The Reconstruction Of Lauire Ch. 3

"Lauire gets a new house guest and makes a shocking discovery that leads to her own perverse fantasy and self pleasure. ."

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When Laurie Sinclair walked into her home to wash her hands and face before dinner, she could smell that Cecelia had indeed been cooking. The aroma of collard greens and cornbread filled her nostrils and made her mouth water and her stomach rumble. Apparently, the young girl had bought more than just the pig for dinner.

After she washed her face and hands, Laurie helped Cecelia set the dining room table for dinner. It had been a long time since the room was used for meals and Laurie thought it would be nice. As the women set the table and laid out the other food, Moses carved up the meat.

Laurie sat at the head of the table, Cecelia at the other end and Moses on the side. As they ate, Laurie looked at the cheerful girl as she chatted away about how things were going at her home, how her sisters and brother were, and how her grandmother was doing.

Like Laurie’s home, the Trelawney home was not burned by the Yankees but was looted, and the outbuildings and fields burned. People speculated that the reason the Trelawney home was spared was that the Union officers who occupied the home were utterly enchanted by Agnes Trelawney’s four granddaughters.

The Campbells, Laurie’s family, and the Trelawneys have always been close friends. Laurie’s grandfather and Agnes Trelawney’s father, along with James Pettis’s father, had been the first to settle in the area. Campbell, Trelawney, and Pettis had come to the area together and fought against the Muscogee Creek Indians and later against the British in the colonies’ War for Independence from England.

Henri La Ramée, Cecelia’s grandfather, claimed to be of Irish descent, but he was not. The man was of French descent. He came to Savannah with his young French bride where he changed his name to Henry Trelawney and claimed he was Irish.

Savannah was a British Colony founded as a military colony to protect the city of Charlestown, later renamed Charleston, in South Carolina from the Spanish in Florida. Due to the French-Indian Wars still fresh in the minds of the English, it would not do well for a Frenchman to settle in Savannah.

In Savannah, Trelawney stuck up a friendship with Campbell and Pettis and when Governor Oglethorpe opened up the western part of the colony to settlers, the three joined together to find a land of their own to settle and raise a family.

Besides growing cotton and other crops, the Trelawneys bred horses and had the best horses in four counties. It was a joke that Agnes Trelawney loved her horses more than she loved her only son and five grandchildren. The strong-willed, no-nonsense, strict woman knew her horse flesh and so did her son and grandchildren. She had given up some of her horses for the Cause but refused to give them all.

When word that the Yankees were coming, the old woman was smart and hid her horses in the deep woods and a pasture far away from Yankee eyes. Laurie had mentally kicked herself and wished she had been smart enough to do the same with what few horses and livestock she had.

At eighteen, Cecelia was the youngest of the five Trelawney siblings. Their father had died in a hunting accident before she was born and her mother had died giving birth to her. The girl and her siblings were raised by their grandmother.

Like all the Trelawney children, Cecelia showed her French ancestry. The girl had long, slightly curly raven black hair. Unlike her brother and older sisters, however, who all had black eyes, Cecelia had inherited her mother’s blue eyes. So blue they were like looking into the ocean. Just like her sisters, the girl was blessed with alabaster skin the sun never could seem to burn or tan.

While most men in the county thought her older sister Savanah was the prettiest of the Trelawney girls, Laurie thought Cecelia was. While her sisters and brother were tall, Cecelia was petite and only stood about five feet two inches in height. Most men and boys thought she was too skinny and would have difficulty bearing children.

The girl was skinny, but not in an unhealthy manner. She had narrow hips and small breasts and very little curves to her body except for her small buttocks that protruded out from behind her in an attractive shape.

Laurie thought the young girl had a face of an angel. Her heart-shaped face had an innocent look and her red lips had a natural pout to them. Cecelia was not only beautiful but was utterly charming as well. With her angelic innocent face and her charm, the young girl could talk her way out of any trouble she got into. And she got into quite a bit of trouble when she was younger.

Cecelia was daring, reckless, full of life, and wild. Laurie liked that about her. Laurie liked the young girl for her vivaciousness and precociousness. Cecelia was very independent and unlike her friends her age, she spoke he mind and gave her opinion on matters regardless if they were well received or not. Laurie felt in that way the girl reminded her of herself.

She was a kindhearted young girl who was always cheerful and in good spirits that nothing ever seemed to dampen. Laurie envied her for that. She envied the girl, who unlike her, never seemed to become cynical or jaded due to the hardships of the War and Reconstruction. Cecelia’s innocence was a blessing for the young girl.

At dinner, Moses again asked about Laurie’s eye and the woman lied and told him what she had planned on telling anyone who asked. When she was trying to get the wagon out of the ditch, she hit her face on the wagon. Laurie didn’t think Moses or Cecelia believed her but they did not question her about her bruised face again.

“You must thank your grandmother for the food and your brother for the pig,” Laurie told Cecelia after the meal was finished.

“Well, Miss Laurie…hmm… there… well I… there is a favor I need to ask and don’t know how to,” the young girl was stammering and seemed embarrassed.

“Well, don’t beat around the bush. Spit it out,” Laurie told her.

The younger girl took a deep breath. “I…they come with a price. See things are getting too crowded at home with Savannah expecting a baby soon and you heard Billy is getting married to that dimwitted Sally McIntosh and well…see I was talking to grandmother and I was hoping that I could move in here with you. Grandmother approves and said there would be no better place for me.” Cecelia smiled suddenly. “Grandmother even said if there was one person in the county that could finally teach me to behave like a lady, it would be you.”

Laurie sighed and ignored the obvious attempt at flattery. “I don’t know. We barely have enough for just me and Moses to take in another mouth to feed.” Laurie hated to tell the girl no.

“Well I come with gifts, a dowry you could say,” the young girl grinned. “The mule and the horse and Grandmother said she would be more than pleased to help out with food. I’ll work hard, Miss Laurie. I promise you that. I ain’t…I’m not…one to turn away from hard work,” Cecelia said to make her case.

Laurie thought for a moment and Cecelia started to fidget and play with her food as she nervously waited for the older woman’s answer.

Laurie thought they could use the mule and the horse. Ole Tom was getting so old. Maybe even have Moses sharpen the old plow and they could start plowing a larger portion of the fields; maybe even plant some cotton for next year. Cotton was still in high demand. They would not get rich but the extra money would help.

Having another person around to help with chores would be nice as well. She knew Cecelia and knew the girl would work. Laurie also liked the idea of having female company around, especially a girl as young as Cecelia. She had always wanted a daughter. She did like the pretty, young girl and her infectious cheerful view of life.

“What do you think, Moses?” She asked.

Cecelia looked at the large black man and smiled and eagerly waited for his opinion. Moses looked at the young girl and grinned and then at Laurie.

“Now, Misses Sinclair, you knows that’s your decision and ain’t up to me,” he answered.

“Don’t give me that excuse, Moses,” Laurie snapped at the man and she heard Cecelia giggle. “You live here as well and I want to hear your opinion.”

“Well, ma’am, I think it would be good. We sure can use the help and that mule and horse sure will help us out also,” he told the woman. “Plus do you some good to have another woman around, beggin’ your pardon, ma’am.”

“Okay, you can stay, Cecelia,” Laurie told the girl. “But I won’t have any of your antics, you hear me? We work hard and you will do your share.”

Cecelia grinned, “Yes, Miss Laurie, I’ll work hard, you’ll see. You won’t get no trouble from me, I promise.” The young girl reached over and touched Moses’s arm. “Thank you, Moses,” she told the black man.

Laurie noticed that Cecelia seemed to run her hand in a caressing manner up the black man’s arm before she removed it. It must have been her imagination, she thought.

Later that night Laurie went over Moses’s reading and writing lessons on the front porch as Cecelia looked on. The black man enjoyed a smoke of the good tobacco in his pipe as he stretches his feet in his new Brogans to help break them in.

Moses complained about Laurie spending much-needed money on him and the woman told him he was right and she regretted it but there was nothing she could do about it now. The black man just smiled at her and said, yes ma’am, as Cecelia giggled. The three then retired to bed.

Laurie had given Cecelia the upstairs room that had once been her youngest son’s room. There was a bed and a chest of drawers but not much else. She left Cecelia to unpack her belongings and smiled when she noticed the girl had already come packed and ready to move in as if she knew Laurie would not say no to her moving in.

After Laurie had washed in the basin she sat down to brush her hair before bed while sitting in front of her cracked mirror.

“I can do that for you,” Laurie heard Cecelia tell her.

She looked over and saw the young girl standing in the doorway to the bedroom. Laurie had gotten out of the habit of closing her door before she went to bed. There was no need for it even with Moses in the house now. She knew the black man would never come upstairs.

Like her, Cecelia was dressed for bed, but unlike her the young girl’s chemise was short. Laurie’s chemise she slept in came down past her knees, but the young girl had cut the hem of hers so it came about four or maybe five inched above her knees. The girl’s chemise top was untied and Laurie could see her small breasts showing and the girl’s dark nipples through the thin, white cotton material. Laurie thought it was inappropriate for a lady to be seen in such a manner by anyone besides her husband, but she did not say anything.

Before the older woman could answer, Cecelia stepped into the room, walked behind her, took a handful of her red hair in one hand, and grabbed the brush from Laurie with her other. She then started brushing the older woman’s hair. It felt nice to have someone brushing her hair out.

“You have such beautiful hair, Miss Laurie,” Cecelia told her.

Laurie smiled and looked at the girl’s reflection in the mirror. “Thank you, but not as nice as yours. You and your sisters have the prettiest hair in the county. So thick and dark and lustrous.“

Cecelia rolled her eyes. “That’s why I like yours so much and wish I had hair as you do. Would set me apart from my sisters. I always hated being compared to them.”

Laurie chuckled. “Cecelia, everyone knows you are not like your sisters. Your behavior and unruliness set you apart from them.” Laurie saw Cecelia blush in the girl’s reflection but she didn’t say anything in her defense. “And please, it’s just Laurie. If I have to hear a miss or misses from someone else in this house I think I will scream.”

Cecelia giggled and reached over Laurie’s body and laid the brush down on the vanity and picked up some ribbons. The girl gathered Laurie’s hair in her hand and started to bind it with a ribbon. When she was finished, Laurie’s hair was pulled back from her head and tied into a ponytail in the back.

Cecelia reached out and ran the back of her fingers in a caressing manner over the older woman’s cheek. “You are so beautiful, Laurie. I have always admired you,” she told the older woman as her hand caressed Laurie’s cheek. “I admire your beauty, how you carry yourself, and your determination.”

As the young girl caressed her cheek, Laurie had an improper thought; the young girl caressed her as a lover would. She drove the thought out of her mind. She knew it was just a sign of affection, after all, girls showed affection to one another and there was nothing improper about it. Women just do not touch each other the way men and women did.

Regardless of the fact she knew Cecelia’s touch was innocent, the older woman felt her nipples tighten at the girl’s touch. She looked at Cecelia’s reflection in the mirror, blushed, and lowered her head. The younger girl’s nipples were also erect. Laurie could see the dark nipples poking into the thin material of her chemise. Maybe there was a chill in the room she had not noticed, Laurie thought.

“I…I think we should go to bed now, Cecelia, we have to be up early in the morning. We have a lot of chores to do,” Laurie told the pretty girl.

“Yes, ma’am,” Cecelia said, smiled, and kissed the older woman on the cheek. “Thank you for letting me live here. You won’t regret it and I promise I’ll work hard. You ain’t gonna…you won’t regret it.”

Laurie smiled, “I know you will, dear.”

Cecelia gave the older woman a tight hug and left the room and Laurie retired to bed.

Laurie had another nightmare that night, but not about Moses. She dreamed of the Yankee soldiers and what they could have done to her they did do to her in her nightmare. She woke up frightened and her body trembling.

As the next weeks passed, Laurie was beginning to think things may be looking up. Moses had sharpened the old plow blade and used the younger mule to clear weeds and plow a portion of the neglected fields for the next planting season. Laurie decided to plant cotton again.

Moses’s wounds had healed nicely and he never did get an infection and it was not long before he was able to do his share, more than his share actually, of the work.

Cecelia not only proved herself a hard worker but Laurie enjoyed her company as well. The young girl was so full of life and cheerful and her optimism seemed infectious. Each night she would come into Laurie’s room and brush the woman’s hair and even a couple of times she helped her bathe as they talked.

Laurie enjoyed the girl’s company and so did Moses. The young, beautiful girl was very charming and would entertain the two with stories of her antics when she attended the Milledgeville Female Academy, antics that would have gotten her expelled if not for the respect her grandmother held in the community.

Going to town became an enjoyment for Laurie as well instead of a chore. Having both Moses and Cecelia accompany her was fun.

The young girl received two gentleman callers who asked Laurie permission to call upon Cecelia. One of the men was a year older than Cecelia and the other was at least ten years older than the girl. Laurie knew both men and they came from respectful families and she gave her permission. Cecelia however had little interest in them and made it clear to them both that she was not interested. The girl was very polite in her rejection of the men and did so in such a charming way that did not make them feel scorned. However, the men never came back.

Once a Yankee patrol came by to question Laurie and Cecelia about some recent trouble with the Klan, of which both women had no information and if they did they would not have told anyway. The young Yankee officer was enchanted by Cecelia’s charm and looks. He asked permission to visit her socially. Cecelia spat on the ground at his feet. After the soldiers left, Cecelia apologized to Laurie for her unladylike behavior. The older woman smiled and told her there was nothing to apologize for and told the girl she was proud of her.

Laurie tried to encourage the young girl to accept the suitable gentleman callers. She felt and even told the girl she was at an age where she should be married and starting a family. Cecelia just laughed and told the woman she looked up to that she had no interest in such things as marriage and a family. She told Laurie she was young and enjoying life too much to settle down as her peers and sisters had.

Besides being beautiful and charming, there was something about Cecelia that Laurie saw and others did as well. The girl had a way about her where she used her beauty and charm to manipulate others. That was not abnormal for a Southern girl, but there was something more to it in Cecelia.

When Laurie was younger she had also used her beauty and charm to manipulate people, but Cecelia seemed different. It was like the young girl could cast a spell on both women and men to get them to do things she wanted. Laurie, who always thought she was above being manipulated, even found herself doing what the younger girl asked of her. She would later ask herself why she ended up doing things Cecelia so charmingly asked of her, promised herself she would not be manipulated again, and then later realize she had been.

The only person who seemed immune to Cecelia’s sorcery was Moses and oddly Cecelia never used her spells on the large black man and the girl seemed more obedient to him than even to Laurie.

Laurie looked forward to the nights when Cecelia would come into her room and brush her hair and the times she helped her bathe. A part of her also made her feel odd as well. Cecelia would innocently caress her face or arms or when she washed Laurie’s back but made it seem seductive as well.

Laurie knew the girl did not mean anything by it and the caresses were chaste, but they still made Laurie feel odd. The older woman would get flustered and nervous and ashamed as her nipples became erect and she even felt the wetness between her legs. Laurie knew that Cecelia, in her innocence of such matters, did not realize the unnatural effect she was having on the older woman.

Laurie still had her dreams of Moses on occasion. She discovered the nights when she was more physically exhausted those deviant dreams did not come to her, so she tried to work much harder during the day to tire herself out. One night, however, after Cecelia had helped her bathe; the woman had a different dream that did not involve Moses.

Laurie dreamed that instead of Moses or even her husband having their head between her legs and using their mouth on her pleasure nub and fingers in her sex to sexually please her, it was Cecelia! In her dream, Laurie begged the beautiful, young girl to continue and bring her to climax.

Cecelia looked up at the older woman, her mouth glistening with Laurie’s sex fluid, and gave the woman her charming smile. The younger girl then lowered her head again and continued to give Laurie pleasure.

Laurie woke up, feeling ashamed of herself for having such an unnatural and perverted dream. She did not know which was more of a perversion; her dream of Cecelia or her dreams of Moses. The woman was breathing heavily and her heart was racing and she was perspiring and her body was hot as if with a fever.

Laurie got out of bed and walked to her window to open it. It was a hot and humid night, but there was a breeze that she hoped would cool her off.

“Hell’s fire!” the woman said aloud.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Moses’s shack and there was a light shining through the window. Laurie thought someone was trying to steal from them.

Why they would break into Moses’s old shack was odd since he did not have anything to steal, but Laurie was worried they would make their way to the hen house and steal her chickens and then maybe the barn and steal her mules, horse, and the one cow she had.

She slipped on her Brogans and did not bother to tie the laces and ran downstairs. She did not wake Cecelia. The young girl was too innocent to witness what may happen when Laurie surprised the thieves. She grabbed her shotgun off the mantle, checked to make sure it was loaded, and then went to wake Moses.

Moses was not in his room. Fear gripped the woman. What if that Yankee soldier did find out where she lived and he and some of his men had come to her and was going to finish what he began on the road? What if Moses heard them and went outside and they took the black man and were going to kill him first before they came into the house? What if they also discovered Cecelia in her room?

Laurie knew she would be able to survive such an ordeal of being taken against her will, but the innocent young girl would not.

When Laurie got closer to the small, one-room cabin she slowed to a walk and then crept up to the window and peaked inside. She saw Moses on the bed and no one else in the room. She breathed a sigh of relief and then gasped when she noticed something else.

Moses was sitting on his bed with his back turned from the window and he was naked. Laurie could see the man’s nude back, the healing whip marks beginning to scar, and his naked buttocks pressed into the mattress of the bed. The well-defined muscles of his back glistened with sweat. Laurie then noticed that Moses’s right arm was moving in a rapid up-and-down motion. She dropped her shotgun in shock at what she was witnessing.

Moses had apparently come to the shack to be alone to pleasure himself. Laurie raised two sons and she knew men did such a disgusting and unspeakable act to themselves. She even knew her husband did it on occasion, but being a proper lady she never broached the subject with him.

The woman knew she should turn away and go back into the house, but she didn’t. Her body refused to listen to what her mind was telling her. Instead, she watched the black man through the window. Her mind unwillingly went to a dark and perverted place.

She wanted to watch him and she wanted to see his black manhood! Her nipples became painfully taunt and poked into the chemise she was wearing and her sex became wet. She desperately wanted to touch herself as she watched. She wanted to pinch her nipples and massage them with her fingers and she wanted to touch between her legs. Laurie felt the desire to have her sex filled by a man; a desire much stronger than she felt when she dreamed of Moses.

Her left hand went unbidden to her nipple and she gasped in pleasure as her fingers closed over it. Laurie spread her legs apart more and she lowered her right hand to touch between her thighs. She stopped suddenly when she heard Moses speak.

“You like that, don’t you,” the man said. It was not a question. “You like sucking a black cock, don’t you, you nasty white whore.”

Laurie was appalled at the vulgar word. A word she had only heard once in her life and only repeated once when she asked Della what it meant. After she learned what the word and others she had heard meant they embarrassed her and she never repeated them.

She had just turned sixteen and it was before she met the man that was to be her husband. Laurie was with her mother and father at the Trelawney’s yearly spring barbeque and she overheard two boys around her age telling another boy of a sporting house they had visited while in Savannah. The two boys who were doing the talking had been courting Laurie for a few months once her father had permitted them now that she was of age.

They used that word and many other crude words in their description of the vulgar acts they did with the whores in the brothel. The acts they described shocked Laurie, she never knew men and women did such things and some sounded too repulsive to even think about. Some of the words they used she did not understand, such as cock and pussy, but made her curious. She could not ask her mother so later that evening she asked Della what the boys meant by such vulgar words.

Della at first told her that a proper lady had no cause to know what such words meant and threatened to wash Laurie’s mouth out with lye soap for using such language. Laurie persisted and the woman told her. Laurie was shocked and decided she would not allow such boys like that to call on her anymore, even if they were considered gentlemen. Real gentlemen did not visit brothels or use such language.

Laurie could not believe such a word came from Moses’s mouth. There was also the tone of his voice. The man’s tone was commanding and dominant. A tone she had never heard from Moses before.

Laurie watched as the man moved his arm faster and she once more slid her hand down her stomach to touch herself. She even thought that the handsome large black man was thinking of her as he said vulgar things. While she would never do such a revolting act as to give a man pleasure with her mouth; it excited her to think he was fantasizing about her.

Just as her hand was about to touch her wet sex, Moses stood up and Laurie got a full view of Moses, large muscular backside. His skin was so dark and glistening and she felt a rush of exhilaration when she saw him. She lifted her chemise to give herself access to her private area and again stopped when Moses turned to his side. What she saw was even more shocking. A sight that did not arouse her, but made her stomach tighten, and she felt suddenly ill.

Kneeling on her knees before the large black man was Cecelia! The girl was just as naked as Moses except the young girl was wearing a black leather slave collar around her neck.

A slave collar left over from the time before the War and used to identify the slaves on the plantation who were unruly and belligerent. It was to remind them that they were not free and used to humiliate them into submission. Attached to the collar was a length of a leather strap. Laurie noticed that Cecelia had her hands tied behind her back. Her long, luscious, black hair was tied behind her head in a single ponytail.

Laurie gasped when she saw the small girl’s exposed breasts. They were small, almost unnoticeable, and tipped with dark nipples that were almost as dark as Moses’s skin. Laurie found the contrast of the girl’s small alabaster breasts and dark nipples erotic. Cecelia had small areolas but her dark nipples were erect and long. What made Laurie gasp however was that on the girl’s nipples were clamps.

Even though Laurie could not see them clearly, she easily recognized the clamps; they were her sewing clamps! The clamps were handed down from her mother and made of ivory and used to hold material in place to a surface by screwing the clamps tight. The clamps were attached by a thin metal chain that hung between Cecelia’s small breasts. Something Moses must have added to torture poor Cecelia with.

Laurie saw Moses pull the poor girl’s head back by the ponytail and his manhood was out of her mouth.

“Please, please,” Cecelia begged and Laurie saw the girl had tears in her eyes as she pleaded with Moses.

It couldn’t be, Laurie thought, oh dear God, please no! Moses was forcing the poor, sweet, innocent young girl! He was forcing her to commit the filthy act of using her mouth on his manhood to give him pleasure! The poor girl was begging the man to stop!

Was she wrong when James Pettis and his men came for Moses that night? Had Melanie Flanagan’s father been telling the truth? Did Moses take the trashy girl against her will? Now she doubted herself in giving Moses an alibi for that day. She had lied to James Pettis when she told him Moses had been with her all day, when in fact he had gone fishing for hours. Had he not gone fishing but instead did what he was accused of?

She could not believe it, not her Moses. The sweet, gentle giant who would not harm a fly unless he had to; but now before her was the truth. Moses was doing the same to poor Cecelia!

Tears ran down her cheeks as her body slid down and she sat on the ground under the window. Laurie knew she had two choices. The first was that she would point her shotgun at Moses and chain him up and then take Cecelia with her and go to town and get the sheriff. The sheriff would use his whip on Moses and peel the flesh off his back as the man begged for him to stop. When Moses’s back was stripped of flesh to the bones and just a mess of blood they would hang him.

The other option was she was to kill Moses outright. That would be the merciful thing to do; spare the man the agony of the whip. Letting him go was not even an option. He was forcing a woman, a white woman, against her will. But could she do the deed? Moses was like family to her. Could she pull the triggers of her shotgun?

As much as she had fantasized about shooting many Yankee soldiers who had wronged her, Laurie never shot anyone. Could she kill a man?

And what of Cecelia? The poor sweet child will be traumatized for life after what Moses was forcing her to do. How can I comfort her after this? Laurie thought, and it was my entire fault. I let her stay her and exposed her to such a monster!

Laurie needed to act either way and act quickly. She heard Cecelia beg again and the sound of the girl’s voice begging broke her heart. She reached over and was about to pick up her shotgun, still undecided about what to do but knew she had to do something when she heard Moses speak again.

“Please what, whore?” the black man asked. “Tell me what my white whore wants.” Again Moses used an authoritative tone Laurie had never heard from the man.

“For you to fuck me. Please fuck me, please,” Laurie heard Cecelia beg. “Please, Master, it’s been so long. You have not fucked me in weeks. All you do is let me suck your cock. If…if you fuck me, you can put in in my butt after.”

Laurie froze once more. Was it possible? She asked herself. No, Moses was making her say those things! Cecelia would never give herself willing to a man she was not married to and certainly never to a black man. Cecelia may have always been a precocious young lady and reckless and wild at times, but she was still a lady. She would never use such vulgar words as Laurie heard her use or do something as revolting as use her mouth on a man’s manhood to give him pleasure. Calling a black man Master! That was inconceivable! To tell him he could take his perverse pleasure by putting himself in her anus, Laurie had never heard of such a thing and the thought of it disgusted her!

Laurie knew the poor girl was being forced to say and do such filthy, disgusting acts. At least that is what she told herself to justify what she had seen and what she had heard from both Moses and the pretty young girl. However, there was something about the sound of Cecelia’s voice that Laurie could not understand. The girl sounded as if she was in distress and she had tears in her eyes and sounded as if she was crying as she begged, but she didn’t sound frightened at all.

Laurie knew fear and she knew the sound of fear in a woman’s voice under such a circumstance. Even though she did her best not to show it and put up a brave front, Laurie knew such fear when the Yankees first came to her home, she knew fear the night James Pettis and his men came for Moses, she knew fear from that day on the road when she was accosted by the Yankee patrol and from that corporal’s touch and words of what he wanted to do to her.

Laurie knew the sound of fear from a woman being taken in such a manner. She knew that from when the Yankees came and some soldiers took some of the female slaves into the slave cabins; sometimes groups of three or more taking one slave. Some of the slaves went kicking and screaming, others submissively allowed themselves to be led away, and even a few went willingly to thank their liberators for their “Day of Jubilee”. Laurie had begged the colonel to make it stop, but he did nothing.

The woman also knew the begging sound of sexual desire and the need to have her sex penetrated. She had begged that way many times when her husband would tease her nipples and sex with his fingers until she was begging him to enter her with his manhood.

Cecelia sounded that way now. Her begging was not out of fear or being forced but out of the desire for Moses to take her.

“Let me fuck your ass,” Laurie heard Moses speak again and she heard the black man chuckle. “You beg for me to fuck you in the ass just as much as you beg me to fuck your white pussy. You know what you are don’t you, Cecelia? You know who owns you.”

“Yes, Master,” Laurie heard the girl answer ad couldn’t believe what she heard.

Laurie stood up and did not pick up her gun. Her mind told her not to but her body seemed not to be able to resist. She peaked into the window again.

Cecelia was on her knees, her arms wrapped around one of Moses’s large muscular black thighs and the girl was licking the sweat off of Moses’s inner thigh, close to his manhood. Cecelia was so petite and looked like some beautiful fairy out of a fantasy tale as she knelt at the feet of a black giant.

“You own me, Master,” Cecelia said between her licks. “You own my mouth, my pussy, my asshole, Master. You own all of me. I am Master’s whore and slave.”

Cecelia’s actions and words shocked the older woman.

Laurie then looked at Moses and got a better look at him for the first time that night. Her eyes roamed down his dark, magnificent black body. She soaked in his handsome face, his muscular shoulders, arms, and chest, and gave a sudden gasp when she saw his manhood.

Moses’ manhood was jutting out from his curly, coarse pubic hairs and it was huge! Laurie had only seen one man’s penis in her life, her husband’s, and she never would have thought men could have a different size penis, but Moses did. Laurie could not help but stare at the gigantic member.

It must be at least ten inches or even maybe larger, she thought, and so thick! Laurie did not know how such a thing could give a woman pleasure and thought it must be painful for a woman when it was inside her. How could a young woman as small as Cecelia find pleasure in such a thing? Laurie thought, how could any woman find pleasure from that? Still, she could not look away and found the site of his large, black manhood arousing.

Laurie saw Moses’s manhood in all of its naked glory. Besides the size of it, the woman found the complexion of the penis and the flesh around it alluring. Moses is a dark-skinned black man and his manhood and his scrotum were even darker than the man’s skin tone, but the thick tip of his penis was a light tannish pink color.

“Since you have done a good job of sucking my cock once already tonight,” Moses’s voice brought Laurie out of her trance, “and did not lose even a drop of cum from your white, slut mouth you are close to deserving your reward.”

“Thank you, Master,” Cecelia responded with sincerity in her voice. “I love your cum, Master.”

Laurie gasped again but this time in disgust. A woman using her mouth on a man’s penis was disgusting enough but to allow the man to ejaculate his fluid into her mouth and then swallow it was absolutely revolting. Based on the girl’s words she even enjoyed it!

“Your reward will be getting your tight, white, asshole fucked,” Moses told Cecelia.

Laurie retched and almost vomited at the words. How could a man do that to a woman, a man with such a large manhood would certainly terribly hurt poor Cecelia.

“Thank you, Master,” Cecelia replied with eagerness in her voice. “I love your huge black cock in my butthole.”

Laurie was now even more appalled by Cecelia’s words and how she thanked Moses for him going to do such a horrible thing to her.

Moses laughed, “I said you were close to earning it, not that you have yet.”

“I will, Master, I promise I will,” Cecelia pleaded. “I’ll do anything, please let me prove it!”

“Get on the bed, whore,” Moses told the girl as he pulled her to her feet by the leather strap attached to the collar around the girl’s neck. “On your hands and knees.”

Laurie had to quickly duck down under the window so she would not be seen. As Cecelia climbed onto the bed, her head would be facing the window.

“Please, Master,” Laurie heard Cecelia beg again, “Please loosen me up first. Please use your fingers or the peg first. It’s been so long since allowed me this type of pleasure.”

Laurie sat on the ground as she experienced a mixture of emotions. Her mind raced with thoughts of disgust at what was happening and going to happen inside the cabin and thoughts of the unthinkable of a white woman giving herself willingly to a black man and even calling him master and telling him she owned her.

The woman also felt other emotions as well, things she could not believe she felt. She found herself jealous. Jealous not only of Moses but of Cecelia as well; she felt jealous that they wanted each other and not her. Even with the feeling of disgust, that made her stomach nauseous, and her jealousy; Laurie felt something else that confused her more. She felt aroused. Her nipples ached from how taunt they were and her sex was so wet she thought she would even feel her sex fluid making her inner thighs slick.

“Not yet, you eager white whore,” she heard Moses say. “Still need to earn it. The flogger or the cane.”

“The flogger, Master,” Cecelia replied. “The cane leaves more of a mark and Laurie may see them.”

After all she heard and witnessed, that was the worse. Moses was going to use a flogger on the girl! A black man using a flogger on a white woman! Laurie could also not believe the eagerness in Cecelia’s voice as she chose the torture device she wanted to have used on her.

Laurie had had enough and could not bear to listen or watch anymore. She crawled from under the window to the right and was about to stand up and heard the sound of the flogger hitting flesh and the girl’s scream.

“Ohhh, God, Master,” the young girl cried out. “Ohhh, Master, please more! Please more, Master!”

The woman got to her feet and ran back to her house. She could not remember running back to her home, Laurie was in a daze and her mind was foggy. She did remember hearing more smacks of the flogger and then Cecelia’s screams; screams of both pain and pleasure. As she ran closer to the house, the sounds of the flogger and the girl’s screams faded. Laurie ran upstairs to her bedroom; shut the door, and threw herself on her bed.

“Hell’s fire!” she exclaimed aloud. Laurie had just realized she had forgotten her shotgun!

What if they find it, she thought. They will know I saw them! The woman knew she couldn’t go back and get it that night. She didn’t want to go near that den of debauchery again that night! Laurie thought she could retrieve it the next day and they wouldn’t even see it she hoped.

Still wearing her Brogans, Laurie turned to her side and curled up in a fetal position. She tried to get the images of what she saw out of her mind, but she couldn’t. While she never saw Cecelia have her mouth on Moses’s large manhood, a penis she never could have imagined could be so large. Not that she, a proper Southern Lady would ever imagine a man’s manhood. She would blush even when she thought of her husband’s. while she never saw Cecelia actually doing such a disgusting act and to a black man at that, Laurie knew the girl did by their vulgar words.

Laurie could not fathom how the girl could fit such a large thing in her mouth, but she imagined it anyway. She imagined watching Cecelia on her knees, naked, the slave collar around her neck, her nipples painfully clamped, and her hands tied behind her back as the girl pleasured Moses with her mouth. Laurie once more became aware of her erect nipples and her damp sex.

Her hand slid down her neck and to her breasts unbidden. She gasped out as her fingers touched her nipple. She gasped out louder as she took her nipple between her thumb and forefinger and started to gently roll it between them.

The image of the beautiful, young, brunette girl changed. She became an older, pretty woman with long red hair. Laurie imagined it was her and not Cecelia on her knees in front of Moses!

Unlike Cecelia, however, Laurie could not imagine herself wearing a slave collar, having her hands tied behind her back, or calling a man, especially a black man, master. It was bad enough she was imagining herself licking a man’s thighs with his genitalia close to her face, but to fantasize about the other was just unthinkable!

“You like tasting me, don’t you,” Moses told her in that strong voice he used with the younger girl.

Laurie cried out as she pinched her nipple harder at the imaginary words Moses used. Then cried out again as she pinched her nipple even harder and pulled it. She imagined Moses was pulling on her nipple.

“Yes,” the woman said aloud as she imagined it was her licking Moses submissively.

Laurie rolled over on her back and didn’t even try to drive the shameful and disgusting image and fantasy from her thoughts. Still tweaking her nipple, the woman reached down with her other hand and lifted the hem of her chemise above her waist. Laurie then did something she had never done before in her life.

The woman ran her finger over the slit of her sex. She gasped out in the pleasure of it and did it again and then again, going up and then down. Laurie felt how wet her sex was, shockingly very wet, and also found it curious how long the slit was from her pleasure nub to the entrance of her womanhood.

Laurie had never touched her very private area before except to wash it and never to give herself pleasure. She had never even seen what it looked like and never cared to, that was not something proper women did or even thought about. Now, however, she was curious.

She was curious not only to want to feel what her sex was like but curious if Cecelia’s would be the same. Were women like men? She thought. After seeing Moses’s large penis Laurie wondered if women we also different in that area of their bodies.

As Laurie explored her sex with her fingers, she continued to imagine herself in the same position she had seen Cecelia in and was licking Moses’s inner thighs, tasting his flesh and sweat. Instead of her fingers touching herself, however, the woman imagined Cecelia was kneeling next to her. The beautiful, petite, young girl was just as naked as Laurie had seen her and wearing the slave collar and the clamps on her dark nipples, but her hands were free.

Laurie imagined Cecelia was now pulling her nipples with one hand while the younger girl’s other hand explored the older woman’s sex.

Laurie ran her fingers over the soft, fine hair that surrounded her sex and found it damp in spots that were closer to the entrance of her womanhood. The woman glided her fingers over her vulva and found it curious that the mound was prominent and like a swollen large bulge between her legs. She pressed her fingers into her puffy mound and found it slightly sponge-like. The fine red hairs surrounding her vulva were damp from her sex fluid.

Laurie traced her fingers over herself as she moved them closer to the slit that ran up the middle of her sex. She let out a moan of pleasure when her fingers touched what she could only visualize as a thin sensitive lip. She ran her finger up and down it, enjoying the sensation it gave her. She moaned out again when she discovered a second, smaller, and thinner lip that seemed to be inside the larger one. It was also sensitive and touching it gave her pleasure.

Laurie had a sudden desire to see what her sex looked like. She thought if she still had her silver hand mirror she would have done that obscene act, but it had been stolen by the Yankee soldiers. She could only visualize in her head what it may have looked like.

Laurie imagined the fine, soft red hairs around it, the swollen mound, the sensitive lips opened like petals of a flower to expose the entrance to her womanhood and the odd slit going up to her round pleasure nub. She wondered if Cecelia’s sex looked like hers but surrounded by black hairs instead of red.

Laurie next did another thing she had never done in her life; she inserted a finger into herself. She moaned as her finger slide easily into her naturally lubricated quim. It was much tighter than she thought it would be and the inside closed around her finger. It felt wet and warm and the further Laurie pushed her finger into her body she could feel small undulations inside of her that seemed to grab her finger. No wonder men like the way it feels, she thought.

Laurie moaned out again as she inserted a second finger into herself and felt the walls of her sex close around both her fingers. Enjoying the pleasure it gave her, the woman was no longer was curious about what her sex looked like and she wanted to give herself more of the forbidden pleasure.

Laurie franticly searched for that delightful spot inside her quim that her husband had always found so quickly and that gave her such pleasure, but as hard as she tried she could not find it. She finally gave up and decided on the next best thing. She removed her fingers, ran them up the slit, and touched her pleasure nub. Laurie cried out as she easily found that blissful spot.

As the woman used her finger to stimulate herself, she was moaning and whimpering in pleasure. She imagined kneeling naked in front of Moses. She was once more licking his black inner thighs with a naked Cecelia kneeling next to her. Instead of her fingers on her body, Laurie imagined it was the younger girl’s fingers giving her pleasure.

“Suck his cock, Laurie,” Cecelia whispered in the older woman’s ear. “Suck his big, black African cock!”

Laurie eagerly opened her mouth as Cecelia pulled hard to painfully stretch her nipples. Laurie knew it was impossible to take such a large manhood in her mouth but she fantasized she was able to. Having never done such a disgusting act before, the woman just imagined herself opening her mouth and Moses putting his cock into it.

Laurie suddenly cried out and started moaning louder as she felt her orgasm building and she climaxed quickly before she could even imagine what a man’s penis would feel like in her mouth. Laurie had her first orgasm in over six years; the last one the night before her husband left for the War.

Her body tightened and she cried out in ecstasy over and over as she felt the wonderful release. The woman pinched her nipples hard and kept stimulating her pleasure button even after her orgasm ended and it became more sensitive. Laurie had forgotten how glorious an orgasm felt and she didn’t want to stop! She wanted another one.

Laurie removed her fingers from her nipple and slid her hand down her stomach and inserted two fingers into her sex, which was now even wetter. As she thrust them in and out of her and continued to rub herself, her fantasy of Cecelia and Moses changed.

She was lying on her back on her bed. She was naked and her legs were spread and Moses knelt between them. The black man’s large black fingers were inside her sex. Cecelia, still naked, was kneeling next to her body. The young girl was kissing her as a lover would kiss her. Laurie was kissing the girl back just as passionately as Cecelia’s fingers were teasing the older woman’s erect nipples. Cecelia started kissing her neck as Laurie moaned and whimpered in pleasure.

“He wants to fuck you, Laurie,” Cecelia whispered in her ear. “Do you want him to fuck you?”

“Yes, please, Oh God please!” Laurie cried out aloud. Not just in her fantasy but cried out aloud as she lay in her bed alone. “Please let him fuck me, Cecelia!”

Cecelia giggled. “You have to tell him, Laurie.”

“Please now, Moses, please put it inside me,” she cried out again asking, no begging, aloud not just in her fantasy.

Moses ignored her pleas and kept teasing her with his fingers as Cecelia moved her lips to the older woman’s breasts and started to suck them, lick them, and gently bite them.

“Now, Moses, please, dear God, enter me now,” Laurie cried out as she again begged the black man to have sex with her. “I can’t take it, please, Moses, I can’t take it anymore. I want you inside me, please. It’s been so long, please.” As she pleaded with the young black man she almost wept from the need to feel him inside her.

Moses then entered her in one hard thrust and Laurie cried out from both the pain and pleasure of it as she placed a third finger inside her sex.

She knew it was impossible for a penis as large as Moses’s to give her or any woman pleasure. How could it? It was just too long and too thick, but in her fantasy, he did give her pleasure.

Laurie started thrusting her fingers in and out of her rapidly and hard as she imagined Moses on top of her making love to her; no not making love. The large black man fucked her. As he fucked her, Laurie moaned and cried out in ecstasy and imagined Cecelia was once again kissing her mouth as her hands tweaked the older woman’s nipples.

She quickly felt another orgasm building, much too soon. She wanted to enjoy the feeling and her fantasy longer, but the feeling of her need to orgasm was greater so she did not slow down but started fucking herself harder.

Laurie imagined Moses was fucking her hard as well and he was making masculine grunts of excursion and Cecelia was giggling and taunting her.

“You like his big black cock, don’t you?” Cecelia asked.

“Yes, oh God, yes!” the woman cried out aloud again.

“Tell him to fuck you harder,” again the young girl taunted.

“Fuck me, Moses! Please, dear God, fuck me, Moses!” Laurie screamed out.

“He’s about to cum, Laurie,” Cecelia continued her cruel taunts and giggled again. “Tell him to cum in your pussy.”

“Please, Moses, please cum inside me! Please cum in my pussy!” she cried out.

Laurie then had her second orgasm and she screamed out once more. This time it was more intense than the first as she imagined Moses’s ejaculating his fluid into her while Cecelia was giggling as she pinched the older woman’s nipples hard. Laurie rubbed her swollen nub fiercely and she felt the inside of her sex constricting and releasing around her fingers repeatedly.

After her orgasm ended, the woman was panting and enjoyed the euphoric feeling. She removed her finger from her pleasure nub, which was more sensitive and slightly sore from how hard she had been stimulating it, and then removed her fingers from her sex.

Laurie raised her hand and looked at her fingers. They were glistening and coated with her sex fluid. It was thick and mucus like and when she spread her fingers apart; strands of the sticky fluid stretched between them.

She thought about licking her fingers; Laurie had tasted herself on her husband’s lips before when she kissed him after he used his mouth to give her pleasure. She was tempted to taste herself and imagine it was Cecelia’s fluid she was going to taste, but she didn’t. Instead, she wiped her hand on her chemise.

With her lust sated, guilt and shame of what she did and what she thought about washed over her and she just could not bring herself to do such a disgusting thing.

The woman rolled over to her side and curled up in a fetal position and once more started to cry. She cried out of the shame of touching herself, giving herself pleasure, and the humiliation of what she fantasized about while doing it; but she cried more for another reason.

For the first time in years, since her husband had left her and during his absence, Laurie cried out of loneliness. It had been a long time since she felt lonely and not having a man in bed next to her. Not since the Yankees came to her home.

She had felt lonely during the war, but after the Federals came and looted and burned her property, Laurie’s need for survival and her anger replaced her loneliness and she never thought about it since.

That was until that night she saw Moses and Cecelia and the perverted things they were doing. While what the two were doing was wrong and disgusting, at least they had each other to feel that void of loneliness. Laurie felt the loneliness of not having someone share her bed and the lack of intimacy. She also felt jealous! She was jealous of the two for wanting each other and not her. She felt jealous they had something she did not, even though it was something revolting and extremely inappropriate. A white woman and a black man having a sexual relationship were unthinkable, but to do what the two were doing was just debauchery!

The older woman even briefly thought maybe she should marry again or at least maybe take a discreet lover to fill the loneliness she now felt. But that thought was quickly replaced by another more pressing matter.

What was she going to do about Cecelia and Moses? As she cried, Laurie knew she faced a dilemma about what to do about Cecelia and Moses and how to put an end to their perversions.

Published 2 years ago

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