Her Grandson’s Birthday and Beyond

"Elizabeth drinks too much at her grandson's eighteenth birthday party and gets pulled"

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Elizabeth Prentice was a sixty-four-year-old divorcee and she was attending her grandson Tim’s eighteenth birthday party.

She was very much enjoying herself although she was consuming more alcohol than perhaps she should be, certainly in the eyes of her daughter Tina.

“Mum, I should slow down on your drinking if I were you,” said Tina.

“Bollocks, I am having fun,” was Liz’s slurred response.

“You are starting to make a fool of yourself,” continued her daughter.

“What if I am, you only live once you prim and proper little madam.”

“Suit yourself then, I will leave you to it,” said Tina as she moved away from Liz who promptly got another drink.

Not surprisingly most of the guests were in Tim’s age group and Elizabeth had not gone unnoticed by one youth in particular.

That youth was named Simon Whittaker and at age twenty was slightly older than Tim.

He liked women, especially older ones, and he had his eye on the well built Elizabeth in her tight black skirt.

He moved up close to her at the bar, very close in fact.

“Hello my name is Simon, I hear that you are Tim’s grandmother but I can’t believe that you are old enough for that.”

“Well hello, Simon, thank you so much. My name is Elizabeth but my friends call me Liz,” she replied with an emphasis on the word ‘friends’.

“Would you like to go outside for some fresh air Liz?” he said,emphasising  ‘Liz’.

“I would like that very much Simon,” she said, taking him by the arm.

Tina saw her mother heading for the exit with this boy and was about to intervene but a female friend spoke to her and distracted her.

Liz and Simon got outside and he offered her a cigarette, she did not often smoke but she accepted.

The two were stood very close together each looking into the others eyes, drink in one hand and cigarette in the other.

Liz made the first move and pushed her head slightly forward and Simon moved to meet her in a kiss, and what a kiss.

“Mmmmm, that was nice,” said Liz when they finally broke apart.

“There is much more that I want to do with you,” said the youth.

“Is there now, such as what?” said Liz who was swaying slightly due to the mixture of alcohol, fresh air and lust.

“I would like to have my hands on your arse and then my cock in your cunt.”

“Um well, the hands on my arse we might be able to manage but not sure about the other one.”

Simon put down his drink and his cigarette and cupped Liz’s large buttocks in his hands as they again kissed.

She still had her hands occupied by her glass and her cigarette so all she could do was groan with lust.

By now Tina had gone in search of her mother and was shocked to see her having her big backside massaged by this boy that seemed to have his tongue in her throat.

“Mother, for goodness sake,” she shouted.

The couple broke away from each other but Elizabeth snapped, “Fuck off Tina, I am having fun.”

Sensing that there would be other opportunities Simon announced, “It is okay, I will go back to the bar.”

“No, I want your cock,” Liz called after him much to Tina’s shock, disgust and embarrassment.

For the rest of the evening Tina kept her mother on a tight leash, much to Liz’s annoyance.

She was sober enough however to scribble her phone number on a napkin and later manage to give Simon the napkin as she passed him on her way to the ladies.

Before the evening was finished Simon caught her eye and indicated with his mobile phone that he would be in contact.

The next day Elizabeth, not surprisingly, awoke with a headache. She could not remember much about the night before except she could remember snogging with this boy and feeling his hands on her buttocks.

During the morning Tina phoned her and gave her a tongue lashing about her performance the night before.

She had forgotten that she had given Simon her phone number, she could not even actually remember his name.

When her phone rang later that day there was a male voice that she did not recognise in answer to her, “Hello.”

“Liz, it is Simon.”

“Simon, Simon who?”

“We met last night at Tim’s party, you gave me your phone number.”

“Oh yes, you put your hands on my arse,” she said as memories came back to her.

“Yes I did….and I said that I wanted to put my cock in you.”

Memories returned rapidly to Liz “Yes well, we all say things that we don’t mean when we have been drinking.”

“But I did mean it and I mean it now.”

“Don’t be silly. I am sixty-four and you are just a boy.”

“I am twenty and I know what to do with my cock.”

“Yes well good for you but you would be better using it on someone closer to your age.”

“But I want to fuck you Liz, please.”

Now Elizabeth was still feeling unwell and not feeling very sexy but the thought of being shagged by a twenty-year-old rather appealed to her.

“Look Simon, I quite like the idea too but give it a couple of days and if you still feel the same then phone me then okay?”

“Okay, but I know that I will still want to fuck you.”

Over the next two days and with her hangover gone Liz started to feel far more sexy and very much hoped that Simon would phone her back. She had his number from his call to her but despite the temptation to ring him she decided to wait.

She had almost given up on him phoning but when she answered her ringing phone he simply said, “I still want to fuck you.”

“Give me some time to make myself presentable and then come to my house,” said a thrilled Liz who gave the youth her address.

She put make up on, although not too much, and dressed not unlike she had been the previous Saturday including again wearing the tight black skirt.

She was worried that he would not find her as attractive as he had done at the party because the alcohol and music changes perceptions.

The youth arrived at her door and to Elizabeth he looked even more handsome than she remembered.

“You look gorgeous,” he said as he entered her house.

“Not really but I try,” she replied modestly.

They kissed as they had kissed the previous Saturday. And as they had the previous Saturday, his hands pawed her large round arse.

“Well, you are here to fuck so let’s fuck,” she said as she led him up the stairs.

More kissing and groping went on in the bedroom as clothing was slowly removed.

Liz was down to her black bra and knickers and Simon was only wearing his underpants that looked very stretched at the front.

He undid her bra and exposed her large breasts and he took her left nipple in his mouth as her hand went inside his underpants and pulled out his impressive penis.

As she slowly stroked his prick he licked her other nipple before their eyes met and they again kissed.

He then dragged down her knickers to reveal her glistening wet cunt and he loved the hair around it.

His underpants were off and the two of them were now totally naked.

He got behind her and kissed down her back and then kissed her buttocks before running a finger down her arse crack.

“Fucking hell Simon I will cum before you have your cock in me if you keep doing that.”

“Cum then sweetheart,” he said as he put his tongue in her arse crack.

“Mmmmmm oh,oh,oh fuck I am fucking cummingggg,” she shouted as her body shook.

When she had finished shaking he moved her to the bed and with his eyes locked on her’s lay her on her back and had his throbbing cock at her entrance. With them both looking at each other with lust he eased his prick into her.

“Oh god,oh yes, fuck me darling,” she purred as he started to slide in and out of her.

Her body hungrily tried to suck him in and soon the bed was creaking as the thrusting and counter thrusting got faster.

They were both sweating and Liz had had two more orgasms but still Simon ploughed her.

She was squealing with delight as he felt his spunk rising.

“I am going to cum Liz,” he grunted with his face screwed up.

“Yes darling, cum in me, fill me with your spunk.”

As he started to spurt Liz came again and they were locked in ecstatic bliss.

They lay together panting from their exertions and gently kissing.

Simon spent the night there and they fucked again in the early hours and he then fucked her from behind in the morning before he left.

She was so glad that she had gone to her grandsons birthday party and she smiled to herself as she wondered what her daughter would think if she knew that her mother had just been fucked senseless by a twenty-year-old stud.

Whether she would be fucked by him again or not she did not know but it had been one hell of a night and if nothing else she could think of Simon when she next put one of her sex toys in her wet cunt.

Published 5 years ago

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