Ruth Kingsman had to get ready for another night of work. She got up and went into the bathroom to start getting ready. But there were a few unusual things about Ruth’s preparations for work.
She looked up to where there should have been a mirror on the vanity, but instead, there was a cheap, store-bought picture of a rowboat tied to a dock with the lake in the background.
Ruth had taken the mirror down several years ago when she moved into her small trailer. In fact, Ruth had gone to great lengths to remove any reflective surface in her apartment.
The only mirror she had was a full-length one on the back of the bathroom door, which she kept open at all times unless she needed the mirror.
She hated the sight of herself and had even gone as far as getting brushed stainless steel appliances and even the toaster was non-reflective.
You see, Ruth was a big girl–some would call her voluptuous, but most people just called her fat or overweight. And she hated the way she looked. So much so, that when she walked down the street, she kept her eyes on the ground ahead of her so she wouldn’t catch a glimpse of herself in some store window.
She also watched out for puddles when it rained, intentionally kicking a small pebble or dirt into them as she got close and causing ripples so she wouldn’t see herself in them. It was almost to a point of OCD with her, but it was what she felt she had to do to keep from seeing the way she looked.
Ruth had always been bigger than average. In school, the kids picked on her for being chubby. In high school, she never went to any school dances or parties because of how she looked and the teasing and whispering and laughing that always seemed to accompany her.
But it wasn’t until Jack came along that things spiraled completely out of control.
Ruth and Jack met at a 4th of July community picnic in the small Tennesee town of Jasper. They hit it off right away and for a while, things were great between them. Ruth had never been happier.
She actually thought that she had found the one person to make her feel like she belonged and that she mattered. After a little over a year, there was some talk of marriage and one evening they decided to take a nice drive in the country. He proposed to her on the drive and she was over the moon with happiness!
But unfortunately, her happiness would be short-lived. They were engaged for four months and were to be married in about a month when Jack came over to see Ruth.
He had come back from Chatanooga about a half-hour away and had something to talk about with Ruth. She didn’t know what it was, but she was scared it might be something bad. And she couldn’t have been more right.
“Ruth, honey, I have met someone else. I didn’t mean for it to happen, and I never wanted to hurt you. But I can’t help it. I’m sorry, but I am going to be leaving for Chatanooga next week.
I have a job waiting for me, and she and I are going to be living together there. I know this is sudden, and I wish it was easier on you, but…” he said.
Ruth was beyond devastated. Her whole world imploded and she with it. After he left, she shut herself up in her small apartment and stayed there. She didn’t go to work, didn’t go to the store for a week, she didn’t set foot out of her small apartment.
Her boss came by once or twice to see if she was all right–she didn’t even answer the door. She was numb and didn’t care about anything. She didn’t care if she lived or died… she had already died inside, so what good was it to go on?
One day, a couple of weeks later, she was blankly watching television, not paying attention to what was on really, it was just on to make noise. Suddenly an advertisement for the Texas Travel Industry Association came on, telling people about all the wonderful things to see and do in Texas, how great the weather was, and how friendly the people were.
Something inside Ruth clicked and she decided right then and there that she was going to leave Jasper and everything about this life that had let her down and move to Texas.
There was nothing but pain and sorrow here in Jasper, and moving to a new town in a new state would give her a clean slate. Nobody would know her there and she could start over. She also decided that she would move to a large city so she would be invisible… she could blend into the crowds there.
She picked Dallas as her destination, and after packing up just a few things she wanted to take with her, things she would need, she bought a one-way bus pass for the Lone Star State.
She didn’t say goodbye to anyone, she didn’t even quit her job. She just disappeared without looking back. There was no one in Jasper worth saying goodbye to… and no one would give a damn that she was gone anyway.
That was almost five years ago and since coming to Dallas she had established herself in a small, run-down, but still functional trailer. She looked for a job for a while, and went on several job interviews, but just as in Jasper, her size and her figure always shut the door on her before she could show off her talents and skills.
With no place else to turn and with bills piling up, she was desperate. She couldn’t go back to Jasper and wouldn’t even if she could. She didn’t know what to do.
Then, while riding the bus home from another fruitless day of job hunting, she passed through a neighborhood she wasn’t familiar with.
It wasn’t one she wanted to get real comfortable with either; a rough neighborhood where drug deals and muggings were just part of the scenery and no one did much about it. Even the police didn’t like coming into this neighborhood.
As she watched the run-down houses and boarded-up shops pass by, she noticed there were several hookers roaming the streets.
That’s when the idea hit her. There was one “talent” she could use that was sure to be in demand to somebody! Ruth didn’t have any sexy streetwalker type clothes, but she did the best she could, shopping at the Salvation Army and second-hand stores.
Fortunately, she was a pretty good seamstress, having to learn to alter and adapt the clothes she bought to fit her, and she was able to fashion some workable “hooker wear” from what she found.
She would always remember her first “trick”. She was absolutely terrified. She was working the corner of Park Ave. and Young St. in the business district. Not really a prime location but there were a few people out.
After a couple of hours and about half a dozen “interested buyers”, a man came by in a mid-size Chevy four-door car. It wasn’t much to look at but it wasn’t beat to hell either. The man inside, a tall somewhat thin man with black plastic-framed glasses rolled the window down. She walked over to the car to see if he was interested in “a good time”.
“Hi sweetheart, are you waiting for someone?” he asked innocently. And thus began the dance. Neither one of them wanted to be the first to make a statement that could possibly land them in jail, so they talked around the subject for a couple of moments, feeling each other out.
Finally, he decided that she was what she appeared to be and not an undercover cop. “How would you like to go to a party?” he said.
“Sure, I suppose that would be okay. I’m in the mood for a party,” she said. She got in the car and they headed for a cheap hotel a few miles away. Ruth wasn’t experienced enough to have a place set up for her nightly “parties”, so she had no other option than to go with him to his hotel room.
Looking back on that first time she kicked herself for making so many stupid mistakes. He could have been a vice cop and arrested her, he could have been some kind of pervert and done something to hurt her, or he could have killed her outright–she had no one to check in with or look out for her so she would have simply disappeared–another nameless routine murder in the big city.
But things didn’t go wrong like that. And although it made her physically sick afterwards, she earned her “C-note” quickly enough. He even offered to drive her back to her corner and gave her a goodbye kiss!
That first night she managed to make a couple hundred bucks–fucking the first man and a couple quickie blowjobs. Not a bad first night and certainly more than she would have made at some entry-level secretarial job someplace.
Since then she’d had all sorts of customers–some really good, a couple close calls that she was lucky to get out of safely. She learned some very valuable lessons on what to do and more importantly, what NOT to do!
Ruth finished up getting dressed. Then it was time for the least favorite part of getting ready… putting on her makeup. It wasn’t the makeup or putting it on that was the problem, it was that she would have to face herself in the mirror do it.
But she had devised a system that made it a little more tolerable. She had put a curtain across the mirror on the back door of her bathroom so that all she could see initially would be her head and face from the top of her shoulders up. This way she could put on her makeup and if she thought it necessary, she could slide the curtain aside and check out her outfit as well.
These days Ruth was doing better for herself. She had a small trailer and an old, but fairly reliable car. Her wardrobe was much improved as well and she had found a better locale to ply her trade. The only thing that had not improved was her outlook on herself.
Actually, her chosen occupation, while lucrative. had not helped her perspective of herself. Now not only was she staring at a fat woman in the mirror, but she was also facing a fat whore!
But Ruth had developed a way to compensate for her terrible assessment of herself. She would take the inevitable and always present hoots, catcalls, mocking and jeering and turn them in her head from derogatory to appreciative.
She considered the remarks as compliments when someone whistled or honked their car horn or pointed at her. The names were a little harder to twist around, but she paid them little mind anymore.
She knew she had value now and she also knew she made more money in one night than most of those men and women laughing at her.
These days the men came up to her. Instead of trying to find a date to take her out like she did back in Jasper, she need only show up on her corner and make herself available and let them come to her.
She found that when she dressed like she did for work, she wasn’t invisible anymore–in fact, she was very much visible and even in demand. So while she may be a whore, having the attention of men was nice.
Ruth drove to her favorite “office” and parked her car in a place that would be safe when and if she got picked up by a customer. She checked her makeup once more in the rearview mirror and then went through her small purse.
She had her small make-up touch up kit, her coin purse where she would keep her earnings, and a small 9mm pocket pistol for protection. Being a working girl was a hazardous profession sometimes, and it paid to be prepared in case a customer objected or wanted more than he paid for!
Ruth’s office this evening was a nice sheltered corner of a three-story building south of the downtown core area. The traffic here was considerably more active at this hour than the downtown area she first started in and she was able to make more money here.
The corner had a comfortable bench for resting tired feet or giving “the customer on the go” a spur of the moment blowjob. It was covered by an overhang for rainy nights and protected from the wind for the most part by the building itself. It was definitely a prime location and she protected her “turf”.
She walked down the street the half a block from her car to her corner. As she did, cars passed by honking and whistling at her. The noises made her strut a little sexier and wave to them smiling. She had just got to her corner and got herself set up when a car came by and stopped.
“Hey there hot stuff!” the driver called out. As she sashayed over, he rolled the window down.
“Hey baby, how’s your night going?” she said, leaning on his car door.
“A lot better now that you’re here sweetheart!” he said.
“Aww, you’re sweet! I’ll bet you say that to all the girls!” Ruth said, playing along.
“No way baby, you’re my girl!” he said.
“Oh?” she said, trying to get him to make the offer.
“That’s right. Say you wouldn’t want to maybe go someplace and talk would you?” he asked.
“What did you have in mind, sugar?” she asked.
“Well, how much would you charge for say a blowjob?” he asked.
“$50 bucks sweetheart, but well worth every penny, I promise!” she said.
“That sounds reasonable enough. Besides, I just gotta feel those perfect painted lips on my cock!” he said. “Where do you want to do it?”
“Well we can do it over in my ‘office’ over there or we can find someplace a little more private,” Ruth said, pointing to her park bench.
“Your ‘office’ will be fine. I am really horny and with something as hot as you I may not last!” he said.
“Well, I hope you last a little while… I want you to get your money’s worth!” she said. She waited for him to park the car and get out. Then they walked over to the bench and she had him sit down.
She put a small seat cushion pad down on the ground so she had something soft to kneel on besides the hard concrete.
He handed her the $50 and she put it in her coin purse. She fished out his cock from his fly opening and stroked his cock to semi-hardness.
She put the tip of his cock to her mouth and, using her mouth, she sucked him in at the same time jacked him until his cock reached full size. When he was fully hard and erect, she began sucking him.
“Oh shit, you are good at this! That feels amazing!” he said.
“I told you, I aim to please!” she said. She returned to sucking his rock hard cock. Ruth stroked him with her hand as her mouth bobbed up and down on his thick shaft. She sucked so hard her cheeks went concave. He pulled it out and paused for a moment.
“Damn, slow down sweetheart. I want to enjoy this,” he said, panting
“Don’t worry darling, I’m having too much fun myself to let you finish just yet!” Ruth said.
She grabbed his cock again and started sucking, pausing once in a while to tell him how great his cock felt in her mouth and how big and fat it was. The kinds of things a man’s ego likes to hear.
Ruth sucked him for a few more moments before she felt him tense up. She knew what was next.
“Oh, baby I’m gonna cum! Oh, keep me in your mouth while I cum!” he said. Since he had paid good money for this, she agreed and sucked him until she felt his cock swell.
She pulled him out quickly timing it just right so he shot his thick creamy load all over her tits and chest. She held him in place until the throbbing slowed, then stopped.
She handed him a tissue so he could wipe his cock off, just in case he had to go home to the wifey, while she cleaned up herself.
I have to remember to bring paper towels next time – these tissues just aren’t enough! she thought.
When he was ready, she walked him back to the car, kissed him on the cheek and he happily drove away.
Another satisfied customer! she smiled.
After her first job of the night had driven off, Ruth got herself together and back in showroom condition, ready for her next boyfriend.
It was still fairly early in the night for her, so she wasn’t too worried. Besides, she’d already made fifty bucks so the night wouldn’t be a bust even if she had no other customers.
But after a couple of hours of waving and guys stopping by to talk but no takers, another car came by. “Excuse me, Miss,” the driver said. This car was a full-size Buick LeSabre and the driver was a middle-aged man dressed in a nice business suit. Ruth sauntered over to see what he wanted.
“Hi, honey, what can I help you with?” she asked.
“Pardon me for being so presumptuous, but are you working, and if so are you available?” he said.
“Yes, to both darling, what would you like?” Ruth said.
“Wonderful. Listen, I am on my way to the airport to board a tediously long flight to Japan. Whenever I fly, I find it much more relaxing if I have just… you know… before the flight.
But my wife was home sick today and couldn’t relax me. I was wondering–I don’t have a lot of time, but could you…” he said.
“Calm your nerves? Sure, baby, I can make you all kinds of relaxed. What do you need?” she asked.
“How much do you charge?” he asked.
“Well, it’s $50 for a straight blowjob, $100 for a straight fuck, and from there we talk,” Ruth said.
“Fine, I have a $100.00. Where can we go to do this?” he said.
“Tell you what, if you are in that much of a hurry, we can just pull the car around the back of the building here. There’s a nice little parking lot back there just for us!” Ruth said.
“That will be fine,” he said. He opened the door and Ruth got in the car. He handed her the money and they drove around the corner to the private parking area for the building.
The man put the car in park and turned to Ruth. “Okay now what?” he said.
“Well I suggest you step out and take off your pants–we don’t want you flying to Japan with cum stained pants now do we?” she said, smiling.
He stepped out of the car and took his pants off laying them neatly in the front seat. Ruth climbed in the back on one side and him on the other. She sucked his cock for a few moments to get him hard as was her usual manner.
“Okay enough of that, we have to make this quick–I can’t miss this flight!” he said.
Ruth smiled and laid back with her legs opened. She pulled her pussy lips apart and showed him her wet pink interior.
“Shove that cock in here, baby, and you won’t be late for that plane!” she said.
He pushed into her in one move, not hard, but not wasting any time either.
He fucked her hard and fast after that, and Ruth moaned and cooed as if it was the best lay she’d ever had. The truth was the guy was pitiful, but as long as he got off that’s all that mattered.
She told him how full she felt and how wonderful he was fucking her. She made all the right sounds and played it up big.
I should get an Oscar for this performance! she mused.
But it worked and about ten minutes into the frantic fucking, he was ready to cum.
“Oh, God! Oh, I’m cumming!” he panted.
She pulled him out just in time to shoot his wad on her belly and a little on her left thigh.
“Oh shit, I needed that!” he said almost out of breath.
Afterward, he rested for a minute or two and then turned to Ruth.
“I’m sorry, but I really need to get going. Maybe I could stop back here sometime when I have more time?” he asked politely.
“Sure thing sweetheart, I’d like that. I’m here almost every night!” she said.
He took her back to her corner bench and then drove off to the airport, happy and relaxed.