He always said hello when he came into the coffee shop. His order was always a large double shot latte and a pastry. He was very polite and always smiled with his pleases and thank yous. I noticed he had lovely pale blue eyes behind his glasses. We always chatted and I got the impression he was flirting with me a little. His cheeky grin gave it away.
If he was in having coffee and I was tidying tables, I always stopped and chatted about stuff that was going on. He was easy to speak to and I looked forward to seeing him.
One day I was on my break and I saw him come in. The cafe was pretty full and I could see him looking for a table. He saw me and smiled and made his way over to the corner bench where I was sitting. He pointed to the bench and asked if there was room for him. I nodded and he slipped in beside me. We chatted easily about family, hobbies, music etc. I didn’t know what he did so I asked him.
“I write,” he replied. I was intrigued and asked what sort of thing he wrote.
“Mainly short erotic stories which are quite naughty,” he said smiling.
I was more intrigued now and began to feel hot and flustered as we talked about his writing. He told me about a website he was published on and the sort of thing he wrote about. I could feel my nipples hardening under my black work t-shirt as we chatted. The more he talked about his work, the more I could feel myself getting damp between my legs. I was transfixed.
“Would you like to read one?” he asked.
Oh god, I thought. Yes I wanted to but in the cafe? As I looked at him, blushing slightly, he handed me his iPad. I looked at the screen and started reading, looking round to check no one could see. Oh my. I was trying to read quickly but I couldn’t; I wanted to absorb every word. As I read I started to squeeze my thighs together.
…my right hand begins to travel down over your stomach, over your belly button to the top of your black panties. It slips under them but then comes back up to your breast…
I could feel every word. My nipples ached and my pussy was getting wetter and wetter.
Feel that touch on your clit, so light, so incessant. Your hips try to move closer but I resist and keep the light touch…
As I read, I started to squeeze my pussy muscles and press against the seat. Oh my god, I was getting so turned on. He interrupted by asking if I had time for a coffee. I nodded weakly and he got up to get us a couple of drinks. I read on.
Keep touching your breasts. I am now going to touch your wet pussy and make you come…
I looked around the cafe to see if anyone was looking. Thankfully, everyone was buried in their own little worlds. I looked over to him and he smiled, mouthing ‘okay’ at me. I nodded. Thats all I could do. I felt my mouth drying and I had to bite my lip. I was desperate to get to the end of this story but as I read my hips moved with the rhythm of the story.
…as you feel your orgasm just take you over completely. Feel it rise up from deep within you and explode in your pussy and breasts. You are so beautiful when you cum…
A cough made me look up. He was back with our drinks.
“How is it? he asked.
“Ummm, good,” I replied. “You write well.”
What I meant was that this was turning me on so much. My panties were soaked and I had an unbearable need to cum.
…you slump back down as the orgasm begins to fade, reacting to my touch, which begins to slow down to a stop…
I finished the story and handed the iPad back to its owner.
“Well, that was a bit of a surprise on my break,” I said, looking at him.
“So now you know what I do,” he replied, smiling. “Sadly I need to go. I have a meeting but I am sure I’ll see you next time I am in.”
I had ten minutes before my break ended and knew what I had to do. I got up and made my way to one of the bathrooms. It was just a single room. I walked in, locked it and slid my trousers and panties down to my ankles. I could see my pussy juices glistening in my panties.
I sat down, grabbed my phone and googled the site to find his stories. I quickly found the one I had been reading and slid my hand between my legs, my fingers finding my slippery, swollen clit.
I didn’t have time to mess about. I needed to cum quickly and just rubbed my clit before slipping my middle finger in, curling it to find my g-spot. I moaned loudly as I put my thumb on my clit.
I was so turned on and wet. Faster and faster I went, just letting ‘him’ do it to me there and then. Quickly I felt my orgasm building more and more with every movement.
Then it was no return as it rose and took me completely, causing me to bite my lip as I spasmed and shook before the pleasure engulfed me completely.
Once I had recovered and cleaned up, I unlocked the door and walked back into the cafe only to see him still there. He saw me and walked over smiling.
“Are you okay?” He winked before giving me a piece of paper with his mobile number on it.