Manning And Kenna’s Ride To Passion

"I wanted to fuck her like a primal savage, so my hips began to thrust upward into her pussy."

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I had been thinking way too much about my encounter with Kenna in New Orleans. Our encounter only involved oral sex, but I was wanting more. I didn’t know exactly what, but I was definitely willing to explore. I felt that she was a kindred spirit and was willing to let her freak flag fly in certain company. 

We texted back and forth the week after the New Orleans “sexploits.” We decided to make a trip to the Dungeon on Toulouse Street, in the French Quarter. The Dungeon has an eclectic theme. It is a fusion of goth, pagan, and Wiccan. It has three levels, each a little eviler than the next.  

We decided to meet in Covington because she lived in Alexandria. I picked her up at a little restaurant on my Harley. She evidently saw me coming and met me outside. She was wearing leather pants and a black t-shirt. She had a leather jacket slung across her shoulder. She was wearing laced up leather boots, that could have been best described as dominatrix boots.  

She slung her leg over the sissy bar and straddled the seat. She scooted up close and planted her ample breast against my back and wrapped her arms around my waist. I twisted the throttle and popped the clutch. We were headed toward the “Big Easy.”  

I pulled up to the toll booth at the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, paid the five-dollar toll, and began the twenty-four-mile trip across the lake. It is a beautiful ride. As we were crossing, I began to recall a memory that happened several years ago with a former girlfriend. I began making plans for it to happen again, real soon.  

We finally reached the end of the causeway and entered Metairie. I battle the traffic for about thirty minutes, and finally made it to the French Quarter, my second home. It took a while to find a parking place, but actually found one on St. Louis Street.  

It was about 7 pm and it was hot and humid. We needed to find a bar and have a couple of cocktails while we killed a little time. The Dungeon doesn’t get busy until about 8 or 9 pm. I decided we should go to Pat O’Brien’s on St. Peter. They are the home of the Hurricane cocktail. One will make a grown man a little tipsy and two could make you write bad checks for a stripper named Jasmine.  

Kenna had one Hurricane, but I had two. We just made small talk and I was looking forward to the night to come. We left Pat O’Brien’s and headed to The Dungeon. When you enter the club, the first thing you notice is the Pagan looking Goats head on the wall. The servers are dressed in skimpy, leather outfits. There are cages that people can sit in while they enjoy their cocktails. We took a seat in one of the cages drank another cocktail. I think it is going to be a good night.  


Manning had been on my mind ever since I left New Orleans. I swear some nights I woke up and I could feel his mouth on my pussy. As good as our time was it left me wanting more. Manning understood me in ways that few did. I knew he saw through the professional exterior and could see the person I really was.  

My conversations with Manning continued. We discussed everything from events at work to what porn we were entertaining ourselves with. When Manning invited me to The Dungeon I never hesitated. I was looking forward to another rendezvous.  

We made plans to meet at a little restaurant in Covington and finish our trip to New Orleans together. I knew he would be riding his Harley, and I will admit I was turned on and terrified. Leave it to me to be completely turned on by the biker persona and terrified of motorcycles. When I saw him pull into the restaurant parking lot, I walked out to meet him. When I saw his eyes roam my body all nerves for the ride were lost and replaced by satisfaction that we would be fucking this weekend.  

I strolled to the motorcycle and placed my hand on Manning shoulder as I swung my leg over to straddle the seat. My mind flashed with images of me straddling Mannings as I slid closer to his body. My breast pressed into his back, and my nipples began to harden. My thighs were pressed to his hips as we set out on the road. The vibrations from the engine only added to the heat pooling at my center for Manning. 

We cruised over across the Causeway and I was lost in the view of it all. We entered Metairie and Manning began to focus on the traffic surrounding us. My grip tightened around him as we continued. I barely realized we had arrived at our destination until the rumble of the engine died. 

It was still a little early. We decided to grab a drink to start the night and combat the heat of a southern summer. He walked to Pat O’Brien’s for their signature Hurricane cocktail. I knew these drinks were strong, so I limited myself to one. I did not need to make the mistake of being intoxicated and falling off the back of a motorcycle.  

When we made our way to The Dungeon the mood changed. This place was dark and erotic in a deviant way. There were goat heads on the wall. The servers were barely dressed in their leather uniforms. Everything about the first level of this club called to me. We ordered cocktails as we took our seats. I could not stop the grin from showing as I thought to myself Manning is most definitely trouble. 


Kenna and I are sitting in a cage next to the jukebox which features heavy metal music including such bands as Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and one of my favorites Motorhead. I knew the bar didn’t open till 10:30 pm. This was her first time in the bar and had no idea what was waiting for her when it opened.  

While talking to Kenna, I had a strange feeling of Deja Vue come over me. It was like the present was also a memory. I have always believed that I was an old soul, but never gave a lot of thought about it. Every time Kenna opened that luscious mouth to speak, I already knew what she was going to say. The humid and sultry air around me seemed to send electrical charges through my body. I had never experienced this before.  

The Dungeon has a long history and it is inspired by a ghost story regarding a mansion on Dauphine Street. The story goes that a rich Turk named Suleyman rented the mansion and began throwing wild parties that included every form of sin and debauchery. To make a long story short, Suleyman and many of his partiers were found brutally murdered in the mansion. It was believed that his brother, who was a Sultan had instigated the killings. This was the impetus of many ghost stories and the beginnings of The Dungeon. 

The alcohol and the environment were beginning to change my perception of time and space. I began having memories of Kenna and I being at that fateful party. I pushed those thoughts deep into my subconscious because I wanted to fully enjoy my time with Kenna.  

We carried on a light conversation and she would occasionally reach out and touch my thigh, causing a tingle in my cock. I knew she was a master of teasing, so I thought I would pay the little slut back. I reached out and overtly pinched her nipple with my fingers. She flinched from the unexpected pain but flashed me a sly smile. 

These little teases increased in intensity. I slid my chair closer, looking her eye to eye, I reached out and put my hand on her knee and slowly slid it to her leather-covered pussy. It was dark, with black lights illuminating the room. I began to rub her pussy and I could feel her heat through the leather. The smell of the leather and the feel of her pussy was exhilarating.  

She then reached out and pinched my nipple, hard. My cock began engorged to the point it was painful. My grip on her pussy tightened to the point she whimpered. Not to be bested, she reached down and palmed my cock, letting her fingers slide under my balls. She squeezed and lifted at the same time, making me lift my ass out of the chair. I thought, “Damn she is tough!” I decided to let her win the battle of teasing, for now.  

We moved inside the next level of The Dungeon at 10:30. Heavy metal music was playing loudly. The type of loud that you can feel your entire body vibrating. We found a cage and I set down and pulled Kenna into my lap. She immediately felt my hard-on and squirmed into my cock, as she glanced back to catch my reaction.  

I reached around and found my way into those leather pants. I slid my hand and found her panties were already soaked. I rubbed her cunt slowly up and down. The more I rubbed, the more she pushed into my hard dick. I moved her panties aside and slipped a finger inside of her drenched pussy. She slipped down my lap and reached behind and grabbed a handful of my cock. She slowly squeezed and released several times. No one even looked our way because they were too busy with their debauchery. I noticed two women kissing each other deeply. Some had their partner leaning against with their hands under their short skirts. I saw one chick that was sandwiched between two men. The guy in the rear was dry humping the chick’s ass, while the one in front was kissing her and had his hands under her skirt. Holy shit, could this be like the party given by Suleyman?  

We continued our mutual masturbation for a few minutes, and I knew she had already cum once, and I was about to cum. I removed my hand and reached up with both hands and pinched both of her nipples hard. I ordered her to quit. 


As Manning and I sat in a cage with metal music playing from the jukebox we talked of our love of music, debated over our favorite bands, and discussed meaning in the songs we both loved. Our conversations were always natural and easy. This was the first time I had ever been to The Dungeon and I was fascinated by the place. The darkness of it all was not intimidating, but erotic in its own way.  

As I sat in my seat sipping my drink Manning began to tell me of the history of The Dungeon. He knew me well enough to know that I loved the stories from the past that molded the future. The tale he told weaved together in my mind to paint a picture. The clarity was so real it could have been a memory.  

I watched as he spoke, and his eyes lit from the joy of the lesson. Manning was ever the teacher and his passion showed through. I could almost see us in a different time at parties fueled by lust and sin. The image changed in my mind to those of that murderous night and I wondered if just maybe Manning and I had been together in a past life on the night Suleyman’s life ended and the legends were born.  

I tried to bring myself back to reality, back to the present with Manning. I sipped my drink to cool my skin. I placed my hand on Manning’s arm as if I needed an anchor to this moment. I knew if I told him what I was feeling he would accept it. He believed, like I did, that we were old souls living yet another lifetime. I did not want to be trapped in a memory or a daydream here with him now was the only place I wanted to be.  

As our conversation turned to the more lighthearted day to day chatter, I could not resist touching him. Manning’s skin was cool to the touch and I wanted to burrow beside him to soothe the heat I felt for him. As we spoke my hand would stray to his thigh. A gentle caress or a firm squeeze was meant to keep him guessing and wanting more. Mannings hand reached out and pinched my hard nipple. I flinched and saw his smile of satisfaction. I returned his grin and silently thought this was going to be a damn good night.  

Manning slid his chair closer to me and stared into my eyes. I felt his hand land on my knee, and he began a slow journey to my wet pussy. I was lost in the heat of his stare when his hand covered my leather wrapped pussy. When he began to rub, I knew I was going to be in trouble. This man turned me on and excited me in a way few could.  

I reached to Manning’s chest and pinched his nipple between my fingers. I had no doubt that move had him harder than he was minutes ago. His hand flexed over my pussy and my hips rocked pressing into his palm.  

I could not resist the urge to touch him. My hand slid down Manning’s chest until I found what I looked for more than anything. The bulge under his jeans was undeniable. He wanted me as much as I wanted him. I could not help the grin tugging up at the corners of my mouth when my had cupped him squeezing slightly. I moved my hand a bit lower feeling his balls through his jeans. Innocently enough I rested my head on his shoulder as my hand squeezed harder than before lifting his balls upward towards his cock. His hips rise and heard the rush of breath. With a soft laugh, I knew he had been reminded that two could play this game.  

When we moved to the next level of The Dungeon, I felt like we were moving to the next level of our sexual exploits. The heavy metal was blaring with such intensity you could feel it in your body. The caged sitting continued here, and Manning led me to one in the corner. As he sat, he pulled me onto his lap. I felt his hard cock instantly, and like a moth to a flame, my ass ground against him. I looked over my shoulder searching his face for a reaction. Manning was good at concealing his expressions, but I could see the need in his eyes.  

His arm reached around me, and his hand slid under the waistband of my leather pants. I had no doubt Manning had pulled that move off before thick hands and tight leather pants should not have made for an easy combination. His had found the silk of my panties and I knew they were wet. He started rubbing his fingers up and down my slit over my panties. I pressed back into his cock harder as my ecstasy grew. He pushed my panties aside and pressed a finger into my pussy. Damn, he was going to make me cum right here.  

I moved slightly allowing space between my ass and his cock. I slipped a hand behind me and wrapped my hand over his jean-clad cock. I would squeeze and release his hard-on to the rhythm of his finger sliding in and out of me.  

We were surrounded by sex, no one cared what degenerate behavior we were up to. There were women kissing each other, another woman being fingered by a man as another man ground against her ass. This place fueled debauchery and demanded lust.  

Manning’s hand never wavered. He sent an orgasm bursting through my body and his exploration never stopped. I could feel his cock thickening and knew he was about to cum. I couldn’t keep the smart-ass grin off my face when his hands pinched my nipples and he said, “Quit.” For now, I chose to obey. 


I did not want to cum here, I wanted to be in a more intimate environment with Kenna, so that I could get the “full treatment.” I wanted it all. I grabbed her hand and started for my Harley. She gave me the “What the fuck look?” 

Bourbon Street was crowded, and it was still hot, and I had on leather. We made it to my Harley and as I stepped across to straddle it, she reached and grabbed my cock. This little slut was needing some dick. She slung her leg over and as her ass hit the seat, she whispered in my ear, “We need to fuck.”  I knew a little hotel in Mandeville that is clean and off the main drag.  

I revved my engine and disengaged the clutch and we made our way down Toulouse and made a right on Royal Street, then a quick right onto St. Louis Street. Kenna was making it hard to navigate. She was a little tipsy and was not used to being on a bike. I merged onto I-10 and traffic was horrible. 

I was running about 75 mph, just to match the flow of traffic. Kenna reaches around and started rubbing my cock with one hand and pinching my nipple with the other. She made no attempt to hide what her hands were doing, so the other drivers were able to see what she was doing.  

We finally made it to exit 228 toward Mandeville on Causeway Boulevard. Kenna had her hands inside of my pants by this time. We made it to the causeway and began the twenty-five-minute drive across the bridge. It was after 11 am and the causeway was surprisingly empty.  

I could not take it anymore, so I found the right moment to pull into one of the crossovers. I quickly stopped and unsnapped and unzipped my pants and she did the same. I pulled backed on the Causeway and headed to Mandeville.  

She reached around and started stroking my cock, so I returned the favor and reached back and began rubbing her pussy. She was wet and my seat was already soaked. I knew that the combination of the Harley vibrating, my rubbing, and the situation was going to be good for her. I kept my speed synchronized with the other vehicles.  

I had a memory of this same situation some thirty-five years ago when I was twenty-seven and my eighteen-year-old girlfriend were crossing the Causeway. She managed to crawl around from behind me and straddle me. We were looking in each other’s eyes and fucked nearly all the way across. I thought about doing the same thing, but since this was the first time for us to fuck, I wanted it to be more intimate.  

She whispered in my ear, “I’m cumming.” I kept my hand on her clit for about another minute and she fully climaxed. She squirted so much, the back of my jeans were soaking. Her stroking increased in intensity and speed. It was not long that I blew my load all over the gas tank.  

We made it to the motel and were both wet. I go inside and I am sure the clerk could smell cum and pussy juice on both of us. We got the key and giggled all the way to the room. I knew that it would be another thirty minutes before I could rise to the occasion.  

As we stepped into the room and I locked the door, Kenna immediately reached up and grabbed my beard and began pulling me toward the bed. I laughed and told her that we had all night, but she was going to have to give me a few minutes to recover from the previous orgasm. She flashed me a sexy smile and responded, “What I want you to do does not require a wait.”  

Kenna began pulling her top off and it was the first time I had the opportunity to see her voluptuous breasts. I immediately reached out to touch them, but she slapped my hands away and said, “Not until I say you can touch.” She was trying to maintain control, and I knew it. She reached to unhook her bra, exposing her beautiful breasts. She made a poor attempt to hide an excited smile. She through her bra on the floor and continued to remove her clothes.  

Kenna was now standing in front of me without a stitch of clothing. I looked for the slightest sign of nervousness but found none. She may be a keeper. I let her believe she had control, but that was only an illusion.  

She laid back on the bed with a knowing look of what was about to transpire. If she wants to play, let’s play and I moved toward the bed, but she sharply said, “Stop right there and take off your shirt.” I knew she was battling for control, so I decided to let her have it, but only for a while.  

I pulled my shirt over my head and stood in front of her, waiting for her next instruction. She then said, “take off your pants.”  I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and let them drop to the floor. Then the little slut pointed at my underwear and said, “Looks like you’ve got one more layer.” I pushed my boxers down and stepped out of them. I stepped toward the bed where her cunt was waiting between her spread legs.  

Kenna demanded, “There is only one thing I want now.” She reached up and grabbed my beard and pulled me to her waiting mouth. Our mouths met and our tongues began to battle for dominance. She grabbed my hand and pushed it to her wet, sopping cunt. I teased her engorged clit with my fingers. She gave my beard a pull and whispered, “I want your mouth on my clit. I want to lick and suck it until I scream.” Who am I to deprive her of what she needed? 

I climbed onto the bed and between her spread legs. We never lost eye contact as I buried my mouth between her legs and slid a finger into her cunt. I was finger fucking her pussy while sucking on her erect clit, while she writhed and moaned. She arched her back upward and nearly ripped the fitted sheets off of the bed.  

She was losing control and was needing to cum. Her eyes and body were begging to cum, but I wasn’t going to let that happen just yet. I said, “There’s my little slut begging.” Knowing what I did about Kenna, I was expecting at the very least a slap and at the worst a punch, but she was too far gone in the throes of her orgasm. I knew she was close to cumming, so I inserted another finger in her wet pussy and curved them downward to touch that special place that women love, but few men have a clue about. She was soaked now, and I lapped at her wetness, savoring its taste.  

I began fingering her a little faster and harder, and that’s when her orgasm reached its peak. She screamed, and I could feel her pussy spasming around my fingers. Her legs were wrapped around my shoulders and neck holding me in place.  

She laid their a few moments letting her breathing return to normal, and then she unwrapped her legs. She pushed me over so that I was on my back and straddle me.  

She leaned forward and began kissing and tonguing my stomach. She slowly moved her way upward to my chest. She began kissing on my neck and ear. I couldn’t help but let out a little primal growl. She moved to my neck and began to suck and nibble. I reached down and grabbed a handful of ass. I could feel my cock moving from the contact with her soft flesh.  

She began pinching one nipple while sucking on the other. She gave my nipple a little bite which caused me to jerk. I needed to plunge my cock deep into her soaking cunt. She raised her torso up and raised her hips. She slowly let my cock explore her wetness. She moaned as her labia was on my balls. She began moving her ass around, adjusting her pussy for what she was about to get.  

I wanted to fuck her like a primal savage, so my hips began to thrust upward into her pussy. I reached and grabbed her ass pulling her closer, allowing my cock to plunge deeper. She was taking all of my cock with each downward stroke. I could feel my balls rising and my orgasm nearing.  

Kenna leaned back and reached her hand behind her and began to play with my balls. She would alternately squeeze and release as she pounded on my cock. I sat up and she wrapped her legs around my back, grinding her hip into me faster. She was looking deep into my eyes to read my pleasure. I don’t know which of us was moaning more. Her hand was grabbing my hair as we kissed. The kiss was almost as sensual as the fuck.  

We were both getting close to an orgasm. She was pinching my nipples and scraping my back with her nails. Suddenly, Kenna let her head fall back and screamed. Her pussy was clenching my cock and she arched back and I could feel every muscle in her body tense. When I surmised, she was climaxing, I let nature takes its course and I came deep into her sweet pussy.  

We fell to the bed, spent. I just laid there and enjoyed the moment. Kenna spoke first and said, “I told you that you were trouble.”

I laughed and said, “The kind of trouble a good slut loves to mess with.”

She responded, “No arguments from me babe. I could have a lot of fun with you. I could make a lot of fantasies a reality with you.”

I said, “Oh yeah, I have a few of those myself that I think you would be damn good at fulfilling.” 

Kenna ran her fingers through my beard and responded, “I think we have a deal.”  


There was an instant shift in Manning’s body. He was upright and reaching for my hand. I know there was confusion on my face. Where the hell were, we going? We headed back towards the entrance and he was quickly pulling me towards his Harley. Bourbon Street was crowded with people enjoying their night of pleasure. The summer heat and humidity weighed against us. The leather we were wearing was not helping this situation. I was hot, turned on, and needy.  

When we finally made it to Manning’s Harley I watched as he straddled it, and I could not help myself. This man was an Alpha and he called to me on so many levels. My right hand slid up his thigh to the bulge behind the leather and squeezed slightly. I moved my hand, took my place wrapped around Manning, and whispered in his ear, “We need to fuck!”  

I tried to focus on the need to fuck Manning and not the fact that I was on a motorcycle and half buzzed. Manning was turning from one street to another. The tilt, the traffic, and the rev of the motor were all mixing with the alcohol to cause a rush of emotions. I pushed it out of my mind and centered my thoughts on Manning’s thick hard cock.  

By the time we had merged onto the interstate and I felt our speed increase I knew I needed a distraction and I had the perfect one right in front of me. I moved my hands from Manning’s waist. My left hand traveling upward to pinch and twist his nipple. My right hand found his cock and began rubbing him through his pants. If anyone turned our way, they could see what I was up to. I didn’t really give a shit I needed Manning.  

We were approaching the causeway and would begin our twenty-five-minute trip over the bridge. I slid my hand inside Manning pants and began to rub and palm his cock. There were no cars for miles, and I planned to take advantage of this seclusion. I knew Manning loved to ride and fooling around on his Harley was a kink of his. I had no problem fulfilling that desire of his.  

Manning turned to pull off the road and was working his pants loose as we rolled to a stop. I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants too. We were back on the road and heading towards a hotel before I could even get my hand around his cock.  

Finally, I was able to wrap my hand around his cock. I began stroking his length as I held to him. Manning reached a hand directly behind him and slid his fingers into the opening of my pants. He instantly found my clit and my hold on his cock spasmed.  

I could feel the moisture pooling and knew I was so close to cumming again. My hand continued to stroke his cock as he pressed and circled my clit. I felt the flush of heat, the spasm of my core, and heard my cries over the engine. “I’m cumming!” I said against his ear. When I came, I felt the flood of moisture as his hand kept pressing for more not leaving my clit until I was spent.  

As the muscles in body relaxed my grip on Manning’s cock tightened. I began to stroke him harder and faster. I needed Manning to cum. I wanted him to enjoy this as much as I had. I felt the swell and throb of his cock. I pumped him faster and he was cumming.  

It was not long after that we arrived at the motel. We were both wearing cum and wet from our adventures on the Harley. Manning and I both went inside the lobby. I knew we smelled of sex and alcohol. We got checked in grabbed the key and were laughing as we walked to our room.  

Manning did not know this yet, but I had plans for him. Starting with getting his mouth on my pussy again and ending with him cumming while he was balls deep in me. As soon as the lock clicked into place, I turned to face Manning. I twisted my hand into his beard and began to walk backwards to the bed. 

I heard his low rumble of laughter as he said, “You’re going to have to give me a minute. We have all night.”

I gave him a sultry smile, “What I want you to do we do not need to wait for.”  

I pulled my top off and watched as Manning’s eyes took in the exposed flesh. Manning’s hand rose to touch and I smacked it away softly. “Not until I say you can touch.” I said. As I reached to unhook my bra, I knew the small smile showed on my lips. As sexy as it was for Manning to oversee the situation it was my turn. I tossed my bra on the floor with the shirt and continued removing my clothes.  

As I stood before Manning completely naked, I realized that this was the first time that I have ever been so exposed to him. This was the first time we had been together without the darkness of the club. There was no group of people nearby to slow our desires down. This was finally our time to be together. This was the first time that we would be together without any interruption and without any distractions. I should have been nervous. I had needed this, I had wanted him for so long, and it was finally going to happen. That slow burn began to build into flames, and I knew this night was far from over. 

I was not ready to let go of my control. This was going to be fun. I lay back on the bed looking at Manning as he stepped closer. “Stop right there and take your shirt off,” I said in a firm voice. He looked at me for a moment like he was considering arguing. He decided instead to follow my wishes, for now. He began to remove his shirt, I laid there and watched every motion. He stood for a moment bare-chested.  

With a sassy smile on my face, I said, “Take your pants off.” His arrogant grin told me he was playing my game until he won. He unbuttoned, slid the zipper down, and pushed them to the floor. His eyes remained on mine the whole time. “Looks like you’ve got one more layer,” I said while pointing at his boxers. Manning pushed his boxers down to join his pants on the floor, he stepped out of the pile of clothes and took the last step to the side of the bed.  

“There’s one thing I want and only one thing for now,” I demanded. I wrapped my hand in his beard pulling him to my mouth. Our tongues collided. Each of us seizing control of the kiss. Mouth to mouth, teeth scraping, breath mingling, and moans given to each other. I took his hand and I pushed it lower, I wanted to feel him in me. His fingers slowly danced over my clit.  

I knew what I needed, and he knew it too. My hand was still threaded into Manning’s beard. I tugged to get his attention. “I want your mouth on my clit. I need you kissing, licking, and sucking until I scream,” I said as my hips rocked against his hand.  

Manning lowered his body, climbing fully onto the bed, and laid between my thighs. His eyes were focused on mine as he buried his mouth between my legs. As Manning pushed a finger deep in my cunt and his mouth sucked against my clit. I moaned, my back arched off the bed, and my hands fisted into the sheets. He licked and circled my clit. His tongue lapped while his fingers worked in and out. My hips ground against him, my moans grew louder, and I was nearing another orgasm.  

He knew I was close, and he showed an entirely new determination. Two fingers pushing deeper, curving to hit my g-spot, and his mouth sucking harder against my clit. My hips bucked as his mouth and fingers worked me to the edge of my orgasm. 

I was supposed to be in control, but I could not help it I begged. I begged for him to let me cum. I needed it. He was in control of my orgasm and if he did not want me to cum, I was not going to cum. 

I could feel his sexy laughter against my thigh as he said, “There’s my little slut begging.” This was not a dick move this was Manning at his sexiest. He knew if a man called me a slut, he was getting bitch slapped. From Manning, here, and in that sexy southern drawl it was like an R-rated endearment.  

He pushed his fingers deeper curving upward pressing firm against my g-spot, he sucked my clit harder, and reached up to pinch my left nipple, and roll it between his fingers. This was what I needed. As the orgasm took hold I cried out. My pussy spasmed around Manning’s fingers, and my legs wrapped around his shoulders holding him in place.  

Still letting my breathing slow I unwrapped my legs, and I shoved my hands against Manning’s chest pushing him to lay on the bed beside me. As his back hit the mattress I rose and swung my leg over him to straddle his hips.  

I leaned forward kissing his chest trailing my tongue upward from stomach to sternum. My hands explored his chest and I could feel his breathing become shallower. I kissed his jaw, grazed my teeth over his earlobe, and let my tongue trace the outer shell of his ear. His low moans sounded like a growl in my ear. My lips found the soft flesh of his neck and I sucked against him and let my teeth scrape. Manning’s hands were digging into my ass, and I could feel his cock twitching beneath me.  

I moved my mouth slightly down his chest. With my fingertips softly circling his left nipple my mouth found his right. I gave him no warning when I put my mouth on his nipple and sucked it hard between my teeth. His moan became louder and hips flexed beneath me. I moved to take his left nipple in my mouth. I circled and flicked the hardness with my tongue. I rolled it between my teeth testing Manning’s limits of pleasurable pain.  

I sat up straight and raised my hips. I let his cock probe at my entrance. My eyes focused on him as I slowly slid down his length taking him millimeter by millimeter. I moaned as his thickness stretched and filled me, his hands found my breast as I took him in deep. His balls pressed to my ass as I rocked my hips against him. Yes, this was what I had been waiting for.  

As I sat there for a moment adjusting to his cock, I had a flash of a memory or a fantasy. Staring down at Manning his hair long and wild, my own hair falling to brush against his chest, breast spilling out of a loosened corset. The thought made my head spin and made me long for fulfillment of that moment. I pushed the thought aside as I began to move.  

I did not want slow and I knew Manning did not either. I felt his hips bucked under me as I rolled my hips and bobbed up and down his length. His hands gripped my hips ass encouraging my movements. From the head of his cock, I dropped down taking his length in hard and fast.  

I leaned back a bit to change the angle and reached my right hand behind me to cup his balls. I squeezed him each time I raised up and released when I took all of him into my cunt. I grabbed Manning’s hands pulling him upright as I angled back further.  

Manning moved so he was sitting up and I wrapped my legs around his back. My hips ground into him faster. My left arm wrapping around his neck as we sat face to face. We were both moaning and knew we were not going to last much longer. My left hand was fisted into Manning’s hair and our mouths assaulted one another. My nails scraped against his chest as I felt the first signs of orgasm. I found his nipple and squeezed it hard between my fingers. I thrust my hips harder needing all of him as my climax came.  

My head fell back as I let out a scream. I cried out Manning as I was consumed by this fire of desire. My pussy clenched around his cock and I felt the telling dance of his release on the horizon. My back arched and my muscles tensed. The sensation stole my breath. In that moment I heard Manning’s own moans and felt the rush of warmth flood me as he came. I rocked against him, milking his cock, and teasing the last tremors of ecstasy from my body.  

When we fell to the bed, we were silent for several minutes. I finally spoke and said, “I told you that you were trouble.”

His laughter was devilish as he said, “The kind of trouble a good slut loves to mess with.”

“No arguments from me babe. I could have a lot of fun with you. I could make a lot of fantasies a reality with you.” I said in a playful tone.

Manning raised up on an elbow, looked down at me, and said, “Oh yeah? I have a few of those myself that I think you would be damn good at fulfilling.”

I combed my fingers through his beard while I responded, “I think we have a deal.”  


Published 5 years ago

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