The End In

"As a thunderstorm lightens the atmosphere, the student visits the headmistress in her chambers."

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The following afternoon, I can’t concentrate on the class I’m supposed to be giving. Jordan sits in the middle row. The lecture still interests him, but his eyes lose focus every once in a while as he switches positions. He’s being a good girl.

One of the other students asks whether the air-conditioning is ever going to be repaired. I can only offer her a shrug and a commiserative smile. The superintendent has promised to take care of it but has idled by the overgrown orchard all day. Perhaps, if we’re lucky, the heat will bring thunder in its wake.

If hotness makes me horny, a crackling storm is another story altogether. I’ve always been receptive to nature. Wild streams, skies full of lightning and high ocean waves make me feel small, yet strangely significant. They dominate my body and soul. Last year, my students must’ve thought me crazy when I abandoned them to run into the downpour. Then again, I am deliciously mad by most standards.

The afternoon turns into an alleviating evening, but Jordan doesn’t come. At least not to me. I eat without looking at him and retire into my quarters. I only ever open the door to my pets. The chamber is half-a-dungeon with its strategically placed hooks, rings and ropes. It has changed very little since my master left the premises; just a touch of femininity here and there.

I choose candlelight and a good book for the evening. The air that seeps in through the mosquito nets brings a stormy scent. Just as thunder resounds afar, someone knocks. My hopes are lifted, but it’s bound to be my eager pet again. My feet still are light as I float towards the door. It isn’t the girl.

“Can you please take it out?” the young man asks. He’s hunching again, but I sense deliberation in his posture.

“Are you sure you want me to?” I whisper. I take a step back and lure him into the room.

Jordan holds his breath before shaking his head. His hands fondle his skirt.

“How did you dare to try all this with me?” he says. “What if I’d made a scene?”

“I can never be sure, but I like to play with fire.”

He lifts his eyes. They widen as he runs them along the walls and ceiling. Thunder sounds again, closer.

“Say I were willing… what would you do to me?”

I step closer and circle him.

“Hypothetically, I’d take the slut you are and make you my slave.”

“I would never serve you,” he retorts. “You’re not my type.”

“Oh, but you wouldn’t have a choice.”

I grab leather cuffs and whip them around the boy’s wrists. In another sleight of hand, I’ve bound the cuffs with a ceiling rope. He tugs at the restraints.

“I can always yell for help,” he says, but we both know the dorms are far away.

“I have a solution or two against that, too.” I leave him hanging and fetch a ball-gag. “This won’t give you a chance.”

Jordan refuses to part his lips. I reach between his buttocks and press the plug. As he lets out a steamy “ah”, I force the ball into his mouth.

“That’s better. Now, what were you saying? I hear no more complaints…”

The young man frowns.

“Oh, yes. The plug. I’m guessing you’ve taken it out at least once since yesterday.”

He nods.

“How did it feel to put it back again?”

The boy lifts his arms that point towards the ceiling. He must be trying to shrug towards his mouth.

“I’m sure you could talk behind that thing. No? Shame. Then, I’ll have to guess.”

I grab his dark hair and pull his head back. The storm is getting closer, but it doesn’t lessen my internal heat.

“You were thrilled. Perhaps, just perhaps, did you even use your own cum to slip it back in.”

Jordan’s face tenses up, but he assents.

“Oh, you dirty girl! You do realise you now have sperm inside you?”

I lift the skirt and pull down his panties once again. He’s rock hard. The veins of his dick pulsate. I resist the urge to take it into my mouth; I’m not here to submit, not this time.

“So… I will take this plug off… but only to substitute it.” I caress his bottom to relax him and pull on the base that sticks out. His body doesn’t resist. He must’ve been doing it many times on his own, that curious little thing!

“’Full,’ you said,” I tease as I open the drawer where I keep my inflatable toys. I bring out one of my best-loved plugs. It’s already double the length of the other. Jordan’s eyes become round again. Just for a demonstration, I squeeze the pump twice. “How shall this feel, then?”

The young man moans as I lubricate the plug and start to insert it. While it sinks deeper, his erection wanes, but he doesn’t protest. I know I said I needed a challenge, but that may have been an exaggeration. I love his resignation.

I flick the toy’s switch, and it starts to vibrate. Jordan pants through his nose. As I compress the pump three times, he whimpers.

“Even this isn’t ‘full’, yet,” I murmur into his ear. “But it’s an… initiation.”

I draw back and join a well-placed armchair to admire my creation. The boy shakes and wiggles, but his rod has regained its shape. I spread my legs and show him my soaked cunt for the first time. It shines in the candlelight. I pride myself in its hairless silhouette.

“Can you see what you’re doing to me, slut? If you can’t concentrate, neither can I.” I spread my labia. “I was already horny before you came along, but you’ve brought my lust at its peak. I’ve thought about you a lot while orgasming. You look so naughty in that outfit, and moreover, it pleases you.”

My whole body trembles as I start to caress myself. Jordan has stopped moving and stares at my crotch. Only his cock throbs a few times.

“Masturbation is fun, but I personally prefer some company. How about you, my delicious pet?”

The young man is sold. He tries to pull his hands down, but the cuffs are unyielding.

“Now, of course, I want you… but you still have to beg,” I say. “Never mind the gag.”

Saliva floods out of his mouth and lands on the floor as he tries to fight the ball. I laugh.

“Eegz,” he manages to utter. It takes him a while to pronounce the next words: “Ugg ee.”

“Not unless you call me ‘mistress’.”

“Eezd…” he begins. “Eedrr…”

I’d love to torture him some more, but I need my fill. Thunder crashes close, now. I strip up. The low light deepens each shadow, including those below my nipples. I apply them against Jordan’s back as I rid him of the rope.

He has some trouble advancing as I push him towards the bed. I hardly help by squeezing the pump two more times. His butt-hole is adjusting. I must challenge him more.

The scanty skirt flies as I shove him onto the mattress. I separate the cuffs and tie one at each extremity of the headboard. He tries to fight the gag as saliva rushes into his throat but shows no signs of distress. His hard-on is nearly gone as I kneel by his crotch.

“Oh, shame. I was so looking forward to riding you.”

Jordan glances at his member, then back to me, eyes pleading.

“What can we do now? Should I just leave you here until you’re ready?”

“Eegz, eedrrzz!” he lets loose. More saliva bursts out on his cheek.

At last, I lay my avid hand on his rod. It’s hot and soft, and it beats against my palm. As I caress it, it starts to swell again. I wrap my fingers around its base. Jordan emits a choked gasp.

“Now we’re talking,” I say while my hand moves up and down. I lean towards the young man’s flustered face. “See, this is what happens when you wear such skimpy clothes.”

As I’ve suspected, the recall to his outfit is efficient. His dick becomes so massive my fingertips no longer touch.

“But you knew exactly what you were doing, little slut.”

I fling my right leg on his other side and align his manhood with my pussy. Slowly, I descend. My lack of organic penetration during the past eighteen months has left its mark. None of my usual toys reaches such thickness – except when I inflate them.

“Now,” I pant as my crotch finally touches his, “I want you to concentrate on the sensation in your butt.”

The boy blushes again and tugs at his restraints. His eyes lose their focus as I rise and sink. Outside, the rain has attained the site, at last. I put my hands on Jordan’s chest and start to ride him. His shaft is almost too much, but I’ve waited for this opportunity for such a long time.

Despite the young man’s solitary pleasures, he approaches his orgasm all too quickly. I recognise his expression from my earlier snooping. A mischievous grin draws on my lips as I stop.

“Doooh!” Jordan utters. “Eegz onnd!”

“Don’t be so hasty, my pet. You’re here to please me, not the other way around.”

I resume my movement, slower and deeper. The boy’s stare follows my breasts. Finally, he’s got an unobstructed view over them. I’m betting he’d love to suck my nipples, too, but that’s a treat for another time.

“You’re such a dreamy little piece of arse. Everyone would love to fuck you.”

My slow grind brings me closer to my own climax. I gradually accelerate while pushing Jordan down until I tip over the edge. My cunt contracts. My animalistic cry rivals with the thunder as toe-curling pleasure washes through me.

Were I alone, I’d crumble right away. Still, my playmate has deserved his orgasm – and I want sperm inside me so badly. Jordan moves his hips to fuck me back and finally, his face convulses. His whole body stiffens. A surge of burning liquid fills me up – and I am complete.

His cock softens in me as I lie on his chest, unwilling to let go. The rain hasn’t stopped, but the storm is receding. What a wonderfully timed background for our act. At last, I reach out behind his neck and free him of the gag.

“Thank you, mistress,” sound his first, wavering words.

I hide my smile into his chest. I haven’t felt such satisfaction in ages, perhaps ever. As my gaze meets his again, he beams, too.

“Well, that was something, but could you please deflate the plug?” he whispers.

I obey and turn off the vibration.

“How about the cuffs?” he then asks.

My smile modulates from quenched to puckish again.

“I’m not letting you go so soon. I may need you again in a few hours.”

“And you’re calling me a slut…”

I nestle up against his flank. The smell of his sweat has reached new levels, but I still adore it.

“It takes one to know one. If you’re willing, I might even teach you how to submit me.”

Jordan doesn’t say “no”. I roll onto my back and let his cum flow out of me. This truly is an auspicious beginning.

Published 5 years ago

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