Alice was beginning to get very tired of the lockdown, and of having nothing to do. Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister had given her, but it had no pussies or cocks in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pussies or cocks?”
So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of a masturbation session would be worth the trouble and sweat of strumming away for fifteen minutes with her fingers, when suddenly she heard the door bell ring. There was nothing so very remarkable in that, but Alice knew what it was, and as the bell rang again and she heard the delivery van pull away she scampered downstairs in a state of eager anticipation. Her body was responding to the sound of the bell just like Pavlov’s proverbial pooches. She opened the door, looked nervously around, snatched up the plain-packaged parcel, then bounded back up the stairs to her bedroom. She ripped off the packaging as fast as she could and opened the box, revealing the shiny white object with its little pink ears.
The company had sold out of many of their products, which was hardly surprising under the lockdown conditions. But they had a few of these left, and it sounded fun so she had ordered it a week ago. The heat had made her horribly horny, and since the usual outlets for her desires were not available, she had been keenly awaiting its arrival.
Too eager to bother to stop and read the instructions, she pulled off her shirt, jeans and underwear as quickly as she could and jumped onto the bed. She gave the White Rabbit a quick lick, opened her legs and eased it in with a cry of “Down the rabbit-hole!” To her great delight it fitted perfectly inside her burrow and its little ears snuggled in just where her fingers would usually go.
She hadn’t even checked if it had batteries in or how to control it. But she pressed a button and to her delight the rabbit started buzzing inside her while its ears flicked to and fro quite delightfully. “What a curious feeling!” said Alice, and soon she was crying pools of tears.
After regaining her composure, Alice got up off her bed, wondering how to spend the rest of the blisteringly hot Saturday afternoon. Since she couldn’t go out, as she normally might, she settled on just relaxing in the sun in her own little garden. Still naked, she padded across to her wardrobe, considering what to wear. She really would have liked to go outside in nothing but her sandals, with only her long red hair as cover. The garden was secluded on the left hand side, thanks to the trees, but to the right, it was overlooked by the house next door. The dirty old man who lived there would be in, of course, and she had noticed him ogling her from the upstairs window more than once before. He was old enough to be her grandfather. She thought it was disgusting, the way he drooled over her whenever they met on the street, his eyes never above the level of her chest. But he was harmless enough, and if gazing at her tits and legs brought a little pleasure to his sad, lonely life then she couldn’t really object. But she didn’t want to risk giving him a heart attack, so all-over sun bathing wasn’t really an option. She browsed through her clothes, looking for something that would allow her to get as much sun on her skin as possible. She considered the black miniskirt, but settled on her tight denim shorts and a white crop top. She didn’t bother with any underwear.
She went downstairs and into the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out a bottle of fruit juice that a friend had given her weeks ago, as a present from a trip to Amsterdam. It had the words “DRINK ME” printed on the label in large letters. She swigged down several large gulps straight from the bottle, and then went out into the garden taking a rug, her sister’s book and a tube of sunscreen. Kicking off her sandals, she rubbed some of the cream onto her exposed flesh, then spread the rug out on the grass and stretched herself out on it under the hot sun.
Suddenly she felt a tingling feeling on her foot. Looking down, she saw a little red worm crawling up her foot onto her ankle. Her first instinct was to brush it away, but her innate curiosity led her to leave it alone and she watched as it wriggled slowly onto her leg. Then another worm appeared, brown, and a bit larger than the first one, on her other ankle. She watched, transfixed, as they worked their way up her shins, and she wondered what they were looking for. What was it that attracted them? Did they like the oily sun lotion on her legs? Then she felt two more worms, tickling the underside of her feet and then emerging between her toes. As they slithered over her skin, they left a little trail of dirty slime behind, marking where they had been.
More and more worms appeared, until her feet and ankles were completely covered in a slippery slithering tangle. “Good-bye, feet!” she said in surprise. The worms continued to wiggle up Alice’s legs, tickling and tingling. They climbed over her knees and onto her thighs, gently stroking her skin. As they climbed higher up her legs, the sensation became more intense and rather frightening. This was all getting a bit much. She tried to get up, but to her horror realised that she couldn’t, as if the little creatures had somehow paralysed her.
“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice, as suddenly she felt even more worms, crawling up her bare arms. When they reached her shoulders they seemed to pause as if they were sniffing the air. To her relief they turned downwards, away from her face. They wriggled over her white top, which soon became streaked with slime, and onto her tummy.
While the worms on her legs were wriggling upwards, those that had reached her waist continued to head south. Suddenly she realised what it was that was attracting them and where they were aiming for. She hadn’t done a proper clean-up after her session with the White Rabbit, and maybe the worms had a particularly keen sense of smell. The worms on her thighs were up at the hem of her denim shorts, while those around her middle had reached the waistband.
“No! No, you can’t go in there,” she said to the worms firmly. She was so glad that she had chosen the denim shorts, that fitted very tightly around her slender waist and the top of her brown thighs. If she had been wearing the skirt, then, well, yuck! But the wiggling creatures ignored her command, squirming over the hemline of her shorts, coating the fabric with their slimy secretions. And to her horror, she saw and felt a little pink worm squeeze its way through under the hem and into her shorts. One by one the little slippery things wiggled up inside her shorts, leaving behind their trails of slime all over her thighs. At the same time, the ones on her tummy were squirming through the tiniest gap beside the button of her shorts.
As she watched the worms, she was shocked to see that they seemed to be getting bigger. Or was it that she was getting smaller? Both seemed equally absurd. But there could be no doubt that it was happening – she could feel them inside her shorts, swelling up and stiffening. Unable to move, she felt helpless and vulnerable, horrified at being groped and molested by the fat, slimy creatures.
The worms in her shorts seemed to know just where they were heading, as they wriggled through her little red hairs that she hadn’t bothered to shave recently. Alice realised that against her better judgement, she was getting rather moist, thanks to the gentle stroking sensations between her thighs. Unfortunately, her uncontrollable secretions seemed to be exciting the worms into an even greater frenzy. “How queer everything is today!” she said to herself.
She gasped as she felt the first worm slide over her clit and another one progress from her thigh to her pussy lips. As she felt the worms getting bigger and fatter, they pushed her legs wider apart. She felt them wriggle there and felt their slime mingle with her own, as more and more of them accumulated there, seething all over her knickerless beaver. As they swelled up, her shorts bulged outwards, getting tighter and tighter.
The worms were pushing at her entrance. “No, please, not in there!” she cried, and clenched her muscles tight to try to keep them out. But they persisted and she couldn’t stop them wriggling their way up inside her. The feeling was peculiar, as the worms squirmed and twisted inside her, filling her and constantly stimulating her, still growing bigger and fatter all the time, stretching her wider and wider, burrowing deeper inside her. Those that couldn’t get inside her twisted back and forth, flicking their tails across her clit. She hated to admit it, but the squiggling worms felt as good as her new White Rabbit.
Alice moaned and her hands clutched at the rug as the army of worms swarmed away inside her. “No. No, no, this is ridiculous, you are not going to make me…,” she gasped, but she got to the point where she knew she couldn’t stop it happening and thought that under the circumstances, she might as well try to enjoy it. “EAT ME! Yes, yes, YES!” she squealed as she felt the tension build up and up. She opened her mouth and started to scream as the release suddenly hit her.
“Oh shit!” Alice thought to herself as she suddenly woke up in the middle of a noisy, thumping orgasm, hearing her scream echoing off the wall. As she recovered her breath she saw that her nice denim shorts were soaking wet, and both her hands were firmly clamped between her thighs. She looked around awkwardly, wondering if the whole street had heard her climax. Up there at the window of the house next door she saw her elderly neighbour, Mr Cheshire. He looked down at her with a big grin on his face, and vanished.
Acknowledgements: I am grateful to wormbate, who provided the inspiration for this story, and nylon_punkie and floo who made helpful comments on a draft version.