Disciplined By The Headmistress : Chap 1

"Helen is a computer consultant but when she sees the Headmistress, she is mistaken for a student who needs to be disciplined"

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Helen Smith is twenty-three and a nerdy very petite I.T. specialist. She is 5ft 1ins tall, very slim, maybe a size 8 to occasionally a size 10 dress, but with gorgeous full firm large breasts size 34dd which seem hugely exaggerated by her tiny stature. She has an amazing tight, firm round bottom and long red hair framing her young-looking face and is regularly asked for ID when out drinking or clubbing as most take her for at most a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl. She is single but equally turned on and excited by both men and women.

She works for a specialist software house providing software to educational establishments, schools, colleges, both state and private, and often has to visit them to train staff and install updates and solve any issues. She loves computers, game consoles, and all things I.T. and geeky. She has a bubbly, friendly nature, but is a little introverted.

Helen has long known that spanking fascinates her and loves watching videos online, especially ones where the girl her own age or thereabouts is getting an obviously very real hiding, and her bottom looks bright red and so very very sore and has a great many livid, raised, painful looking deep red welts from a belt, strap or cane and she is crying heartily.

One particular video favourite is of a girl who looks very similar to herself. She is bent over her bed naked from the waist down and is getting the hardest bare-bottom leathering with a strap she has seen. It looks like a very real punishment, and the lass is yelling, crying, and her bum is scarlet and obviously very, very, VERY sore. However, the bit that excites Helen the most is when her disciplinarian finishes and tosses the thick leather strap onto her bed leaving her sobbing and writhing but returns about five-ish minutes or so later picks up the strap again and gives her already sore bare bottom a second repeat leathering. Helen always climaxes shudderingly at this moment, her finger flying furiously around and over her swollen sopping-wet pussy and clitoris imagining what this second leathering would feel like. Her orgasms at this point might well register on the national seismographic data centre sensors and always leave her a breathless, sweating, exhausted but an extremely satisfied wreck.

When attending a school or college she likes to wear a dress or skirt and blouse close to the uniform the girls there would wear. Because of her petite size, she finds almost all of the teachers taller than her, so she has to look up at them, and even most of the girls are taller than her. She enjoys being mistaken for one of the girls and talked to sharply by any of the teachers who mistake her for being a student.

Today Helen is to attend a local private sixth form college for girls and wears a white blouse and dark blue skirt, with a jacket, and smiles at herself when she looks in the mirror before leaving, knowing that she will certainly be mistaken for one of the students today, albeit what she is wearing isn’t the uniform the other girls will be wearing, but is similar.

Helen had heard that Lorraine Mckinlay is the fifty-six-year-old headmistress and is very much of the old

school and believes very strongly in good manners, politeness, good education, hard work, and study, and is a very firm advocate of the strap and cane being used frequently on a girl’s bottom and in a manner that leaves her sobbing, extremely sore, and unable to sit comfortably for a long time.

She dresses well, mostly in a blouse and skirt which are immaculate and look expensive, and although she is fifty-six, she looks much younger. She is the typical more mature lady, not so slim as she used to be but far from overweight. She is very comfortable with her life, single, and very financially secure although her husband, an investment banker, died in a car accident with a drunk driver. He left her well provided for in the way of insurance, pension and investment portfolio, and she also got a very large pay-out from the drunk driver’s insurance.

Lorraine and her husband were a very loving couple and she herself knew very well just how much her tawses hurt on a bare bottom. Her husband loved spanking her and two or three times a month, sometimes more, she would find herself bent over her bed or the sofa arm getting a very real leathering with her own straps, which left her sobbing and sore for a long time, but also so very turned on. After her leatherings, their lovemaking was so passionate and rewarding that often two or three hours later she would hand her strap to her husband again, bare her bottom, and ask him for another good old-fashioned hiding on her already sore bare bottom, which he never failed to provide. This always left her feeling like a very naughty schoolgirl, but she also loved getting fucked so hard when finished that she was exhausted, happy, satisfied, and her pussy thoroughly filled and tender.

Although strict, she is also fair, compassionate, kind and generous, and her office door is always open to any girls who need her advice, help or guidance. Any girl sent to her for punishment, though, knows what she gets will be severe, but just and deserved and it will also be remembered for a long time. Her tawses are legendary as is their excruciating effect.

Helen had to visit the school where Lorraine was headmistress to carry out some updates, install the software on new computers, and just generally do some routine maintenance. She arrived first thing at 8.30. When she arrived, she signed in and was given her id badge. This she pinned to her blouse, but, as it caught several times as she plugged and unplugged computers she slipped it into the inside pocket of her jacket. She quickly carried out all the work necessary on the admin PCs, and her last appointment was with the headmistress at lunchtime, getting to her Study at 1:00 pm.

As expected, Helen was stopped twice by different teachers and asked why she wasn’t wearing the correct uniform, one even threatened her with detention. Helen enjoyed the scolding until she took out her id badge to explain.

On arriving at the Head’s Study, the secretary wasn’t in the outer office and so she knocked, waited, then entered when she heard Lorraine call, ‘Enter’.

Lorraine spoke in her usual authoritative headmistress tone of voice and said sternly, “Ah, come in Smith, I have been expecting you. You know why you’re here as you’ve been disciplined by others several times before so let’s get this over with. Get your jacket and skirt off and bend over my desk. It’s twelve of the best this time, and any impudence, procrastinating, or other misbehaviour you know I will not accept, and it will become eighteen or even twenty-four lashes.”

Saying that she opened her drawer and pulled out a very well-used thick leather strap, a tawse.

Helen’s mind was racing. Why was she to take off her skirt and bend over, why was she going to get a leathering and a very sore leathering by the sound of it? Of course, it struck her that she was being mistaken for another girl who must have the same surname and have to attend the Head’s Study to be punished. That was cool, Helen told herself, and she started to enjoy the scolding, and being called by her surname was a real turn-on. She even wondered if it was worth a few spanks before admitting who she was, and it would be fun to address the Head as she used to address her own headmistress, as ‘Miss’.

Helen knew she could easily show the Headmistress her id, but acting the part of the schoolgirl she argued back, saying, “Please, Miss, there must be some mistake as I’m here to…”

However, she didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence, and froze as she heard, “I warned you,” yelled the Head, “Now it’s eighteen and not twelve, but please keep going as I’ll be delighted to make it twenty-four. So, get your skirt off and bend over the desk without any more arguing.”

Helen was aghast and didn’t take it in and panicked and continued trying to make the Head see she wasn’t the girl she thought she was. However, not having worn her id badge prominently her outbursts were seen as impertinence, lies, and trying to do or say anything to avoid what she had coming, which was definitely, as far as the headmistress was concerned, a very thorough thrashing.

Lorraine was utterly fed up with Haylee Smith who she knew was regularly disciplined by her form teacher and other teachers, although never by her, at least not until today, and was determined this time to make her an extremely sorry and sore-bottomed girl. After a few more retorts from Helen, Lorraine said very sternly, “Good, excellent, keep going Smith, as that’s twenty-four now and do you really want to go for thirty or thirty-six?”

Helen then grasped the seriousness of her situation and that the Head would not believe her and may even accuse her of producing a false id badge if she got hers out of her jacket and already the number of strokes with that fearsome strap was now a lot and was only going to get more if she kept arguing. So, wide-eyed with fear and sniffing back tears she reconciled herself to getting a thrashing and removed her jacket, hung it over the back of the chair by the Head’s desk, then unfastened her skirt, folded it, placed that on the same chair, and as told to, bent over the desk.

In this position, Helen realised how vulnerable her bottom was, and then she next understood just how annoyed the Head was. She saw her draw the strap back completely over her right shoulder and the next thing she heard was the exploding crack as the leather whacked into her thin cotton panty-covered bottom and she screamed. A blazing white-hot stripe of burning fire shot across the centre of her bottom followed rapidly by five more as the tawse bit into her bottom time and again.

“Don’t you dare attempt to cover your bottom young Miss and stay bent over or it will be the worse for you,” commanded Lorraine as Helen’s hands shot back to protect and rub her scorching bottom. Lorraine added, “Those aren’t regulation school uniform knickers either, so you will be getting a detention for that as well.”

Helen’s mind now filled with the vision of the video of the young lass bent over her bed getting such a thrashing and sympathised with her as this strapping was indeed awfully painful.

After the first six Helen was bawling uncontrollably, and after the next six was thrashing around kicking, screaming, yelling, and crying her eyes out. She couldn’t believe how hard the Head was whacking her bottom, nor just how terribly sore her bum already was.

After the twelfth stroke, which was a real mean one, right in Helen’s tender sit spot and delivered with great precision and very hard, Helen stood up, grasped her sore behind and danced all the time sobbing out to the headmistress that she wasn’t who she thought she was, but her sobs muffled her voice and what she said was unintelligible.

“Be quiet girl, you are getting what you need and deserve. I intend you to remember this and feel it for a week. You also know the procedures and rules, which means you DO NOT STAND and DO NOT COVER your bottom with your hands during your punishment. You seem set on challenging and ignoring me, so, as you want to stand and use your hands, let me remind you not to do this again. Raise your left hand in front of you, palm up and support it with your right hand. Yes, girl, right out, so get those hands in place.”

No sooner had Helen complied and followed the Head’s instructions than Lorraine brought the tawse back over her shoulder and whipped it down to land with an ear-shattering thwack centrally across Helen’s palm. Poor Helen let out a lung-bursting yell and clamped her throbbing scalded palms together rubbing them furiously, but the pain and fire was not so easily assuaged. Although Helen had been crying profusely during the twelve strokes across her bottom, she now burst out sobbing again uncontrollably.

However, worse was to come as she heard the Head demand, “Same hand, out again, Smith.”

Helen, in a daze, complied and again a split second later a second searing stripe of agony burst across her hand, and she howled. To her deep consternation, the headmistress then ordered Helen to swap hands and then strapped her right hand twice just as fiercely.

“If you want that repeating Smith please try standing up or protecting your bottom again,” stated Lorraine firmly. “Now, get yourself back over my desk, as you have twelve more strokes to come, and I strongly advise you not to give me any reason to extend that further.”

There followed a crack, whack, thwack, as the strap relentlessly thrashed her bottom. Helen pleaded, “Please, Miss, it’s too sore, please, pleeeeeeeeeeease, I’m not the right girl.” However, this just infuriated Lorraine and she brought the final strokes down even harder but before doing so stepped in and pulled Helen’s panties up tight into a wedgie, completely baring her bottom cheeks to the strap.

Once the thrashing was all over, Helen just lay collapsed over the head’s desk, her bottom so, so sore, and she bawled and sobbed.

Eventually, after much scolding from Lorraine, Helen stood up. “Now,” said the headmistress “Get your skirt back on and get back to your lessons.”

Helen just danced around clutching and rubbing her sore bottom, crying her eyes out, her makeup all running and streaked, her eyes red from crying and sobbing. She didn’t blame the headmistress as she could have stopped her by showing her the id badge as she entered the Study but thought it best to show her the badge now, saying, “But, honestly Miss, there is a mistake as I’m here to fix your computer. My identity and visitor badge are in my jacket,” she eventually managed to stutter out between sobs, unable to say much more through her tears, dancing, and rubbing and clutching at her sore bum as she handed the head her jacket with the badge inside.

Taking the jacket from Helen the Head took the badge from the inside pocket where Helen had unwisely put it and saw the name was, Helen Smith, and not Haylee Smith. Lorraine paled, sat down, and called her secretary who confirmed that Helen Smith had an appointment to fix her computer and that her

next appointment was at 2.00 pm with Haylee Smith who she was to discipline

She turned to Helen and just stared before saying “I’m dreadfully sorry, I have made a ghastly mistake.”

Fearing repercussions, lawsuits, or even arrest, Lorraine asked Helen to take a seat and phoned her secretary again and asked for some tea to be brought to her office for them both.

Again, Lorraine apologised profusely, and Helen tried to sit down but as soon as her bottom touched the seat she shot up, started crying again and clutched at her poor thrashed bottom.

Helen hardly heard a word Lorraine said for the next five minutes, but then there was a knock at the office door.

Lorraine pleaded with Helen, “That’s my secretary with the tea, so please try to sit, I know your bottom is sore, but please sit and cover yourself with your skirt and jacket as we don’t want my secretary to know what has happened.”

Helen grabbed her skirt but just laid it over her lap and then put her jacket over that. She couldn’t hide her tear-strewn face so looked the other way, grabbed her notepad, and looked like she was scribbling on it. She didn’t want to get the Head into trouble but was struggling with the pain so much.

The secretary brought the tea, biscuits and a couple of fruit scones, in on a tray and put them on the Head’s desk, placing them right next to the tawse that had just finished leathering Helen’s bottom a few minutes ago. She looked at the strap, then to Lorraine, then to Helen who avoided her gaze but her demeanour and her breathing and rising and falling shoulders and her sniffing left the secretary wondering…’ No, surely not,’ she conjectured.

Lorraine quickly and rather sharply, too sharply, in fact, said to the secretary, “That will be all thank you, Sarah.”

However, the sharpness of the tone confused and intrigued Sarah as she knew that Lorraine had never ever used that tone with any of the staff. However, with a hesitating, meaningful gaze at the strap on the desk and a questioning, quizzical, knowing look, catching the headmistress’s gaze directly, she smiled, nodded her head towards Helen and winked knowingly, and then turned and slowly walked out of the Head’s office, wriggling her hips and tapping her hand on her own bottom as she does so.

Lorraine determined to have a word with her secretary about this. Turning to Helen, she says, “Excuse me for a moment, I must have an urgent word with my secretary.”

Sitting alone, Helen had a chance to go over what had just happened. Although she was still crying and her bottom was in agony, inside she felt so content, happy and excited. The way the headmistress had spoken to her, and the thorough discipline which was exactly what she had always wanted to experience. The thrashing itself, although miles worse than she had envisaged ever getting, was exactly what she needed, she knew. Even so, despite her currently swollen sore and welted bottom another silly idea was brewing in her mind, the thought of which made her shiver and turn her hot, clammy and sweaty and very scared, and apprehensive, but she had to try for it. It also made her already excited and dripping pussy throb and run with her overstimulated juices. Her panties were completely soaked through, and Helen was desperate to touch her button but knew for certain that if she did, she would orgasm spectacularly and would doubtless get caught by Lorraine in the middle of her convulsing and now was almost certainly not the time to be caught doing that.

Lorraine exited her office closing the door behind her. Turning to her secretary, she quite sternly asked what she was doing and thinking as she left her office as her actions were very inappropriate.

Sarah paled and she shivered as the headmistress scolded her and saw how she should never had done what she did. On being asked so sternly why she had acted in that manner she said that she had guessed what had happened, and then, blushing, admitted to Lorraine that the result was wholly her fault for leaving her desk, and that instead she should be sorry and guilty for what happened to the visitor. Moreover, she was now imagining how Helen must be feeling at that moment, and that she should be feeling the exact same way herself for her actions.

Lorraine’s head was spinning at today’s events so far but glaring at her secretary she told Sarah she would deal with Haylee Smith first, and then she was to come straight into her office but to prepare herself, for, when she left again, she would have every bit as sore a bare bottom as Helen had.

Stating this she left her secretary still looking pale and now distraught and returned to her office.

Lorraine tried to calm Helen and over the next twenty-five to thirty minutes they talked about what had just happened, how Lorraine had made the mistake, and how sorry she was.

After drinking her tea Helen relaxed a bit and even managed to have a little wry smile. “Well, I suppose I got what I have always dreamed of at last.”

The questioning look from Lorraine drew the story from Helen about her fascination with spanking videos and in particular the one of the girl in her bedroom getting such a real hiding.

Lorraine listened intently and thought back to her own love of her own bottom being thoroughly strapped and sore. After a few thought-filled moments assimilating what Helen had now told her, she again apologised to Helen but with an understanding shrug said, “I’m sorry I can’t unstrap your bottom, and I wish I could. However, if there is anything I can do to make up for what has happened then I will be only too delighted to try.”

Helen’s mind raced, her bottom was so terribly sore, but at the same time she couldn’t get the thought, sight, and sounds of the lass in the video getting her freshly strapped bottom strapped again and that her bottom was bare. She knew for certain the girl was getting just as hard a second hiding, but the thought was exciting her, and she could feel her pussy soaking her panties and just knew that she had to ask.

“Please Miss, I know you are going to think me crazy or trying to make trouble or something, but I’m genuine I promise. That video I told you of that excites me so much, well she gets a second hiding just as hard and long and sore just a short while after the first thrashing, but this time on her already very sore, scarlet welted but bare bottom this time. Would you get really angry with me again PLEASE, and I mean REALLY ANGRY, make me bend me over your desk again and give me a second just as bad if not worse leathering, but this time pull my panties down and give me such a real bare bottom hiding. Have you even got a different strap you could use this time, one that would hurt even more?”

Lorraine’s mouth dropped open, but she quickly got hold of herself and she saw Helen fidgeting on the seat, and readily knew to agree, and so commanded, “Put your jacket and skirt on the seat in the corner and come and stand at the front of my desk.”

Helen immediately did as she was told.

Once Helen was standing in front of her desk, Lorraine continued in a very stern tone, “Good, now are you excited and turned on? Show me how wet you have you made your panties,” adding after a few moments, “Now!”

Lorraine watched keeping a stern look on her face as Helen obediently stood so that she could see how damp her knickers were, and ordered, “Hmmmm absolutely soaked through I see. Well yes, I think you do deserve a second sound thrashing my girl, and if you think your bottom is sore now, just wait until I get my severe tawse out. Now take those knickers off, go over to the cupboard in the corner, open the door, and hanging on the back you will find another strap, one that is a lot thicker, wider, and has three tails, not two. Bring it to me, place it on my desk in front of you and stand there with your legs slightly apart.”

Helen obediently did as she was told and went to the cupboard and took the strap from the hook. It looked scary and was about forty-five millimetres wide eight or nine millimetres thick and had three vicious-looking tails. She handed it to the headmistress and said truthfully, “I’m sorry to be such a silly girl Miss and I know I deserve this second hiding and that you will be even stricter this time. After all, needing and deserving a second hiding so soon after you just smacked my bottom is very naughty and careless and I accept that you should thrash my bare bottom raw. How many whacks do I now need, Miss?”

Lorraine looked intently at Helen, sizing her up but also looking carefully at her sex. It was definitely puffy and excited looking and there were clear wet strings of excitement glistening and dripping from her. The insides of her thighs were also wet from her excitement. Seeing that she said sternly, “You were supposed to get twelve the first time but because of your insolence, bad behaviour and refusal to do as you were told you earned yourself twenty-four. Now, you have earned yourself a second hiding in as many minutes and on your bare bottom. Is twelve right or will I have to increase that, Helen?”

Helen’s hands went to her burning bottom and gently rubbed, and then she started to cry again gently. “I am really sorry, Miss. You decide, please. but I think it might deserve to be harder and longer to really get your message across. Please be really angry and make me a very, very, very sore, sorry, and sobbing girl.”

Lorraine understood and grabbed Helen by her arm, shook her, scolded her severally for being such a bad girl, told her in her angriest voice she was going to turn her backside red and raw, and that she was getting thirty-six strokes on her bare bottom.

Pushing Helen to the desk, all the time scolding her as angrily as she could, telling her just how hard a thrashing she was going to get by spanking her bare bottom and inner thighs as hard as her hand would allow.

To help her get over the desk Lorraine raised her hand and swiftly and very painfully rained twelve very hard spanks to the back of Helen’s thighs which had the effect of making Helen start to cry again but also to get herself into position very quickly.

Once back over the desk, Helen grabbed the far side as tightly as her sore hands and numb fingers would allow her. Her heart was racing and her head reeling. Her immediate thought was, what was she thinking? Her bottom was already pure agony and now she was getting a second but even worse leathering and on her bare bottom. However, at the same time, her heart was pounding, her sex felt hotter and wetter than she could ever recall and was almost certain that if she could only apply some pressure to her very needy little clitoris that she would collapse with a massive orgasm.

The apprehension of wondering if the headmistress was really going to make this a thrashing to remember, and together with her trembling, pulsating sex was making Helen a mess and her sex was running with her juices. Yes, she really hoped that she was right to ask for the second thrashing, she told herself.

However, she didn’t have long to ponder this as she heard the swish of the leather just milliseconds before her bare bottom exploded into flames again. It hurt so very much, and Helen wondered whether that was because it was the different strap, or was it because her bottom was already very tender and sore, or was it because her bottom was bare this time, or was it because the headmistress was strapping her extra hard, or was it because every fibre and nerve in her body was over stimulated? She didn’t know, but all she knew was this was a hundred times more painful but exquisitely so.

Six of the best welts later and Helen knew this was for real and the headmistress was giving her what she asked for, which was a leathering and a hiding that she would remember. Her bottom was on fire, she was crying, no, howling, and she was screeching like a naughty sixteen-year-old schoolgirl getting properly and thoroughly disciplined. Just as good was that she felt like that girl in the video and that she was getting what she deserved, which was extremely sore, and she was going to be a lot sorer before the end. Indeed, this was true discipline, the headmistress scolding her, chiding her, telling her off angrily, making sure each whack with the tawse left a memory and taught her a lesson that she would learn.

Soon enough Helen wanted it to stop as she was so sore, but at the same time was in euphoria and wanted the thrashing to continue until the headmistress decided to stop as she had to make all of the decisions and had all of the say regarding the punishment.

By the time the headmistress had given Helen’s bare backside thirty-two of her very best she could tell from her screeching, her kicking, twisting, writhing and body-wracking sobs, that she was at her limit. So, deciding to bring this punishment to an end laid on four more hard strokes with no breaks in between and then let Helen lay prostrate on the desk for a couple of minutes.

Lorraine was aware that time was passing and that her secretary might come back for the tea she had brought in and to see what was going on. Her attitude as she left, her knowing look, left Lorraine with the nagging impression that she had guessed what had happened and that her curiosity might make her return swifter than she should.

It took a couple of minutes more before Helen could stand up and when she did, she looked in a poor bedraggled state. Her face was a mess with red blotchy tear-filled eyes, her makeup smudges were everywhere, and her hands flew to try to assuage the terrific fire and pain in her bottom, but touching it seemed to set the welts stinging and hurting even more.

Lorraine told her to come closer and stand in front of her.

Helen looked shocked, “Please, Miss.” she sobbed, “Please, don’t turn me over your knee and smack me anymore,” and the sobs grew even more desperate.

“No, girl, come here, your punishment is over. Come here while I give you a hug. Sit on my lap, carefully, I suggest, as I just want to hug you and show you that you are a good girl, and you’re being disciplined is over.”

Sitting on Lorraine’s lap ever so carefully, she snuggled into her, and her head rested on her shoulder, and she cried and cried.

Lorraine tenderly put an arm around her and with her other hand, she stroked her face, her neck, her hair, and whispered that she had been a very brave, good girl.

The hugging calmed Helen down and once again she felt she was ready to have a really terrific orgasm.

However, her thoughts were diverted by Lorraine asking her, “I know I have thrashed you really hard, twice, but if you think that it would help you then I can certainly do it again. What do you think?”

Helen gasped with excitement and eagerly replied, “Really, Miss? Yes please, Miss. In fact, it is my birthday in five days’ time, on Saturday. Would you give me the best ever birthday present and give me the best, or rather the very worst, thrashing you have ever given anyone?

Lorraine immediately agreed and said, “Come here to my office on Saturday morning at 8:30. Not a minute before or after. I will hold a special detention, which I gave you for wearing non-regulation knickers. You must this time wear a proper schoolgirl uniform including proper knickers and you will not only get a very long hard strapping over your panties and then your bare bottom but also get a good long hard bare bottom caning too.”

Helen smiled, hugged Lorraine, and said a heartfelt, “Thank you so much, Miss.”

Lorraine reverted to headmistress mode and instructed, “Now get dressed and leave. Do not say a word to my secretary who I will call into my Study, and you will leave as soon as she opens the door. Understood, my girl?”

Helen replied obediently, “Yes, Miss, of course.”

Helen got dressed and as soon as she had and was standing next to the door ready to leave, Lorraine buzzed through to her secretary and said, “Sarah, please come in and collect the tea things.”

As Sarah opened the door Helen slipped out making sure she was looking at the floor and so the secretary would not see her makeup-stained face. As she did, she heard the Head call out to Sarah to make sure she didn’t follow her, and Helen made her way to the car park still looking at the floor and reckoning that she got to her car without anyone seeing the state she was in.

Once in her car, Helen knows that after the thrashing she is a mess and finds driving her little sports car home a nightmare. Once home she goes straight to her bedroom and by the time she has finished masturbating to orgasm time after time after time after time until her pussy is as sore, red and swollen as her bum is and her thighs are covered in her wet sticky sex juice, she falls asleep thinking about Saturday when she will be thrashed again and cannot wait.

Published 2 years ago

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