Brothers Share Chapter 2

"Written by a woman, for women. Based on actual events from 2022, a year that will change my life forever."

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It’s been three weeks since the night at the car wash. I am confident Kevin was not the person viewing the security camera; he’s been blissfully unaware. But I am anything but blissful. The memory of that night races through my head and the paranoia of precisely who was watching. I need to know. I pull up Gio’s number and text, “Hey Gio, hope everything is going well at the car wash. I want to talk. The security camera has me worried.”

G: “Hey there, I was wondering if you’d ever call. How are you?”

R: “Worried!”

G: “Yeah, that was unexpected. Nothing to worry about, promise.”

R: “How do you know? Was it your mom viewing?”

G: “No, no, lol. But I know who, and it’s all good.”

R: “I’d like to know; I think I should.”

G: “It’s a family investment; my brother handles the business. He saw the footage from home. I talked to him, and it’s all good.”

I feel relieved, but only momentarily. It’s the best-case scenario, but now I have more questions and worries.

R: “The camera records and stores all footage for six months. Has he deleted it?”

G: “I will make sure he does. Promise.”

R: “Thanks, keep me posted.”

The next day I check my phone constantly, wishing for confirmation that the recording has been erased. Nothing. I don’t want to alarm Gio, but I am anxious. Hours pass, and I am on edge. Over dinner, my thoughts drift as Kevin complains about current events he saw on television. I can barely eat. I want closure, but I want to feel that subtle rush of excitement when Gio’s number appears on my phone. Finally, a ping. I leap out of my chair, run to the counter, and grab my phone.

Kevin asks me, “What’s that all about?”

“Huh? Oh, nothing, it’s my sister,” I curtly reply.

“Again? Ignore her, sit down, and eat,” he says in a frustrated tone.

Gio: “Hey, bad news. The footage cannot be erased. You would need to erase the entire database. My brother promised it was secure. It’s secret.”

R: “Just erase the whole thing. Start new.”

G: “I tried, but he said it’s a security risk. The camera system would be down for a week.”

R: “Please, just ask him again.”

G: “I will try, but it’s not a big deal. I trust him.”

R: “I just want it deleted.”

G: “I know, I understand. He’s being too weird about it. I will try again with him. Give me a few days.”

I cannot handle another few days. It weighs on me. Laying in bed that night, I turned to Kevin, “Hey, Mia emailed me. It seems they are having issues transferring the security system to their names. Do I know if we still have access?”

“No, we canceled our account. That’s weird,” he says.

Agreeing not to seem suspicious, I tell him, “Yes, they are really needy.”

“They?” he says as his tone rises slightly.

“Mia and the security people,” I reassure him.

Kevin huffs, “Yeah, big business bullshit. Tell her she can log in directly on the computer at the car wash, and the password is saved.”

“GREAT! I will, thanks!” I exclaim.

“Whoa, you sure you are okay?” he says.

“Ha yeah, just happy to have this behind us.” I laugh nervously.

A few days later, nothing from Gio. It’s Sunday morning, and I quietly remove a key to the car wash from Kevin’s spare set. I tell him I am going to run some errands, then lunch with my friend Brielle. I hop in my car and drive to the car wash.

Perfect, the parking lot is empty, and business is closed. I quickly open the door and lock it behind me. Within moments I am logged in and click FILE DELETED. I get up and stare at that desk. That desk. I stare. Then walk to the exit. I turn around one last time to look at the desk. I look at the desk… then at the security camera…. OH FUCK. I realize I can erase the past but not the present. They will see I entered the store and erased the files.

I sit in my car in silence, brainstorming every possible solution. I fucked up. Let my worries cloud my judgment. Finally, I grab my phone.

R: “Hey, I need to talk to you immediately.”

Within seconds the phone rings. Gio’s voice, “Hey, what’s up?” I explain everything, profusely apologizing and coming clean.

Gio: “Listen, I understand, I do. My brother is a good guy. I will explain it all to him right now. Sit tight.”

A few minutes pass, and Gio calls back. “Hey, all good, stay calm, haha. My brother is on the line….”

My heart explodes with fear. “Hey Rebecca, my name is Paolo. Nice to meet you! Haha. Okay, so the camera is erased?”

“Hey, yeah, so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking,” I say, embarrassed.

Paolo confidently tells me, “Okay, okay, can we log back into the system? Doesn’t erasing the drive close the system?”

“I will go back in and check,” I say as I get back out of my car.

The quick patting of my sneakers echoes through the empty car wash. I sit in front of the computer and, in moments, see that Paolo is right. It’s all gone. I panic, repeating how sorry I am over and over to him on the phone. They both reassure me that it’s okay and they will handle it. Before long, I am pulling back into my driveway at home. Relieved. Guilty. But I laugh to myself.

The next day, I received a text from Paolo, “Hey, I think we are close to getting everything back up and running. Can I have Kevin’s number to transfer the account info again?”

The all-too-familiar panic falls over me again, “Can I try to help first?” I reply.

P: “If I can get the pin number, then yes.”

After searching every file, I can find, I come up empty. I am desperate and out of options. I text back that we need the pin, although I know full well Kevin does. Part of me is telling myself Kevin would be suspicious if I asked. Part of me wants to see Gio again.

R: “Let me make it up to you, guys. I will pay for the set-up fees for a new system.”

P: “That’s very nice of you. Honestly, I will take I up on the offer. It was $550. You can drop it at the car wash or Gio’s and mine condo.”

R: “Either way….”

P: “Our condo is closer to you.” He sends the address.

R: “I will drop it off tomorrow after work.”

It’s late afternoon, and the sun sets as the GPS announces I’ve arrived at my destination. Exiting the car, I fix the 5″ skirt of my bright red skintight dress down my thighs. My best push-up bra is announcing my hard tits at attention as I walk up and ring the doorbell. Moments later, the door opens, and a handsome, well-dressed Paolo answers. A warm breeze of his sweet cologne greets my face. He invites me in, and I hand him the check as I enter. The condo is decorated neatly in Northern Italian art. I gaze around and tell him, “This is beautiful. Your family is full of surprises. You favor your mother.”

Paolo replies, “Yes, thank you. My parents moved to the US when I was a young boy. I was their only son until we adopted Gio together.” I look around the walls at the photos of the two brothers at varying ages of their life. Paolo reappears, “Gio is at his day job, shall we say? He was sorry to miss you and sends his regards. Gio was upset that I accepted your offer. Here, a glass of Pino Grigio?”

I reach for the glass and stumble over my words, “Thank you, no problem, it’s the least I can do.”

“But we are worried that the money, Kevin will find out. Clearly, we know this cannot happen,” he says.

I assure him that it’s okay. Paolo begins to describe the photos on the walls, where they were, and memories of their adventures. He is pretty funny, and we banter back and forth. Time passes quickly, as does the third glass of wine. I tell him I must be going now, but quickly realize I had too much to drink too fast. Paolo tells me to sit and brings in a platter of appetizers. We continue to talk and laugh.

Paolo, “I know it is getting late. I want to thank you again. Are you sure the money it’s okay?” Honestly, it’s not. I am concerned about Kevin finding out. I assure him it’s fine, but it’s not true. Paolo hands the check back to me, but I refuse. He then tears the paper check in half and throws it away.

Shocked, I plead, “No, no, no, please, I have done so much. I need you to accept it.”

Paolo waves his hand as I continue, “I was so worried about what I saw and not knowing you and all….”

“I know. You can trust me. Listen, truth? Okay… I didn’t want to erase the recording. But not because of security,” says Paolo. I blush, as now it’s obvious.

“My brother, a lucky man,” he says, looking at me.

“If I had known, well, listen, just a series of mistakes,” I tell him.

Paolo asks, “Was it a mistake, though, with you and Gio?”

I pause. “I don’t know anymore.” A brief silence. I then tell Paolo, “Let me repay you, please.”

Paolo, now showing slight mortification, tells me it’s okay and we are even. I reluctantly agree and get up to leave. He walks me to the door and wishes me a safe drive. I get in my car and start the engine, and the heat reignites the faint scent of his cologne lingering on my clothes. I leave the car in park, the engine running. I take out my phone, open the camera, take a video, and send it to Paolo, saying, “Now we are even.” I pull away and turn my signal to exit his street—the phone rings. I hesitate but answer…

“You are something,” he says.

I chuckle back, “We good, ha-hahaha?”

Paolo, in a severe tone, “Worse than ever. One more glass?”

I reverse the car and pull back into the driveway. I walk through the front door back into the living room, where Paolo is seated, with his phone open to the video I sent of me flashing my breasts.

Paolo: “I am not good with words.” I stop thinking. I play “Touch It” on my phone and place it down. Hoping to find that same sensation from weeks earlier at the car wash, the rush, the passion…

I look at him and say, “Your own private video. Record me.”

I turn my back and move like I did the night with Gio, but this feels different, feels more connected. I drop my dress and turn around, locking eyes with Paolo as I dance sultrily to the music. He is enamored, as I can see in his eyes that he’s desired me: my long hair twirls and twists around my tan, hard body. I drop to my hands and knees and crawl toward Paolo. He sits upright, startled, as I turn to click the off button on his phone. I turn back to him and jump back…

Paolo, “Oh my god, I am so sorry, I thought….” Paolo stands in front of me, with his pants down, holding his hard dick. He thought my advances meant I wanted more.

Startled, I stutter, “Oh! Well… Oh!” I see his utter humiliation but instinctively reach out…

“Your family is always full of surprises, hahaha,” I joke. We both laugh, but I have not removed my hand from his dick. I scoot closer and return his serious tone, “Okay, now let’s get even, shall we?”

I point his cock upwards and run the length of his 6″ veiny, tan dick up to the tip, then inhale his shaft as he groans. The familiar scent of his cologne and the tang of wine surround me as I suck his wanting cock. His balls are pulsing already, and he pushes me away onto the floor. I look up and spread my legs. Paolo kneels and glides his cock into my wet pussy. I cradle his torso with my legs, and he slowly pumps pleasure throughout my body.

Our mouths collide, and he takes my hands, interlocks my fingers with his, and pins them over my head. Paolo strokes in a long consistent motion, bringing me closer and closer to climax. He is sweating, and the salty taste of his skin becomes hot with passion. I close my eyes as an ocean wave of pleasure washes up from my clit through my body and makes my head tingle with indulgence. He mounts upward, swings my left leg over, and positions me sideways as he re-enters.

Clapping my ass and pulling my hips closer to himself, his six inches feel like twelve as he penetrates deeper and deeper. I feel the warm blast inside me within moments as he lets out a loud moan and trembles. He thrusts faster as his cum glides his cock throughout my pussy. He slows down and collapses onto my lips. I kiss for what feels like forever.

Before long, I am up and gathered myself. We laugh together gently as we say our goodbyes. Paolo escorts me to the door.

As I leave, I see a recent photo of Giovanni and think of his eyes and that night. I pull away and down the street. The further Paolo’s condo escapes my rear-view mirror, the closer the thoughts of Giovanni enter my mind.

To be continued…

Published 2 years ago

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