Room Serviced (Part 8)

"A hotel bellboy discovers he's the one getting served."

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“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

“I should’ve…”

“Did you hear me?”

Carson looked up at Mr. Armisen, propped up in the hospital bed of the emergency room. After four hours, two X-rays, and sixteen stitches, he still looked pretty banged up. It could’ve been sexy, looking like he had survived a bar fight. But Carson couldn’t look him in the eye. He just felt a pang of guilt when he saw his beautiful face, scratched and bruised.

Carson looked down. “So… am I, like… fired?”

For the first time in hours, Armisen’s face broke into a smile. “I didn’t realize I hired you.”

“Didn’t you, though?” said Carson. “I mean, you gave me the money and invited me here…”

“That was a gift,” said Armisen. “It wasn’t a transaction, it was an open invitation…”


“I wanted to see you again,” he said simply.

Carson looked around the hospital room. A spark of anger started to flicker inside him.

“Clarissa saw you coming back to the hotel every night last week,” Carson said. “You could have any chick you wanted–”

“That’s not true…”

 His humility was even more infuriating than his cockiness.

 “Fine, any woman who wanted you. But that’s still like ninety percent of them. I sucked your dick one time and ended up knocking you off a cliff. Why did you bring me here–?”

 “Because I like you.”

 Carson’s voice broke off, disarmed by the tenderness in Mr. Armisen’s words, a tone he was unfamiliar with. Velvety and sincere–fatherly.

 “Well, I’m sorry I ruined our night,” said Carson quietly, putting his hand on Mr. Armisen’s thigh and rubbing gently.

 “It’s only eight o’clock,” said Armisen, glancing at his watch.

 “Maybe I can make it up to you,” Carson said. He glanced out the door. The hallway was empty.

Keeping his hand on Armisen’s leg, Carson slowly edged north towards his groin, looking over at him for a reaction. The man looked down as Carson’s hand crept further, sliding into his lap. He closed his eyes and let out a slow, rattling breath. Carson felt his cock inflate under his touch, hot and solid. Carson squeezed. It swelled up in his hand until it broke through his grip.

 Without a word, Carson’s hand wandered under Armisen’s pants, wrapping around his sweaty staff. He skimmed his glans with his thumb, feeling the warm wetness leaking out. Carson started to stroke him, slowly, wringing him out like a rag.

 Armisen sucked in through his teeth, hissing as if his touch burned.

“I can’t get cum on this bed,” he protested.

 “Then try not to come,” said Carson, squeezing tighter.

He rolled his soft foreskin in between his fingers, feeling the veins of his cock swell under his touch, pumping his member fuller and fuller until it stretched against his pants.

Armisen rolled his head back onto his shoulders. “Oh, God.” He gripped the bedsheets taut in his fists.

Carson leaned over and traced his tongue along the man’s torso, into his armpit, towards his chest. He sank his teeth where Mr. Armisen’s nipples poked through and licked him over his polo.

Armisen squirmed as if in agony, but he grunted with pleasure, relishing every touch.

“I’m so close–” he whispered, hoarse and strained.

“You better hold it,” Carson said, even as he nibbled on his teat, Armisen’s cock squishing wet in his palm.

“I can’t…”

Precum oozed out his hole, drenching Carson’s hand. Another pump and he would explode–

 Suddenly, a shadow flickered overhead. Carson retracted his hand with lightning speed just as a figure appeared in the door.

 “What’s the diagnosis, doc?” Mr. Armisen said, sitting up forward to hide his erection, stifling his amusement. “Am I dying?”

 “It’s just a sprain,” she said, uncertain whether he was joking. “You should be fine as long as you don’t walk on it for a while. So, no more hiking…”

 Mr. Armisen chuckled. “I don’t think I’ll try that again any time soon.”

 “You’re lucky your son was with you,” she said.

“I know it,” Armisen smiled, slapping a hand on Carson’s thigh so hard it made him jump. Looking over at him with his sexy brown eyes, “He’s a good boy.”

* * *

Armisen ordered room service for dinner that night and a wine so expensive Carson felt guilty pouring a second glass. Later, the man announced he had some work to do and that he needed to take a bath.

 “You need any help in there?” Carson dared to ask.

 “The floor’s made of tile,” Armisen said. “Why don’t we try to avoid any more slip-ups today, huh?”

Deflated, Carson waited out on the balcony, sipping on his wine while the bathwater crashed behind him. He felt the summer wind whipping through his hair as the surf thundered below, the air briny and warm.

Things were suddenly so awkward. He didn’t know what was supposed to happen next–was Armisen ever going to get around to fucking him?

What was he supposed to do?

Carson turned around and walked back into the suite, looking at the black and white photographs on the walls. He went into the kitchen and peered through the cabinets. The shelves were well-stocked–wine and cheese and whipped cream– 

And something else. A jar of coconut oil. 

The flame in Carson’s belly returned. Suddenly he had an idea.

Carson peeked through the bathroom door. There was Armisen, sitting up with his knees bent in the soapy water, the tub dwarfed by his muscular build. He held a wine glass in one hand while the other clacked away at his laptop, propped up on a shower stool beside him. He was completely naked, except for a pair of square-framed glasses. They made his face look completely different, and the cognitive dissonance was jarring–a professor with the body of a Men’s Health cover model. Clark Kent from the chin up, Superman from the neck down.

Armisen slurped loudly on his wine. Carson felt his asshole dilate, wishing Armisen would put his lips on him like that.

“You wear glasses?” Carson asked, appalled. 

How many sexy facets did this guy have?

“Just when I read,” said Armisen, smiling over at him. “I’m an old man, Carson.”

“How old, exactly?”

“Forty-five. How about you?” 


Armisen nodded. “I’ll be out in a minute, champ.”

Carson took the hint and backed away. Just as he was about to close the door, he turned around. “Hey,” he said. “Don’t come out until I tell you to.” 

Armisen took a sip of his wine and raised his eyebrows, sliding back on his elbow. “Okay,” he said, suspicious.

“It’s a surprise.”

Carson closed the door and quickly got to work.


Published 5 years ago

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