What a fucking day. The heat was intolerable, coupled with stifling humidity. Gloria’s office was usually quite comfortable but the AC just wasn’t keeping up that Wednesday afternoon.
She felt like a steamed ham by the time she was able to clock out just before 5.
The car was worse. She started with the windows open, trying to clear out the worst of the oven heat and only rolled them up when the AC started accomplishing something. It was just bearable by the time her thirty-minute drive was done.
Thank god the house itself was cool. She’d beaten her husband William home. She made a beeline for the shower.
Gloria wasn’t very tall and she carried what can only be described as “plenty of padding.” But a lot of that padding was tied up in her bra.
Mrs. McCoy loved her body. Every curve and cranny. And she loved the effect her enormous tits had on men. They were her pride and joy.
But on days like today, the crease under her soft mountains could get as nasty as an armpit. She shucked her work clothes and sighed with release when her bra came free. She started the shower and massaged her strap-grooved shoulders while waiting for it to get hot.
She shook her head; it was weird how much she wanted a hot shower despite the miserable heat of the day.
When the temperature was to her liking, she stepped in. It stung just a bit, but she bore it, and thirty seconds later, she sighed and relaxed as her body adjusted.
Eyes closed, she rolled her shoulders under the jets. After a bit, she turned to face the shower-head, the water feeling very hot again on her tender chest. She ran her hands over her generous belly and up under her heavy tits. She sighed again as the numbing heat did its work.
Gloria dipped her head into the cascade. In full sunlight, her thick brunette mane showed hints of amber but usually, it resembled dark chocolate.
When wet, it was nearly black. Under the influence of the shower, her thick waves turned to clinging sheets.
She reached blindly for her shampoo and pulled her head back from the water. She squeezed half a handful into her palm and then started to work it into her scalp, building lather. The scent of lilac and sage filled her head.
She almost didn’t notice him step into the shower. He tried, but the waft of cold air from the curtain was impossible to miss. And the tub creaked.
So she wasn’t surprised when a second pair of hands, thick-fingered and strong, glided up her back, shoulder and neck and into the roots of her tresses. As she swept her hands front to back, their fingers entwined in the middle of her hair.
She sighed and leaned back against William. He wasn’t a tall man but there was a very male solidity to his square, swarthy stature that always felt vital and powerful.
Neither said a word. He massaged her scalp while she worked the thick bubbles through her hair. She luxuriated in the feeling. The rest of the world drifted away and they were just man and woman.
William was patient. Gloria had completely lost track of time and petty concerns like work and bills before his hands made their way down her neck, across her back and around to possessively scoop up her heavy bounty.
Her breasts were soapy and slick and sensitive from the hot water and steamy situation. She moaned and pressed her own hands down on their upper slopes. All four hands together couldn’t quite contain all of her plentiful blessings.
It felt wonderful. Together, they both enjoyed her blessings, pinching and jiggling and caressing the soft bounty. She pressed her wide ass back and felt his stiff log. A little maneuvering wedged it between her legs. He gripped her tightly and she ground her thighs around him.
It was possibly the soggiest dry-hump in history as she teased his manhood between her legs and they both mauled her most delicious curves.
She chuckled under her breath when eventually he freed a hand and put it to the back of her head. He was becoming eager to move beyond mere play and pushed her head into the spray to rinse her off.
That was fine by Gloria. She helped work the shampoo out of her hair. Once she got started, Billy went back to playing with her tits and teasing her clam with his sausage.
She leaned forward and turned off the water. It continued to drain from the long, thick drapes of her hair. Bent over, she was in perfect position for Billy to finally put his thick cock where it belonged. She waited tensely.
She could feel the reluctance and longing in him when he released her tits and took a step back. He pulled the shower curtain aside, stepped out and pulled one of their thick bath towels free and turned to her, cotton swath held welcoming to her.
Smiling, she stepped daintily from the tub and turned and snuggled into his embrace. He engulfed her in the towel and held her close. He pushed wet strands of hair aside and nuzzled her neck. “You’re so fucking sexy, love.”
He fondled and caressed every ample inch of his wife’s body under the guise of drying her. The soft friction and constant contact made her skin grow hot and sensitive.
In time, she ended up facing the sink. She had to brace herself, light-headed with stimulation. He pressed against her, in ideal position to penetrate.
Again she waited tensely.
William let the towel fall from their bodies. Gloria looked into the mirror and saw an earth goddess of flowing hair, heavy, hanging breasts and a gaze of animal hunger.
Behind her lurked the swarthy, thick-chested satyr that was both her mate and her tool.
She bent just a little lower and arched her back, presenting her wide ass in blatant invitation. She rocked it subtly, feeling her pussy lips work slickly together.
Billy’s strong hands each grabbed a cheek and spread her wide open. In the silence of the room, they could both hear the soft, liquid sound of her pussy lips parting. Billy aimed his hips and pressed the fat, apple-hard head of his cock against the base of her opening.
Gloria’s toes curled and her tight brown-eye twitched. She moaned in anticipation. They could both feel their combined liquid arousals spread slickly over his crown when she rocked her ass.
His grip shifted from her soft cheeks to her hips. She could feel the commanding need in his movement and it echoed within her, twisting her stomach and burning her spine.
Like the perfectly mated pair they were, man and wife moved in the same moment against one another to swiftly bury eight inches of thick manhood into hot, dripping goddess.
Gloria’s mouth opened but she only sighed, eyelids fluttering as her sheath opened and engulfed her man and sent shivers through both their bodies.
He opened her up all the way to the end of her chamber, a perfect fit as always. “God, damn,” he muttered helplessly at the sensations engulfing him. Her welcoming slot twitched and squeezed and they ground against one another. Billy’s head tipped back and his hands clung hard to his lady’s hips and he just sighed, “fuck.”
They parted. She rocked forward far enough that his whole member popped free for a moment. A rush of cool air slipped in, making her shiver. Her pussy squeezed shut and half a second later got wedged open again by William’s thrust.
Their bodies slapped loudly. Her knuckles went white on the sink and she nearly climaxed. She stayed pressed forward against the basin and he withdrew and slipped back again.
Her soft ass absorbed his impacts as he began to fuck her more quickly.
She soon began to cum all over his cock. “Oh, fuck!” she shouted. Her juices were dripping off William’s balls and down her leg as well.
Her husband tangled a hand in her wet mane and pulled her head back sharply. “God, you’re a sexy bitch,” he grunted while she continued to climax. He grabbed her right tit and forced her body to bear down on his swelling cannon.
“And I’ll never let you forget it,” she said, grinding on him hard for beats.
She knew he was just seconds from cumming. She bumped him back, reaching back to grab his slippery hog as it popped out of her happy cunt. She pivoted and knelt and took his pulsing weapon between her mammoth jugs. Her fuck hole had left it well lubed and he slid through the valley without friction.
Two seconds later, she watched his cock fire a thick streak of white joy right at her face. Her mouth was open, waiting for it, and she smacked her mouth closed and swallowed it immediately. The hot, salty snack made her eyes flash with excitement.
“Oh god,” he grabbed the side of her tits and fucked them as he shot load after load onto her face. As his flow ebbed, she dipped her head forward and swallowed him whole, gagging only a little around the fat head when it lodged in her throat.
She reached up to his balls to feel the final twitches fade away while she moaned and smothered herself in the combination of William’s crotch and her own tits still in his grip. She rubbed the hot, messy load on her face all over while she milked every last gamete straight out of his nuts.
“Jesus!” he shouted. Even after fifteen years, Gloria could still surprise and excite him. She was devouring him like a wild animal.
He’d gone noticeably soft by the time she finally let him out of her mouth, smacking her lips and giving his balls another playful tug. She looked up at him, her face glazed with proof of his lust.
Bill stumbled back and slumped against the towel rack. Gloria rose to her feet, looking ever more like a goddess. She caressed her breasts, her husband’s cream feeling luxurious on her skin. She grinned, licking drops from her lips. Looking down and laughing, she lifted a breast and tasted him from there as well.
“Hmmm, so yummy. Makes me hungry,” she eyed his flagging sausage meaningfully. She closed on him, pressing him against the wall with her abundance. She took hold of him and pressed her lips to his. He could smell his own musk on her face as her tongue teased his.
She could feel hints of life in his warm noodle. She knew her man; with the right incentive, he’d be ready to perform again very quickly.
She rested her chin on his shoulder and whispered softly, “I’m going to go heat the oven. When it’s ready, I’m going to put the lasagna in. You have until I set the timer to get ready for me.”
She gripped him hard and bit his earlobe. “Then I’m going to ride you until it’s as hot and yummy as that facial you just gave me.”
She released him, turned and left the room, his load now cool and drying on her body. She wore his spunk like a borrowed shirt, carrying his scent with her. Gloria’s departing ass rocked and giggled like a night club and Billy felt his cock pulse.
He’d be ready for his hot bitch.