After all that ensued over the weeks following Donald’s proposing to Emma, they realize it is time to start planning their wedding. Their discussion with Karen and Julie happened at the end of February. Their reunion with Sasha, at the start of March. The Institute’s celebration and Emma beginning working there, the next week. Finally, Emma’s finding closure with her past at the end of the month. It is already April before they concentrate on this.
During this time, Donald finishes meeting with the minister and joins the church. He likes the man a lot and is comfortable with him. Donald knows he wants the reverend to marry them and is sure Emma does too.
The weeks also are filled with Emma settling into her job at the Institute. Her creative idea for a new direction for the Institute has taken off like a rocket. Everyone’s concentration is focused on making this endeavor work. They are hiring new staff for all sorts of positions – technological, data analysis, research people of all types.
The Institute realizes that a new, massive facility will be needed to make this acquisition and integration work. The ‘mate’ company, which is an overseas operation, is more than happy to discuss being bought, and now everyone is just waiting for the final agreement to be signed.
ISE (Institute for Sexual Exploration) is buying the whole operation, which has five different meet and date sites, each geared to different inclinations. The overall population, when all five sites are combined, will be enormous. Adding in the data the Institute already has from their research studies profiles will make it the largest body of sexual interests and personalities ever created.
To mine that data will be a formidable task. Better ways to capture information from people is needed to be developed. Algorithms created to help match potential partners from their answers to the surveys and ‘sex tests’ offered makes the mind swirl. There is substantial work ahead. The Institute making this change, turning on a dime to change its focus is mind-boggling.
All from a mild suggestion Emma made at first in an off-handed manner. But isn’t that how the most significant ideas and innovations often start?
The new center for all this will be near the current center where Donald and Emma work. Property teams are looking for the right location, and designs are being drawn up for the facilities. If this is a success, which all are sure it will be, it will be a major bonus for everyone. It is incredible the effect this will have on the Institute, the community, and the users of the sites. Not to mention the amount of new knowledge that will be reaped.
With all these innovations at the Institute, Donald and Emma are busy. But in April they realize that they want their wedding to happen. The sooner, the better before things really get ratcheted up there, and they need to be there. The need to decide and plan things is now critical.
They pull away from the flurry at the Institute and contemplate what they want to do. But the details and date need to be decided. Emma surprises Donald some when she tells him she wants it to be a totally private ceremony. No guests. “I’m too old to make such a deal about getting married, I just want to pledge my troth to you alone,” she tells Donald.
He does understand. People will know after the fact, but their whole relationship has been just the two of them, and that is how their marriage more or less should start. Emma does agree she would like their minister to marry them, just in the chapel at the church. And for witnesses, she would like Sasha, and Donald decides that he would like Joseph to be his best man and second witness.
So that is decided, but ahead is a meeting with the minister to discuss their marriage. And his insistence on pre-marriage counseling. Something both Emma and Donald wonder, and a bit are worried about.
They are so open and comfortable with their sexual relationship, but that is just one side of the whole picture. And is that enough?
With a great deal of apprehension, they go to the meeting with the minister. And Emma’s worst fears are confirmed. The reverend, while kind and accepting, starts the session off with them taking a pre-marital survey. The range of the study covers so much, but not much of the sexual aspect between Emma and Donald that so links them.
Many of the questions bother Emma. They don’t seem to have any bearing on them. But they make Emma’s mind wonder whether they should have.
The impact of their families on their marriage? They neither have any family except for Aunt Dorothy and Maude, who adore them both. Possible children? At this point in life, they are not a consideration. The concept of communication about things outside of their sexual lust? The everyday things, how much do they talk about that? Though now that they are working together, their sphere of interest has expanded.
Finances? They have never discussed, but both have more money than needed to live out the rest of their lives. But all the questions about debt, paying bills, who is in charge of their overall finance, will they combine their income. Now there are even more things they need to focus on and talk about, which they never thought about.
When the minister gets to the point in the survey about how they express disappointment or communicate to resolve conflict, Emma can’t think of any occasion that has arisen as an issue between them. Now she is getting worried about how it will affect their relationship if it happens.
She gets herself in a state of distraught by the time the minister finishes. He is somewhat frustrated that Emma especially would not answer any of the questions, which were to be a starting place for discussion between her and Donald.
Donald is fully aware of Emma’s struggling right now. He is not exactly sure why, but he knows he needs to get her out of there quickly before she becomes unhinged. He has never seen her like this before. Taking their leave, Donald hurries her to the car and leaves the church. Emma says nothing at first, but then blurts out, “Donald, please, take us to the lake.”
While Donald is a bit confused, he does as Emma asks. Soon they are looking over the lake where Donald took Emma for their first outing so many months ago, where they have found themselves over and over since. Donald turns and looks at Emma.
“Donald, do we know each other enough to marry? Can you take the chance of us together when there are so many things you do not know about me? And so many issues we have never considered?” Emma asks him with sobs in her voice.
Now understanding all of Emma’s fears, Donald takes her in his arms and holds her close as he kisses all over her face, kissing the falling tears away before truly kissing her for assurance. “Emma, those questions are for people younger or who don’t know each other as much as we do. You know me so well, what I like and don’t like, we agree on most things, I don’t remember us ever arguing. And I hope you feel I know your likes and dislikes as much.”
Donald went on, “Those questions about families, children, and even finances are not anything in the mix for our relationship, so they don’t matter. Are you happy to be with me? Do you want to be with me for the rest of your life? I know I do with you most positively.”
Emma throws her arms around Donald, her tear-stained face resting on his shoulder and tells him that yes, she is so happy with him. And yes, she wants to be with him always.
Their kisses get more and more passionate; their hands wander all over each other’s bodies as they continue somewhat uncomfortably over the console. When their lust reaches the point of frenzy, they jump out of the car, Donald grabs a blanket from the back and throws it over the car hood.
He lifts Emma on it, pulling her panties down and off in the process. She leans back, lifts her dress for Donald, and spreads her thighs wide. Donald’s pants and boxers down around his ankles, he crawls up between her legs and directs his hard cock into Emma’s dripping, sticky, and waiting vagina. She cries as she feels Donald, so up in her now.
Both now on the car hood, still warm from driving, Donald pounds into Emma over and over. His fingers find her clit to rub and squeeze it to add to the ecstasy now happening for them both.
Emma, in return, moves the fingers of her right hand to rim Donald’s asshole as he thrusts in and out of her. As her finger presses more and more up in him, she moves her other hand to massage and cup his balls. Donald moans with enthusiasm at this coverage of his sex spots. He leans over Emma and takes one of her boobs in his mouth to suck and harden her nipples.
When they are hard, he returns to kissing her. Emma’s taut nubs rub against Donald’s shirt, letting him feel them through it. Now every part of his body is enjoying this spontaneous encounter. Emma’s legs are wrapped around his back, holding him deep in her as she begins to throb. Her walls constrict tightly against his prick, then relax for him to thrust one more time in for a return performance.
Both are panting hard now, and sweat drips from both of them; well properly, perspiration is dripping from Emma. They both glisten from it. For the most part, this whole time, both are staring into each other’s eyes intensely. It is like at this moment they can see into each other’s souls. A wave flows over Emma, and at the same time, one does over Donald too.
They see each other clearly and know everything will be alright between them always. It is like this moment of passion is wedding Emma and Donald together more so than any service or piece of paper saying they were married. Tears of joy fill Emma’s eyes. Donald kisses them away, understanding what she is feeling.
And at that moment, when both fully know all is going to be okay, they cum simultaneously. What an outpour from both of them. Donald’s cum keeps flowing out with each contraction of Emma as she moans deeply as the wonderful feeling of release crashes through her body.
They lie on the hood for a few minutes, gathering themselves after this. Emma is amazed. Over the last year, they both have probably cum over a thousand times; there still are times when they seem to reach an even higher level than they thought possible.
Donald slides off the hood of the car. Pulling his pants back up, he picks up Emma’s panties and uses them to wipe her of their comingled juices before pulling her dress down and helping her off the hood too.
He keeps hold of her panties and brings them to his face to smell that wonderful elixir of their combined scent. Emma smiles at him as he does. They get back into the car, and Emma says, “We need to tell the pastor what day we are getting married, as we do know we are more than ready to be officially married now, and there aren’t any issues we cannot overcome.”
Donald smiles at her as he starts the car, “I think May 4th would be a good day for us to get married.” Emma, realizing what he is suggesting and all the significance that day has, leans and kisses him profoundly, showing her agreement.