Living alone that summer was a drag. I was working a summer intern job between my Junior and Senior year, but since I had never lived in that city and had no friends there, I couldn’t figure out anything to do. So one Saturday night I went to a club downtown one of the guys at work had talked about.
As soon as I walked in I could see this was not your standard place. There were tables, a bar, but no dance floor. There were TV screens with what appeared to be music videos and some stand-up tables where people were congregating alone or in small clusters. The decoration was somewhat upscale. Definitely not your usual beer-and-dance place. It felt very adult but still seemed like a meat market, but where the meat was all nicely dressed.
I was relieved I had put on khakis and button shirt, for my usual polo shirt and jeans would have been very much out of place here. As I walked in, a guy at the door who worked there looked me over, then looked away. I hesitated to call him a bouncer since he was pretty slender, but I assumed he most likely had a gun under his coat. Apparently, I fit the profile so he let me come in.
I was feeling very out of my depth, for it felt I wasn’t old enough for this place, but didn’t want to turn and leave and look like a dork. So I pressed on to the bar and ordered a beer. Looking over I could see all beer was on tap; a sign of a high-class establishment.
I wandered over to one of the stand-up tables and started surveying the crowd. They looked like young professionals, in their late twenties to early thirties, all dressed as I was in slacks and shirts. It was very much not a usual bar crowd. Looking closer, I saw the crowd was split about evenly gender-wise, although most of the women were in tight knots while the men were mostly alone or in pairs. Also, the women appeared slightly older…
I watched for about half an hour, and the social dynamic appeared to be women splitting off from their tight knots and striking up a conversation with one of the men, or pairs of men. I had never been to a place where the women always made the first move. I also noticed that I was very much the youngest one there, by several years, and my suspicions about the women being older were proved correct.
As far as I could tell this was where young urban professional males would come for a hook-up with older women who were looking for the same. I took it the older women were mostly divorced but wondered if some were on a ‘girls’ night out’ from uninterested spouses. The latter would later be confirmed in an interesting way.
I was starting to feel way out of place, so I had a passing waitress bring me another beer. I figured I would nurse that, then leave after I had been there an hour. That seemed a decent interval in the unlikely case that I would ever return.
I was minutes away from leaving when I heard a voice from below say, “Hi”.
I turned, then had to look down. The voice belonged to a woman who couldn’t have been over five-feet-three-inches, and I’d say was in her early thirties. She was very Latina, with a full head of short wavy dark hair, and a very pleasant but slightly acne-scarred face (well, we had that in common).
She was slightly heavy, but I’d say more curvy than overweight, but she had a nice pair of breasts which created a nice cleavage. She was wearing a nice blue dress which clung to her form nicely without looking slutty. Overall, she was very attractive.
“Well, hi,” I replied, then moved over slightly to create room for her at the table. This wasn’t necessary but was a classy move, kind of out of character for me. Also, I only said ‘hi’ and didn’t start rolling out idiot remarks immediately.
“I’ve never seen you here before,” she said as she went up to the table and put a wine glass on it.
“Yes, my first time,” I replied, noting how the table came just below her cleavage but was waist-high to me. I went on, saying, “it’s an interesting place, not what I expected. I feel kind of out of place.”
This kind of flowed out of me, for I had decided that truthfulness was probably in order for an older woman. It seemed they could smell non-authenticity, or maybe that’s just my mother.
She smiled and said, “Yeah, it’s kind of a meat-market, but I like that it doesn’t have dancing. I hate dancing.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” I replied, “oh, and my name’s Lance.”
“Deirdre,” she said, taking a drink from her glass. I could tell she was looking for a response.
“Great. You’re the first Deirdre I’ve met,” I replied, “another milestone in my life.” That seemed a dumb response but brought a chuckle from Deirdre.
“You work in the city?” she asked.
“For the summer,” I replied. I told her how I went to university and was working as a summer intern at a local research lab.
She kind of perked up at that. She also shifted on her feet, which I took as a hint. I glanced around a spied an empty table.
“Would you like to sit down?” I asked.
“Oh, yeah,” she said, “I feel like I’ve been on my feet all day.”
We sat and I ordered a beer and another wine from the waitress, then plumped a twenty on her tray when they came. That was a heavy tip but seemed like the thing to do. Deirdre and I talked for almost an hour.
Finally, she took off her pumps and started rubbing one of her feet.
“I don’t want to seem creepy,” I finally said on a whim, “but would you like me to do that? “
She smiled kind of uncertainly. “Do you give good foot massages?” she asked.
“Well, we can both find out,” I replied. She laughed, leaned back in her chair, and put both feet on my lap.
‘Now what?’ I thought for I hadn’t expected her to take me up on my offer. Anyway, I didn’t pause, but took one foot in my hands and started rubbing them the way I thought I’d like to have mine rubbed when they were sore. I focused on just her feet for several minutes, then looked up at Deirdre, then took a look around. She was very much enjoying what I was doing, but there were a few people around the club giving me odd looks. Once again I felt rather out of place.
“Looks like I’m putting on a show for everyone,” I said with a chuckle. Deirdre looked around.
“Oh don’t pay any attention, they’re just jealous,” she replied, “keep going, that feels wonderful. I was helping at my son’s soccer camp and was on my feet most of the day.”
I thought there must have been a story there and asked how many children she had. Deirdre just closed her eyes and cooed happily, which I took as a sign she didn’t want to discuss it.
After about ten minutes of foot massage, I thought I would try something.
“Would you like to go somewhere quieter, and a little less nosy,” I asked, gesturing to the people staring at what we were doing, “I think I passed a café down the street on the way here.”
Deirdre opened her eyes. “Oh, that place is closed by now,” she said. She took her feet off my lap and began putting her pumps back on. “Do you live close by?” she asked.
Damn! I didn’t expect that, but I think I was able to suppress any hint of surprise on my face, and coolly replied, “No, I live in an apartment at 21st and Coswell, down by the river.”
Deirdre brightened at that. “That’s fine. Could you take me there?” she asked as she stood.
“Sure!” I said, trying not to sound too enthusiastic. I failed for Deirdre laughed, then walked back to where two other women were sitting, talking to two men. She spoke to one briefly, then handed her what appeared to be car keys from her pocketbook which she had left there (I assume they were friends of hers) then walked back to me.
She took my hand, smiled, and said, “Lead the way.”
We went to the parking garage and Deirdre stopped as I unlocked my early model Ford.
“Is this yours?” she asked, with a slight hint of distaste.
“Yeah, afraid so,” I replied, “When you’re a starving college student you have to set certain priorities, and a new car isn’t one. It’s the first purchase I intend to make once I graduate and have a job.”
“Oh, makes sense,” She chuckled, and she slid in with me holding the door. She didn’t unlock my door but once inside, she slid over on the bench seat (as I said, an older car) and sat right next to me, with her hip against mine. I decided not to mention how she wasn’t wearing a seat belt.
The drive to my place was quiet. Once we were on the freeway Deirdre put her hand on my leg and began running it up and down. When I got off at my exit she asked, “How far now?”
“Maybe five minutes,” I said, wondering why she asked. I found out a minute later when she ran her hand furtively up between my swelling male member and my leg, then a moment later did it again. I looked down and she looked up at me and smiled.
“Ever done it with a Puerto Rican girl?” she asked, quietly.
So that’s where she’s from, I thought. I hadn’t thought to ask her. I just smiled, shook my head, then said, “I guess that’s about to change.”
I had just stopped at a stop sign, and Deirdre opened her mouth. I leaned down and we met in a pretty wet kiss which lasted for a good half-minute. When we stopped she said, “you bet it is”.
We pulled up and I warned her the place was small – just a one-room efficiency.
“Does it have a bed?” she asked coyly before we left the car.
“Of course,” I replied.
And she said, “then no problem.”
We went inside and Deirdre took a look around. She went into the kitchen and said, “Where are your glasses?”
I told her and she got a glass of water and took a long time drinking it. She then said, “I need to use your bathroom,” and disappeared before I could say anything. When she came out a moment later she walked up to me, turned, and said, “unzip me.”
I did as she asked, slowly pulling her zipper down as she held her hair out of the way. She turned and shucked out of her dress, and laid it on the chair next to the bed. She was wearing a garter belt and hosiery, plus panties and a bra. The sight of her breast tops made my mouth run dry. She sat on the bed and started undoing her hose from her garter belt.
“Start getting naked, mister,” she said with a mock command. I realized I was part of this party too and began undressing, laying my clothes across the back of the chair, leaving the seat for hers. As I was down to my briefs, Deirdre removed her last stocking, stood, and removed her garter belt. On a whim, I knelt, grasped both sides of her panties, and slowly pulled them down. She had a dark bush, not too large, and the lips of her labia were clearly evident. It smelled musty – she was getting aroused for sure.
While I was still kneeling she reached behind and unfastened her bra, and slipped it off. Her breasts were dark yet creamy, with erect nipples and dark areolas.
She asked me to stand up. She then knelt and pulled my briefs down, being careful to pull them over my erect member. She took my member in her hands, ran them up and down briefly, then put out her tongue and licked both sides of my tip while looking up at me. The effect was exquisite, and my member stiffened like a car axle.
Deirdre stood and climbed up on the bed. I then said, “I should get my condoms.”
She smiled and shook her head. “No need,” she said, “I’m on the pill.”
I put aside years of safe-sex lectures and lay next to her. We put our arms around each other and shared a deep kiss.
Deirdre next pushed me over on my back and started running her tongue down my chest and stomach until she reached my rock-hard member. She once again ran her tongue over the tip while looking at me, then plunged down on my member and began full-mouth fellatio. It was the best oral sex I had had. She paused and looked at me for a moment, likely seeing if I was about to cum, then continued for several more minutes.
She then came off of me and laid beside me, her mouth only inches from my face.
“I like to be on top,” she whispered.
“That’s fine,” I replied, still vibrating from her excellent blowjob, “could you straddle me first, so I can nuzzle and suck your breasts?”
“Oh, yes,” she said eagerly, and in an instant had both legs on either side of me, just in front of my still stiff member. She put both hands on her hips and leaned forward. I took both of her breasts in my hands and rubbed them all over, before putting my finger on each swollen nipple and rubbing them all over.
Finally, I darted one tongue around her right nipple, then caressed it with my entire tongue before engulfing as much of her breast as I could and starting full-mouth sucking. This brought moans of appreciation from Deirdre, who ran her hands through my hair as I repeated this on her other breast, while all the while I ran one finger over the nipple I wasn’t using. I kept this up for a good ten minutes.
At the end of it, Deirdre took my head in both hands and gave me a long, deep kiss with plenty of tongue. She then said, “Time to enter me,” and lifted herself up while taking my stiff member in one hand. She rubbed it over her swollen lips for a time, which was exquisite, before placing it between her lips and slowly sliding down my member.
Her vagina was wet and warm and felt like pure velvet. I moaned as she slid down and moved back and forth briefly, then she began rocking back and forth in smooth intercourse. This was a lady who knew what she was doing, for she interposed straight up and down motion with a back-and-forth motion which rubbed her lips against my body on either side of my shaft.
She did this with her hands on her hips, so I reached up and began rubbing her breasts and intermittently playing with her nipples. Deirdre was plump and small but she felt incredible as she went up and down on me. I swear her breasts felt even larger as we shared intercourse.
At length, she leaned forward and put both hands on my chest, and began rapid intercourse. She was moaning loudly with every thrust, and it was clear she was building to an orgasm. I so wanted to cum with her, but even though I was as stimulated as I’ve ever been it was clear I wasn’t ready. In a couple of moments, Deirdre began loud shouting while doing small ups and downs, before she fell off to one side, her legs giving out and vibrating on the bed while she buried her hands in her crotch, all the time yelling, ‘Ahhh,’ in a loud voice.
After her orgasm, she panted for a time, then rolled over and looked at me.
“I hope that didn’t frighten you,” She said, grinning.
“Not at all,” I replied, “I’m rather envious.”
She looked down and took my member in one hand. “You haven’t cum yet,” She observed, then while stroking my member she asked, “You want to be on top?”
“OK,” I said. Deirdre lay down and pulled up both legs, grasping her knees with both hands. Her honey pot was glistening and ready.
“For deeper penetration,” she whispered. It was fine with me, and I positioned myself between her thighs and penetrated her deeply. Deirdre gasped as I entered her, and I started rhythmic intercourse, going as deep in her musty vagina as I could. She closed her eyes and groaned as I continued making love to her.
After several minutes she opened her eyes and inspected my face. Deciding I was on the verge of ejaculation, she suddenly yelled out, “OK, mister. Fill up my pussy! One, two, three, CUM! “
I kid you not when she yelled, ‘cum!’ I shot a huge wad of man spunk deep insider her body with my next thrust. I groaned loudly as I poured a river of semen into the tiny Puerto Rican woman. As I did, Deirdre started moaning through another orgasm, not as intense as the first but still plenty pleasurable.
As I finished I was about to pull out when Deirdre said, “Wait.” She took a few breaths while I looked at her, expectantly. She then whispered, “I hate having semen pour out of me after sex. You pull out and I’ll hold my opening closed, and you go and get a big wad of toilet paper, and I mean a big one.”
I nodded my agreement and pulled out slowly while Deirdre slapped her fingers over her vagina. She said, “Hurry, please,” and I got up and ran to the bathroom. I brought out the whole toilet paper roll then stood by the bed and I rolled up a large wad. I handed this to her and she lost no time shoving it hard against her vagina. She held it there while I sat on the bed, rubbing my hand over her round stomach.
“I’m chubby,” she sighed.
“You’re beautiful,” I said back, firmly.
Deirdre smiled and looked at me a long time, then looked down at her crotch.
“Shit,” she said, “You poured Niagara Falls into me, this wad is already soaked. Give me another one.”
I quickly rolled up another wad, grinning at another woman commenting on my copious semen production. Deirdre shoved that one against the first then rolled off the bed and padded off to the bathroom, taking the roll of toilet paper with her.
She was in there for a good ten minutes, so I got under the sheet and stared at the ceiling, appreciating the feeling of the best sex I had had yet. I was sure Deirdre would get back in bed with me, and I intended to softly snuggle with her and suggest we see each other again.
When she came out, however, she retrieved her bra and panties and started dressing. She put on her garter belt, sat on the bed, and proceeded to put her stockings back on.
“Going already?” I asked, somewhat surprised. I always thought slow cool-down was genetic with women.
She turned while she was fastening her hose and said, “I need to go. Can you give me a ride?”
“Sure,” I replied, and climbed out of bed and started dressing. I was crestfallen but tried not to show it.
Since I figured I wasn’t trying to impress anyone anymore I pulled on my usual jeans and t-shirt. I was just pulling on my shirt when Deirdre backed up to me so I could zip up my dress. I did and remarked, “I enjoyed it more going the other way.”
She smiled and picked up her purse. I led the way out the door and into my car.
“Do you know where the shopping center with All-Foods is?” she asked.
I nodded, for I sometimes shopped there. We drove in silence for a few minutes, and finally, I said, “Any possibility we could see each other again? I find you very attractive and I like being with, I mean outside of the bed.”
Deirdre didn’t look at me but said, “No, that wouldn’t work.”
It was quiet for the rest of the way. When we arrived at the shopping center it was pretty empty, because it was near midnight. Deirdre pointed at one of the few cars left and said, “There it is.”
I drove toward an older model Plymouth Champ and stopped. Deirdre turned to leave, but I put my hand on her shoulder and said, “I’m really sorry I won’t see you again.”
Deirdre starred ahead like she was blinking back tears, then said, “It’s for the best. You’re a decent guy, go find a nice girl somewhere.”
With that, she exited the car and exited my life.
Deirdre was the second one-night stand I had, and I didn’t like how either one turned out. I figured out later that Deirdre had driven that night and had asked one of her friends to drop her car in the shopping center, a place away from where she lived. I went to that store a few more times, hoping to run into her, but likely she lived miles away and the shopping center was convenient for her friends.
Deirdre wasn’t in an abusive relationship, for believe you me I had been over every inch of her body and there were no cuts or bruises, but likely she was in an unfulfilling one where her husband ignored her. It’s no telling how that happened; maybe he was unhappy she had become chubby, maybe fatherhood didn’t agree with him, or maybe he was married to his career.
Either way, Deirdre was soldiering on, doing her best to raise her family, and finding some fulfillment in occasional one-night stands with lonely young men, like me. I felt bad for her, but I have never forgotten that incredible night with her.