I was feeling stressed. I needed to do something about it. Everything had got on top of me. Too much work, too much travel, too much socialising. I asked Zoe for advice. She was a long-time friend who I knew had taken time off work several months before and had come back shining. She looked happy and relaxed. I gave Zoe a ring.
Zoe looked at me. “You do look a bit washed out, what have you been doing?”
“Not much, I just seem to be rushing around trying to keep things going.”
“Well you’re going to burn yourself out, you know that don’t you?”
Yes I did know that, I knew it but I needed someone to tell me.
“Listen,” said Zoe, “I know a place that may help. Get your mobile out.”
I got my mobile out and she took it. Well, OK, she is trying to help.
“So here you are,” she said, handing my phone back, “just leave the page open, or save it as a favourite or whatever. Memorise it.”
“Thanks Zoe.” I looked at the screen and saw a web page with details of a hypnotherapist.
“Really,” I said. I must have looked disappointed, pissed off or something as Zoe looked at me with a vaguely angry look.
“Yes,” she said, “Try it, don’t knock it. I feel so much better after I went.”
I took a train to the Midlands and then a taxi to a leafy suburb of the city. I asked the taxi driver to stop at the end of the road so I could walk the last bit to the house. I was a bit nervous as I usually am when meeting someone for the first time and I also wanted to make sure I had time to contemplate whether this was a good idea. I’d never been to a hypnotherapist before and wasn’t sure it was for me.
So I was feeling dubious when I rang the bell of the house. It was a pretty big suburban house with a decent size garden, flowers, hedges and trees. Somewhere peaceful to sit in the summer with a beer I thought. It is a big house but I thought it made sense wondering how many people would have an office inside. So I waited outside, thinking my mundane thoughts. I could hear what sounded like heels on a wooden floor walking on the floor just the other side of the door. The sound faded. What is going on, why didn’t whoever it was open the door? After a minute or so I rang the bell again. Silence. I had been waiting for maybe 5 minutes or more and it felt like a long time to wait for someone to answer the door. I was just turning away when I heard a buzz and the sound of a latch opening. I’m here now, let’s try it. I pushed the door open and walked in.
I found myself standing in a large wood-lined entrance foyer with a grand set of stairs in front, doors to both sides and a wooden floor. Well, that explains the noise of heels on wood. I felt intrigued, I wonder who owns those heels.
“Come through please, the far door on the left,” said a woman’s voice. It sounded warm and rich and sensuous.
I walked into a room, it was large with big windows looking out into the garden. There were bookcases, a settee and some chairs. On the far side of the room was a beautiful woman sitting behind a desk with a faint smile on her lips. She had dark hair in a bob style, dark brown eyes and luscious red lips and a choker around her neck. She was wearing a crisp white shirt and I wondered what she was wearing on her lower half. Her skin tone was olive, maybe she was Latin.
“Welcome,” she said.
“Thank you for seeing me,” I paused wondering if I should continue. “I completed the form with my details, was it OK?”
“Yes, it was fine. Forgive me, we should do introductions. My name is Natalie and I’ll be your therapist. I believe you have stress, I’m sure I can help you with that.”
“Thank you, I’m Chris and I’m stressed.”
“Let’s get started then, I don’t believe in wasting time.” Natalie got up from her chair and I finally got to see what she was wearing on her lower half; a tight black skirt that ended half-way down her thighs continuing into a pair of perfectly aligned hems on 20 dernier close knit stockings and the heels were close to 4 inches patent leather. I found myself wondering what happened to the stockings under her skirt, trying to see if I could see the outline of suspenders.
I caught myself staring, blushed and looked at the floor and then the heels on wood sound started again. “Tok, tok, tok,” echoed in the room as she walked towards me.
“Take off your jacket, loosen your tie, recline on the settee and relax…”
I did as I was told. Seemed like an excellent idea.
“I do various types of therapy but I’ve found that hypnotherapy has one of the best result ratios in my treatment plans so let’s start with that. I’m going to play you some music and I will start talking. Just listen to the music and my voice and everything will be fine.”
Natalie walked over to the side of the room where there was a sound system. I watched her walk again, this time from behind. Was she accentuating her stride, making her hips rotate and move up and down? It was beautiful. I was staring again, trying to spot if she was wearing suspenders or not. She turned and too late I looked away. She definitely saw me staring at her midriff. There was a slight twitch by her left eye, I wonder what that meant?
Natalie sat down in a chair by the sofa. “This music is not pop music, it has drones and sustained notes in. It is designed to help you take your mind away to other places.” The music starts and it is very simple. No beats, no tones, just noises that sound like violins or cellos or feedback guitar overlapping and interlacing with no real pattern to lock onto. Natalie started talking in her warm, sensuous voice. Describing large vistas of mountains and forests. She described flowers and meadows and seas lapping at the sand; I am most certainly starting to relax. I can smell a deep musky perfume. That’s nice. I feel my hair being stroked. Is that normal for therapy? I don’t care, it feels good.
“Are you relaxing?” Natalie asks.
“Keep your mind in the safe space you are in. Trust me, I am here to make you feel better. If you do… what I tell you… everything will be fine.”
I am hyper-relaxed. I have the impression that she is leaning over me but my eyes are shut and it just feels like too much effort to open them. I feel a hand on my cheek, soft. The hand caresses my check and works its way towards my mouth. I frown quizically. The finger enters my mouth and I suck it. Umm… I feel vulnerable but protected. The finger starts working it’s way in and out and I hear Natalie whisper to my ear, “Just do what you’re told and everything will be alright.” I groan and feel another finger enter my mouth and the motion pushing the fingers into my mouth carries on. I continue sucking.
“Chris, are you there?”
“Yes Mistress,” I reply. Where did that come from, calling Natalie my Mistress? It’s OK. I just do what I’m told and everything will be alright. I feel another finger enter my mouth which then pulls my head to the right. “Open your eyes.” I open my eyes. Natalie is kneeling to my side by the sofa with her skirt pulled up. I am looking straight at her shaved pussy so I breath deeply to take in her scent.
“Naughty boy,” she says. I look up and see her smiling. “Sit up and take your shirt and tie off, we are going to play a little game.”
Just do as you’re told. I don’t have to take any responsibility or control right now. I sit up and take my shirt and tie off.
“Put your hands behind your back.”
I comply and feel something wrap around my wrists and the sounds of locks snapping shut. I try to pull my hands apart but I can’t.
“On your knees on the floor,” Natalie orders. What’s going on? Where is this going? I start to ask Natalie but she interrupts me.
“Do you trust me? Do you trust Zoe? She followed my rules and now she is happier. Do you want to be happier?”
She is now standing in front of me with her skirt bunched up around her waist and her pussy level with my face, about 6 inches away.
“Yes Mistress, I want to be happier.” (Right now I am feeling wonderful).
I kneel in front of her. She steps closer and rubs her pussy lips with her hands, opening up her hole, touching my face with her cunt. It feels moist and smells golden.
She grabs the back of my head and pushes my mouth into her pussy. “Lick it!” My mouth and nose are covered by the deep musky smell of Natalie’s pussy. I hungrily lick and snort and smell her musky heaven. Lapping greedily at her succulent lips I try and find her clit. I didn’t need to try, Natalie guided my head with her hands and vigorously rubbed her cunt all over my face, I was purely a facefuck.
“You called me Mistress, good boy. You must call me Mistress from now on. You must do what I tell you to do, I have rules to follow. Will you follow my rules?”
I am feeling so released, euphoric. Is this what it’s like to have a religious experience? Am I in sub-space? My mind feels like it’s a million miles away from twenty minutes ago. I can’t talk because my Mistress is fucking my face roughly with her pussy and she seems to be really enjoying it, which means I’m enjoying it. I suddenly realise that my dick is straining in my trousers. Engorged and struggling to be released. “Oh fuck,” I think, “how am I going to get my cock out and play with it with my hands bound behind my back? Shit!” I tug on my bondage but it’s good and firm but unfortunately, the act of testing my bonds just gives my turn-on an extra hit and my cock grows some more.
I look up at Natalie and her head is rolled back, I can see her outstretched neck and chin forming a smooth line and I can hear throaty moans from her. She’s rubbing her pussy with the palm of her hand.
“Ummmm… ahhh… yess… go on. FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCK!!! Yeah… Come on and take my cum”
She looks down at me looking up at her. “Chhhriiissst… feels good. Get the tongue in there, ahhhhhhhh…”
“How are you doing down there my slave pussy slut? Keep your mouth open bitch, I’m watching you. Keep your mouth open so I can cum in it. I want my cum juice running around your mouth and down your throat. Ahhhhh…” Natalie is grinding her pussy into my mouth and over my nose and she is panting deeply. She looks down and notices my mouth isn’t wide open. She slaps my face and I open my mouth as wide as it will go and she spits into it. She rubs her clit with her hand and groans with a husky moan.
Her face is sweaty and her hair stuck to her face. She pumps her hips and rubs her musky cunt over my face, dribbles of her juice going down my mouth and nose.
She’s rubbing her little clitty hard, slapping my face with one hand and keeping my head in position with the other. “Ahh… I’m coming. Keep your mouth open whore.” She slaps my cheek hard again and shivers. She is making little mewing sounds and moans deeply. “Ahhh… yeaaasss!”
Mistress is coming in my mouth, I’m stuck beneath her pussy as she grinds and her juice flows onto my tongue. Ahhh… my cock needs help, it wants to burst.
“Ahhh…” she shivers and grinds. Natalie is slowing down now her grinding now, rotating her cunny over my face slowly occasionally thrusting across my mouth and nose trembling with mini-orgasms. “Ahh.. that’s was good.. umm yeeeeesss…”
“Thank you whore, I’m not an unfair Mistress and I will say that was a good job for a slave. Stay there.”
Natalie walked away. I watched her with my cock straining in my pants as her heels echoing on the wooden floor faded. She returned a few minutes later holding up a collar and a rather short chain.
“Well, you are my slave so I’m owning you with my collar, present your neck.”
I do my best by tilting my head. She stands in front of her humble slave, leans forward and buckles the black leather collar with a large ring to the front around my neck and padlocks it on. She grabs the chain and tugs it. “Follow me, slave.”
I struggle to get up finding it hard to get my balance. “Follow me on your knees bitch.”
I stumble but regain my balance and quickly follow on my knees on the wooden floor. It hurts but it’s bearable. We reach the sofa and to its side I can see a hoop embedded in the floor. Mistress bends down and I can see her breasts inside her shirt. She lifts the hoop and pulls the chain toward it and locks the two together. I pull against it but can only lift my head a few inches from the floor. I can’t easily see much above floor level.
“I’m going to do some work now slut. I might come back once in a while to kick you but aside from that you will remain here and remain quiet or else I will gag you and I must warn you that I have some large ball gags and some large cock gags or if you really piss me off with your whining some large inflatable gags. Understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.” I lie down and try to make myself comfortable whilst Mistress carries out her tasks. All I can see is above me and all I can hear is the tok-tok of Mistresses heels as she goes to the kitchen, prepares a snack and starts work. At least I don’t feel stressed any more.
To be continued…