitement was the sight of his cock, a nice size, and thickness, pulsating there just past his hips.

“If I uncuff your bitch ass you won’t run away will you?”

I pushed my girly member into the hilt and striped his ass with the crop as I asked him.

“No, Mamma,” he cried “I’m not going anywhere, Mamma Janine.”

I pulled my clit out of his magnificent ass and retrieved my keys. Soon he was free of all constraint, sitting on the edge of my bed rubbing his wrists and looking at me.

“What does my baby want?” I moaned.

He gasped “I want to cum.”

I directed him to get on all fours on the bed and I mounted him again. My clit was still rock hard as I penetrated his tight fuckhole again. I soon was pounding him at a frenetic pace. Reaching around to his crotch I grasped hic cock only to find it as hard as mine. Oh God, his asshole felt so fucking good as I set a rhythm. I pumped his stiff cock in synch with my fucking.

As I fucked him, he raised up, turning his head to kiss me but I turned my cheek to him each time. I never do this, I’m a big kisser but I needed to control this situation this time. I couldn’t afford to make myself vulnerable, which kissing would most certainly do. I had to be mindful of why I was doing this.

This… beautiful guy, who was taking my cock like a sorority slut was a horrid human being. If he were able to say those things in my kitchen, God knows how he treated people out in the world. I had to do something… I had to do something… I had to fucking cum. He brought me back into the moment when he growled, “Oh fuck, Oh fuck baby, I’m cumming haaaard!”

Feeling his ass tighten and his cock convulse in my hand was all it took to send me over the edge as well. I pounded his pretty ass and squeezed his dick hard as I started cumming. It felt as if the very life was spurting out of me and deep into Jason’s ass. Wave after wave of my sticky semen splashed inside him and I could feel it leeching back out around my cock and onto my balls. I grabbed his hair, pulled his head back and rubbed his own cum that was all over my hand and wrist into his open mouth. He greedily licked at my hand as I ground it into his face,

“You like that cum don’t, you sissy?” I hissed in his ear. It was then that I realized the precariousness of the situation I found myself in. I’d seen guys over the years whose personality changed on a dime after they orgasmed. Here he was, a guy who maybe didn’t like being called a sissy, a guy who was completely unrestrained, a guy who had just cum, a guy who still had my dick in his ass. If he decided to assault me there was little that I could have done, My Glock was ten feet away and he knew that. He turned his head to look at me and moaned,

“Yes, Mamma Janine, I love to eat cum.”

This bitch was mine. A thought that both excited and troubled me. He was hot. I loved that. He was also a bigot and that would have to be addressed. And, he was an acquaintance of my daughter, which was something I’d have to deal with. Robyn could be a wild card.

“Come on, kitten,” I said, “let’s get you cleaned up.”

Three hours later after a long hot shower together, some food, and another bout of sex where I fucked him yet again, he lay beside me snoring. We had talked a bit during the shower, food, and sex. He had grown up a golden boy, rich parents, star athlete, top-notch college education, and an already storied career in real estate. And he was prejudiced and homophobic, and a man who loves submissive sex with a trans woman.

There were a lot of contradictions twisted up inside him. If there was only a way that I could use his positives to defeat his negatives… Suddenly it came to me. I quietly opened my nightstand and retrieved my iPad, turned the sound off, and sent a text to my Thomas…

“Hey, babe… ya busy tonight? I have a new friend you might like.”

Oh yes. This is going to be fun.

Published 5 years ago

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