They sat in the “neutral” conference room on the sixtieth floor. When Roger had first stepped into the room, he had been taken with the view. There was Lake Ontario, of course, but there was also Lisa Chen, his adversary in a potentially life-changing negotiation. She was gorgeous, with her raven hair, big brown eyes, and full lips. On that first day, she wore a red Chanel suit, and he thought he’d never seen a more striking woman.
Over the next few days, he grew to despise her. When these negotiations were complete, he would either be comfortable for life, or filthy rich. He very much wanted to be filthy. With every basis point shift in the EBITA multiplier, every asset valuation, every liability assumption, he was moving closer and closer to “comfortable”. Comfortable was for losers.
It wasn’t that she was unreasonable, overly rigid, or rude — she was Canadian, after all. She was just so damned good. Where he had two accountants, an analyst, an admin, and a lawyer on his end of the table, she had only herself and a laptop on hers. Every time his team raised an issue with her offer, Lisa would refute them with effortless ease. When his side protested, she would restate her point of view in more detail, as if explaining why the sky was blue to a third-grader. If his side persisted, she would not bother to respond. Instead, she would work on email, tap on her phone, or when she was especially irritated, file her impeccable red fingernails.
Only one thing seemed to distract Ms. Chen: pretty young things. A look of passionate appreciation would briefly cross Lisa’s face when Roger’s sexy blonde admin entered or left the room, or when his young lawyer rose to make a point at the monitor. And, despite their increasingly antagonistic relationship, Roger had the distinct impression that Lisa had a carnal thought or two toward himself, as well.
He was grasping at the slightest angle to stop losing ground in their negotiation. Could it be that this Asian beauty, and obvious business badass, might be turned by some cock and pussy? On the brink of getting shorted tens of millions of dollars, Roger decided a bold switch in strategy was necessary.
“Lisa,” Roger began, “I think we’re all tired. And, I’m sure we have crunched the numbers into dust. I suggest we take an early dinner, and hammer out the last details. It should be just the two of us, with maybe someone to take notes. Allie could join us,” Roger said, nodding toward his admin.
Lisa looked at Roger with skepticism, and then glanced at the pretty young blonde. Lisa stood and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window as if pondering a chess move. She made a black pencil skirt and a simple white blouse as sexy as the most revealing cocktail dress.
“Fine,” she finally said, “But, I really don’t have a ton of time to mess about. If you’re serious about settling this, let’s have dinner brought into my hotel suite. Let’s get right to it.” She once again shot a look at Allie.
“Perfect,” Roger said, interjecting before Allie could say a word. “Give us forty-five minutes to freshen up and then we will see you in your suite.”
Roger had been banging Allie for months. She was a wildcat in bed, but he wasn’t sure if she would be game for his plan. When they got in the elevator he pulled Allie to him and gave her a long kiss.
“Baby,” he whispered, “I need you to do something for me.” He laid out his plan. including that he fully expected Allie to be part of a threesome with Lisa. “If you do it, I’ll give you options in the company. You’ll make five times your salary, overnight.”
“Ha!” Allie laughed. “Too late for you now, lover, but I would have gladly gone to bed with that Asian babe for the pure fun of it!”
Lisa greeted them at the door in the complimentary white hotel bathrobe. Her long hair was wet and she smelled of shampoo and bath lotion. She was barefoot. Her red toenails matched her sharp fingernails. Roger felt the sudden urge to grab his nemesis by her dark locks, and take her, hard, right there in the entryway. He hardened at the thought of taking the bitch, raw in the ass, while his hot little side piece cheered him on.
Lisa led them into the suite. It was huge, with a spectacular corner view of the Lake. Of course her room is bigger than mine, Roger thought as he followed the sway of Lisa’s hair and hips as she sashayed down the hallway. He exchanged a glance with Allie, who returned an excited smile.
Lisa pulled a bottle of Dom Perignon from an ice bucket and popped the cork. She made no apology for her attire.
“Cheers! To hard … negotiations,” Lisa toasted, flashing a rare smile. Her dark eyes sparkled as they met Allie’s. “Don’t you look delicious,” Lisa said, drinking in the willowy blonde.
Allie felt a wave of excitement flush over her. She had dressed as Roger had instructed. Her conservative ivory silk work blouse was easily converted to sexy with the loss of a bra and three buttons. The pleated mini-skirt that she had brought for a night of celebration with Roger was pulled from her suitcase a day early.
“So, Lisa, all I’m asking for is five points—“ Roger started to say before Lisa cut him off in a most dramatic fashion. She dropped her robe, revealing her naked body.
“Roger,” Lisa said, freshening their champagne glasses as he and Allie stood awe-struck. “We’ve been talking about those five points this whole time. You don’t deserve them. You know it, I know it, your analysts know it, Allie knows it. You think I’m not always steps ahead of you? What? You thought you’d get compromising pictures on me, and threaten to show them to my husband, or something?”
Lisa laughed as she reached up to stroke Allie’s cheek. “My husband and I have a vast collection of photos of me in compromising positions: Me with another man; me with many men at the same time; and, yes, me with women. He took most of the pictures.” She leaned in and gave Allie a peck on the lips. “Strip, sweetie.”
“But, I’ll tell you what, Roger,” Lisa said as she helped a very eager Allie out of her clothes, “If you and your pretty friend, here, make me happy, I might just give you those points.”
Before Roger could pull his black t-shirt off, Lisa had Allie pinned to the mattress. She straddled Allie with her fit legs as she kissed the blonde with a hungry, open mouth. By the time Roger was out of his jeans and shoes, Allie was moaning and thrusting her naked mound up to meet Lisa’s.
Roger eyed Lisa’s heart-shaped ass as he climbed onto the bed and crawled toward the amorous women. He stroked his cock, anticipating the feeling of sliding into Lisa’s wet pussy. When Lisa felt Roger’s weight on the mattress, she turned and shot him a cold look.
“Don’t even think about it, slick. Just sit over there and jerk that rod until Allie and I call for you. If we call for you…” Lisa laughed.
Roger did as he was told. He sat and pulled his meat as he watched Lisa take his pleasure from his surprisingly willing employee. Just when it seemed as if Allie was about to cum from the clit-to-clit grinding, Lisa flipped herself around. She now straddled Allie’s head, and dropped her pussy to Allie’s mouth.
“Mmmmm, little girl, I’m not your first am I?” Lisa moaned as she rocked across Allie’s face. “Yeeeaaaaah,” Lisa moaned again, “I’m not your first asshole, either!”
Roger smirked knowingly as Lisa used Allie’s tongue to paint saliva from her clit to her ass crack.
“Ahh! Fuck yeah, baby girl! You’re going to make me cum!” Lisa groaned as she reached forward to play between Allie’s widely spread legs. Roger could barely contain himself as the horny girls brought each other off. As Lisa shuddered in orgasm, she switched from rubbing Allie’s bald pussy to slapping it.
“Fuuuuuuck,” Allie squealed as she tried to twist away from Lisa’s assault. Lisa hopped off the bed as Allie curled into a post-orgasmic ball.
“You ready for me now?” Roger asked, nearly desperate.
“Almost,” Lisa said as she rummaged in her luggage.
Both Roger and Allie gasped when they saw what Lisa had been looking for. She stood at the foot of the bed wearing a harness, sporting a thick silicone cock. Allie spread her legs and smiled.
“Rog’,” Lisa said. “Why don’t you fuck your admin for me?”
“Yeah!” Roger yelled as he stood. “That’s what I’m talking about! Let’s DP the little slut.”
Allie shot Roger a disapproving look as Lisa coated her black strap-on with lube. “Mmmhmm,” Lisa said while giving Allie a wink, “It’s going to be a DP alright.”
Roger lay between Allie’s legs.
“One percent,” Roger whispered as he shoved his fat cock into the pretty waif.
“I want two,” Allie grunted as he hit her cervix with a hard slam.
Roger commenced rutting, and when denied Allie’s mouth for a kiss, he settled for sucking on the hard, small nipples that topped her pert breasts. Suddenly, he felt something cold, hard, and wet at his backside.
“No, fucking way!” Roger shouted as he tried to twist away. The combined strengths of the nymph-like Allie”s legs, and the gym rat Asian’s arms held him still long enough that the dildo could pierce his anus. Fearing pain, Roger froze.
“You want those five points, right?” Lisa asked as she bit Roger’s ear and worked another inch into his rear.
Roger contemplated the impact of a half percent more in the valuation multiplier would mean. A Connecticut house and a Cape beach house could become a penthouse on the Upper West Side and a place in the Hamptons. A forty-foot sloop could become a ninety-foot custom yacht. His wife’s coffee-klatch would become the Real Housewives of Manhattan.
“Fuck me, Mistress. Plow my ass!” Roger begged.
“Aaaaargh!” He moaned immediately after, as Lisa shoved the fake-veined shaft past what little resistance his anus provided. He had never had more than a couple fingers up there during a blow job, and a white pain flashed from his ass to his brain and back again.
Thwack! Thwack! Lisa’s hand came crashing down on Roger’s ass cheeks as she rammed the black rod in and out of his ass.
Roger’s sharp pain subsided as his hole opened under Lisa’s pounding. After a few dozen thrusts he found the feeling was, if not pleasurable, exciting. He could feel his prostate in a whole new way. Lisa grabbed a handful of Roger’s hair, pulling his head back to look at her.
“Why am I doing all the work, slut?” Lisa asked Roger. “Fuck your girl and drive your ass back on my cock!” Lisa demanded, breathlessly.
Roger complied and after a few beats got into a rhythm that made everyone happy. Allie was moaning, he was groaning, and Lisa stopped pulling his hair. Between the grinding against his prostate, and the excitedly novel situation, Roger felt an orgasm come on in record time. A familiar pressure, like a taut spring in his taint, built much deeper than usual, and it was accompanied by a pleasant burn that emanated from somewhere far up his rectum. He thrust in fast, short strokes and stopped breathing, hanging on edge as he waited for the inevitable. It wasn’t until Lisa pulled his hair once more, this time so hard he was sure she was tearing it out by the roots, that his final release was triggered.
“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” Roger growled as he shot one hot rope after another into Allie’s even hotter cunt. When he was done thrusting, he collapsed on Allie, and Lisa withdrew the plastic prick with a slurp, leaving an impressive gape.
“Did you cum, my dear?” Lisa asked Allie, who shook her head to indicate she had not. “Tsk, tsk, Roger. You really only have the one job. Anymore. Hmmm, what am I to do with you?” Lisa asked herself out loud as she unbuckled her leather harness and let the contraption fall to the floor.
“Ah, I know. You Americans don’t do anything unless you have a very clear, personal incentive. I should have been clearer before. That’s on me. Sorry, Allie. I’m going to make it up to you.
“Roger… that ass fuck, on top of the delightful services of your admin, got you those five points you so desperately want. But, I’m afraid cumming before Allie, or myself, is going to cost you.” Lisa strode across the suite and grabbed her Piaget watch from the vanity.
“Here’s what we are going to do, Roger,” Lisa said, staring at the watch face. “In twenty … nineteen .. eighteen seconds… You are going to go down on dear Allie. And, for every minute that passes that Allie has not cum, you lose a point. Is that clear?”
Roger stared back and forth between Lisa and Allie, utterly dumbfounded.
“Nine…eight…,” Lisa counted down.
Roger looked at the lovely, wanton Allie. He looked at her pussy, oozing with what was likely the largest load of his life. He hesitated.
“Five… four … three,” Lisa shouted, “Better get to it!”
Roger dove in. He tried to avoid his own cream, but as soon as his tongue made contact with Allie’s lips, it gushed forth like a sixth-grade volcano experiment. His face was soon awash in the briny froth. He gagged, and started to pull away.
“Thirty seconds, Rog’. That’s half a point.” Lisa laughed as she poured herself some champagne. Half a point equated to about ten feet of yacht, and ten thousand square feet of Manhattan real estate. Roger returned to the task, in earnest.
He knew the routine that typically brought Allie off most quickly. It started with running his tongue just inside her inner lips. The next move — though he had to be careful not to rush it — was to probe within her using a clockwise to counterclockwise swirling pattern. It was in this particular maneuver, however, that he was most confronted with spunk. He could barely breathe.
“Three minutes, Roger!” Lisa called from the lounge chair.
Roger began to panic. He immediately focused on Allie’s clit, skipping two critical steps: gentle bites to her inner thighs, before ever so gently suckling her outer lips. Allie sensed his anxiety and responded with her own reserve. She wasn’t getting into it.
“Two minutes!”
Roger pulled out all the stops. He pushed Allie’s cum covered hood back, and inserted two fingers into her vagina while making firm “X” motions with the tip of his tongue on the exposed clit. At the thirty-second mark, Allie finally let loose, grabbing Roger’s head and pushing a few more gobs of sticky seed back into Roger’s waiting mouth. Roger rolled away, his face covered in a mixture of his and Allie’s issue.
Clap! Clap! Clap! Lisa applauded. “Twenty-five seconds. Hmmmm. Half a point. What is that worth? Three…three point two million, U.S. dollars?”
Roger groaned.
“I’ll tell you what, Rog. Let’s round up, shall we? Allie seems happy. Let’s give you a full point.”
Dejected and defeated, Roger conceded with a nod and rose to pick up his clothes.
“O.K., Allie,” Roger said as he pulled on his jeans. “I know when I’m beat. Let’s go.”
“Oh, Roger. I’m sorry, no. Part of my rounding up assumed that sweet Allie would be staying the night. We haven’t even ordered dinner yet. And that strap-on is barely broken in.”
Roger glanced over at Allie. She hadn’t moved an inch, and seemed quite content to stay. Roger pursed his lips. “Yep, I know when I’m beat.”
As Roger walked down the hall, lube squirted from his ass and ran into his underwear. He felt his cock stir as he recalled the sensation of Lisa thrusting in his ass. Amidst the distraction, he tried to calculate the impact of just one more point to the multiplier. There would be no Real Housewives of Manhattan, that was certain. His wife would not be pleased. But, maybe a strap-on would be a small consolation.