I looked down at my morning erection and felt sorry for myself. 30 days without sex was the longest I had gone since my high school days and it was driving me nuts. “Fucking Coronavirus,” I shouted at the top of my lungs before taking a long drag on my cigarette and then began to jerk off furiously. I came quickly and unloaded on the plants below the terrace, leaving strands of cum hanging from the leaves and slowly dropping down onto the poor ants below. “Sorry, guys,” I mumbled and walked back inside to take a shower.
I had been house sitting a villa for a month for an older German couple who had gone back to Germany on one of the humanitarian flights. The old dude had a heart condition and they didn’t think that the Panamanian health system was up to scratch. I had been in the country on a business trip when I got the call from my boss.
“Kevin, sorry, but you got to stay there a bit longer, the shit has hit the fan here and things are just going crazy.”
“What do you mean, a bit longer?”
John sighed. “Sorry, bud, can’t say. A month, maybe six weeks, hard to tell right now. Be happy you are in the tropics. Hot women, drinks with little umbrellas in them, you’ll be fine.”
I had hung up and looked out the window of my hotel room. A one-week trip was now possibly going to be six weeks or longer. I couldn’t stay in the hotel on the company’s penny, I figured. Just as I had thought it, my phone chirped. It was a text from John, saying that since the company would be closing, I was on my own dime.
Over a coffee in the hotel restaurant I read through the classifieds and that’s how I had gotten in contact with Greta and Hans, the German couple. I had rented a car and driven the two hours to Coronado beach town where they lived. After too much apple strudel and coffee we had come to an agreement and I had a place to stay, for free, as long as I took care of the house.
After the shower I got dressed in my usual uniform. Baggy shorts, sandals and a T shirt. Donning my face mask and gloves I got into the old and beat up Toyota I had to my disposal after returning the rental and headed to the little shop a five-minute drive away. It was time for shopping.
It was quiet inside, still being early in the morning. The shop was owned by an older Spanish gentleman by the name of Juan and his young and pretty wife, Larissa. She was from Venezuela and if the local gossip was right, then they had met at a strip bar in Panama City a few years earlier when Juan, like me, had come on a business trip. They fell in love and after selling his business in Spain and divorcing his wife he and the hot bodied Larissa had settled down in Coronado.
“Good morning, Juan,” I said as I walked in.
“Morning, Kevin.”
I grabbed a basket and headed for the fridges where I stocked up on beer. I remembered it was Friday so I changed the basket to a trolley and filled it with several six packs that should last me over the weekend. There wasn’t much else to do around the place other than drink and watch TV. After picking up a few other items I headed over to the counter where I was greeted by Larissa, all smiles, green eyes and wild black hair.
“Hello, Kevin, how are you this morning?”
“Where did Juan go, I was going to ask him something?”
“Oh, he went to the bank. Maybe I can help?”
She cocked her hip and the V between her legs looked so enticing to me it was hard to take my eyes of it.
“Yes, sorry, my mind drifted.”
“Mm it tends to do that a lot, when I am helping you.” she giggled and continued. “What do you need?”
“I was wondering if Juan has any contacts in the city who could get some good BBQ meat for me. The big supermarkets around here don’t carry what I want?”
She put a manicured finger to her chin and thought for a second. “Yes, yes, we do. What do you need?”
I gave her the list and she read it. “Yes, yes, yes, and yes. You can pick it up on Tuesday morning.”
I was about to leave when she said. “Now you help me, yes?”
“Yeah, sure. What do you need?”
“Follow me.” She came around the counter and headed to the back of the shop with me following. Her ass and hips moved hypnotically in front of me and I was grinning like a kid on Christmas Day. She opened the back door and pointed at something inside.
“Please bring those water bottles to the front, yes?”
It was the big ones, the 20-gallon type. I sighed and then thought she had been nice to me so why not.
By the time I was done I was sweating, and my arms felt like over cooked pasta. When I leaned on the counter catching my breath Larissa handed me a cold beer.
“There you go, cold beer for strong man, yes?”
I laughed and she smiled back at me. Her top was just deep enough I could see the swell of her boobs. She must have caught me watching.
“Do you have girlfriend, Kevin?”
“Nope, haven’t had one in years.”
The bell by the door rang and a local gardener came in with a machete stuck in his belt. He nodded to us and then headed to the beer section.
“So, you are a lonely man then. You know, it’s important for a man to have a woman. Look at me, I take care of Juan, and make him very happy.”
I wondered if Juan could make her happy, at least in bed. He must be over 70 and she was in her mid-20’s, and my little experience with Latinas had told me they were the type that fucked all night.
“I’m fine, it’s nothing I think about a lot.”
She took the empty beer can from my hand and when she did, she dragged a nail across the back of my hand. “If you want, I sometimes need help in the afternoon. Juan needs his siesta, poor thing.”
She turned to the gardener and I left with my shopping and a hard cock. What had just happened, had she come on to me, or was it my sex starved mind playing games on me? I looked back and through the window I saw her watch me and with a wink of an eye she blew me a kiss with her red full lips that made my balls ache.
I traveled far and wide for my work and had fucked women from Cape Town to Stockholm and Tokyo to Quito, but no one fucked like Latin women. Someone once told me that women fuck like they dance, and Latinas were excellent dancers.
I spent the weekend drinking beer, feeling sorry for myself, watching TV and jerking off always with Larissa on my mind. I kept on thinking about that kiss she had blown me. Was it just a friendly goodbye or had it another meaning? When I had seen her and Juan together, I knew she loved him and doted on the old man. Why wouldn’t she, he was a kind soul, and a fun man to be around? Obviously, she cared a lot for him. So, why would she be flirting with another man?
Monday was women’s day to go shopping. The government in all its wisdom had decided that women went out and do their shopping on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Men were allowed out Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I sometimes sneaked out on Fridays like I had done the one before, but just to Juan and Larissa, never to the bigger supermarkets where the police were checking ID’s.
When I walked inside the shop was quite busy with men getting beer, fruits and veggies brought in by the local farmers. I picked up a few items and then waited to the side while Larissa and Juan attended the customers. When it was my turn Juan gave me a big smile.
“Kevin, my friend. Your things arrived this morning and are in the back. Larissa will show you.”
She came around the counter and I almost gasped. She wore the shortest skirt I had seen in a very long time. It was tight, and when she walked in front of me, it hardly covered her ass. She spoke as we made the short walk.
“Did you have a nice weekend, Kevin?”
“It was okay, I guess.”
“Good, did you watch porn or think of me?”
I almost tripped over a pack of water bottles standing on the floor as she finished the sentence. “I…”
She cut me off while opening the door. “It’s okay, I know you want to fuck me.”
She walked in and I followed. She pushed the door almost closed and then turned on the light. It was a storage area with boxes of chips, cookies, and other dry foods together with cases of beer and liquor. At the far end stood a fridge that held fruits and veggies. She approached it and opened the door taking out a plastic bag. When she turned her nipples were hard from the coldness from the fridge and she cocked her hip giving me the bag.
“Do you want to fuck or not?”
I thought she was joking with me, but she turned and placed her hands flat against the fridge and then pushed her ass out, making the skirt slide up exposing half of her ass cheeks. She turned and looked at me over her shoulder, her eyes half closed. “Quickly, we only have a few minutes.”
I dropped the bag to the floor and whipped out my cock which was rock hard already. I moved in closer and slid the cockhead along her slit feeling the soft skin from her shaved pussy. She pushed back at the right moment and I slid inside her. Warm, and tight she was.
“Ay, que rico!” she moaned and arched her back as I held her hips and fucked her hard but not fast. It had been a long time and within a minute my balls began to contract. I leaned in, wanting to kiss her neck but I couldn’t due to my facemask. Instead I fondled her firm boobs over her tight top.
“Come on my ass,” she whispered.
I pulled out and the load landed just above her right ass cheek and ran down onto her thigh and then down the back of her knee all the way down to her flip flops.
She turned around. “Next time, you fuck me longer, yes?”
With those words she walked away, grabbing a roll of toilet paper which she pulled off a few squares and cleaned her leg as she walked to the door. I got the bag and by the time I was at the door she smiled at me, flicked the crumbled-up paper behind a stack of beer cases and let me out ahead of her. Juan smiled and waved as I went by him and I felt like an asshole.
Larissa caressed Juan on the cheek and put her arm around his shoulder. “Are you hungry, baby?”
He loved the smell of her perfume and the warmth of her body against his. He was the luckiest man in the world, he thought. Finding this younger woman and her loving him as much as he loved her. He was no fool, he knew she flirted with the younger men who came into the shop. Not that there were many. Coronado was mostly inhabited by retirees from the US and Canada with a sprinkle of other nationalities. The Panamanian families who owned houses were all quarantined in the city and couldn’t get there.
“Sure, a bocadillo would be nice.”
“Good, I will go home and then come back with it.”
She walked out the door and then down the street to where they lived a couple of blocks away.
Larissa stood under the shower. With the cold water running down her body as she soaped herself. Her pussy still yearned for the young American’s cock. When she closed her eyes, she could still feel it hardness inside her, how he stretched her and made her moan with pleasure. Juan had to take Viagra to get it up. It was a hard erection, but he wasn’t what some would call a big man, rather on the smaller side. Still, he did lick her before fucking her, so she always came. But that wasn’t the same as being fucked by a good hard cock, like Kevin’s.
She put on fresh clothes and then went to the kitchen where she made what in Spanish is called a bocadillo. Basically, half a baguette with ham, cheese and chorizo slices on a bed of freshly chopped tomatoes in olive oil, salt and pepper. She made a smaller one for herself which she ate in silence while sipping on a glass of red wine. Back in Venezuela, before she came to Panama, she had hardly drunk at all. Only on birthdays, and other special days and very little.
As a stripper that had all changed. The men would buy her drinks of their own free will or she would ask for a few, which she got a percentage out of. The other girls had taught her how to empty the glass on the floor after taking a small sip or else she would be wasted before her shift had hardly begun. Life as a stripper wasn’t fun, but she made a lot of money. Some girls would take a customer out, to his hotel for example and make a few extra hundred. Not Larissa, she didn’t like having men touching her and fucking her who she didn’t know.
Juan had been a steady customer for over a month before he asked her out. At first, she said no but on his second trip to Panama a month later she agreed to go for a coffee. This was against the rules, but she was tired of working for the owner and wanted another gig. Maybe the kind old Juan could help her out.
He couldn’t but over the next six months or so they saw each other as soon as he came to town and she grew to like him and respect him. He never asked for sex, just the company of this younger woman. In the end, she was the one who had seduced him into bed. He afterwards lay there with the biggest smile she had ever seen on his face. The next day she quit her job and they got married in front of a judge.
I stood bare chested in the garden watering the plants while sipping on a beer. It had been two days since I had fucked Larissa and I still felt like shit about it. She obviously wanted it, so she wasn’t the problem. I felt bad for poor old Juan, who had always been nice to me. I sighed and turned off the water and went back inside to make lunch.
“Fuck,” looking inside the half empty fridge there was almost nothing. The meat I had bought was almost gone and it was time for a trip to the shop, but I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to face Juan or Larissa with my guilt. Then I remembered the little sign he had seen on the door leaving the last time. It offered a delivery service. I picked up the phone and got Juan online. After placing my order, I felt better and went back to the garden.
About half an hour later, I heard the sound of a quad coming down the lane towards the house. I left the hose in one of the flowerbeds, picked up some money from my bedroom and by the time I reached the gate the quad was visible. It moved slowly and as it got closer me I felt my stomach contract. I had expected it to be driven by a kid or something but the long black hair coming out from under the helmet of the driver gave the identity away. It was Larissa.
“Kevin, how are you?” she purred as she got off the quad and began lifting bags of it.
“Fine and you?”
She wasn’t wearing her facemask so her full red lips were visible, and she licked her upper lip. “Much better now, with you.” She looked around before handing me the bags. “Do you have a little drink for me?”
I knew better than to say yes. But my cock spoke for me. “Sure, beer, wine, water, soda?”
She walked past me, and I followed. Today she wore shorts, baggy ones at that with a white top that ended halfway up her back exposing her honey colored skin.
“This is nice. It’s that’s old German couples place, isn’t it?”
I hurried up to her. “Yes, they let me have it for free.”
We walked inside and I busied myself with the groceries and when I was about to put the last item in the fridge, I heard a splash and looked out the kitchen window. Larissa’s head came up from under the water in the little pool and she waved at me.
“Bring some beers and join me.”
When I came closer, I realized she was skinny dipping and as she swam up to me and tread water her firm boobs came out of the water.
“Come in!”
“Nah, I’m good here.”
She swam a few laps and then got out. Her perfect toned body dripped of water and she twisted her hair so some water came out of it before sitting down opposite me. I handed her a beer and then lit a cigarette. We sat in silence for a while drinking and just looking at each other. Then Larissa slowly spread her legs and I saw that pink pussy with the tiny lips.
“I know you want it, Kevin. You can have me any time you want.”
I sipped on my beer unable to take my eyes of the price. “Why?”
She shrugged her shoulders and gently cupped her boobs. “Because I like sex and Juan, bless his heart doesn’t have what I like, which is a bigger cock.”
I put down the beer and Larissa got up. Two seconds later my cock was free, and she straddle me and guided it to her pussy where it slid in and she moaned as she began to ride. She pressed her boobs against my face and I sucked and licked the nipples while holding her by the hips. This time I managed to hold on long enough for her to come first which she did and in the act dug her nails into my back so hard I was sure she drew blood.
“Ay, ay Kevin, que rico, dame lo, dame todo!” she screamed loud enough for the neighbors to hear if there had been any. Her pussy squeezed my cock and then she slid down taking it in her mouth. Her lips were taught around my shaft as she went down far and up again until I closed my eyes and let go. I heard how she swallowed and then licked my cock clean before sitting down in my lap.
“I like this, you have a good cock. Maybe I come by later?” she asked.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Larissa. Juan could find out.”
She leaned back searching my eyes. “I love that old man, but I’m a young woman, look at me. I need what you can offer me.”
I gently lifted her off me and then handed her her clothes which she had left on the table. She got dressed and before leaving turned and said, “You think about it, yes?”
“Sure, I will. Say hi to Juan.”
I watched her walk through the garden but lost sight of her before the gate. The quad started up and began its slow journey to the main road. I looked down at his still hard cock and sighed. “You liked that, didn’t you?”
That night I lay sweating in bed, tossing and turning unable to sleep It wasn’t until the birds started singing at 4AM I finally realized what was wrong with me. I had fallen in love with Larissa Over the weeks I had seen her in the shop I hadn’t noticed my own feelings for the Latin beauty, just thinking it was my own hornyness that made me think about her daily. Now that I had fucked her twice, I wanted her more and more. Not only for sex, but to wake up each morning with her next to me, to see her smile, to hear her laugh. To cook her a dinner, to pour her a glass of wine. Just to be in the presence of her would make me the happiest man on earth. But I couldn’t. I would never take her away from Juan.
Over the next few weeks things got worse with the virus. More people became ill and there was no relief in sight. I spoke to my boss a few times and during the last call I was told that the company had filed for chapter 11 and I was out of a job. In love, in a foreign country with no income I was in a bind. I did have some savings and my credit cards were almost maxed out so money wise I was fine for another five or six months. I had to lay low and save as much as possible.
Larissa would come by as often as she could. Usually almost every day, except Sundays when the shop was closed, and she and Juan spent the day at home. During these visits Larissa and I didn’t only fuck, we talked, laughed and drank until she would leave slowly on the quad. I had no idea what she would tell Juan until one day when I asked her.
“No problem, I tell him I went to Julissa. You know the Colombian girl, married to that fat Frenchman? Juan knows we are good friends.”
One hot afternoon I was painting the little shack where the garden tools were kept when I heard my phone go off in the living room. I ran inside and picked it up.
First there were only sobs and crying. “Hello, who is this?” I asked again. I didn’t recognize the number.
“He is dead, my Juan is dead. Help me, please Kevin.”
“Oh fuck, Larissa what happened, where are you?”
She sobbed. “At home, he is dead, please come.”
I walked into the house ten minutes later and found Larissa on the sofa holding Juan’s naked body in her arms.
“Larissa, honey, what happened.”
She looked up at me with tears in her red eyes and slowly spoke. “We were fucking, our Sunday fuck, like we always do. Suddenly he gasped, clutched at his chest and fell on top of me. I think he had a heart attack from those.”
She pointed at an empty Viagra wrap. “Oh my god, Larissa, those are 100mg pills.”
More sobbing. “I know,” she wailed and continued. “I pushed him, I begged him to fuck me longer and harder, so he bought the stronger pills, and now he is dead. My baby is dead.”
I called the police and then an ambulance which arrived half an hour later. By then Larissa was dressed and sat at the kitchen table holding a glass of wine in her shaky hands. I spoke to the police and the doctor and told them what had happened. When they had taken the body away, I sat down with Larissa.
She looked up at me and sobbed. “What do I do now?”
“I don’t know, I am so sorry.”
“He was my life, he and our little shop. I can’t go back to Venezuela and I don’t want to be a stripper again.”
“Look, I am taking you to Julissa, you can stay there for a while until you decide.”
I didn’t hear from her for over a week. I didn’t call her because I wanted to give her space to grieve and figure out what to do. I simply kept myself busy with garden work and finished painting the shack.
One day while having lunch outside I heard the familiar sound of the quad coming down the lane and I got up. As it came closer Larissa began waiving at me and by the time she had turned it off she was shouting.
“Kevin, Kevin, I’ll be fine, you and I will be fine!”
I didn’t quite understand what she meant. She hugged me hard and we kissed before she finally calmed down a little.
“Juan, he left me the house and the shop in his will. I am so happy!”
I hugged her again. “See, I told you there was nothing to worry about.”
She held me at arm’s length. “Kevin, do you want to be my husband?”
“Say what?”
“I love you, and I know you love me. Let’s get married and run the shop together.”
I, even though I loved her was a bit worried that she was still in shock, so I said, “Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, yes, it will be amazing, yes. You, me, fucking all day, well, almost all day.”
Her eyes sparkled in the sun light and her skin smelled of that lotion she always wore, exotic, dark and mysterious. She flicked back some hair and put her hand in her pocket.
“Look, I even bought you Viagra so you can fuck me as much as I want.”
My heart skipped a beat and for a second I wondered how much of Juan’s untimely death was to be blamed on the nymphomaniac standing in front of him. But then those worries faded as she began to undress right there on the lane. I fucked her on against the quad, sighing and moaning loudly as I squirted deep inside her. I didn’t need any Viagra.
Larissa threw back her head and laughed at the blue sky as the young American thrust his cock into her tight pussy. How long would it be before he asked for one of the blue pills which she gladly would give him? A bit of snooping while he slept had turned out a gold mine of stocks, bonds, savings and credit cards. She was set for life! At least her life.