There remains one loose end in this story I need to tie up.
You might remember Stan, the guy who almost caught Matt and me together in the showers during the Memorial weekend campout and later came on to me himself. After giving me a blowjob in those same showers the next day, he had given me a business card and told me to look him up.
I had forgotten all about it until I found the card while sorting through some things when I packed up for school. Once again I was tempted to throw it away, but again I thought better of it. I slipped the card into an envelope with two or three other papers I thought I might need that year and threw it in a box.
The box sat untouched on a shelf in my dorm room closet until the middle of second semester, when I got it down while looking for something else I’d brought from home. When I opened the envelope the card fell into my hand, and when I realized what it was I felt a sudden surge of blood into my cock.
This was late on a Friday morning. Shana was going home that weekend for a cousin’s wedding, so there was nothing to prevent me from getting in touch with Stan — other than the guilt I would feel for cheating on her. But I had learned to live with that, mostly for the sake of having sex with Matt, and I supposed I wouldn’t be any bigger a shit for having sex with a second guy.
I sat down on the bed with the card in my hand and picked up the phone. Text him, he’d said.
As I had when I first got in touch with Shana the summer before, I hesitated over what to say.
Finally I typed: Hi Stan, it’s Andy from the campground shower. Sorry for taking so long to get in touch, but I just found your card again and thought I’d say hello.
There was no immediate answer, so I threw the card in a desk drawer and went down to lunch.
I was just coming back upstairs when the phone vibrated.
Hi Andy. It’s good to hear from you.
Only then did I realize I hadn’t given any thought to what to say next.
The phone buzzed again.
How’s college?
It’s great, I love it here.
There was a long pause, then the phone buzzed again.
So, what’s on your mind? Are you hoping to get together?
TBH I’m not sure.
How about we get together and talk?
That would be OK.
He suggested we meet later at a certain coffee shop, far enough from campus that I’d be unlikely to run into someone I know. I figured he had done that on purpose, and I appreciated his thoughtfulness.
I’ll be there at 5.
OK, see you then.
I put the phone down. I was already having second thoughts, but I was also getting an erection. I tried to ignore it and get busy with other things, but it kept coming back every time I thought of the coming meeting.
I decided I’d better clean up a little before leaving, so I stepped into the bathroom and took a cold shower. It didn’t help; my dick was still sticking straight up when I got out. It went down while I was getting dressed, but not totally, and as I left the dorm I worried that someone might notice the bulge in my pants.
When I walked into the coffee shop Stan was sitting in a booth in the back. The nearby booths were all empty, and I noted again how careful he was.
He smiled slightly when he saw me come in and gave me a friendly handshake before I sat down.
“How you doing?” he said.
“I’m good,” I said, though I was nervous and had no doubt it showed.
“Relax,” he said quietly. “There’s no pressure at all.”
Then he leaned forward and said quietly, though no one was nearby, “You are really hot, you know that?”
I blushed.
“What would you like?” he said, nodding at the menu chalked on the wall across from us.
I told him, and he got up to get it for me. While he was standing at the counter I looked him over as carefully as I dared, and thought again what a great body he had. That made me think about our encounter in the campground showers, and I felt my dick stiffening again.
When he came back with our coffees we started making small talk, and after a few minutes, I was able to relax, though my boner didn’t subside totally. I noticed him squirming a little now and then, and figured he must have one, too.
Finally, after a quick glance to be sure no one was nearby, he came to the point: his wife and kids were spending the weekend with grandparents; would I like to spend the evening at his place?
I hesitated. I hadn’t given much thought to where this might lead when I first texted him, and the proposition unnerved me a little.
He must have sensed my doubts, because he looked me in the eye and said, “I promise you I won’t pressure you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. If at any time you want to leave, I’ll bring you right back to your dorm.”
I thought for a few seconds, and decided to trust him.
“Okay,” I said.
“Can you go now?” he asked.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Great,” he said, giving me a friendly smile. “I promise you’ll enjoy yourself.”
On the way to his place, we stopped for Thai takeout, and he insisted on getting a quart of ice cream from the shop next door. Ten minutes later we pulled up in front of an immaculate bungalow in a leafy neighborhood about a mile and a half from campus. The yard was carefully mowed and trimmed, and a couple of kids’ bikes leaned against the garage in back.
The inside was cluttered in the way I now know is typical of houses with kids, with toys and books left lying about, but the kitchen was large and sunny, with a big window in the back wall. Through it, I could see a wooden deck, empty this time of year except for what looked to be a hot tub in one corner, well-screened from the neighbors. As I watched, a wisp of steam escaped from under the thickly padded cover.
I’ll bet we end up out there before the evening is out, I thought, not without a tingle of anticipation.
“Would you like something to drink?” Stan asked as he laid the table for dinner. “A beer? Glass of wine?”
“You hoping to get me drunk?”
“A little, maybe,” he said. “But not too drunk for you to enjoy the evening.”
With that, he stepped closer, circled an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. His lips were mere inches from mine, and I could smell the coffee on his breath. Leaning in he kissed me softly, and when I returned the kiss he pulled me closer. I could feel the hardness in his pants, and I’m sure he could feel the hardness in mine.
I pulled back.
“A beer would be nice,” I said.
He smiled and let me go. He got two bottles out of the fridge and handed me one.
“Cheers,” he said and tapped my glass with his.
While we ate, he asked me what I’d been doing since I saw him last summer, how I liked college and so forth. He seemed genuinely interested in what classes I liked and why, and gave me some good advice about what might be useful in a career.
I told him a little about my relationship with Shana, keeping the details to a minimum, but was a little freer about my fling with Jason and the ongoing thing with Matt.
“What about you?” I asked.
He told me a little about his sex life at home, with more detail than I’d offered — things with his wife were a little tense, he said, without elaborating — then surprised me by saying I hadn’t been his last M2M encounter.
“That got me thinking again about how much I enjoyed sucking cock” — here he nudged me under the table with his knee — “so one night on a business trip I went to a gay bar and let myself get picked up.”
He stopped long enough to slip a hand into his pants to adjust what I guessed was his swelling cock. I did the same.
“When I got back from that trip I emailed my college roommate,” he said. “We had played around some…”
“You mentioned that.”
“We emailed back and forth several times before I finally just asked him if he ever thought about what we had done,” Stan said. “He said he thought about it a lot, and he seemed eager to talk about it. We eventually agreed to take up where we left off. He lives about an hour away but we’ve managed to meet three times.”
“Your wives don’t suspect?”
“Stan’s knows all about it,” said a voice behind me.
I whirled around. A naked woman was standing in the living room doorway. For a second I nearly choked on my pad thai, and Stan was about to start pounding on my back when I finally got my throat clear.
Stan’s wife — for that’s who it was — was gorgeous — tall and curvy, with big round breasts and sensuous hips. Flaming red hair flowed to her shoulders and formed a thick triangle between her legs. Her skin was as fair and clear as Shana’s, and her figure would have been the envy of many much younger women.
My mouth hung open, partly in awe of her beauty, partly in surprise and alarm at the turn things had taken.
She looked at me intently, a smile playing around her lips.
“Relax,” she said, sauntering into the kitchen. “I won’t bite.”
“Sorry I wasn’t truthful about being alone tonight,” Stan said. “What I didn’t tell you is that Laura figured out what was going on with my college friend and said—”
“If you’re going to fuck your friends on the side,” Laura put in, “so am I.”
She stepped into the kitchen and stood behind me. Bending forward slightly, she let her long hair spill on either side of my head and grazed the hard tips of her breasts on the back of my neck. I flashed on the memory of Shana’s breasts sliding over my back after the Memorial Day piggyback fight nearly a year ago, and felt a surge of blood to my cock.
Laura backed away, then moved around the table to take the seat opposite me. She picked up a spring roll and began to eat it, eying me steadily the whole time.
“I’m sorry to spring this on you,” Stan said. “If you’re uncomfortable and want to leave, I’ll take you back to campus right now.”
Laura finished her spring roll, licked her fingers carefully, got up and walked to the back door. She opened it and strode naked onto the deck.
Pushing back the cover of the hot tub, she climbed in slowly, waggling her hips to make sure we got an eyeful of her voluptuous backside.
Stan and I looked at each other. He stripped and followed her outside, his stiff cock pointing the way. Next thing I knew, he was sitting on the edge of the hot tub, Laura’s head bobbing in his lap.
I sat there frozen, trying to process everything that had happened in the last ten minutes. As I watched, the whole previous year seemed to unspool in my head, from that night in the tent when Matt slipped his cock into my hand to the feel of Laura’s breasts on the back of my neck.
Through the window, I saw Laura lift her head from Stan’s lap and look in my direction. When our eyes met, she reached up with a free hand and patted the spot next to her naked husband.
I stood up and began taking off my clothes. When I was naked, I looked down at my stiff cock, which had had so many adventures in the last year, and spoke to it as if it were a person.
“This one last time,” I said, “I’m going to let you do the thinking for me.”
Plus, I told myself, afterward we’ll have ice cream.