When I last stayed with Aunty Beryl I was 19. I am now 23 and working for a consultancy company which means I have to travel a fair bit. At short notice I was asked to work on a project in the West Midlands for a week or more and I was struggling to find a hotel room. On the off chance I phoned Aunty Beryl to ask if I could stay there for the week and she said I’d be welcome.
I was now a successful businessman with my own home so it never occurred to me that she would still treat me like a little boy. I knocked on the door and waited.
To my surprise her daughter Kate opened the door, “Oh, it’s you. Come in.”
For whatever reason we had never got on and clearly nothing had changed as far as Kate was concerned and she still looked stunning.
Aunty Beryl appeared and took over, “Come in Jim, put your case down there.”
Aunty Beryl was not actually my aunty just a friend of my mother so before going any further I said, “Now I’m a grown man shall I just call you Beryl?”
Her face hardened before she replied, “I don’t think so, Jim. I think it best if we keep things as they’ve always been. The rules remain the same in this house for you and for Kate,” and with that she handed me a copy of the rules I’d seen so often before.
I didn’t need to read them, I knew them off by heart.
“Nothing has changed?” I asked meekly as Kate appeared in the hall.
“Of course nothing has changed,” she snapped, “Kate still gets spanked if she breaks the rules.”
Kate stammered and went beetroot red before turning back into the main room.
I’d been studying her in the doorway and remembering what an attractive woman she was. She’d filled out since I’d last seen her but clearly she was very fit and the tight, white t-shirt she was wearing was figure hugging, showing off those firm breasts I remembered well. She was wearing a short skirt revealing her attractive long legs and slim waist.
I tried to focus, “Does Kate still live at home then Beryl, er.. Aunty Beryl?”
Aunty called Kate back into the hall, “Yes, Kate lives at home with me now since she got kicked out of her flat last year.”
Again, Kate turned bright red and scowled at me, “It’s just temporary,” she snarled.
“Right Jim, take your case up and unpack. You’re in the same room as before. I’ll be up to check it in a few minutes.”
Clearly nothing had changed! I grabbed my case and unpacked in the spare room I remembered from my previous visits. Same furniture, same wallpaper, same everything.
As I closed the wardrobe and slid my case under the bed, Aunty appeared in the doorway. Her eyes travelled round the room and apparently satisfied she went back downstairs, calling “Dinner in five minutes, if you’d like to have a quick wash.”
I guessed she’d check so I dashed into the bathroom to wash and clean my teeth. It was like being a child again, which I realised was how Aunty wanted me to feel.
The evening passed slowly and conversation was limited. This was not going to be a pleasant stay.
I enjoyed my first day on the project and we made good progress. Shortly after 5.00 pm I made my apologies and left early, knowing Aunty’s rule about dinner on the table at 6.00 pm was unlikely to have changed.
Aunty had not trusted me with a key. I knocked on the front door which was opened by a very unhappy, teary faced Kate.
“What’s the matter?” I asked, “Are you all right?”
Aunty appeared behind her, “Go on, tell Jim why you’ve been crying.”
After a nudge from Aunty she mumbled “I, er, lied to Mum about a job I was being interviewed for.”
Another nudge, “I didn’t get to the interview stage but told her that I did,” Kate paused… another nudge, “and I told her the interview went well. So now I’m going to be punished and I don’t want to be punished – not in front of you.”
Aunty stepped in, “So for telling me you were going to an interview, for telling me you’d done well and lying each time I asked you about it you will be punished.”
I felt my penis swelling at the thought. No wonder she was so unhappy, she would be punished naked in front of me.
As I got ready for dinner I checked my iPhone, for messages. Then I had a brainwave. With a bit of luck I could video the whole punishment, this was getting better and better.
I made sure I got the seat at the dining table with a direct view of the punishment stool and coffee table. As long as nothing had changed there I was sure to get a good recording.
I set up my phone’s camera in preparation and put the phone face down on the table, hoping it would not be too obvious.
Soon after dinner was over, Aunty told Kate to get ready. Eyes down she left the table and went upstairs dejectedly. Aunty went to fetch the implements and I set up my phone, propped against my plate.
Kate came downstairs in the regulation short nightie, hands by her sides, which left little to the imagination. If only I could video this, her nightie just reached her firm bottom, so I had a perfect view of her long legs and her blond bush. Her hands were clenched, knowing she was totally on show.
Fortunately the routine had not changed. Aunty made Kate stand facing the table to tell us why she was to be punished. Her breasts were pushing against the nightie and her slit, just above table height, had a neatly trimmed blond covering but those beautiful legs were hidden behind the table cloth. She really was a very attractive young woman.
“I am going to give you six strokes of the tawse, then you will remove your nightie for twelve strokes of the cane.”
“No, please Mum,” Kate pleaded.
“Get on with it,” she said crossly, ‘bend over.”
Aunty placed the kitchen stool and bent Kate over. Now I could see her tanned, long legs and her open slit as Aunty parted her legs either side of the stool. My cock was straining against the table.
Aunty stepped to one side to deliver the tawse punishment and I surreptitiously checked that the camera was getting all this.
Thwack, thwack, thwack, the leather tawse sent shivers across those beautiful firm cheeks and created the most wonderful sound of leather on skin. Thwack, thwack, thwack, leaving wide stripes across her bum.
“It’s not over yet,” said Aunty, “take off your nightie for the cane and face us to explain why you are being punished.”
Kate removed her nightie and my cock throbbed at the sight of her wonderful firm tits and rigid nipples and her flat, tanned stomach.
She faced the table, I just hoped the camera was getting all that I could see.
“I lied about the interview and I lied about doing well,” Kate muttered.
Auntie moved the stool away and pulled the coffee table into position. Kate stepped up to the narrow end of the coffee table as I’d hoped. Auntie told her to adopt the position and reluctantly she placed one leg either side of the table and held the table sides with straight arms.
From my seat I could see her beautiful tits pointing down and between her legs her glorious slit oozing juices. She might have been embarrassed but she was also turned on. I just hoped Aunty would notice and punish her for this too.
I checked the camera once more and was happy to see it was catching all of this.
Swish, swish, swish, swish, but this last stroke caught her at the top of her thighs and she leapt up, clutching her bum. Her tits swung around beautifully and my cock strained again against the underside of the table.
“You know the rules,” her mother said grimly, “an extra stroke for each time you try to stop me or you get up.”.
Kate bravely took the remaining nine strokes but Aunty had noticed her juices flowing.
“How dare you get excited girl, lie down on the table.”
“Please Mum, not in front of Jim.” Kate whined.
“You should have thought of that before you behaved so lewdly. Lie on the table and pull up your knees.”
Kate lay down along the coffee table as instructed, revealing her slit wide and oozing. Aunty stepped to one side, picked up the tawse and flicked it between Kate’s heavenly thighs, across her swollen lips.
“Six strokes across your privates for such lewd behaviour.”
Hardly private, I thought to myself. My cock was throbbing and oozing precum. It was uncomfortable sitting here now.
Each stroke brought a cry from Kate, of pain or excitement, I wasn’t sure. Eventually she was told to get up and come to the table once more to apologise before being sent to her room. I watched every step as she climbed the stairs with everything on view.
I carefully pocketed the phone before helping to clear away the dinner plates.
As soon as it was polite to go to bed I went up, got into bed stark naked and began to wank while watching the amazing video. I didn’t miss a frame and my cock was rigid. I was so engrossed I didn’t notice the door open quietly.
Aunty had been there for a couple of minutes watching me wank and she’d seen that I was looking at my phone. She was furious.
She grabbed the phone, “What on earth do you think you are doing, masturbating on my clean sheets.”
I tried to cover my throbbing cock, semen was pouring out onto my stomach and onto the sheets.
“Don’t move,” she shouted, “what are you looking at on this thing?”
All the shouting had brought Kate out of her room and she appeared in the doorway, taking in the scene and smiling as she saw my throbbing cock.
By now Auntie had realised what the video was and showed it to Kate.
“Right, both of you go to sleep. I will decide on your punishment in the morning, Jim.”
I didn’t sleep well. At breakfast the next morning Auntie outlined my punishment.
“I will punish you after dinner tonight. I will give you six strokes of the tawse for recording this video. I will give you twelve strokes of the cane for masturbating on my clean sheets and I have decided to allow Kate to help for creating this recording of her punishment. Now do not be late for dinner this evening.”
Kate’s face showed how pleased she was and how she was looking forward to this evening’s punishment session.
I was not looking forward to this at all…