So I’m standing there naked in the woods, with some guy I’ve never seen before coming down the trail, and I can tell he’s just spotted me…
But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. A little background is in order.
I grew up with two brothers and a sister in a house with just three bedrooms and two bathrooms, so privacy was hard to come by. On top of that, my parents had a remarkably casual attitude about nudity, so it was not unusual in our house to run into a naked person from time to time.
On the whole, this casualness was a good thing. My sister and I didn’t have to make guesses about what male anatomy was like, and my brothers were no less informed about how women differed from themselves. We also learned to view the human body in a non-sexual context, and the world would be a better place if more people could do that.
Although we kids got more careful about privacy as we entered puberty — all four within the space of seven years — our family’s relaxed attitude about the body occasionally made for some awkward moments.
My mom would sometimes sunbathe topless on our patio, where she was spotted more than once by my brothers’ geeky friends. She would calmly put her top back on and act as if nothing happened, but my brothers said their friends would act stricken for days afterward.
Once when I had two friends over, watching TV in the den, I heard my older brother Brian yelling from the back of the house, asking where the clean towels were. Spotting a basket of folded laundry on a chair by the hall door, I shouted back, “In here.”
A moment later Brian walked in, stark naked and dripping wet.
“Oh, hi, girls,” he said off-handedly, pulled a towel out of the basket and disappeared.
One of my friends, an only child from a devoutly religious family, had flushed a deep crimson when she saw Brian, and I had a hard time getting her to come to the house after that. She later admitted she’d never seen a penis before, not even her dad’s, and I ended up giving her some important factual information that her uptight mother had never shared.
The other girl, Joanie, who was more of a free spirit, told me a few weeks later that she’d masturbated many times while thinking about Brian. When I told him that, he got such a kick out of it that he asked her out, and they dated for two years.
I never had that kind of awkward moment, but I did surprise people a couple of times.
Once, when I was a senior in high school, Joanie’s parents invited a bunch of us to spend a weekend at their lakefront cabin. The second night, after we’d been doing a little surreptitious drinking on the dock, one of the guys suggested we go skinny-dipping. The other guys started guffawing in that stupid way teenage boys have, but I stood up and shucked off my clothes.
I wasn’t flashing my tits or anything, but I wasn’t hiding, either. Even in the dim light on the dock, everyone could see me well enough. All of them, male and female, stared at me open-mouthed.
“Am I the only one who’s going to do this?” I asked, and jumped in the water.
Joanie was the first to my example, followed by two of the guys and then the rest of the girls. The last person to strip was the guy who’d first suggested doing it, and I could see why he’d been shy; he had a huge erection.
By the way, I know for a fact that two of the girls and at least one of the guys lost their virginity that night.
(I’d lost mine a few months earlier, a one-time thing with another guy in that skinny-dipping group, and before the night was over he and I had — how shall I put it? — renewed our acquaintance. We renewed it again several times that summer. Which, I suppose, is a way of saying that nudity and sex weren’t totally separate in my mind.)
Later that summer I went on a double date with Brian and Joanie, and after smoking a little dope Joanie — for whom nudity and sex were more closely correlated — suggested we play strip poker. (This was after watching a movie at her date’s house while his parents were out for the evening.)
My date — this was only our third time out together — was clearly uneasy, but Brian and I shrugged and said, “Sure.”
Joanie won steadily and before long we were all naked except her, and all she had left was her underwear.
My date struggled to conceal his erection, but Brian didn’t bother. He might have been mowing the lawn for all the self-consciousness he showed.
Not surprisingly, however, we both got laid that night.
In college I was more circumspect about nudity, mainly because my roommates in freshman and sophomore years were plainly uncomfortable with me strolling around naked.
But in my junior year I got an apartment with my then-boyfriend, and he naturally had no complaints about my easygoing ways. He was big on the outdoors, introducing me to camping and backpacking, and many times we ended up skinny-dipping in alpine lakes and streams.
Although I split up with that guy before I graduated, I had gotten hooked on backpacking, which is how I wound up in the position I mentioned at the beginning of this story.
I was on an all-women trip with Joanie and three college friends in the mountains not far from school, and after we made camp the first night she and I went to check out some hot springs not far away.
It took us a while to find them, because they were partly concealed by a huge boulder and a stand of pines that screened them from the main trail. The steaming water pooled up in a depression next to the boulder, and it looked so inviting we decided to strip off our clothes and have a good soak.
Now might be a good time to describe myself. I’m a strawberry blonde about five-foot-six, slightly on the curvy side, with hips a bit broader than I’d like but breasts my ex-boyfriend said were the ‘perfect size’, whatever that means.
My areolas are a pale pink, as are the nipples, and it doesn’t take much to get them erect. My pubic hair, which is a bit darker than the hair on my head, is neatly trimmed.
Joanie is about the same height but slimmer. Her breasts are small but perfectly round, with dark areolas and very prominent nipples. At her crotch is a thick thatch of flaming red hair, which perfecty matches the long hair on top.
She looks great naked, and she has said I do too, although there has never been the slightest sexual attraction between us.
Joanie had just slipped off into the bushes to pee, and I was just about to wade into the pool, when I heard noises behind me.
I turned around and saw a lone hiker coming my way, his eyes on the ground, hunting for the path to the springs. When he got close he looked up and caught sight of me. He stopped abruptly, and for a long moment he seemed unable to speak.
“I… I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean to…” he finally blurted out, and started to turn away.
“It’s okay,” I said. “There’s plenty of room.”
He stopped. I turned and waded into the water. It was hotter than a typical bath but not unbearable, so I lowered myself in and settled myself against a smooth rock. When I looked up again the guy was still standing there, frozen in place.
“Really, I can come back later,” he said.
“Don’t be silly,” I said. “You have as much right to be here as I do. I don’t mind your seeing me naked if you don’t mind my seeing you.”
I looked at him steadily. He looked to be just under six feet tall, with brown eyes and blondish-brown hair and several days’ growth of whiskers on his tanned face. He was not quite handsome but I liked his looks anyway.
After a few moments’ hesitation, he shrugged off his pack, got out a towel and hung it on a branch. Then he began to undress.
When he got down to his underwear he hesitated again, looking at me. I smiled. He hooked the waistband and pulled them down and off.
When he was naked he stood still for a minute, giving me a chance to look him over.
He was more muscular than he’d looked with his clothes on, with solid pecs, an absolutely flat stomach and firm thighs, all the obvious result of hard outdoor work. He didn’t have much body hair, except for a thatch of light brown hair on his chest.
It was hard not to stare at his equipment, which beat anything I’d ever seen. His penis was long and thick, and his balls hung very low in the sack. He was slightly erect, but not embarrassingly so.
“Last chance to change your mind,” he said.
“No change.”
He waded into the water, and when he got to the deepest point, about six feet away from me, he lowered himself in.
“Whoa,” he said, “that feels great.”
He ducked under for a moment, rubbing his face and head vigorously, and resurfaced with his hair slicked back.
He was about to say something when Joanie came back. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open.
I could almost hear him thinking, ‘Not just one naked woman, but two.’
“Oh, hi,” Joanie said. She waded in and sat down near me. He watched her every step of the way, then looked at us both, as if he were trying to make out what we were up to.
“I’m Alex,” he said, settling his back against a rock.
“I’m Stephanie, and that’s Joanie.”
“Nice to meet you,” he said. “It is certainly an unexpected pleasure.”
Joanie and I laughed.
“Are you with the group camped down the trail a bit?”
“Yes,” I said. “Women-only trip with some school friends. How about you?”
“I always hike by myself,” he said. “I hardly ever see anywhere up here, though.”
“ ‘Here’ in the mountains? Or ‘here’ as in the springs?”
“The springs,” he said. “Not many people know about them. That’s one reason I was so surprised to see you.”
“What’s the other reason?” I asked, teasingly.
“Well,” he said. “I have seen a few women up here, but none of them were naked.”
“Lucky you.”
“Lucky me,” he said, smiling. Whatever embarrassment he’d felt at first seemed to have dissipated.
We were quiet for a minute, then I remembered the thin little joint in my shirt pocket. “Smoke a little dope?” I asked.
“I haven’t smoked dope in ages,” he said.
‘Is that a yes or a no?”
“A yes,” he said,
I stood up and waded out of the pool, feeling his eyes on me the whole time. It felt good to be naked in front him, complete stranger that he was. Thrilling.
“Okay if I dry my hands on your towel? Mine’s in my pack.”
“Absolutely,” he said.
I wiped my hands dry, fished the joint and a lighter out of my shirt pocket, and waded back to my spot. He didn’t even try to disguise his admiration for my body. I felt my nipples getting erect.
“Slide on over,” I said.
He stood up halfway and moved in our direction. He found a spot within arm’s reach and sat down. The water was so clear that we could see his whole body, and he could see ours. He was trying — and failing — not to stare at us.
After we had passed the joint back and forth a few times, he started getting an erection.
Realizing I had noticed it, he said, “Sorry, I…”
“No need to apologize,” I said.
We sat there for a few minutes, looking at the sky and just being high.
“So, Alex,” I said, “tell me a little about yourself.”
It turned out he was two years out of college, with a degree in wildlife management, and he was doing research for the Forest Service on the effects of climate change on populations of alpine mammals.
This was his second summer in the mountains, and he spent most of the time in the field, going into town every two weeks for supplies and a couple of nights sleeping between clean sheets.
I told him I was majoring in chemistry, but that I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after I graduated. I said Joanie had just finished nursing school, and was planning to start a new job when the trip was over..
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” I said.
“You both seem completely relaxed about being naked in front of another person,” he said. “I’ve never met anyone like that. No women, anyway.”
So I told him what it had been like growing up in a crowded house with parents who had a hippie-like attitude toward clothing, and he seemed almost jealous.
We talked for a while longer, then there was a long but not unpleasant silence. The three of us looked at each other for a minute before he asked, “Would it be OK if I kissed you?”
“Me? Or Joanie?”
“Both, if I could.”
“Fine by me,” I said.
He moved close and kissed me, softly but with purpose. I kissed him back, a shade more aggressively. I got a tingling feeling, and when I looked down I noticed that his erection was near total.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I…’
“It’s perfectly okay,” I said.
“What about me?” Joanie said.
He moved in her direction and gave her the same sort of kiss.
He sat back and we all looked at each other. The sexual tension was as thick as cotton wool. Joanie and I exchanged a look.
I stood up. Water streamed off my breasts and stomach and glistened in my pubic hair. Joanie stood up, too. Her fair skin was flushed; I could tell she was deeply aroused.
Then Alex stood up, and I smiled at the trickle of water dripping from his now very rigid cock.
I waded to shore and picked up the towels Joanie and I had brought. I spread them on the ground. Joanie joined me.
I looked at Alex, standing there with a longing look and an erection that most men would kill to have.
“Well?” I said.
“Can I just look at you both for a minute?”
“Sure,” I said. I pulled my hair back from my shoulders, faced him squarely and let him look. Joanie did the same.
Then I lay down, opening my legs just slightly so he could get a good look at what was between them. I felt a warmth in my body that had nothing to do with the hot springs.
Joanie lay down, too. Alex came over and kneeled between us.
He bent down to kiss me. I felt his hands on my breasts, stroking them gently, circling the areolas lightly with his fingers, gently pinching the nipples. He moved down, took one nipple in his mouth, stroked it with the rough part of his tongue, then did the other.
I sighed with pleasure, took one of his hands in mine and moved it between my legs. He quickly found my hard little button and began to stroke it, and when I began to moan he slipped one finger, then two, between my swollen lips.
Joanie, demanding some attention herself, put a hand on his cock. WIthout removing his fingers from my crotch, he leaned over to kiss her. With his free hand he stroked her breasts, the same way he’d stroked mine, then moved his hand into her crotch. I reached over and cupped his balls, rolling them in my hand as Joanie stroked him.
Alex bent down to kiss me again. As our excitement mounted he kissed me harder, probing my mouth with his tongue and sucking on my lower lip. He moved and kissed Joanie again. All the time he kept working our pussies with his hands while we worked his cock and balls.
Joanie started making little squeaking sounds.
“Now,” I said.
I parted my legs further. Alex got between them, and in one long, slow stroke slid his cock into me.
I gasped. His cock was so big, bigger than I’d ever felt inside me, and I had to breathe deeply for several seconds to relax enough to accommodate it. When he sensed I was ready he started to move.
He fucked me slowly at first, backing out in one smooth stroke, then pushing back in as far as he could go. Back out and back in, over and over, gradually increasing the pace. I wrapped my legs around his torso and opened myself to him.
We both turned our heads in Joanie’s direction. She was rubbing her crotch and twisting her nipples.
“I want a turn, too,” she said.
Alex pulled out of me and rolled to his back between us. His cock was so hard it pointed at the sky. Joanie threw a leg over him, impaled herself on his dick and began fucking him cowgirl-style.
Alex caught my eye. With a look he told me what to do. I got to my knees and moved to straddle his shoulders.
“No, the other way,” he said.
I turned around so I was facing Joanie and lowered my crotch onto his face. Joanie was now rocking back and forth on his cock with her eyes half-open and an ecstatic look on her face.
She watched hungrily as Alex extended his tongue and began licking my clit.
Suddenly, gripping my hips with his hands, Alex pushed me slightly forward, moving his tongue to my asshole, a place no one’s tongue had ever been. I felt what seemed like a jolt of electricity, and before I could process what had happened he pushed his tongue upward and into me.
I moaned. I leaned forward to improve the angle, which brought my face closer to Joanie’s. We looked at each other, and next thing I knew we were kissing.
Then I felt her hands on my tits. I reached up to grab hers and when I pinched her nipples she made a moaning sound. I’m not sure how we managed it, with her moving on top of Alex’s midsection and me squirming against his face, but we held the kiss for a long time.
Joanie must have clenched her pussy around Alex’s cock because I heard a muffled roar between my legs and his hips started bucking upward. He was coming, hard.
Joanie’s moaning rose in pitch till it sounded almost like squealing. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she began cumming, slamming herself down on Alex’s cock. I pressed back on his face, gasping as his tongue sucked at my clit. Then I came, groaning like some kind of animal.
I would not have believed it possible for three people to cum at the same time, but that’s pretty much what happened.
I was still shuddering from my orgasm when Alex lifted me off his face and took a deep breath. I rolled to one side and lay on my back, while Joanie lowered herself to Alex’s chest. No one said anything for a long time.
“I’m sorry,” I said to Alex, “you must have been suffocating.”
“It was tough there for a second,” he said, smiling, “but it was for a good cause.”
I giggled a little.
“That was far and away the best sex I ever had in my entire life,” Alex said.
More minutes passed, the three of us exchanging soft kisses and gentle strokes.
I could have laid there for hours, but I started to feel a chill. The sun was going down.
I got up, waded into the spring, lowered myself into the water and rinsed the sweat and juices off my body. Alex and Joanie followed and did the same. We sat huddled together, stroking and kissing each other.
I caught a whiff of wood smoke. Back in camp, our friends were starting dinner.
“We’d better go,” I said to Joanie.
I waded to shore, shook the dirt out of my towel and dried myself. Joanie followed. Alex kept his eyes on us the whole time.
As we dressed, he said, “Let me walk you back.”
“No, wouldn’t be a good look for an all-women trip,” I said. “Anyway, it’s not far.”
“Can I see you tomorrow?”
I shook my head. “We’re leaving early. It’s our longest hiking day, and we’ll be a long way up the valley by this time tomorrow.”
“Damn,” he said. “I’m going the other way, up that high ridge,” he said, pointing to a line of craggy peaks glowing dull red in the setting sun.
“Any way I can see you again?”
“Me, or Joanie?”
“Both, if I could.
“Why?” I asked. “Could it ever get better than it was just now?”
“Well, yes, maybe it could,” he said. “Anyway, I’d sure like to try.”
I looked at Joanie.
“What do you think?”
She waded to shore, fished through her pack for a moment, found her phone and handed it to him.
“Type in your number,” she said.
As he was doing this I looked him over again. God, what a beautiful man.
“Will you promise to call me?” he asked, looking first at Joanie, then at me.
“No promises,” I said.
“Would it help if I begged? It would kill me if that were the last time we did that together.”
We couldn’t resist teasing him.
“We’ll give it some thought,” Joanie said.
We left him staning there, still naked, and headed back to camp.
As we got ready for bed that night, unrolling my sleeping bag in the tent I shared with Joanie, she asked, “What do you think?”
“About Alex?”
“Not exactly that,” she said shyly. ”What about us kissing, and feeling each others’ tits?’’
“I liked it,” I said.
“So did I,” she said. “A lot.”
I looked at her for a second, then pulled off the T-shirt and underwear I had planned to sleep in. I slid into my bag and unzipped it down the side facing hers.
“Scooch over here,” I said.
Joanie smiled, pulled off her clothes, slid her sleeping bag close to mine and turned off the lantern.
We found each other in the dark and shared a long, languorous kiss. I moved closer to her, until my nipples touched hers. I felt a sudden thrill of sexual excitement.
Joanie must have, too. She gave a little gasp and pressed her tits against mine.
“It’s going to be a great trip,” I said.