Swim Team Gangbang

"Gabbie accidentally bangs her school's entire swim team."

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Lately I’ve been taking advantage of the open swim time at my school’s pool. Technically, the swim team has practice at that time, but the pool is large enough that the administration lets non-team members swim as well. It’s great exercise and much easier on my joints than running or other forms of cardio, plus I don’t have to worry about my giant boobs getting in the way or causing me any discomfort. Since open swim is at the butt crack of dawn, and most of the students at my college prefer the rec center anyway, I am usually the only one swimming apart from the men’s and women’s teams. 

If the posted sign in the locker room were accurate, the women’s swim team was out of state for a meet and for whatever reason the men’s team didn’t show up for practice this morning, so I had the entire pool to myself. It was equal parts eerie and peaceful. I enjoyed having it all to myself, but it was strange too. I did my hour long workout, hopped out of the pool, and made my way into the locker room to clean off and get ready for class. I’m one of those weird people that likes to scrub the chlorine off naked at a public locker room. I’ve never been too shy about it, I’m proud of my body and I don’t want itchy skin or to smell like chlorine all day. Plus, when it’s all women who really cares?

I hung my bikini in the locker I was using to let it drip-dry before I stuffed it in my bag, then wrapped myself in a towel and went over to the showers with my little bucket that held my loofa, body wash, shampoo and conditioner. The locker room was empty, so I turned on the first shower and waited for the water to warm up. It didn’t. I tried the next shower, and it was also freezing cold. One by one I tried every shower in there and they were all like ice. “Well, nuts,” I said. Freezing water wasn’t the end of the world, but I really didn’t want to start my morning that way if I could avoid it.

Maybe if I was lucky, the men’s locker room would have hot water and I could clean up and be on my way before anyone was the wiser. The men’s swim team didn’t show up today anyway, and I was the only one in the pool area the entire time so it was a safe bet the locker room was empty. Even if it wasn’t, I go to one of the few schools in the country that still has coed showers in the dorms. If anyone came in, they probably wouldn’t be too surprised, it’s not like they haven’t seen a naked woman before. With that train of thought, I made my way out of the women’s locker room and over to the men’s.

I opened the door and peeked my head inside. “Hello? Anybody in here?” I shouted. No reply. “If there are any dudes in the locker room speak now, a lady is coming in!” Still no reply. “Seems I lucked out,” I said. My flip-flops echoed through the locker room as I plodded my way to the showers. To be safe, I did a quick look around and confirmed that I was alone. A line of five pillars with four shower heads each stood in the middle of the community space. I went to the center pillar and tested the water. Nice and warm.

I stepped off to the side, unwrapped my towel, and hung it on a hook attached to the wall. Steam filled the enclosed space as I enjoyed the hot water for a bit, relaxing my muscles from my workout and taking a break before what would no doubt be a stressful day. I’m not much of a coffee drinker, so a hot shower in the morning is the next best thing in my opinion. After a few minutes of relaxation, I picked up my shampoo and started to wash my hair. The vanilla scent never failed to relax me and bring a smile to my face. It’s funny how powerful aromas can be.

The door to the locker room creaked open. “I’m just saying, I joined the swim team to swim, not lift weights and run on a treadmill,” a young man’s voice said.

“It’s called supplemental training, it’s good to get out of your comfort zone once in a while,” another replied.

“Its stupid is what it is.”

“Whatever, let’s just get cleaned off and do a half practice.”

No less than ten pairs of footsteps echoed toward me. At first I panicked. A bunch of men I didn’t know were about to see me naked. I’ve had dozens of men touch me and use my body in various ways at the glory hole I worked at, but this was different. At the glory hole I knew what they wanted; I gave it to them, they’d leave happy, and most importantly none of them saw me. At the glory hole I was fearless, confident and totally in my element. Around other women I was proud of my body and unashamed. But the group of strange men stomping down the hall terrified me, because I didn’t know them and I didn’t know how they’d react. How they’d judge me, or what rumors they might spread after seeing me.

“Half practice? We just did an hour of your crap!” one boy said.

“Coach left me in charge while he was out of town. I was just trying to make things interesting dude, back off.” 

My college isn’t very large, and people get reputations fast. At the glory hole I could cut loose behind my veil of anonymity, but here I was just some naked chick using the men’s locker room. For some reason this was way different from the men at the glory hole, and my heart rate reflected my anxiety. Then I remembered we were a coed campus, these guys were used to seeing their classmates naked. Even still, I figured I should head off any surprises as best I could. “Um, just so you guys know there’s a woman in here showering because the women’s locker room has no hot water. I’m almost done though,” I shouted down the hall.

The voices went silent, and the footsteps came to a halt. I washed the soap out of my hair and turned my back toward where they’d be coming from, then looked over my shoulder. Roughly ten of them stood, staring at me like a bunch of deer in the headlights.

“What?” I asked.

“What are you doing here?” the man in front asked. I recognized his voice as the one that ‘coach left in charge’.

“Taking a shower,” I replied.

“Why not use the women’s locker room?” he asked. I saw him jerk forward as if someone behind him had given him a smack.

“I just told you, the hot water is out. We have coed showers, haven’t you guys seen a naked woman before?” I asked. Since I didn’t live in the dorms, I wasn’t sure the exact details.

“Yeah, but…” he began, then one of the guys behind him whispered something. “Okay, well we have to get ready for practice.”

“I understand, I’m almost done. Don’t let me bother you,” I said. The pounding in my chest slowly came under control. They seemed nice enough. I just wanted to finish conditioning my hair, and then I’d run. 

“Uh… okay,” he said. His team of guys went back to drop their stuff off in lockers and grab their swim suits. One by one they came in, wrapped in their towels, and one by one the towels came off and they all joined me. I was relieved when none of them came to the pillar I was showering at. Instead, they filled out at the ones farthest from me first, while the stragglers took the showers next to mine. That left a good six feet between me and any of them, which was fine by me.

I considered trying to be modest by keeping my arms over my breasts, but figured that would just end up making things more weird. Several of them attempted to keep their backs facing me, probably because they were self conscious of me seeing their dicks. Whatever, fine by me. I squirted a dollop of conditioner into my hand and spread it through my hair. As I worked the conditioner I noticed a few guys with lingering glances. That was to be expected, I wasn’t bothered. 

Then I realized the motion from my hands massaging my scalp was adding a soft sway and jiggle to my generous bust, which no doubt caused their distraction. Nobody spoke. I imagined shower time with the boys was full of inappropriate jokes and ‘atta boys, but my presence seemed to bring down the vibe of the room. Maybe I’m wrong and they shower in complete silence without a naked woman in the room, but I doubted it. I rinsed out my hair, mercifully ending the gentle jiggle from my chest, and picked up my loofa to do my final scrub.

I squeezed a dollop of body scrub into the loofa and got to work, trying to finish up so these poor guys could enjoy the rest of their day and not be tormented by me. Though, if I’m honest, I kinda liked how I made them squirm. The power my body had over them was just a little intoxicating. With my loofa nice and sudsy, I bent over and started with my calves. I immediately realized bending over would show off some very private areas, but whatever, we were all in this awkwardness together. I scrubbed up my calves and to my thighs, giving my booty a little extra attention because it felt nice.

By now almost every one of them was facing away from me. As much as I wanted to believe it was out of respect for me, I found that hard to believe. “It’s okay to look, we’re all adults here,” I said. The boys glanced around the room at each other, then slowly pivoted their bodies to see me. A few got brave enough to blatantly stare. I continued scrubbing myself with my loofa, working my way up my stomach and to my arms. It felt like the longest shower of my life. I wasn’t stalling or anything, just being thorough. But with ten or so guys around my age ogling my body, time slowed down.

As I began scrubbing my breasts, I saw one of the guys nearest me was becoming hard. I know he can’t help it, but it was still a little off-putting. “Oh c’mon, like you’ve never seen boobs before?” I laughed. He turned red in the face and tried to hide his erection, which made me feel bad. I wasn’t trying to embarrass him, just lighten the mood a little. I looked around the room and saw a few more boners. “I can see you’re not alone,” I said to try to take some heat off of him. I rinsed the soap off my body and packed my things up.

All of them were staring now, as if trying to get one last look before I disappeared from their lives forever. I almost laughed at how hard some of them were. For a college with coed showers, they seemed pretty ecstatic to see a girl naked. I picked up my little bucket of cleaning stuff and said “Well, have a good swim boys, thanks for the pleasant conversation.” A few gave me a nervous chuckle. I felt kinda bad leaving so many of them hard like that. I like to tease, but I can empathize with a guy’s horniness. Working at the glory hole has given me a certain weakness to their carnal needs.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, knowing I would probably regret my next few words. “If anyone wants to touch my boobs before I go, come on over.” As I said that, all the eyes in the room went from my body to my face.

“Seriously?” the guy in charge asked. I was used to strange men touching me at the booth. The only difference here was that there wasn’t a wall between us.

“Knock yourselves out. I feel bad I got some of you worked up, it’s my olive branch.” They exchanged nervous glances again. “Hurry up before I change my mind,” I added. The guy closest to me, who I called out for having an erection, stepped forward. I put my hands on my hips and arched my back a little, pushing my chest toward him. He looked into my eyes like a scared puppy. I swayed my shoulders to make my breasts jiggle for him. His eyes bugged out, and I had to fight back a laugh. Men are so easy. Slowly, carefully, he reached out with both hands.

His palms cupped under my breasts and lifted them while his fingers wrapped around and squeezed. He swallowed hard and stared down at them, gently massaging for a moment. “Whaddaya think?” I asked.

“Amazing,” he mumbled, “Thanks.”

“No problem. Who’s up next?” I asked, and quickly a circle of boys closed in around me. At first they took turns reaching out for my chest, playing with it a little, and then making room for the next person. Eventually, though, a few became impatient. I felt two hands reach around me from behind to feel my breasts while a guy in front of me felt them too. A new pair of hands squeezed my booty, and I saw someone come back in for a second feel. Yet another pair of hands gripped my thighs and slid between them, gently probing for my vagina. “Woah, woah, easy boys, one at a time,” I said as more hands than I could discern explored my body.

It was as eager and exploratory as any of the men at the glory hole, but without a wall to slow them down the intensity and desperation ratcheted up fast. I would be lying if I didn’t admit I enjoyed it. Hot water sprayed from all of the shower nozzles and steam continued to feel the room as no less than ten guys reached out for a piece of my body, clawing for any bit of soft, womanly flesh they could find. Caught in the center of it all, I struggled to keep my balance. Someone spanked me, and I let out a surprised yelp. A guy in the back, too far to reach me, started masturbating as he watched.

Perhaps I foolishly opened Pandora’s box by allowing them a quick feel. Maybe I should have seen it coming. But as a pair of lips wrapped around one of my nipples, a hard cock pressed against my thigh, and a finger dipped inside me all at the same time, I knew I couldn’t let any of these men leave unsatisfied. I put us in this mess, it was my job to get us out. I wasn’t exactly sure whose mouths, hands, or cocks were touching me, but I knew I wanted to empty every pair of balls in here if I had time. Even if I could finish them as fast as I do in the booth, five minutes times ten or more guys was still an hour of my time, perhaps too much.

Oh well, these guys needed me and I needed them. The same sense of duty I feel at the booth, the desire to satisfy as many of them as I could, filled me. I’d never done this without a wall before. It was kind of exciting to see their faces filled with hunger and lust. It meant they would probably miss out on their swim practice, but I doubted any of them would mind. It also meant  I’d definitely be late for class, possibly miss the entire lecture. Hopefully, I could convince one of my friends to give me their notes. 

I reached out with both hands, gently searching for a cock with each, and when I found them I began to stroke. Two moans came from either side of me. Once the guys realized I was becoming an active participant in this little groping session, things got even more heated. The once timid, but hopeful, hands turned more confident. They squeezed my breasts, my booty, massaged my clit and pushed inside me with more direct purpose now. It was difficult to see, surrounded and being manhandled as I was, but from what I could tell most of them were masturbating as they watched and felt my body. 

That was perfectly fine by me. Guys shooting their loads on me wasn’t new, and if I could help a few of them get there, I was happy to do it. Sperm is annoying to wash off, but otherwise safe. It wasn’t until a pair of hands put pressure on my shoulders, trying to push me down to my knees, that things got a little complicated. At the same time, somebody wiggled two fingers inside me and the sensation made my knees buckle, all but forcing me to the ground. The circle closed in around me, cocks in every direction, all trying to be first into my mouth.

Things were moving fast. Perhaps too fast. Again, this wasn’t new for me or even entirely unwelcome, but still a bit overwhelming. “Woah, guys, slo-”  I began, but as I turned my head, the cock poking my cheek slipped into my open mouth and prevented me from finishing my sentence. Perhaps it was a reflex from working at the glory hole, but I immediately wrapped my lips around it and sucked. A sweet little bead of precum smeared across my tongue and I had to admit I enjoyed the taste. The boys stared down at me, holding their breath to see what my reaction would be. I glanced around, cock still in my mouth, at all the horny, expectant boys with their cocks in their hands or reaching out to touch me.

They wanted me sooo bad. It turned me on how absolutely desperate and eager they were for my body. As they waited for my reaction, the cock in my other hand softened and my gut reaction surprised me. It made me sad. I had riled these guys up, offered them a chance of release, and almost threw a cold, wet blanked over the offer. I liked giving head. No, I loved giving head, and I loved making men cum. It gave me a certain satisfaction to be the source of their pleasure, and since I was the only source of pleasure in the room, it throttled my desire to help them out even more.

In the booth I was the center of attention, but nobody could see me. If I was tired or unfocused I didn’t have to look the man in the eyes. Now, surrounded by horny guys, I was the center of attention and the source of their disappointment if I let them down. I couldn’t live with that. Instead of saying anything else, telling them it was okay, or that this was a one-time deal, I just bobbed my head up and down the cock in my mouth and got both of my hands busy stroking the cocks I held back to life. That was all the green light they needed.

Cocks came at me from all directions, and I’m not even sure how they all managed to squeeze in around me. More hands than I could distinguish pawed at my body, leaving no section of me untouched. If you think getting to first base is exciting, try getting to first base with ten guys at the same time. I tried to focus on the first guy I put in my mouth, but a second cock poked at my cheek and a hand coaxed me over to it. I let the first cock leave my mouth and started sucking on the new one as both of my hands stroked two cocks on either side of me.

The first guy to enter my mouth pushed forward, trying to get back into it, so I gave a few more bobs on his usurper and switched back to him. That made guy two greedy for more, so he started pushing in once more. I switched back and forth between them, giving roughly ten seconds of attention to each before I’d swap. This worked out for a little while, until the other guys caught on and tried to join the rotation. The two cocks in my hands pushed through the crowd and got close enough for me to suck, so I swapped back and forth, rotating my head between the four closest guys and sucking them just long enough to keep them satisfied until I got back around. 

It was fun and new, having this many at once, but I knew from experience that none of them would finish at this rate and until they did, I was just going to be drowning in horny guys. A few fingers, how many I wasn’t quite sure, pushed inside me from behind and I involuntarily moaned onto the cock I was sucking. I looked back and saw a guy on his knees behind me, staring down at my booty while one of his hands fingered me and the other jerked himself off. This was a perfect opportunity to bust out some dirty talk, a tried-and-true method of helping guys get over the edge.

“Does it feel good in there?” I asked him, and somebody clutched my breasts to jiggle them while another put his fingers under my chin to try to get me focused back onto his cock. The guy behind me nodded and kept staring as he fingered me, his hand bouncing furiously in his lap. “You gonna cum on me?” I asked. I only had time to see him nod before a cock pushed its way into my mouth and stole my attention. Another guy pushed forward and tried to steal my mouth away from him, and though I loved the enthusiasm, the greediness was overwhelming.

“One at a time, okay boys? I’ll take care of all of you, I promise, but you don’t get to handle me like a sex doll. Got it?” I said, my voice firm but not angry. At the glory hole there was a wall to prevent this sort of territorial behavior, and I could only tend to two guys at one time. In an open setting like this, with so many horny guys, they were quickly turning into a bunch of dogs fighting over a toy. I wanted to tend to them, I really did, but I wasn’t about to be disrespected and treated like meat to do it.

“S-sorry…” one of them said.

“Yeah, sorry. Please don’t stop,” another said.

“I won’t, sweetie, I promise,” I said, taking the closest guy into my mouth and sucking him with renewed enthusiasm. He smiled down at me and the guys next to him politely waited their turn while masturbating over me. Behind me, finger guy increased his pace. It felt nice, if a little rough, but soon I felt him trying to lift my hips. It was obvious he wanted to get his cock inside me, which was scary since we didn’t have any protection. My instinct was to plant my hips and discourage him from trying to get inside me, but if I planned on finishing these guys off and getting cleaned up in time to catch the end of my class, then it made sense to bust out every asset I had. I just hoped he was clean and my birth control held up.

 I lifted my hips with his suggestion and moaned onto the cock I was sucking as another entered me from behind. The guy must have been super close because he got maybe three pumps into me before I felt the familiar slick warmth of sperm filling my vagina. Even though he was a stranger and going bareback, I loved the feeling of his cock throbbing inside me as it emptied his load. One down, nine or so to go. I kept bobbing my head up and down the guy in front of me as the guy behind me pulled out. I put my weight back on my hips to lower myself back down, but a new pair of hands coaxed them back up.

I moaned as this new cock, bigger than the first, entered me effortlessly thanks to his buddy’s load already inside me. I tried to look back and see who it was, but the guy in front of me shot a warm, creamy load into my mouth and held on to my shoulders for balance. With all the noises, the splashing water, the hands groping at me, I didn’t even realize the guy was close until he was filling my mouth with his cum. His leg shuddered as he struggled to stand, and I waited for him to finish before I swallowed the whole mouthful. He smiled down at me and pulled his cock from my mouth, only to have it replaced a moment later by someone else. 

One of the guys kneeled down next to me and lowered his face to my breasts, taking one of my sensitive nipples into his mouth and sucking on it gingerly. To be out of the way for the other guys he had to wrap his body close to mine, close enough that I could reach out and masturbate him with my free hand. Behind me the guy had taken hold of my hips with both hands and was going for the gold, thrusting at a decent rate that told me he meant business. It was actually kind of nice having the first guy’s load in there as lube, sperm is excellent at reducing friction. 

While he pumped his cock into me from behind, I did my best to keep my balance with one hand while still jerking off the guy sucking my nipples with my other hand and maintain some kind of focus on the guy in my mouth. Think of it like patting your head and rubbing your stomach while juggling flaming chainsaws on a tightrope. Very mentally taxing. Through some miracle I was making it work though, probably because I was getting so damned turned on by the energy of the room. A guy from the surrounding crowd stepped forward, working his hand up and down his shaft fast and hard until it blasted against my cheek and dribbled down to my breasts. 

A small glob fell into the hair of the guy sucking my nipple, but I sure wasn’t going to tell him. The guy who came on my face squeezed the last bit of cum out of his cock and stepped back, just in time for the guy I was masturbating to erupt in my hand. I felt his cock flex and twitch in my hand while his lips pinched my nipple hard. Thick, sticky cum dripped down my fingers and once it finally stopped, he relaxed his hold on my nipple and excused himself from the circle. Four down, sixish to go. The guy behind me spanked my booty and gripped it tight as he hammered his hips into mine.

It felt great, and my endorphins were flowing by sexiness of the whole scene. Not what I expected from a surprise gang bang at school. I felt his cock get rock hard and his hips fired with one last burst of vigor before he deposited his load, the second so far, into my vagina. Even though he’d finished, he leaned forward to cup one of my breasts, squeezing it as he worked his softening cock in and out of me. I felt sperm dripping down my thigh, and it kinda tickled. I wanted more.

He pulled out, giving me a parting spank, and the guy in front of me blasted his load into my mouth. I sucked hard, eager to take his sperm since he was the only cock available to me at the moment, and the look on his face told me I was doing everything right. With so many men fighting for my body, letting me be the source of their pleasure and enjoy those hard-earned loads, I was getting almost drunk with desire. It felt more like I was caught in the middle of a sex storm than anything else. The guy in front of me cupped the back of my head as he emptied his balls, and I swallowed his load fast to move on to the next one. A new guy mounted up behind me, and instead of simply making myself available to him, I found myself desperate to have him inside me.

As the new guy behind me started pumping his cock into me, the guy in front pulled out of my mouth and gave me a quick breather. On either side of him, two guys were jerking themselves off and staring at the cum dripping down my face. Once my mouth was free, they both stepped forward and wanted to claim it for themselves. I opened wide, fine with whoever got there first, but they both hesitated to let the other go. Then I saw a familiar glint in their eyes. They both looked down at me and their faces contorted simultaneously. They were both at the point of no return.

I tilted my head back and opened as wide as I could, sticking out my tongue to give them the widest possible target. Together they blasted my mouth with sperm, shooting load after load across my lips, cheeks, and into my mouth. The guy behind me sped up as he watched me practically drowning in cum. Then it all became too much. With two guys showering me with their loads, several other loads already dripping down my body, a few warming my stomach and a few acting as lube for the guy pounding me I just couldn’t take it anymore. 

My thighs shuddered and threatened to make me lose my balance. The guy behind me felt me starting to falter and gripped my hips harder, thrusting his cock fast enough to let his swollen balls slap my clit with each pump. My eyes rolled back, and I tensed up, trying to stay upright as an orgasm overtook me. I kept my mouth open, letting the two guys above me fill it with their sperm as I moaned and writhed in pleasure. My breath came out in short spurts, which made my moan sound like a when a puppy is begging for a treat. 

I would have collapsed to the floor if the guy behind me wasn’t holding my hips so tight. Each time his balls slapped my clit, it sent a new burst of pleasure through me that threatened to make my muscles give out. I persevered and endured the sensations so I could ride them out as long as possible and keep tending to the men that brought me there. My mouth was full of sperm, which made it hard to breathe, so I swallowed their loads and licked my lips clean. They edged forward, eager to get a feel of my mouth even after they had already came. I wasted no time and took the one on my right into my mouth, deepthroating his softening cock and sucking for about ten seconds, then lifted off him to do the same to the other as a thank you.     

Was that eight now? God, so many all at once, it was hard to tell. The herd had thinned out considerably, with guys panting in the corner and rinsing themselves off as they watched in awe. The end was in sight, with one guy still behind me pounding away and two more in front waiting patiently for my mouth. I wiggled my tongue at the closest one, encouraging him to come over. He did, and I took him into my mouth without hesitation. At this point I was so turned on that I actually wanted more of them. The dwindling numbers disappointed me. 

With my hormones firing on all cylinders and only three guys left, I could focus a little better on the cock in front of me. I did my usual bobbing and added in some playful twisting of my head in addition to getting my hand involved. He responded very well to that. The guy behind me changed angles and thrust hard until he too came inside me, filling me with more sperm than my vagina has ever had to handle. As the final guy saw the one behind me finish, he quickly went around behind me to take his place. Good, get in there, don’t let it stop, I thought. 

My arms and knees were sore from keeping my balance on the hard tile, but I was insatiable. I felt a rush of sperm drip down my leg as the guy behind me left. The final guy rubbed his cock head up and down my vagina, as if he were trying to spread the ‘lube’ out, then pushed his cock balls deep inside me. My orgasm meant the sensations of this new cock were amplified tenfold. I moaned onto the cock I was sucking and redoubled my efforts at making him finish. It didn’t take long since he’d been jerking himself the whole time prior, so when he started to cum I lowered my nose to his pelvis and let him blast his load down my throat. I wanted all of it, every last drop.

His voice cracked as I did that, and some of the other guys laughed. I wiggled my tongue out of my mouth and tickled his balls with it while still deepthroating him to make him not care about their amusement. These guys were giving me the time of my life, so I was determined to do the same. Once his cock stopped twitching, I bobbed my head up and down a few times, squeezing with my fingers to help milk the last of his sperm into my mouth. He pulled out, tired and content, and though I didn’t want him to go I needed to breathe. Only one guy left, the one behind me.

 I raised my hips, planting my hands and knees to give the final guy the best angle I could, and looked over my shoulder at him while he finished up. Cum dripped down my face and breasts, which he followed with his eyes. He stared at me for a bit, then reached forward to cup my breasts. With both hands he kneaded them, smearing sperm over them as he tried to keep pumping behind me. My knees were sore and I could tell they were going to bruise. I didn’t care. This experience was too wonderful, I was willing to tough it out till he finished, probably breaking a personal record of mine for most guys serviced in however long I’d been on the floor of that community shower. 

Then he pulled out. “What’s wrong?” I asked, watching him stand up and circle toward me. Ahh, I knew what he wanted. I leaned forward and took him into my mouth, tasting the three guys before him on his dick. He pulled out of my mouth and left me perplexed. Then he reached down, pushed my breasts together and lowered his hips to slide his cock between them. I sat back on my thighs, lifting my heavy breasts and pushing them together for him while he held my shoulders and pumped up between my cleavage. Thanks to all the sperm dripping down my face, he had plenty of lube, and it didn’t take long for him to add his own sticky mess to the mix. 

It shot up under my chin and dripped back down between my cleavage until his cock finally stopped. I released my breasts, and he stepped back. All the guys stared down at me with content smiles and happy cocks. I stood up, groaning as my knees popped, and stretched. A wave of vertigo washed over me from having such an intense orgasm and for sitting too long. I stepped into the warm spray of water still pouring from the shower spout and did my best to rinse off the cum glazing the boys gave me. I was proud of what I’d accomplished. How many girls could do that? How many would even try?

They all stared at me as if I were an artifact in a museum, something to be in awe of. “Thanks boys,” I said, scrubbing my loofa over my breasts to try to get all the cum off them so I could make it to my class. With any luck, I’d still catch the end of the lecture. It felt like I got through all of them pretty fast. “Keep this between us?”

“Yeah, of course. What’s your name?” one of them asked. 

“Gabbie,” I said. 

“I knew it!” he said.

“Yeah? Do we have a class together?” I asked, trying to remove a persistent glob of sperm from my stomach.

“You work at that glory hole, don’t you? At Sinful Secrets?” he asked. My stomach dropped.

“What? No, that’s ridiculous,” I said. I wasn’t ashamed of my work at the glory hole, not in the sense that it embarrassed me. I just wanted to try to keep the two identities separate, remain some semblance of privacy. Getting ten guys to cum for you in the school shower probably wasn’t the best way to accomplish that, I thought. How could I be so stupid?

“I thought I recognized your voice, but I wasn’t sure until I saw you in action. You give amazing head!” he said.

“I think you have me confused,” I said, trying to throw him off the scent.

“No, I think he’s right. I recognized some of your moves too,” another guy said. Geez, do all of these guys visit Sinful Secrets? Was I that popular?

“Oh man, I can’t believe I go to school with the Gloryhole Gabbie. This is crazy guys, she’s like a legend!” someone else said, and I knew my secret was out.

Hopefully that wouldn’t come back to bite me later.

Published 5 years ago

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