Lucinda’s Haunting Memories

"A woman is seduced by her brother-in-law while her husband's out on a hospital call."

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Lucinda dropped her shoulder bag onto the chair set to one side of the hall table. She looked at her reflection in the art deco mirror, its rectangular metal frames stark against the brilliant white of the walls. She felt overwhelmed by fatigue and a raging sense of guilt that possessed her thoughts…of having succumbed to her philandering brother-in-law; a man with few scruples, rich though he was; a man who had found her in ways that she would need time to fully comprehend, let alone to close out the memories of how she had behaved.

Her auburn red hair was still tied back, its long wispy curls framing her slender face, large eyes taking in her appearance, her skin somewhat paler than normal for a woman unbothered by wanting a suntan. Its silky smoothness was something that her husband, Freddie Carew, loved about her. He had called her ‘Lucy’ from the beginnings of their relationship, Freddie finding ‘Lucinda’ far too formal.

He had yet to come home from the hospital, the emergency surgery call, in the early hours of the morning, taking him from her side. He had attended the family reunion for his brother Tony at a local wine bar and where they had sought to make a night of it, even if he had been obliged not to drink any alcohol. Tony had travelled over from the States for a few days’ break, leaving his partner Barbara Baker behind; she was unable to make a journey at short notice. Tony had ended up staying with her and Freddie for his last two nights in England before he too returned to his work as a medical consultant. The two men looked alike, you couldn’t mistake them for not being brothers, but their temperaments were far from similar, divergent, and it was this that now preyed on her mind.

Lucy pressed the fingers of one hand to her belly, felt the ache bestowed by wayward hours spent in bed with Tony, her behaviour defying all logic and what had gone before between them, which had been only too unremarkable.

She had checked her skin for any marks of her prolonged and tempestuous trysts with the man. None were to be found, for which she was grateful. What she could not close out was how she had succumbed to Tony; how she had been seduced when they had been alone in the house, and he had been heard coming into the kitchen soon after Freddie had left her. Before all of that, she had kissed Freddie in farewell and made a hot milky drink to help her get back to sleep once more; to settle her stomach after an evening at that bistro where more had been drunk than she had thought wise, but the mood that everyone had fallen into making it easier to agree than to decline.

Yet, such mild excesses had not affected her judgement, nor what she had been seduced into pursuing with Tony. She wondered if there could ever be a way back from what she had succumbed to and then shared with him. It had felt as if no part of her body had been left untouched, kissed or caressed, or found in Tony’s pursuit of pleasure and that she had discovered in wanton abandon to him and his ways.

Right now, as she went into the lavishly appointed kitchen, other things were on her mind…how she had to where she now was with her thoughts and feelings about herself, but mostly about Tony.


She looked up on hearing the kitchen clock strike the hour. Lucy shifted on the chair as she sipped on a small beaker of hot chocolate. The kitchen table already had some of the breakfast things laid out upon it.

Freddie had left her without a word being said on the fact that she was alone in the house with Tony, the brother whose behaviour over supper and then afterwards continued to confound her. Once Freddie had left her side, she had spent a restless hour trying to get back to sleep and had finally decided to come downstairs and read; to do something to take her mind off what had happened and that was so at odds with all that had gone before between them.

The dress she had worn at the wine bar, a black jersey favourite with its cutaway sleeves and somewhat revealing neckline, had not been worn for some time, but she could still get into it and Freddie’s approving glances had overcome her concern. It shaped her slender, full-breasted figure and the soft swell of her belly. She had been pleased how a jewelled pendant, that she had chosen to wear, nestled on the almost glacial whiteness of her skin and her cleavage.

She still wore the necklace now, under the short-hemmed silk dressing gown that she loved to feel against her skin.

But how Tony had behaved when they had danced a few steps, to a tune heard on the wine bar’s sound system, had revealed just what he felt when she had been held close, far too close it now seemed. It had become a reckless and intimate embrace that she had been obliged to step away from, suddenly embarrassed and disconcerted by his state of arousal and what had been her reaction. She had been dismayed to feel the press of his prick against her belly as he held her close in a dance, his steps certain and taking her along effortlessly, in time with the music to be heard.

She had said nothing to Freddie, but she had felt herself drawn into a maelstrom of emotions that being together, like they had never been before, had aroused in her and most of all by him. She had taken to wondering if wearing that dress had sent the wrong signals, which had taken him further when they danced. Perhaps he was missing Bobby far more than he’d ever admit to and she had been considered a surrogate.

She’d not worn the dress to alert him to what may also have been at work in her. That was far too crazy to even think of, let alone for her to go there.


Lucy gasped in dismay and swung round on the seat, her ease of movement hindered by the breakfast bar’s top, on hearing him speak. She felt a tightening in her throat on seeing him, the drift of his eyes over her as the dressing gown tightened. ‘Tony!’

‘Yes, I can’t sleep, either.’

‘Freddie’s been called in for an emergency…’

‘I heard him go, some time ago.’ She saw Tony brush a hand over his combed back greying hair, his high forehead creased in a frown as he took in her appearance, her choice of a thin dressing gown that she had put over her short nightdress, with its lacy straps and bow at her breastbone, all of it only too flattering and shaping her. ‘I see someone else, again…different from the woman I danced with last night.’

‘And I was embarrassed by what you felt…’ She answered only too directly, draining the dregs of her hot chocolate. She made to get up from the chair, her leg stretching the fabric of her short-hemmed nightdress and revealing the pale skin of her thighs.

‘A man who felt attracted to you…and who is with you now.’ His fingers lifted her face and Tony made her look at him. ‘I never got the chance to say how beautiful you looked in that dress…how you looked when we danced. It was a special moment…’

‘Don’t, Tony….’

‘I’m just telling you how it was for me.’

She put a restraining hand on his chest as he drew closer still. The touch of his fingers to the bare skin of her thigh had sent a shock of dismay, and of aberrant longing, coursing through her body. Tony had never made a pass at her before, the opportunity never presenting itself, as it did now, she realised.

‘You’ve said it, now let me go to bed. It seems I may have to drive you to the airport. Freddie said the operation might become complicated…that he might have to stay for a while…close to the recovery room. He will call me…’

She blurted it all out just to buy some time and to decide on what to do. Tony remained standing close to her, the featherlight brush of his fingers to her face letting her know that he was captivated by what he saw of her and could now touch.

‘Then we’ll be together from now on, Lucy.’

She heard how his voice had dropped and his tone seeking to persuade her into being with him in ways that smashed everything that had gone before. All that she had thought to be her ordered life, with Freddie, was now at risk if she let him continue in his touches, be taken in by flattering words. She gripped Tony’s wrist but could not still his questing caresses and felt dismayed at her body’s responses to what his interest in her would lead to.

‘You’re dreaming. Get your hands off me! You’re dreaming if you think you’ll get me into bed…have a quick fuck with me…a farewell present quite different.’

She wasn’t one to swear, or use foul language, but the moment seemed to warrant it.

‘You think so?’ Tony asked, a devilish smile creasing his greying stubble beard. She had always liked that smile, how his soft blue eyes took her in, as they did so again now, her thin dressing gown shaping the tumble of her breasts and revealing more of her slender legs that was decent. The frilly hem had ridden up over her thighs as she sought to stand up, one foot just reaching the floor as he kept her from moving.

He had shifted his weight and now kept her from covering her legs. Tony moved again, pressed to force her thighs wider apart until he could stand between them, his arms to each side of her and his large hands bearing his weight on the countertop as he leant over her. She saw his eyes drift, felt his breath on her face, met his stilled look that sought to persuade her to relent.

‘Share moments with me, while we have the chance to do so,’ he breathed on her lips as he stood over her and she pressed hands to his chest.

‘This is crazy, Tony,’ she groaned in dismay, squirming under his slow, questing, touches that aroused rushes of aberrant longing for him in her, ‘and it’s so deceitful.’

‘You had your troubles with Freddie, I seem to recall?’

Her eyes widened in surprise that he should speak of it. ‘That was a long time ago! One wrong doesn’t excuse another!’

‘But may explain it, Lucy, a moment so different from everything that’s gone before.’ His breaths were on her parted lips, and she met his stilled, determined look upon her, the drift of his eyes down as he pulled open her gown to reveal the swell of her breasts, shaped so enticingly by her nightdress, the silk fabric clinging to every curve. ‘You’re beautiful. Even more beautiful than the last time I was here with you…’

‘But not like this…you didn’t see me like this or behave like this!’

‘I need you, beautiful Lucy. I really need you.’ He kissed her trembling lips before she tore her mouth away. She felt his hands move over her breasts and cup them for a moment to feel their weight, and before they slid down over her stomach and brushed her thighs, then pressed into her slit and danced over her opening, his long fingers agile as they parted her slicked pussy’s lips and seducingly moved to find her clit. ‘Don’t fight it…share these moments with me, Lucy…please?’

Her hands were unable to restrain him as Tony stood over her and offered kisses and ragingly pleasurable touches to wherever he could reach to bring her on.

‘This…is so wrong!’ she cried out in disgust yet feeling the wetness that his questing touches had aroused in her. How could that be happening given the way she felt?

‘You’re with me, someone you know and who cares for you…’

‘But showing that supposed care…like this?’ She squirmed under his touches; felt the unstoppable rush of longing that a man’s slow questing caresses to her most secret place aroused in her, that sought to coax her to abandon any restraint.

Tony chuckled even as he hooked his fingers under her panties and slid them directly onto her slicked opening, parted her pussy’s lips. He pressed gently, not enough to actually slide inside her, but enough of a questing caress that Lucy did not know how to stop him from continuing, pinned as she was on the seat. In thrall, she watched as his thumb followed, sliding onto her clit and rocking against it in a seducing rhythmic caress that made the muscles of her vagina pulse, even against her will.

Tony finally eased his fingers out of her, and she sighed in relief, only to realise what Tony was intent on doing. He slid his fingers over her mouth, watching as he coated her lips with her juices. She groaned in revulsion, while he smiled softly, his stilled eyes challenging her to say something.

‘Let me taste you,’ he said huskily and pressed his mouth to her lips, sucked on them as he hungrily took in the taste of her. ‘And…and now…let me feel you around me.’

‘Tony, no…please! What’s gotten into you?’ she squirmed under his touches, met his wondering look upon her but made no forceful effort to escape his claims upon her. It would be seen as acquiescence in all that would, or might, follow.

‘You have…and from seeing you last night in that dress…how it felt to dance with you…and now seeing you in your nightie…how it shapes you…reveals the woman under the smart clothes I’ve seen you wear. I’ve noticed…noticed everything about you.’

She knew it too but said nothing. Tony’s clamping touches on her legs made her shift forward on the seat, the nightdress now gathered at her hips and her panties gradually pulled away, her breaths becoming soft gasps of dismay aroused by the charge of excitement that his questing caresses aroused in her and that she failed to keep from him.


She clung to him, could not keep from responding to his deepening, open-mouthed kisses, conflicted as she now was. She clung to him and basked in the attention he now paid to her, heard him gasp as her hands circled his erect flesh, felt its girth, slid over its length and cupped his sac, thrust her hands under the waistband of his pyjamas and found him.

‘Go on…go on!’ he snorted through their snatched kisses, the clamp of his hands upon her breasts making her shudder. Lucy squirmed, sought to still get away from him.

‘How…how could you do this?’

‘I want to taste and love what you bring to me…Lucy. I’m through waiting…as I think you are.’

He pushed forward, had the tip of his penis press against her moist opening. As if in a trance, she reached down to touch and then guide him into her. She heard Tony gasp as he felt her moist heat slick his length as he pushed against her opening.

‘Love with me…just love with me this one time,’ he kissed, slowly moving against her. The more she squirmed the deeper his kisses became and the tighter the clamp of his hands upon her breasts. Any resistance to him only made Tony harder.

‘Tony…Tony…please…this is crazy!’

She had never felt so in thrall to a man and his ways, and now she seemed to be at his mercy, concern for what he sought of her, to do with her, vying with how she would react in taking him and her responses to being plumbed by that arcing penis that she felt him brush against her pussy’s lips, each push more insistent. He was intent on taking her here and now, he would forsake any finesse.

Tony broke their kiss and breathed hotly in her ear, the touch of his lips making her shiver, the clamp of his hands unrelenting. He made sure that she felt the caress of his penis against her belly, or its slow prick against her opening, his cockhead and fingers awkwardly fumbling, parting her labia and nestling there.

‘Just admit it Lucy…you’re tempted to be with me, even once…’

‘You arrogant bastard!’

‘No…I’ve never been that…as you know only too well,’ he growled, and pushed forward, his slide into her making her gasp and cling to him, her hands gripping his neck. His lips were close to her mouth, his tongue slicking them, then probing. ‘I’m someone different…a different man for the virtuous woman you make yourself out to be.’

‘That I am!’

She tried to beat his back, her movements restricted by the presence of him inside her, his thrusts slow and deepening, inducing her to react by lifting her legs until he grasped them and held them around his waist. Her posture was awkward and submissive, her resistance slowly seduced away by the wayward pleasure that his movements within her aroused. She was being stretched and plumbed, felt that she was in a dance, with Tony taking the confident lead. She bucked her hips and tugged on him, heard his sharp intakes of breath as he moved inside her and she wrenched upon him.

‘That’s better…so much better,’ he groaned in his pleasure, their unequal responses quickening.

‘I’m a woman who trusted you…is married to your brother…whose trust you’re betraying!’

She beat his back with clenched fists as he continued to plumb her body, to stretch her by his movements, the beating of her hands slowly easing as he silenced her cries with his deepening kisses until she could bear the torment of resisting no longer. She clung to him fiercely, loved the way that he kissed; how Tony wanted to devour her mouth and tongue as he sought it, all the while slamming into her until she gasped in raging pleasure and pain, the brush of his pubic hair against her bush sending little shock waves through her.

‘You’ve got me…found me! Happy now?’

‘Yes…yes! I’m all the way in now,’ he groaned, lifting her off the seat and making her settle on him, his hands clenching her buttocks. He was moving in her as if he could never get enough of this forbidden fruit, which was his brother’s wife.

‘Tony…Tony!’ she gasped hoarsely, rising and falling on him and feeling the tug of his lips on her breasts through the fabric of her nightdress. There was something about being so obviously desired by Tony that reduced her to a trembling wreck, all resistance and propriety forsaken. She wanted to give of herself to him and she did.

She moaned through their snatched kisses, felt the harshness of his taking of her as the seat again pressed into her buttocks and he made her lie back as far as it allowed, her hands gripping his shoulders, and Tony leaning over her and resuming his wild taking of her, the bench seat creaking, its frame scraping eerily over the tiled floor.

It was destructive of her ordered world and wrong, the way her body was reacting to what they pursued of each other. She would have given anything for him to stop before their claims upon each other brought the rush of a wrecking orgasm.

‘Lucy…darling…Lucy!’ he gasped through their snatched kisses, bending to kiss her breasts as she jerked and clamped on him feverishly. ‘You’re going to break me!’

‘As you’ve done…to me…I’m…I’m lost!’

She shuddered in her orgasm as she felt the first of his jetting streams fill her, the bucking of his hips making her buttocks slide on the bench cushion. She had to wrap her arms around his neck to keep from falling.

She had to tear her mouth away from his kisses of gratitude for letting him plumb her. She knew that her body would ache, her lover’s ways quite unlike all that she shared with Freddie. It was only too ordered with him, what they sought of each other. She didn’t want to be reminded of that, not just now or that Tony brought pleasure that transcended all that had gone before.

Tony’s eyes were smouldering with continued lust for her as he slowly eased away, then pushed back in, her muscles tightening around him and seeking the last of his ebbing strength and what had been expelled into her. She saw his eyes flutter, knew the pleasure that these strained ways had aroused in him as he moaned out her name. She chose to echo it, surprised now by his more considerate movements, but basking in the feeling of having his penis, a wanton lover’s penis, inside her for a few moments more.

‘I won’t forget this,’ he kissed, and she felt his embrace upon her ease before his flaccid length of flesh was taken from her. She shivered on feeling the last of it, the residual caress of that bulbous tip stretch her pussy’s lips before they languished for a few moments in the heat of what had been shared, or as she thought of their rut, his taking of her.

Disgust vied with the aberrant pleasure that had been discovered in such a new way; of having sex and still with their clothes on, their hot flesh as one in an uncommon way for her.

‘And I’ve got to live with what we’ve done…find a way to forgive you.’


She felt restless from the memory of all that she had succumbed to, an orgy of frenzied loving that she had never known of before and even at the height of her moments of discovery with Freddie.

Her tryst in the kitchen with Tony had been but the beginning. He had detained her at the bedroom door and persuaded her to come to his room; his kisses and renewed caresses, to where he had been taken so emphatically, reducing her words of denial to meaningless babble.

Tony had soon been hot and hard, and yet smooth like velvet as he began to move inside her once more, their gasps and moans of shared delight heard through their kisses as she felt the head of his cock and the veins along his shaft touching places inside her that she had not known could feel so good and bring her on.

He rode her, she didn’t want to sit on him and have Tony fully claim her naked breasts. It was enough what his hands and mouth did to them, and for her, as he kept pulling back before sinking into her now receptive and responsive body, hot words of encouragement and pleasure exclaimed as the bed head slammed against the wall in an unrelenting rhythm.

She had brought her legs to her chest to draw him deeper into her body, felt Tony still his growls of effort against her throat, her shoulders, her breasts as he rose to take her at a frenzied, selfish, speed and she had tumbled into the spiralling void, then grip, of her approaching orgasm, then another wasting and tormenting climax, her body shuddering on feeling the explosion of his lust for her, the tingling rushes that tipped her over the edge of control.

‘This and no more…never again!’ she yelled as Tony increased the speed of his thrusts until his movements became downright rough as he filled her over and over, sweat beading on his forehead and dampening her skin as he kissed her or pressed his face to her breasts that he clamped together, her hands stroking his back, her thighs at his hips. She ached from the effort of taming him, but he took her at a pace that pleased her, took her along until the pain of effort was but a moment’s distraction. ‘No more after this…your crazy loving of me!’

‘Then we’ll fuck until we’re utterly wasted, Lucy…you wonder!’

They had done so. They had loved until they were exhausted, utterly spent, and fell asleep in his bed. She’d have to really wash the sheets, she knew, after what had been discovered with him and he had lost in her body. He had devastated her control and she had been taken out of herself and only too ordered ways. She felt relieved that he was not overtly affectionate when they parted at the airport. That would have been so out of place after what had happened between them.

She had enough to deal with in body and mind.

She had stepped outside her comfort zone, and her faithfulness to Freddie, and now felt shame to admit that she had found uncommon and different pleasure from having done so. The waters would close over what she had conceded to during a night of unexpected passion in the arms of another man, one so close that she had been blindsided to that ever happening.

She went back into the hall and again studied her reflection in the mirror. The screen of her iPhone bore a message and she rang the answering service. Freddie was on his way home, job done, another life saved but by a whisker. Tony had texted him to say goodbye and to thank him for everything. He was going to marry Barbara, and not let a good woman get away.

‘You live and learn, Lucy…don’t you?’ she told her reflection in the mirror. How her body ached from the ferocity of his taking of her and the responses she had finally, and willingly, offered. Taking her to bed and lustfully claiming her had been a waymark for Tony, just as it had been for her. She would not know of it again in quite the way that she had discovered with Tony, an exhaustingly vigorous lover. ‘Better late than never, I suppose.’

Her disbelieving laughter filled the hallway as she studied again her reflection in the mirror.

Tony had fully satisfied her curiosity, but what she had pursued with him would remain a haunting memory.

Published 2 years ago

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